=== billy is now known as Guest77033 [04:24] hi. I recently switched over from mint sarah to ubuntu studio... am having a problem installing the i2p network [04:25] I run sudo apt-add-repository ppa:i2p-maintainers/i2p [04:25] sudo apt-get update [04:25] sudo apt-get install i2p [04:26] and before it finishes get [04:26] E: Unable to locate package i2p [04:31] ^^ this error does it mean the software package is unavailable in the software repository? [05:27] nobody? [05:59] Guest77033: Do you get any other error messages in the process? Otherwise, from all I can tell, it should work. [06:01] krytarik I get an error message just as it ends [06:03] krytarik is it possible I need to install some new packages instead of what is mentioned in the link https://geti2p.net/en/download/debian#ubuntu [06:04] it always ends with message E: Unable to locate package i2p [06:05] Guest77033: What Ubuntu Studio version are you using anyway? [06:05] yaktaky yak [06:06] I think under xfce [06:06] Has packages up until Xenial. [06:06] it was the latest version i installed [06:06] s/until/though/ [06:11] yes so the only ppa [06:11] I have added to my synaptic manager is http://ppa.launchpad.net/i2p-maintainers/i2p/ubuntu [06:11] but I stll get an error E: Unable to locate package i2p [06:12] maybe it isn't available yet in that package? [06:12] Yep, like Unit193 just said. [06:13] so I need to roleback the software repository site? [06:15] Well, you can just wait and see if they build packages for Yakkety sometime too - it's not even released yet. [06:16] so can't I run xenial packages then? [06:18] Well, you can try of course, might give dependency issues though. [06:19] ahh ok [06:20] thanks guys [06:21] Sure. [06:21] even the .jar dosen' work === Seviish is now known as Sevish === DalekSec_ is now known as DalekSec