
praisethemoongood day everyone07:50
elachecheMorning folks09:41
praisethemoonelacheche, good day :D09:43
elachecheI hope so praisethemoon x)09:44
praisethemoonelacheche, i might consider checking if some of my coworkers are interested in joining the community :310:10
elachecheEverybody is welcome here praisethemoon :)10:13
praisethemooni'll see what i can do ^_^10:13
SalahMessaoudHallo channel o/10:31
elachecheHey SalahMessaoud10:35
praisethemoonSalahMessaoud, hello o/11:03
Naeilpraisethemoon, \o/ it would be much appreciated if we see more people here :D13:52
praisethemooni'm trying ;-;13:53
elachecheWhat a monday14:44
praisethemoonelacheche, tell me14:44
elachecheA laptop died.. :/14:47
praisethemoonhow can you let this happen!14:54
praisethemoonRIP Laptop 2014 - 2016 :'(14:54
elachecheThat's what years of heavy usage cause14:57
praisethemoonelacheche, was it really 2 years?? XD15:19
elachechealmost 515:21
praisethemoonoh xD15:28
praisethemoonlaptops well .. are not really for heavy usage15:29
praisethemoonif you do not benefit from its main feature which is mobility; it's just a waste of money15:29
elachecheI have professional laptops... :) Not low end ones :)15:37
* praisethemoon is gonna reboot15:42
praisethemoonGUESS WHOS BACK16:21
pavlushkapraisethemoon: Hello :)16:24
praisethemoonpavlushka, hey :D :D16:24
pavlushkao/ elacheche Naeil :)16:24
praisethemoonGUESS WHOS BACK18:17
praisethemoonpavlushka, close enough18:30
praisethemoonpavlushka, how are you?18:30
pavlushkayes, I knew it, yes18:30
pavlushkaI am fine praisethemoon , thanks :)18:31
pavlushkaand whassup praisethemoon ?18:31
praisethemoonwell, i'm stuck in a piece of code :(18:32
praisethemoonTrying to implement Neural Networks in Lua18:32
pavlushkaoo la la, good luck on that :)18:32
praisethemoonthank you ;-;18:40

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