
tbnbuddhahi. is there an easy solution to use the windows key to open the bottom left menu?10:52
=== tsimonq2alt is now known as tsimonq2
poopBotwtf is this alternate download whats difrence vs normal13:35
=== Guest84871 is now known as IdleOne
leszekpoopBot: alternative iso you mean ? Usually it comes without a live session just a text based debian installer14:02
poopBoti want live installer14:16
=== pleia2_ is now known as pleia2
Frankxjr83hi all15:32
Frankxjr83tatally newbie here15:33
=== TheSchaf2 is now known as TheSchaf
=== neil is now known as Guest95053
Guest95053Just installed Lubuntu (in place of Mint XFCE) last weekend.  Strange thing...I have two monitors and the POST, Lubuntu splash, etc., display on both monitors, but as soon as Login screen appears, second monitor turns off.18:32
lynorianguest is this a desktop where it is permanantly setup that way?18:33
Guest95053yes, it is18:33
Guest95053xrand on shows one (default) monitor18:34
lynorianwell you can monitor settings from the prefrences menu and then save your settings18:34
lynorianlxrandr is a nicer frontend18:34
Guest95053OK, but still there is only the one default monitor shown there.18:34
Guest95053Can't seem to find a way to utilize both monitors after login.18:34
Guest95053BTW, I'm using a Nvidia FX-5200 AGP card.  Thus my reasons for installing 14.0418:36
lynorianGuest95053, with what driver18:36
lynorianI am pretty sure FX-5200 would not have nvidia drivers anymore but noveau should work or is there a regression I do not know about18:37
Guest95053I have not tested with default driver, only with 173.xx Nvidia driver.  Maybe I need to try default.18:37
Guest95053"noveau" is what I was calling default.  I'll give it a try, but nvidia drivers are still in the older kernel that 14.04 uses, just not in 16.04.18:39
wxlGuest95053: you should grep around in /var/log/{dmesg,syslog,Xorg.*.log} and look for any errors18:40
lynorianGuest95053, I think I had a pci version of your card and noveau works with it but that is not the case with something much newer like say a gtx 960 where there might be a really big performance difference and firmware barriers for noveau developers18:45
LuMintlynorian: fx 5200 should have nvidia-173 drivers.19:47
LuMintlynorian: nouveau works terribly with it. Regular crashes, no video playback.19:49
Argh_Hello, I am getting an error when attempting to play MP3's.  states error opening file and says no such file or directory but when it is plugged into a windows machine it works fine in winamp.  Using audacious music player20:40
wxlArgh_: so this is a USB? did you mount it?20:41
Argh_I am presuming it is mounted because I can see the songs etc on it.20:42
Argh_and it shows on the desktop20:42
Argh_it is usb20:42
Argh_I also copied it to a hard drive20:42
wxland so you can navigate with audacious to the location on the usb?20:43
wxlsounds mounted to me20:43
wxlhave you tried running it a terminal?20:43
wxllike `audacious /path/to/location`20:44
Argh_not sure how to find out the location to be able to put it in terminal20:45
wxlcould probably copy paste from pcmanfm to lxterminal20:45
Argh_is that the path?20:46
wxlsomething seems strange there20:46
Argh_new to linux so.. what can I say LOL20:46
wxlthe backslashes are probably not helping20:47
Argh_I copied that out of audacious list that shows the songs20:47
wxlin most linux shells \ is an escape character20:47
Argh_what about / slashes20:47
wxlnot escape characters, but they are supposed to indicate a change in folder20:48
wxli'd just change them to underscores. can't go wrong. or just rename that whole big blob to something.mp320:48
Argh_oh man.  wonder if I will need ot do that to all files20:48
wxlprobably wise20:49
Argh_there are over 1000 songs20:49
wxleasy in linux world20:50
Argh_one of the problems I am having is if I double click on the file it automatically opens audacous20:50
Argh_oh love typos20:50
wxlthat's what it's supposed to do20:50
Argh_well I wanted to edit just one to see if that is the issue.20:51
Argh_$ rename 'y/ /_/' * is to replace the spaces with underscores so would I use $ rename 'y///_/'* ?20:55
Argh_The next question would be how do I only do it to the mp3 file?20:58
Argh_not sure if it helps but the song I posted is Heat of the Moment by Asia20:59
wxloh yeah i can see that20:59
wxlbut that's not the filename20:59
Argh_oh.  I guess I am confused then hehe21:00
Argh_so what I showed you is just the location correct?21:00
wxl\Users\GAMER\Desktop\Collection Music\Music FIles\Asia - Heat Of The Moment.mp321:00
wxlTHAT is the filename21:01
wxlnot the location21:01
wxlthe problem is those backslashes21:01
Argh_did you see the rename command I posted?  Will that work?21:01
Argh_oh wait.  the link I read showed how to rename it.21:02
wxlyou want to do `rename 's/\\/_/' /path/to/file`21:02
wxlremember \ is an escape character21:02
Argh_not sure what you mean by escape character21:02
wxlso in order to use an UNescaped \ you need to escape it \\21:02
wxlwindows has them too as you can see21:03
Argh_ok so this just stays read this don't do anything with it because if it isn't escaped it will use it as a command?21:05
Argh_*says read this21:05
wxlyou in the terminal?21:05
Argh_I am21:06
wxltype this:21:06
wxlecho \/21:06
wxlwhat does it give you back? \/ or something else?21:07
Argh_ /21:07
wxlnow try:21:07
wxlecho \\/21:07
Argh_ok I get \/21:08
Argh_ah so echo means to show?21:08
Argh_with the /21:08
wxlthat's because instead of trying to escape the next character, the \ is escaped, i.e. it prints the actual \21:08
Argh_oh sorry \21:08
wxlecho can be useful for such things21:08
wxlfor example you can show the value of variables21:08
wxlecho $SHELL21:09
wxlfor example21:09
wxlthere's other magic it can do21:09
Argh_I get /bin/bash21:09
wxlyup, which is everyone's DEFAULT shell21:09
Argh_OH ok21:09
wxlso now you know a little more :)21:09
Argh_I do :)21:09
Argh_lovin it!21:09
wxlSO, to rename your file: you want to do `rename 's/\\/_/' /path/to/file`21:10
Argh_so how do I find the path to the file?21:10
Argh_because what you showed me before was just the name21:10
wxlyep you kind of already did this21:11
wxllet's start by going to the folder that contains the file21:11
wxlcd /media/metal/930c1555-4032-48f5-99c8-ed6262f01a7f21:11
wxlnow if you want to see a list of all the files in that folder, do:21:11
Argh_cd for change directory21:11
wxlyup :)21:11
Argh_ls means list?21:11
wxlmore or less yes21:12
Argh_so there are three colors, white blue and red21:12
Argh_red look to be zip files21:13
wxlblue is folders21:13
wxlwhite is files21:13
wxlthere's also tab completition available21:13
wxlso if you do:21:13
wxlrename 's/\\/_/' \\Users21:13
wxland then hit TAB21:13
wxlit should either fill in the rest21:14
wxlif it does nothing, it measns there are multiple matches21:14
wxlif you hit TAB again it will show them all21:14
wxlyou can also use asterisks as wildcards21:14
wxlyou can also use quotes to get rid of having to deal with escapes21:15
wxlso you could do:21:15
Argh_it didn't do anything21:15
wxlrename 's/\\/_/' *"Asia - Heat Of The Moment.mp3"21:15
Argh_this is cool btw I am loving it21:15
wxlyou might like linuxpadawan.net, as an aside. free linux mentoring21:16
Argh_hitting tab didn't change anything from what I can see21:16
wxlyou can CTRL-C to get out of a command you're working on21:16
Argh_copied pasted and bookmarked :)21:16
Argh_ok so I did a ctrl c21:17
Argh_now I copied and pasted the command you gave me but it didn't seem to do anything21:17
Argh_with the tab anyway21:17
wxlit should return nothing if it worked21:17
Argh_how do i find out if it worked?  just open the file again?21:18
wxlyou can ls21:18
was_Arghnot sure what happened, wasn't able to type anything21:28
was_ArghI noticed that the folder used to be called "all MP3's"  now it is showing up as a file called "all.m3u8"21:29
was_Arghdid I loose you wxl?21:30
tsimonq2was_Argh: he's at work and sometimes gets called off21:35
tsimonq2was_Argh: if you stick around, he'll be back soon ;)21:36
was_Arghok thank you :)21:37
wxlwas_Argh: ok, i'm going to teach you some magic. first install pastebinit by doing `sudo apt -y install pastebinit` and enter your password when asked21:49
was_ArghOK installing :)21:50
was_Arghok done21:50
wxlcd back to where you were when you did the rename, if you happened to move around21:51
wxloh and one more package just to make things really fun21:51
wxl`sudo apt -y install xclip`21:51
was_Arghok done21:52
was_Arghwhat is CTCP VERSION?21:52
wxlthat was me checking what irc client you were using21:52
was_Arghah ok21:52
wxlbecause if you have the right one, i can make this magic even more magic :)21:52
wxlbut here's what we're going to do, all in one line:21:53
was_Arghok both isntalled21:53
wxl1. get a recursive directory listing21:53
wxl2. submit the directory listing to paste.ubuntu.com21:53
was_Arghwhat is that?21:53
wxl3. copy the URL to the clipboard21:53
wxland then you can just paste it here21:53
wxlthen i'll be able to see what you see21:53
was_Arghhow do I get a recursive directlry?21:53
wxlthe directory listing is what you get from `ls`21:53
was_Arghgood lord typo heaven21:54
wxlrecursive means it will drill down into all the folders21:54
wxlwe're going to use a magic linux thing called pipes21:54
wxla pipe takes the output of the previous command gives it to the next one21:54
wxlls -alR * | pastebinit | xclip21:54
wxlthen you should just be able to come back to irc and hit SHIFT-INSERT to paste it21:55
was_Arghok ls: cannot open irectory 'lost+found' permission denied21:56
wxlwhat does `pwd` return?21:56
was_Arghum.  that isn't right LOL21:57
wxlcd /media/metal/930c1555-4032-48f5-99c8-ed6262f01a7f21:57
wxlthen do the thole thing again21:57
wxlif there's a lost+found in there, that's just annoying21:57
was_Arghok what I copied showed up when I hit pwd21:58
wxlyou mean the permission denied?21:59
wxlor you mean /media/metal/930c1555-4032-48f5-99c8-ed6262f01a7f ?21:59
was_Arghya it does have the lost+found21:59
wxlwhich yes? :)22:00
was_ArghLOL sorry, good point22:00
was_Arghok when I did pwd it showed  /media/metal/930c1555-4032-48f5-99c8-ed6262f01a7f22:00
wxlok so that's good22:00
wxlsooo let's do this differently then22:01
wxlok i think this will work22:02
wxlfind . -not -name "lost+found" | pastebinit | xclip22:03
was_Arghpermission denied22:03
wxldid it leave you anything on the clipboard though?22:03
wxltry shift-insert22:03
was_Arghfind . -not -name "lost+found" | pastebinit | xclip22:03
wxloh hell let's just at least get the basic listing22:04
wxlls -al | pastebinit | xclip22:04
wxli KNOW that will work22:04
was_Arghso you want me to shift  insert here right?22:05
was_Arghls -al | pastebinit | xclip22:05
was_Arghdo I need to activate or start those programs I installed?22:05
wxlwell enough of my dumb magic i guess22:06
wxljust do ls -al | pastebinit and copy and paste the url here :)22:06
wxli forgot22:06
wxlls -al | pastebinit | xclip -selection clipboard22:07
wxlTHAT will do it22:07
wxldon't make yourself crazy but there are three clipboards in linux22:07
was_Arghthats cool22:08
wxlheh yup22:08
wxlok if you look at that URL you'll notice all the lines that start with "d" are directories22:08
wxlit looks like "all.m3u8" always has been a file, so I don't think that's your directory22:09
wxli think it's actually the line right above it: "All College"22:09
was_Arghit used to be a folder called all mp3's22:09
was_Argh74 is pictures of my 74 plymouth :)22:10
wxlyou could search for such a folder22:10
wxlfind . -type d -iname "all mp3*"22:12
wxlthat looks only for directories (-type d) and does a case insensitive (thus -iname rather than -name) search22:13
wxl. refers to your current directory, i.e. $PWD (the `pwd` command will give you that too)22:13
was_Arghin terminal?22:14
was_Arghwhat is up with the permission denied?22:15
wxlthat's probably just complaining about lost+found, no?22:15
wxlyeha don't worry about that22:15
was_ArghI just opened another terminal and did it but it didn't show anything22:15
wxlthat means it didn't find it22:15
wxlwhy don't you `cd "All College"` (or `cd All\ College`) and `ls` in there if you see if you see your files22:16
wxli could also see "100ANDRO" potentially being the place, too22:16
wxl(it might contain the all mp3's folder)22:17
was_Arghfrom terminal it is showing my college transcripts etc22:17
wxlok so cd back with either `cd -` (which will take you to the last folder you were in) or `cd ..` which will take you up one folder in the hierarchy22:18
wxlthen you can try 100ANDRO22:18
was_Arghwont' let me into 100ANDRO22:18
wxldrwx------   3 metal metal    4096 Oct  9 20:23 100ANDRO22:19
was_Arghoh didn't see the last directions22:19
wxl ^^^ this means that the owner can read, write, and execute the directory22:19
wxldrwx------   3 metal metal    4096 Oct  9 20:23 100ANDRO22:19
wxl               ^^^^^ ^^^^^^ this tells who the owner and their group is22:20
wxli.e. you should have every ability to get into it :)22:20
was_Arghah ok22:20
wxlunless you're not "metal" (`whoami` will let you know)22:20
was_ArghI don't see the "3" though  must the metal@metal22:20
wxlyou can see the three here http://paste.ubuntu.com/23305242/22:21
wxlthe three is the number of links22:21
was_Arghand that is just the list for my brothers sportster I am working on and my nook books I can't get into lol22:22
was_Arghnumber of links?22:22
wxlthat's a longer more arcane subject. read more here if you want: http://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/103114/what-do-the-fields-in-ls-al-output-mean#10311822:22
wxlso 100ANDRO doesn't have your mp3s22:23
wxland frankly i don't even see the mp3 you originally came in here talking about22:23
was_Arghwhen I click on theall.m3u8 file it shows all the mp3's I had on the hard drive.  its a laptop hard drive in an external case22:24
was_ArghI wonder if windows nuked it.22:24
wxlthat m3u8 is probably a playlist22:26
was_Arghoh man...22:26
was_Arghthat would make sense.  guess I will need to reburn all the cd's/music I have.  argh22:26
was_Arghya.. sniff sniff.  k22:27
=== DalekSec_ is now known as DalekSec
wxldid your windows drive die, was_Argh ?22:35
wxlyou could also look to see if there are any mp3s left with `find . -type f -iname "*.mp3"` (f for file btw)22:35
was_Arghno I just used it as a backup22:37
wxlit's maybe possible it's still around22:37
wxl? or did you overwrite the drive?22:37
was_Arghdon't think I overwrote the drive.  It did find mp3's but they were ringtones LOL22:39

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