
Unit193SonikkuAmerica: You're editing factoids with the wrong syntax.01:23
ubottuninjas is yofel, clivejo, acheronuk, tsimonq2, santa: we need your attention!01:23
Unit193!no ninjas-#kubuntu-devel is <reply> yofel, clivejo, acheronuk, tsimonq2, santa: we need your attention!01:23
ubottuI'll remember that Unit19301:24
valorieit's come to my attention that adding a tail to santa's nick would be good01:24
valorieso santa_01:24
valorieUnit193: ^^^01:25
Unit193valorie: Can't do it, that'd be effort!01:25
Unit193!no ninjas-#kubuntu-devel is <reply> yofel, clivejo, acheronuk, tsimonq2, santa_: we need your attention!01:26
ubottuI'll remember that Unit19301:26
valorieoh thank you very much01:26
Unit193Sure thing.01:29
SonikkuAmericaAh, I forgot <reply>01:37
SonikkuAmericaAnd apparently poor santa has a tail :(01:37
valoriesomeone else must own "santa"01:42
SonikkuAmericaUnit193 - I'll keep that in mind. !no factoid is <reply> newtext , right?01:43
=== littlebunnyfufu is now known as SonikkuAmerica
Unit193SonikkuAmerica: Usually, though sometimes that's not used.01:49
SonikkuAmericaIn what cases would it not be used?01:49
ubottua Bittorent client, created using Python and GTK+, intended to bring a native, full-featured cliekt to !GTK environments such as GNOME and Xfce. See http://deluge-torrent.org/ for more information or the package 'deluge-torrent' in the package repositories.01:49
ubottudeluge is a Bittorent client, created using Python and GTK+, intended to bring a native, full-featured cliekt to !GTK environments such as GNOME and Xfce. See http://deluge-torrent.org/ for more information or the package 'deluge-torrent' in the package repositories.01:51
seednodeBittorrent also has two "r"s01:51
seednodewhile we're correcting01:51
Unit193I didn't touch it!01:52
ubottudeluge has no aliases - added by LjL on 2006-12-28 20:42:49 - last edited by Pici on 2008-10-20 13:08:4001:52
Unit193!deluge is <sed> s/torent/torrent/01:53
ubottuI'll remember that Unit19301:53
seednodenow s/cliekt/client/01:53
Unit193seednode: Naaah, that one is fun! ;)01:54
Unit193Do you even have editor rights?01:54
Unit193!deluge is <sed> s/cliekt/client/01:54
ubottuI'll remember that Unit19301:54
seednodeI have no idea, haven't tried much01:54
seednodeI'm just here to subtly manoeuvre chat out of unsafe waters as needed01:55
SonikkuAmericaOh nuts, it says I need a client with Opus support. Great.01:56
seednodeHuh, does your mobile one not support opus?01:57
SonikkuAmericaThe Android client apparently doesn't.01:57
seednodetry again01:58
seednodeDisabled forcing opus01:58
SonikkuAmericacome join us on Mumble!02:01
SonikkuAmericaoh wow, wrong channel :P02:04
ubottuEriC^^ called the ops in #ubuntu (God\Armageddon fanatic alert)13:22
ubottudebkad called the ops in #ubuntu (God\Armageddon)13:24
ubottudebkad called the ops in #ubuntu (Guest95782)13:47
=== Guest84871 is now known as IdleOne
k1l_uh, barfod is bad news.19:29
PiciIt looks like they accidentally pasted the nicklist.19:30
k1l_like the accidentally 10 bantracker entries from 2015?19:31
=== DalekSec_ is now known as DalekSec

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