[07:57] Good morning everyone :D [08:01] morning [08:01] :) [09:20] helloooooo africa === theShirb- is now known as theShirbiny [09:42] Hello Africa [09:42] How are youi Kilos ? [09:50] ok ty and you elacheche [09:57] good :) [10:18] Hallo [10:18] Can anyone help me [10:18] I'm trying to setup a outgoing mailserver [10:19] Can't seem to crack it though [10:22] hi Th3_Jok3r [10:23] Kilos: afternoon :) [10:23] just be patient, one of the clever guys will help you when they get a break [10:25] Thanks Kilos [10:36] Th3_Jok3r: How can I help? [10:36] I want to setup a simple outgoing mailserver elacheche [10:36] Can't seem to crack it [10:36] I've tried nullmailer but no use. It doesn;t send the mail [10:39] Th3_Jok3r: why not using postfix or exim [10:39] ? [10:39] pstfix , i'll check quickly [10:40] I wofound a tutorial on DigitalOcean [10:40] Hope it works [10:40] https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-install-and-setup-postfix-on-ubuntu-14-04 [10:41] Would I run the same commands on 16.04 ? [10:42] It should be the same :) [10:42] Okay thanks. I'll try it quickly [10:43] I failed at it lastnight though [10:43] make sure the nullmailer don't use the same ports to not have issues.. If the service still up it's better to stop it [10:43] I did a format on the vps [10:43] So its clean [10:44] Th3_Jok3r: if you need for an out of the box solution you can try to use virtualmin, it's a free panel to administrate your VPS (with a pre-configured mail server and webserver).. [10:44] All you need is to add your domain from the webUI and everything will be done [10:44] If you need a minimal thing you should DIY then.. [10:44] Is there any tutorial on this ? [10:48] Just a sec [10:49] Take your time [10:59] Th3_Jok3r: It's so easy to do, check Steps 7 to 12 in here → https://thebroodle.com/web-control-panels/virtualmin/how-to-install-virtualmin-on-a-vps-running-ubuntu-14-04/ [10:59] After that use http/yuorVPSdomain.tld:10000 to finish the rest via a pretty webUI [11:02] Thanks alot elacheche [11:03] You've been a real help [11:05] Th3_Jok3r: once installed you can handle everything from the WebUI, you can ask for help if you need it.. [11:05] I will definately come back here elacheche [11:05] Just asking for you though [11:06] :) [11:19] One of the long time opensource and ubuntu contributor, Miles Sharpe (IRC NICK : Kilos) need your help and donations, please read the full story and help him, https://www.gofundme.com/reunionroadblock [13:55] \o/ [13:57] Naeil, o/ [13:58] theShirbiny, how are you :D