
Anjadoes anyone have any idea how Qt finds its default theme on ubuntu?00:11
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pittiGood morning05:47
pittimwhudson: do you have an idea about the uninstallability in https://objectstorage.prodstack4-5.canonical.com/v1/AUTH_77e2ada1e7a84929a74ba3b87153c0ac/autopkgtest-yakkety/yakkety/amd64/d/docker.io/20161010_031813@/log.gz ?06:01
Mirvdoko: oSoMoN: cjwatson: re bug #1630906 the upstream fix seems to start segfaults on armhf and i386, even if it fixes arm64. those autopkgtest runs have it consistent. could only CONFIG_ARM64_VA_BITS=48 be reverted in kernel 4.4?06:21
ubottubug 1630906 in linux (Ubuntu) "QML segfault on arm64 due to builder kernel change" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/163090606:21
pishuiluHi,all. Who can help to upload ubiquity-slideshow pacakge to ubuntu. The url is https://code.launchpad.net/~ubiquity-slideshow/ubiquity-slideshow-ubuntu/html. Thanks!06:34
pittiwgrant, cjwatson: the arm64 buildds seem to have some troubles?06:40
wgrantpitti: A bit. Investigation is underway.06:41
pittiack, thanks06:41
wgrantpitti: But the queue is pretty clear, so I don't think it should be blocking anything?06:41
wgrantUnless I've missed something.06:41
pittiwgrant: no, it's not, I just noticed06:41
pittiwgrant: if there are some nagios/alarm bells on those, I'll stop shouting in the future06:42
wgrantpitti: We've turned off automated gardening so we can assess the remaining failure modes manually.06:42
pittiwgrant: yours are also running under 4.8 or the fixed 4.4.23 now?06:42
wgrantSince they're no longer falling over at an incredible rate with an impossible to diagnose failure.06:42
wgrantpitti: Same as yours.06:42
pittiwgrant: they both work wonderfully for my instances06:42
wgrantRight, these don't appear to be kernel issues.06:42
wgrantMore general OpenStack ones.06:43
mwhudsonpitti: no07:10
mwhudsonpitti: i was trying to repro locally and failing07:10
mwhudsonbut i think my mirror was out of date07:10
mwhudsonGRARARARRA "tar: Unexpected EOF in archive"07:13
LocutusOfBorggood morning folks, question:07:34
LocutusOfBorgsrc:daemontools has an ubuntu delta07:34
LocutusOfBorg  * Merge with debian, remaining diff:07:35
LocutusOfBorg    - add upstartification07:35
LocutusOfBorg  * Fix upstart job as not in event.d anymore (LP: #688054)07:35
ubottuLaunchpad bug 688054 in daemontools (Ubuntu) "svscan is not started when the package is installed" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/68805407:35
LocutusOfBorgcan we drop it on next debian upload?07:35
pittiLocutusOfBorg: yes, I suppose so07:40
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mwhudsonpitti: where did you suspect the tar: Unexpected EOF in archive problem was coming from again?07:46
pittimwhudson: I suspect some bug/race condition in qemu's 9p07:47
mwhudsonpitti: is there somewhere i can put a sleep or something to try to confirm/ameliorate?07:47
pittimwhudson: no, I already tried to put sleeps, syncs etc. everywhere, didn't help07:48
pittiwell, "everywhere" → I might have missed something of course07:48
mwhudsonpitti: i'm getting the problem like 80% of the time07:48
mwhudsonpitti: i'm wondering if it would be less painful to set up devstack and use --- nova or something :(07:49
pittimwhudson: you could actually use ssh too07:49
pittimwhudson: i. e. start the autopkgtest-yakkety-something.img in qemu (with -snapshot), install your ssh key, and then use the ssh runner07:49
LocutusOfBorgthanks pitti07:57
mwhudsonpitti: so this command passed for me: autopkgtest -d --shell --test=docker-in-lxd -B --apt-pocket=proposed=src:docker.io --apt-upgrade docker.io --- qemu ~/adt-yakkety-amd64-cloud.img08:11
mwhudsonpitti: can you see how that would differ from prod infrastructure?08:11
pittimwhudson: not really, uninstallability doesn't sound like a proxy issue; I'll retry the tests, and if it still fails run it manually on the infra08:12
mwhudsonpitti: thanks08:12
pittialthough the last test only ran ~ 10 hours ago08:13
pittino, ~ 5 hours08:13
* pitti runs it manually right away08:13
pittimwhudson: --test is --testname I presume08:13
mwhudsonpitti: uh, that was the command i ran08:14
mwhudsoni suppose it gets expanded to --testname, yeah08:14
mwhudsonpitti: but running all the tests makes sense i guess08:14
mwhudson(the other one has been passing)08:14
pittimwhudson: also, this install failure is in the lxc container, not outside08:15
mwhudsonpitti: yes08:15
mwhudsoni copy /etc/apt from outside to container08:15
mwhudsonwhich is a hack, i guess,  but it works on my machine (tm) :)08:16
pittimwhudson: I have the failure in a running instance now08:18
mwhudsonpitti: can you coerce it into explaining why the uninstallable things are uninstallable?08:19
pittimwhudson: oh, it deletes the container after the failed test, it seems08:19
mwhudsonoh ups, yes it would i guess08:19
mwhudsonstill you should be able to re-make it08:19
mwhudsonpitti: comment out defer 'lxc delete --force docker' and run debian/tests/docker-in-lxd by hand?08:20
pittimwhudson: OOI, why does this need root?08:21
mwhudsonpitti: configuring lxd requires root i think08:22
pittiE: Package 'containerd' has no installation candidate08:22
pittiE: Package 'runc' has no installation candidate08:22
pittiE: Package 'cgroupfs-mount' has no installation candidate08:22
pittiE: Package 'cgroup-lite' has no installation candidate08:22
pittiE: Package 'ubuntu-fan' has no installation candidate08:22
mwhudsonpitti: that doesn't make any sense on the face of it08:23
pittiGet:9 http://ftpmaster.internal/ubuntu yakkety/universe amd64 Packages [7736 kB]08:23
pittiit does download the universe Packages, hmm08:23
pittiand I see it in /var/lib/apt/lists/ftpmaster.internal_ubuntu_dists_yakkety_universe_binary-amd64_Packages08:24
mwhudsonmaybe the preferences/pinning are screwed up?08:24
pittiand running apt update again then works08:25
mwhudsonpitti: you ran apt update and then the install worked?08:25
pittiyes (in the container)08:26
pittibut it already ran update before08:26
pittierr, WTH08:28
mwhudsonpitti: maybe deleting /var/lib/apt/lists/* before the first update?08:28
pittimwhudson: I duplicated the apt update call now, and look what I see: http://paste.ubuntu.com/23302146/08:28
mwhudsonpitti: just total guessing though08:28
pittimwhudson: so the second time switches away from ftpmaster.interla08:28
pittiinfra runs with --mirror=http://ftpmaster.internal/ubuntu08:29
pittiso it's like sources.list gets changed after the first apt update run08:29
pittimwhudson: could that be cloud-init running in the background?08:29
pittimwhudson: changing mirror in sources.list underneath would totally explain it08:30
mwhudsonpitti: ... i ... suppose ... so?08:30
mwhudsonpitti: cloud init logs have anything?08:31
mwhudsonin the container i mean08:31
pittimwhudson: do you really need ubuntu-daily:yakkety, or would images:ubuntu/yakkety/amd64/ suffice?08:32
pittimwhudson: just running it again to check c-i logs08:32
mwhudsonpitti: i imagine the images: would be fine yeah08:32
pitti# cat /etc/apt/sources.list08:32
pitti## Note, this file is written by cloud-init on first boot of an instance08:32
pittiand it has archive.u.c.08:32
mwhudsonpitti: hnnngh08:32
pittibut I think you copy in the host's /etc/apt/sources.list, which has ftpmaster.internal08:32
mwhudsonpitti: yeah i did08:32
mwhudsonpitti: i guess i could sleep for 60s before doing that but ...08:33
pittiOct 10 08:32:05 docker [CLOUDINIT] handlers.py[DEBUG]: finish: modules-final: SUCCESS: running modules for final08:33
pittimwhudson: nah -- if you wait, then poll for /var/lib/cloud/instance/boot-finished08:33
mwhudsonor use the images: image which doesn't have cloud-init?08:33
pittimwhudson: right; let me check that here08:33
mwhudsonpitti: however, does this explain the actual failure?08:34
pittimwhudson: yes, totally08:34
mwhudsonok :)08:34
pittimwhudson: apt update ran against ftpmaster.internal, then cloud-init finishes in the middle and changes sources.list to archive.u.c.08:34
pittifor which apt has no data08:34
mwhudsonoh right08:34
mwhudsoni'm sure glad i didn't spend any more time figuring this out because i would never ever have figured it out on my own :)08:35
pittimwhudson: images: is only half as big, and has a lot less crap pre-installed, so you actually have a stronger test that docker.io's dependencies are correct08:35
pitti#lxc launch ubuntu-daily:${suite} docker -p default -p docker08:35
pittilxc launch images:ubuntu/${suite}/amd64 docker -p default -p docker08:35
pittiworks fine08:35
pittimwhudson: I suppose you want to use `dpkg --print-architecture`08:36
mwhudsonah yes08:36
pittimwhudson: so in between poling for boot-finished and using images: I'd actually tend towards the latter, but your choice08:36
mwhudsonme too08:36
pittimwhudson: can you upload this, and I'll review/handhold through the queues?08:37
pittiwhat a fun bug :)08:37
pittimwhudson: thanks!08:37
mwhudson-0ubuntu15, man08:40
pittimwhudson: getting closer to hitting the biggest natural number?08:41
mwhudsonpitti: but somehow staying the same distance away08:41
brendandpitti, hey - are you aware of the issue with overlayfs that impacted autopkgtest (at least when using a qemu runner), recently?08:46
pittibrendand: no, I'm not (works fine locally), what was that about?08:46
brendandpitti, i'm right in thinking that the qemu test runner uses an overlayfs?08:47
pittibrendand: no, it uses qemu-img overlay08:48
pittioverlayfs is too brittle08:48
pittidoko: any objections to removing gnat-4.9? it got removed in Debian, only rdepends is spark which I'm rebuilding against libgnat-608:49
pittidoko: (I'm currently running process-removals)08:49
brendandthat was a wrong assumption then08:49
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pittidoko: Debian also removed gcc-4.9, but this has rdepends still: gcc-4.8 (dep gcc-4.9-base, curiously) and gcc-4.9-cross; I suppose at least the latter could also be dropped?08:55
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dokopitti: we don't have to remove it now ...09:26
pittidoko: no, not "have to", I just thought some cleanup before releasing can't hurt (I left gcc-4.9)09:27
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pittimwhudson: green ♥ : http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/proposed-migration/update_excuses.html#docker.io10:44
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pishuilu cyphermox: Hi, can you help to upload ubiquity-slideshow pacakge to ubuntu? The url is https://code.launchpad.net/~ubiquity-slideshow/ubiquity-slideshow-ubuntu/html11:24
cjwatsonMirv: This is a thing you'd have to talk to the kernel team about11:49
cjwatsonMirv: #ubuntu-kernel maybe?11:50
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pishuiluHi,all. Who can help to upload ubiquity-slideshow pacakge to ubuntu. The url is https://code.launchpad.net/~ubiquity-slideshow/ubiquity-slideshow-ubuntu/html. Thanks!12:27
pittichrisccoulson: are you aware of the firefox and thunderbird FTBFSes? (stuck in -proposed for a while)12:51
pittidoko, jbicha: you synced debtags, but the Debian version drops python-debtagshw and python3-debtagshw -- do you know whether there's a replalcement? (software-center and ti-omap4-software-channel12:58
pitti... depend on those)12:58
pittiwillcooke, seb128: ^ is software-center actually still a thing? or should this get removed now, in favor of gnome-software?12:59
pittione reverse-depends (ti-omap4-software-channel, looks obsolete too) and oneconf recommends it (can be ignored)12:59
pittiogra_: do you know, do we actually want to keep ti-omap4-software-channel ?13:00
willcookepitti, seb128 -  I think it can probably go now from X onwards13:00
pittiwillcooke: yes, only talking about y here13:00
seb128I would keep it13:00
ogra_pitti, well, not sure ... perhaps til 12.04 gets dropped ?13:01
seb128it still support things gnome-software13:01
pittiogra_: again, talking about y here, not precise :)13:01
seb128it still supports things gnome-software doesn't13:01
seb128does it do any harm in universe?13:01
ogra_pitti, i dont think there was ever anything else than 12.04 packages in the PPA13:01
ogra_perhaps 12.10 ... but thats EOL13:01
pittiseb128: not much right now, aside from blocking debtags in -proposed (not that urgent, but that's how I spotted it)13:01
seb128why aiming at deleting it and not any of the other stack of cruft we have here?13:01
pittiogra_: ti-omap4-software-channel | 0.1 | yakkety/universe | source, all13:02
pittiogra_: ^13:02
seb128why does it block it?13:02
seb128oh, I see in backlog13:02
pittiseb128: well, my question is rather whether we actually want to release it with y, given that nobody seems to maintain it any more13:02
seb128it's still used even unmaintained13:02
pittiseb128: nevermind the debtags thing, that's just how I noticed13:02
seb128I would keep it13:02
ogra_pitti, oh, the package ... yeah, kill that with bleach13:02
pittiogra_: ack13:02
ogra_i wasnt even aware it still is in the archive :P13:03
ogra_it is useless13:03
pittispring^Wfall cleaning day ;)13:03
ogra_(for anything but 12.04)13:03
pittiprocess-removals this morning, http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/proposed-migration/update_output.txt now13:03
pitti(must be release week..)13:03
enricosad to see it go. It's maintained in debian, and meh.13:04
seb128enrico, I don't think anyone is deleting it, just that the update has no python bindings binaries13:05
pittienrico: how do you mean? I'm not talking about removing debtags, just software-center13:05
enricoah, ok, I though you were talking about debtags. I guess the highlights gave me a partial version of the chat thread13:06
enricosorry about the noise13:07
seb128pitti, is any flavor still using software-center btw?13:11
pittiseb128: no, it's not seeded anywhere13:11
seb128k, well your call then, it seems a bit late to delete what was a major piece of software for Ubuntu without asking first if somebody wants to take over it13:11
seb128and I think it's still nicer to use than gnome-software, more polished&reliable ... but I guess people who want polished&reliable are on the LTS and can still use it there13:12
pittiI can still do that on u-devel@, but I'm not very hopeful; we tried to port it to py3 for many years and never found a real maintainer13:12
* pitti will ask13:13
jbichaif we're going to drop software-center because no one cares to do specific maintenance for it, let's do it at the start of a cycle rather than the end to give ~6 months for somemone to step up13:16
jbichapitti: bug 161637913:17
ubottubug 1616379 in software-center (Ubuntu) "software-center depends on python-debtagshw, which is not built anymore" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/161637913:17
pittijbicha: ah, thanks for pointing out13:18
seb128barry, hey, small follow up to your email but the goal for those cycles was to get software-center out of the iso/in universe, I don't think anyone really carred about keeping it there13:57
barryseb128: ack13:57
cpaelzerI have recently seen a lot of auto-bug reports which aside the actual issue seem to contain an apport issue around "UnicodeDecodeError: 'utf-8' codec can't decode byte 0xe2 in position 10006: invalid continuation byte" or similar15:02
cpaelzeris that a known issue?15:02
pitticpaelzer: not on my radar, no15:03
pittibarry: I synced python-pex, btw15:20
pittibarry: tests pass again15:20
pittibarry: also, happy thanksgiving15:20
barrypitti: saw that, thanks!  and usa thanksgiving isn't until next month :)15:21
pittibarry: oh, what's today's holiday then?15:21
pittioh, Columbus day15:21
barrypitti: yeah, that's the official federal name of it, although there's a semi-movement to change the name to indigenous people's day15:23
bdmurrayflexiondotorg: Are you working on 1623856?15:51
flexiondotorgbdmurray, Yes.15:51
bdmurrayflexiondotorg: cool, thanks15:52
pitticpaelzer: hah, I bent virt-qemu to my will now when using user/password login16:16
chrisccoulsonpitti, re thunderbird - I'm looking at that now16:43
chrisccoulsonNot sure what to do about firefox though. powerpc and s390 are endianness issues. And ppc64 is a crash on startup which causes the startup cache compilation to fail16:45
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chrisccoulsonI'm not sure I can spend time on powerpc-specific firefox issues16:45
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seb128chrisccoulson, pitti, the current release pocket version has no s390x/powerpc build either, the issue is only ppc64el there16:56
seb128it would migrate with that one16:56
xnoxpitti, is there anything better than $ systemd-analyze dot ? the output is a rat's nest.17:08
* xnox applies patterns17:10
jderosechiluk: FYI, the package in your PPA fixes things for my use case, thanks! https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/initramfs-tools/+bug/163147417:32
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1631474 in initramfs-tools (Ubuntu) "No networking with initramfs-tools 0.122ubuntu8.3 and ip=dhcp boot option" [Undecided,In progress]17:32
pittixnox: what do you want to do?18:58
pittixnox: you can limit it to targets, or only show a particular part -- you ceratinly don't want the entire graph in all details18:59
ubottubdmurray, BenC, cyphermox, infinity, micahg, rbasak, sil2100: DMB ping.19:08
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smoseram i missing something here ?19:59
smoserdhclient-script (http://paste.ubuntu.com/23304770/)19:59
smoser ip -6 addr flush dev ${interface} scope global permanent19:59
smoserdoesnt it need to do:20:00
smosererr.. sjhoot20:00
smoserit does this:20:00
smoser p -6 addr add ${new_ip6_address}20:00
smoser ip -6 addr add ${new_ip6_address}20:01
smoser    dev ${interface} scope global20:01
smoserwhen i think it needs to do20:01
smoser ip -6 addr add ${new_ip6_address}/${new_ip6_prefix}20:01
smoser  dev ${interface} scope global20:01
smoserwithout the prefix, we get an address with /12820:02
smoser fd42:83bb:a360:8010:8fda:82f7:5cdc:fb8a/12820:02
smoserhttps://kb.isc.org/article/AA-01141/0/How-to-workaround-IPv6-prefix-length-issues-with-ISC-DHCP-clients.html seems relevant20:06
brendandi have a xenial system that doesn't want to update anything, even though there are clearly new versions of lots of packages in -updates. i'm particularly seeking a new version of lxd20:14
brendand-updates is definitely in sources.list20:15
mwhudsonpitti: yeah, it migrated finally20:15
mwhudsonand it's just waiting for sru team attention in xenial too i think20:15
brendandapt update says: http://paste.ubuntu.com/23304826/20:15
rbasakbrendand: and apt-cache policy?20:24
brendandrbasak, only knows about the old version20:27
brendandi'm starting to suspect a proxy20:27
smoserwell, filed this : https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/isc-dhcp/+bug/163209620:28
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1632096 in isc-dhcp (Ubuntu) "dhclient-script does not respect ip6_prefixlen" [Undecided,New]20:28
brendandyup, definitely a caching proxy. i'm getting an old version of http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/l/lxd/ even with wget20:43
tsimonq2hmmmmm, am I the only person who has had problems with DNS in Yakkety?20:48
tsimonq2seems to be DNS...20:49
brendandwas the 27th of may release day for xenial?20:58
brendandnow it all makes 'sense' (kind of)20:58
brendandarchive.ubuntu.com on this host is not the actual archive.ubuntu.com - the ip address is different20:59
brendandand when i wget on my system from the same ip as on the system that won't update, i do indeed get a version of archive.ubuntu.com from the 27th of may21:00
brendandsystem that won't update: 64 bytes from archive.ubuntu.com ( icmp_seq=9 ttl=44 time=211 ms21:00
brendandmy system: 64 bytes from yukinko.canonical.com ( icmp_seq=1 ttl=62 time=11.4 ms21:01
rbasakThose are both Canonical IPs, so talk to Canonical IS I guess?21:02
brendandand here's etc/hosts : http://paste.ubuntu.com/23304972/21:02
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