
dholbachgood morning06:35
Kiloshi dholbach svij  and others06:37
dholbachhi Kilos06:44
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dholbachall right - I call it a day! have a good one everyone!17:02
ahoneybunmhall119: could you ask dpm about my funding request?18:43
ahoneybunthis Saturday will be one month since I put it in18:44
mhall119ahoneybun: the one for SeaGL?18:49
wxlmhall119: mine's not been quite as long, but since ahoneybun and i are supposed to bunk together it might be good to check on mine too XD18:50
mhall119they've both been approved, I've just now seen that clan was asking me for clarification on the cost changes I made (because you two are sharing a room) so she may have been waiting on me, sorry about that18:51
wxlnp mhall11918:52
ahoneybunsorry for the trouble about that18:52
wxlalso yay :)18:52
ahoneybun\o/ *buntu in Seattle!18:52
mhall119ahoneybun: no worries, I think it's sorted out now18:52
ahoneybunmhall119: I'll do it better next time18:52
ahoneybunI just wanted to get something in ASAP18:52
ahoneybunmhall119: was sgclark approved too?18:53
ahoneybunI've not heard anything other then valorie getting approved till now18:53
* svij hopes that there's still money left for his (rather big) ubucon europe event request…18:54
mhall119ahoneybun: please ask sgclark and valorie yourself, I don't want to talk about other people's requests18:58
ahoneybunoh right19:02
ahoneybunmy bad19:02
ahoneybunjust not my monday today...19:02
ahoneybunbright side is Ubuntu stuff and a System76 poster19:03
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