[02:54] I just installed ubuntu-gnome 16.04.1 and I am having a issue, my operating system directly boots into login screen without showing splash screen or bootanimation. How can I solve this problem? Help appreciated! [02:58] nickanon: since you're not getting a response here, maybe try askubuntu.com ? or #ubuntu [02:59] yeah. I have posted on #ubuntu [03:02] sorry then :( you can try reporting a bug too: [03:02] ubuntu-bug plymouth [03:03] low-level bugs like that are difficult for most people to work on though === robik_ is now known as robik === meetingology` is now known as meetingology [11:52] Hey guys. Could someone who works on the distro tell me if the GNOME3 Staging PPA has a working stable GNOME3.22 right now for Ubuntu 16.10? Thanks [13:45] tyrog: I'm using regular 16.10 right now but last time I checked, the staging PPA for yakkety was pretty good [13:45] nautilus has a few Ubuntu patches disabled though [13:46] jbicha: I see you are the package maintainer for that PPA :). Will you upgrade newer packages in there before 16.10 final? I would like to use GNOME3.22 if possible in Ubuntu, but otherwise I'm fine with 3.20. Thx [13:46] jbicha: Like what for example? [13:46] I'm not the only one that works on that PPA! [13:48] tyrog: if you click https://launchpad.net/~gnome3-team/+archive/ubuntu/gnome3-staging/+packages?field.series_filter=yakkety [13:48] jbicha: Haha I see. But since I saw your name in there, I thought you were pretty much into it. Not the only one working on it of course :) [13:48] then click the little triangle next to nautilus and look for "Disabled patches that need to be rewritten" [13:49] probably the big one for GNOME is "interactive search" (that's the old find-as-you-type functionality [13:49] if you use Unity, then things are regressed a bit more [13:50] I don't use Unity, only want to use GNOME. So no major problems for me? [13:51] I don't think I can really promise everything's perfect with the PPA but it's pretty good [13:51] the PPA description does have warnings and you need to know how to use ppa-purge to revert the PPA if it doesn't work for you [13:52] warning is at https://launchpad.net/~gnome3-team/+archive/ubuntu/gnome3-staging [13:53] Yes, I have read it thoroughly and know how to use ppa-purge so things shouldn't go really south for me :D [15:25] mgedmin: the gnome-control-center translation bug should be fixed in yakkety now since new language packs were generated this weekend === inquistor is now known as inquisitor === inquistor is now known as inquisitor === inquisitor is now known as mystical === mystical is now known as quest === quest is now known as prometheus === prometheus is now known as Guest86911 === Guest86911 is now known as icarus === icarus is now known as chimera === chimera is now known as centaurus === centaurus is now known as pegasus === pegasus is now known as MrFixit [21:00] I am using Adwaita theme on Ubuntu-Gnome 16.04. Is there a way to change the Blue (Highlight and Selection) color of the theme? Thanks