
ahoneybunI think shadeslayer like ruby00:00
tsimonq2shadeslayer: do you like Ruby? :O00:00
clivejooh dear, I need a system restart00:01
clivejoI may or may not be back00:02
tsimonq2o/ clivejo 00:02
tsimonq2acheronuk, clivejo: if KCI isn't up and running by after school Monday, or we at the very minimum have no progress, I'll make some hacky KCI scripts that will be our KCI for the time being. :P00:13
tsimonq2in Python :P00:14
tsimonq2because we need a CI, no matter how hacky!00:14
clivejoon that note00:15
* clivejo goes to bed00:15
tsimonq2bai bai clivejo 00:15
ahoneybunmm I can't get this package in YY: Package libpng12-0 is not installed.00:45
ahoneybunit's missing in the archive for YY00:45
ahoneybunvalorie: since I have tomorrow off I'm going to go though those wiki pages01:00
ahoneybunneed to make a few VMs for 16.04 and 14.04 then01:00
valorieoooo, awesome01:11
valoriethank you ahoneybun01:11
valorieI am out of energy to do it01:11
valoriedid y'all contact anyone about artwork for the website?01:12
valorieif not, give me a couple of email addresses and I'll do it01:12
mparilloNo new images yet here: http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/milestones/368/builds Good night all.02:13
valorieniters mparillo02:30
valorieyeah, zsync still reports 100802:32
valorie3 days ago02:32
-queuebot:#kubuntu-devel- Builds: Kubuntu Desktop amd64 [Yakkety Final] has been updated (20161012)04:22
-queuebot:#kubuntu-devel- Builds: Kubuntu Desktop i386 [Yakkety Final] has been updated (20161012)04:22
acheronukmparillo: we have new isos now07:14
sicks_tabletGood morning friends, I'm working on Packaging guide on the train this morning.07:44
sicks_tabletIts nice to be out and about.07:45
acheronukfirefox is missing from our is for some reason07:53
acheronukmorning Rick :)07:53
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mparilloTY acheronuk and valorie. I got up early and see the new images at: http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/milestones/368/builds08:24
ubottuHelp is needed in #kubuntu-devel. Please ping Riddell, yofel, soee, Tm_T, shadeslayer, BluesKaj, James147, Quintasan, lordievader, shrini, tester56, parad1se, mamarley, alket, SourBlues, sgclark, neo31, vip, mparillo for information08:24
acheronukmparillo: another iso respin will be on the way shortly08:35
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1632616 in firefox (Ubuntu) "firefox missing from Kubuntu YY ISO" [Undecided,New]09:23
soee_todays isos are final ?09:24
marco-parilloI hope not. Neither of the two bugs I encountered were fatal to me, but I think putting a web browser on an ISO is a good thing.09:30
sitterclivejo: I would not know09:35
IrcsomeBot1<CliffordTheBigRedDoggie> What did I ask you?09:52
mparillosoee_: In the backlog, <acheronuk> mparillo: another iso respin will be on the way shortly. I missed that when re-configuring konversation.09:58
mparilloUnless it comes soon, I may not be able to test a re-spin on real HW for maybe another 10 hours or so, and in a VM, I have been getting: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kubuntu-meta/+bug/162734810:00
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1627348 in kubuntu-meta (Ubuntu) "Live DVD boots to black screen with mouse pointer" [Undecided,Confirmed]10:00
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1632616 in kubuntu-meta (Ubuntu) "firefox missing from Kubuntu YY ISO" [Undecided,New]11:07
IrcsomeBot1<CliffordTheBigRedDoggie> No pleasing everyone!11:19
acheronuk^^^ testing of current iso spin still required while that is being fixed/looked at11:19
IrcsomeBot1<CliffordTheBigRedDoggie> I expect a £500 Amazon voucher!11:20
acheronukIf we were doing this for the money, you should add at least a zero on the end of that11:21
acheronuk[12:19] <infinity> acheronuk: Kay.  I'd prefer to respin once and call it done rather than do a new image for every bugfix, so the more testing, the merrier.11:22
ubottuHelp is needed in #kubuntu-devel. Please ping Riddell, yofel, soee, Tm_T, shadeslayer, BluesKaj, James147, Quintasan, lordievader, shrini, tester56, parad1se, mamarley, alket, SourBlues, sgclark, neo31, vip, mparillo for information11:46
acheronukisos need testing http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/milestones/368/builds11:46
acheronukthere will be a new respin later, but needed testing now so that can be the last one with as many bugs squashed as possible11:47
acheronukFirefox missing on the iso is a known issue11:47
acheronukQt 5.6.2 https://blog.qt.io/blog/2016/10/12/qt-5-6-2-released/12:08
soeehttps://blogs.kde.org/2016/10/12/resurrecting-yakuake \o/12:10
acheronukthank you Sho_ I look forward to this very much12:16
=== Blizzzek is now known as Blizzz
BluesKajHiyas all13:20
soeehiho BluesKaj13:21
BluesKajHi soee13:21
lisandroScottK: with delay, but yes13:25
clivejoany word from DO?13:25
soeedid you contact through https://www.digitalocean.com/company/contact/ ?13:28
clivejoRick Timmus was to email them13:32
clivejothey offered $400 of credit before, but it was never followed up13:32
soeeoh i thought our KCI was there and was gone no?13:33
soeeyou talk about new vps ?13:33
acheronukour KCI is on pangea on bluesystems13:34
acheronukor was.....13:34
soeeand it is still dead ?13:34
acheronukjenkins is alive, but no keys and slaves13:35
clivejoessential its dead13:35
acheronukPhil could probably restore it, but he is not about13:36
acheronukor partially restore, anyway13:36
acheronuklong term, somewhere else might be best13:36
acheronukor at least worth investigating in case the current one is irrecoverable13:37
clivejoRiddell: ping13:37
Riddellyo clivejo13:38
clivejoyou still have a AWS account linked to Kubuntu ?13:38
Riddellnope, never had one13:38
RiddellI paid it from my account them claimed it from ubuntu fund or kubuntu fund13:38
clivejoAmazon no?13:38
clivejooh right, but there used to be a packaging server that could be started as I recall?13:39
Riddellof course since Kubuntu has 10,000£ in the bank that should pay for quite a few AWS instances13:39
clivejothats earmarked13:39
Riddellalthouh they're changed in $ so better use them soon because that'll end up as a few minutes use before long13:39
Riddellearmarked? what for?13:39
clivejothats a secret!13:39
Riddellthose must be some expensive stickers :)13:40
clivejoRiddell: Haruld killed KCI and we looking for a box to try configure a new KCI13:40
clivejoI just remembered that you have a few images you could spin up over at AWS13:42
soeeand the one from BS can't be restored ?13:42
clivejoI dont know what Im doing and dont want to mess around too much with the one on pangea13:43
clivejoand Simon wants to rewrite it in Python :/13:43
soeeand cant we use the old version, work on it and replace with python version when it is ready ? :)13:44
clivejosoee: sitter literally ripped its heart out13:44
clivejothe keys are gone unless they can be recovered from the slaves13:45
soeesitter: ^ canit be restored ? :>13:45
clivejohes tried13:45
clivejohe also mentioned it been leaking keys13:45
clivejoso that should be resolved ASAP13:45
clivejoI think its more humane to just put it out of its misery13:46
clivejoI remember yofel saying something about the filesystem was almost shot too13:47
clivejoat the moment hes the only one can recover the current one, but if we had another box then we could also be working on KCI-NG13:50
sitterI repaired everything but the nodes, which I can't because I have no access to them and apparently no one else either13:53
sitterand given the amount of whining one would think that you would keep backups given the importance of it13:54
clivejothe scaleway node is Phils own13:55
clivejositter: when you said it was leaking keys, can you tell us how?13:55
sitteroh leaking13:56
sitterI dunno13:56
clivejooh maybe I misunderstood that13:56
clivejoI though you said the other day it was leaking13:56
sitterI said it might be leaking or the recovery just recovered a lot of garbage13:56
clivejoas in a security issue13:56
BluesKajwell, it takes over 3 mins to boot to the desktop on YYand the logs and it shows a stsrt job running for a dev-disk that doesn't exist 14:09
BluesKajin fstab or anywhere in /home or root or /media14:10
acheronukyofel surely has keys and can recover the nodes?14:17
acheronukjust that he's not available14:17
marco-parilloI still cannot get a successful install in VMware.15:15
marco-parilloDiffering symptoms: Sometimes a black screen, somtimes I can get to a plasma desktop (once without the wallpaper at all, never with file containment containing the installer) and launch the installer. It appears to be successful, but I can never boot afterwards. It works fine on real HW.15:17
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ubottuyofel, clivejo, acheronuk, tsimonq2, santa_: we need your attention!16:16
tsimonq2We're getting really close to release...16:17
tsimonq2what's left?16:17
IrcsomeBot1<acheronuk> testing iso. hoping Firefox  goes on it in next respin16:18
IrcsomeBot1<tsimonq2> Ok16:18
IrcsomeBot1<tsimonq2> Cosas buenas16:19
IrcsomeBot1<tsimonq2> What else?16:19
IrcsomeBot1<acheronuk> calligra seems out if the FTBFS emails I got are unfixed16:19
IrcsomeBot1<acheronuk> too late for anything else i think. release team are busy enough16:20
IrcsomeBot1<acheronuk> I replied to the planning doodle assuming UK times, have no clue what timezone it actually was16:22
IrcsomeBot1<acheronuk> but that is a week away, so can sort that16:22
IrcsomeBot1<acheronuk> maybe see if we/you can help clivejo access the linode KCI nodes later?16:23
santa_calligra is about to be finished16:31
IrcsomeBot1<acheronuk> :)16:32
IrcsomeBot1<tsimonq2> Oh shoot @acheronuk17:14
IrcsomeBot1<tsimonq2> It didn't do that for you?!?17:14
IrcsomeBot1<acheronuk> The doodle? nope. did not have anything to indicate timezone17:15
ScottKIf you're logged in, then it's the timezone you told it you live in.17:16
ScottKOtherwise, IIRC, UTC.17:16
IrcsomeBot1<tsimonq2> :(17:16
IrcsomeBot1<tsimonq2> Ok17:16
IrcsomeBot1<acheronuk> Time-Zone Support: If you’re scheduling an online event, such as a Twitter chat or a video conference, you can enable time-zone support to keep participants across the country or across the world on the same page.17:23
IrcsomeBot1<acheronuk> just not very obvious when making a poll how to get that right17:24
acheronukgears start turning on new isos.........19:29
mparilloGood because I am back home and I can test on HW. I had no luck at work using VMware.19:32
BluesKaj_uppers wont allow linux on the work pc?19:34
acheronukSetting up firefox (49.0+build4-0ubuntu2) ....19:34
BluesKaj_only in a vn19:34
BluesKaj_vm 19:34
clivejosanta_: there is no error message19:36
clivejoHangs at Uploading calligra_2.9.11.orig.tar.xz: 191445k/191446k19:36
mparilloRight. We have RHEL and SUSE VMs in the data center running on ESXi, but no, my work PC is Win7. And they block the IRC ports.19:37
mparilloSo I use IRC webchat at work.19:37
clivejoso Ive edited my /etc/dput.cf to use sftp as that usually solves this issue when I use this mode to upload to PPA19:37
clivejofor some reason large uploads fail over ftp19:38
clivejoplus my internet is slow so this might take a while to retry!19:39
santa_don't you have a linode container like rik?19:40
clivejoI do, but its already local19:40
clivejoit should work this time19:41
clivejoyou would think uploads to the archive would be sftp :/19:41
clivejoby default19:41
santa_but that means you have to get the ssh configured doesn't it?19:43
clivejosanta_: could you take over that changelog please19:56
clivejothats an old weaker key Im trying to phase out19:59
clivejomaybe Ill just resign it myself with new key19:59
santa_clivejo: what do you mean take over? pushing something like this to kubuuntu_yakkety_archive: https://paste.kde.org/psqi5zqwi ?20:06
IrcsomeBot1<tsimonq2> Hai20:06
clivejowell its signed by my old ID20:07
clivejoits ok, Ill do it here20:07
clivejosanta_: regarding the gbp-archive script, could it be made to check locally before downloading the source tarball20:18
santa_clivejo: it's suposed to do that, for non fw/plasma/apps if the tarball already exists in the build area it doesn't download it20:20
=== ximion is now known as ximion-afk
santa_so if you didn't have it in build-area it was downloaded20:21
clivejoit was in the build area20:21
clivejobut is downloading it again20:22
clivejo3rd time lucky!20:22
-queuebot:#kubuntu-devel- Builds: Kubuntu Desktop amd64 [Yakkety Final] has been updated (20161012.1)20:22
-queuebot:#kubuntu-devel- Builds: Kubuntu Desktop i386 [Yakkety Final] has been updated (20161012.1)20:22
clivejoacheronuk: ^^^^^20:22
santa_clivejo: do you have an updated kubuntu-automation clone? I had that bug but it's suposed to be fixed in master20:22
clivejonot in about a week20:23
santa_i hit the bug, precisely when I was working on this calligra update20:23
santa_do a git pull then20:23
clivejoits a beast!20:23
santa_yeah, I think it was split for frameworks20:23
santa_I know there's already out there standalone kexi and krita packages20:24
ubottuHelp is needed in #kubuntu-devel. Please ping Riddell, yofel, soee, Tm_T, shadeslayer, BluesKaj, James147, Quintasan, lordievader, shrini, tester56, parad1se, mamarley, alket, SourBlues, sgclark, neo31, vip, mparillo for information20:24
mparilloNew builds are here: http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/milestones/368/builds20:24
santa_i plan to dig into them once zz[top] is open for development20:24
acheronukclivejo: \o/ 20:25
keithzgHeh I was too quick, at first zsync was going "could not read control file from URL"20:25
keithzgHrmm, still doing it for the i386 one20:26
clivejotake your time!20:26
tsdgeoscan you guys please backport 2c4feeb0c9107732399f8ae3dacea3124572f345 to ktexteditor 5.2620:27
tsdgeosotherwise without it the text search is a bit broken20:27
tsdgeosclivejo: ↑20:27
mparillokeithzg: Ugh. I got the same thing. Running zsync again.20:28
clivejomaybe it takes LP a while to publish the ISO's20:28
clivejotsdgeos: is the an LP bug open for it?20:29
tsdgeosi don't think so20:29
clivejofancy doing the honors?20:29
tsdgeoskind of boring given i already built myself a fixed package20:29
tsdgeosbut i'll do it20:30
santa_bug or no bug in launchpad let's just, lets just do it20:30
tsdgeoslet's see if it gets me a fixed package20:30
tsdgeoss/me/the rest20:30
santa_s/lets just//20:30
tsdgeosnow if launchapd was less bad20:31
tsdgeosit would be amazing20:31
clivejoI thought I was the only one had issues with it!20:31
tsdgeosthe only way i get to places is because i know how to build urls that bring me where i want20:32
acheronukiso booting :)20:33
* clivejo shakes head20:34
clivejoand Im STILL downloading calligra20:34
clivejoits only 180Mb !20:34
tsdgeosclivejo: santa_: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ktexteditor/+bug/163284820:36
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1632848 in ktexteditor (Ubuntu) "Fix search on yakkety" [Undecided,New]20:36
acheronukick. firefox still has fugly GTK+3 theming20:38
tsimonq2acheronuk: is that a bug of some sort?20:38
acheronukguess that has to wait for FF5020:38
acheronukFF50 is the first version that will cope with new GTK in YY20:39
acheronukI use beta and dev on FF, so I don't see the ugliness20:40
clivejoUploading to ubuntu (via sftp to upload.ubuntu.com):20:48
clivejo  calligra_2.9.11-0ubuntu1.dsc: Permission denied (publickey).20:48
clivejoUnable to connect to SSH host upload.ubuntu.com; EOF during negotiation20:48
clivejoE: Error uploading file.20:48
valorieclivejo: did you see this in #ubuntu-release? [12:44] <jbicha> clivejo: have a ~/.dput.cf with something like https://paste.ubuntu.com/23314473/ but use your LP username20:49
clivejoits using sftp20:50
clivejobut not allowing my key20:50
tsimonq2clivejo: is the SSH key on that machine added to Launchpad?20:50
valoriehave you talked with jibcha about the issue?20:51
valoriesounds like he is willing to help20:52
marco-parilloFF is on the new YY ISO21:01
acheronuk^^^ yep :)21:04
IrcsomeBot1<acheronuk> (Document) https://irc-attachments.kde.org/krbRgyuO/file_775.desktop21:05
valorieacheronuk: what's the grrrr for?21:07
acheronukstupid telegram desktop client and plasma panel. sometimes clicking on it's taskbar entry and then telegram copies the desktop file as file into telegram21:09
acheronukas above ^^^.21:09
* acheronuk closes telegram desktop21:10
acheronukdon't really need it at the moment21:10
clivejoI fixed that with increasing one of the mouse event timers21:10
clivejowhen switching between windows I was dragging shortcuts around the place21:11
acheronukI'll have to find that setting then21:12
clivejosanta_: I cant get this to upload21:14
clivejoupload.ubuntu.com wont accept it21:14
clivejovia sftp21:15
=== mamarley_ is now known as mamarley
acheronukso far so good with the new iso :)21:15
clivejoopen failed21:16
clivejoE: Error uploading file.21:16
clivejoScottK: do you know what I might be doing wrong?21:16
clivejocalligra seems to fail when I use ftp to upload, so Im trying to use sftp21:17
ScottKDid you sign it?21:17
ScottKI'd ask in #launchpad then as that sounds like an LP issue.21:17
clivejogpg: Good signature from "Clive Johnston <clivejo@kubuntu.org>" [ultimate]21:17
clivejoGood signature on /home/clivejo/project/calligra/upload/calligra_2.9.11-0ubuntu1.dsc.21:17
ScottKwgrant may be able to check logs and see.21:18
wgrantLet me see.21:18
wgrantclivejo: It's definitely upload.ubuntu.com, not ppa.launchpad.net?21:19
clivejowell thats what dput is outputing 21:20
clivejoUploading to ubuntu (via sftp to upload.ubuntu.com):21:20
clivejoI added [ubuntu]21:21
clivejomethod                  = sftp21:21
clivejologin                   = clivejo21:21
clivejoto my dput.cf file21:21
clivejoand its trying to do it21:21
wgrantclivejo: Have you set path=/ubuntu too?21:21
clivejono, but thats in my default dput.cf file21:22
wgrantclivejo: Oh actually, it should be incoming=ubuntu21:22
wgrantNo leading /21:22
wgrantIt works for FTP for backward compatibility, but not for SFTP.21:22
clivejoadd that to my home dir ?21:22
=== mariogrip_ is now known as mariogrip
wgrantclivejo: Yes.21:22
clivejodone and working!21:23
clivejothanks wgrant!21:23
wgrantSFTP error reporting is a bit bad.21:23
clivejoa bit?!?21:23
clivejoopen failed21:23
clivejoE: Error uploading file.21:23
wgrant"open failed" is technically correct :P21:23
clivejowhy does regular ftp stall?21:24
clivejowith just 1kb left?21:24
wgrantclivejo: Hm, that usually means there's some unfortunately buggy router between you and LP.21:25
clivejoLOL or several21:26
wgrantSFTP is a bit less 70s, so isn't quite so easy to break.21:26
clivejoit only seems to do it with larger sources21:27
clivejocalligra being one of the bigger ones we have to work with21:28
clivejotsdgeos: do you have a deb diff for your fixed package?21:39
tsdgeosi have no clue what that is21:40
tsdgeosyou mean https://paste.kde.org/pbbgsl3yq ?21:40
clivejowell thats the patch you applied to fix it21:42
clivejobut deb diff shows all the changes to the packaging21:43
tsdgeosclivejo: you're speaking swahili to me21:43
acheronukdebian packing docs could well be written in it from what I've seen!21:46
ScottKThe general problem is once you know enough to write them you know too much to recapture the beginner perspective.21:48
ScottKIt's really important for people to contribute to docs while they are learning.  For many of us it's too late.21:48
acheronukyes, I've done a lot of proof reading and often encounter that in technical writing21:49
clivejoand once you set it up, it tends to just work and for me I forget how I did it!21:49
ScottKI'm AFK now, so good luck.21:50
santa_clivejo: git push --tags @ calligra21:51
clivejothanks for your help and advice :)21:51
clivejosanta_:  was calligra sync'ed with the archive and debian?21:52
santa_clivejo: with the archive, not with debian21:52
santa_unfortunately we have entirely different packaging histories21:53
santa_I think that "lack of merging with debian" comes from the svn/bzr era21:53
clivejooh yes!21:54
santa_it wasn't so easy to merge back then21:54
santa_I have the impression calligra is going to get split after frameworks porting, so we will continue from there21:54
clivejoits already splitting off?21:55
clivejokrita is standalone isnt it?21:55
valoriekrita was increasingly standalone already21:58
valorieexcept for some shared libs or so21:58
tsimonq2santa_, acheronuk, clivejo: can we PLEASE get Apps 16.04.3, Plasma 5.7.5, and Frameworks 5.26 in backports already?!?22:17
mparilloIn the old days of Kubuntu, if you simply ran the development release, it was almost like rolling. With a nicer community22:19
valoriewe're not nice?22:19
valorieit has been pretty much rolling here, running yakkety....22:20
acheronukjust a few big bumps in the road to roll over this this22:21
valoriein the old days, we almost always had someone paid to do this full-time22:21
valoriewe def. miss that now22:21
mparilloMeant nicer than the famous rolling distro22:24
acheronuknot had much to do with them!22:25
valoriewell, Arch aren't hard to beat in the friendly department22:25
mparilloRight. Just this cycle, YY did not feel much like rolling; more like targeting the Launch date.22:25
valorieoh for sure22:26
valoriethis cycle was a trial by fire22:26
valorieusually packages are uploaded as they are done22:26
valorieand everything is more relaxed22:27
tsimonq2+1 on Trial by Fire :P22:27
tsimonq2!info gpgme22:28
ubottuPackage gpgme does not exist in yakkety22:28
valorie!info gpgmepp22:28
ubottuPackage gpgmepp does not exist in yakkety22:28
acheronukgood start ^^22:28
tsimonq2!info python-gpgme22:28
ubottupython-gpgme (source: pygpgme): python wrapper for the GPGME library. In component main, is optional. Version 0.3-1.1 (yakkety), package size 25 kB, installed size 96 kB22:28
acheronuk!info libgpgme1122:30
ubottulibgpgme11 (source: gpgme1.0): GPGME - GnuPG Made Easy (library). In component main, is optional. Version 1.6.0-3 (yakkety), package size 112 kB, installed size 580 kB22:30
tsimonq2oh ok22:30
tsimonq2acheronuk: we needs 1.7.122:31
acheronukand qtwebengine22:31
tsimonq2Hi all,22:31
tsimonq2as of now KDE PIM master depends on GpgME 1.7.1 (git master currently, will be 22:31
tsimonq2released soon). GpgME master is available on KDE CI and can be built through 22:31
tsimonq2kdesrc-build (kdesrc-build gpgme).22:31
tsimonq2This means that KDE PIM in KDE Applications 16.12 will require GpgME >= 1.7.1 22:31
tsimonq2compiled with the C++ and Qt bindings enabled. We are sorry for the 22:31
tsimonq2inconvenience for packagers, but we hope that it is still early enough for 22:31
tsimonq2everyone to get the new GpgME.22:31
tsimonq2Let us know if there are any issues.22:31
acheronuknew apps are going to take some work22:32
acheronukdebian was uploading 16.08 the other day without PIM, as still no qtwebengine22:33
tsimonq2clivejo: what do I have left to do for the CVE(s)?23:09
tsimonq2clivejo: I've been out of the loop on that for a few days and I'd like to get that finished up23:09
=== ximion is now known as ximion-afk
ScottKtsimonq2: kdepimlibs is done. kcoreaddons for Xenial needs doing.23:37
IrcsomeBot1<CliffordTheBigRedDoggie> I read somewhere that the patch to kdepimlibs causes issue elsewhere, was it tested?23:38
tsimonq2ScottK: thanks23:40
ScottKI tested it23:58

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