
cmarthas anyone tried deploying the Ubuntu 16.04 LTS image since it last updated today? I'm having errors during cloud_init, fails commissioning. on a set of hosts that I just deployed successfully last week.00:11
cmartI get a Python traceback and "failed to start initial cloud-init job" on the console, unsure how to troubleshoot.00:12
cmartis there a way to roll back an image to a version from a few days ago?00:17
cmartIt looks like you're storing some old versions here: http://images.maas.io/ephemeral-v2/daily/xenial/amd64/ Is there a way to tell MAAS to grab one of those?00:31
=== frankban|afk is now known as frankban
mupBug #1632638 opened: [2.1 UI] Include table sorting for device discovery <ui> <ux> <MAAS:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1632638>09:53
mupBug #1632642 opened: [2.1] Device discovery click on row functionality <MAAS:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1632642>09:53
mupBug #1632642 changed: [2.1 UI] Device discovery click on row functionality <ui> <MAAS:Opinion> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1632642>11:38
mupBug #1632642 opened: [2.1 UI] Device discovery click on row functionality <ui> <MAAS:Opinion> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1632642>11:50
mupBug #1632642 changed: [2.1 UI] Device discovery click on row functionality <ui> <MAAS:Opinion> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1632642>11:59
baldpopestokachu, ping12:54
stokachubaldpope: o/12:54
baldpopehad a question in response to bug 163209212:54
baldpopeandrew's question (I believe to you) was asking where is the config done, but I had a follow-up question from yesterday's conversation about the net config12:55
baldpopei was checking out the juju demo pages and (what appears to be) a charm creator - pretty slick btw12:56
stokachubaldpope: ah the juju gui12:56
baldpopeup to this point, i had assumed that the combination of conjure/juju understood the infrastructure it was being deployed to automagically12:57
baldpopestokachu, yea - that's some cool shit12:57
baldpopeso anyway - then it dawned on me - with all the different nics, out there, it's possible that I should be prepping the installation scripts with some specifics about my environment12:57
baldpopeso to finally get to the question - instead of just running the conjure-up openstack - is there some prep work I should have completed to tell about the target environment?12:58
stokachuso with juju you can set constraints to deploy certain applications to specific systems in maas12:58
stokachuwhich you would set in the bundle itself and use conjure-up that way12:59
baldpopebut the application constraints are more about (asking) which applications will be installed, the components, but not necessarily (again asking) about the nics, bonding, vlans, etc?13:00
stokachubaldpope: correct13:00
stokachuin a normal scenario we ask people to make sure all machines have at least 2nics and 2hdds for a successful openstack deployment13:01
stokachuvia maas13:01
baldpopeok, so a 'stock' openstack charm/spell installation is probably fine but then where do I set bonding and the desired vlans, etc13:01
baldpoperight, and each of my nodes are 6 nics and 8 hdd13:01
stokachubaldpope: so the charm would expose some options for you to setup bonding13:02
baldpopeand ignoring the conversation we had last week about nfs/iscsi root, I'd like each node to share the disks to the stack for storage, and each node to be a compute node (if htat's possible)13:02
baldpopestokachu, and the charm can be run either before or after base installation?13:02
stokachuboth, the config changes should apply without failure at any point of the deployment13:03
stokachubaldpope: maas also gives you some flexibility on defines your networks13:04
baldpopeok.. i'm not whining (it's going to sound like it...) ... then why does the conjure-up openstack seem to fail deployment every time I've attempted to deploy, if the base charm/spell should work without any customization to the nics13:04
stokachubaldpope: for openstack novalxd we have control over that environment so it can deploy successfully without any configuration13:05
stokachubaldpope: with maas you still need to perform some configuration via the charm options within conjure-up13:05
baldpopeok, then I think that's the part I've been missing13:05
baldpopeduring the conjure-up, it deploys to 1 host first, from conversation with either you or roaksoax , I recall being advised that most people run that in a VM?13:08
baldpopedoes that host also need dual nics and dual drive?13:08
baldpopemine currently does not13:09
stokachubaldpope: you dont need dual nics/hdds for the controller node13:09
baldpopeand not knowing how to size it, i simply doled out 4gb ram and 32gb disk13:09
stokachuyea that should be plenty13:09
stokachuconjure-up has --bootstrap-to that you can set to make sure that vm host is used for the controller node13:09
stokachuonly applies to a maas deployment13:10
baldpopecool, I noticed that when conjure-up is running, it must sort node names, so I have mine correctly numbers blade0 through blade513:10
baldpopewith 0 being the vm13:10
baldpopebut I like the cli option better - no guess work13:10
stokachuyea i wouldnt rely on that sorting im not sure if that's intentional or not13:11
stokachuthat would probably be a juju question13:11
stokachui thought juju just randomly picked an avaialble machine for the controller node13:11
baldpopefair enough - i'll use the cli option going forward13:11
baldpopei've done it a couple of times now and it always seemed to grab the lowest numbered one - assuming you set them up intentionally through maas instead of doing the auto discover with random host names13:12
stokachuthat would be interesting to find out13:12
stokachui should ask juju guys about it13:12
baldpopei could be wrong - maybe (as you said) could be unintentional side effect13:13
stokachuim asking now ill let you know what they say13:13
baldpopefeature request for maas - can we get the mac address added to the display in maas under the node interface listings - it would help identify which nics are which13:23
baldpopeit says name/mac - but only name is listed13:24
baldpopeah fuck,..13:24
* baldpope sigh13:24
brendandbaldpope, but it could be more obvious, honestly13:31
baldpopethanks, appreciate it13:37
baldpopeactually, my issue was i had the browser window relatively small, and MAC was partially covered13:40
baldpopewhen I expanded the window I realized (finally) the link13:40
baldpopestokachu, possible reason why it's failing, eno1 is listed as the first nic, but it is not the nic that is plugged in13:55
stokachudid you set bridge-mappings to a list of interfaces to try?13:55
baldpopeeno1, along with ens3f1, ens3f2, and ens3f3 are the add-on card13:55
baldpopestokachu, not yea, back and forth with work work13:55
stokachubaldpope: gotcha, try to put them all in the bridge-mappings list13:56
stokachusee if it'll pick up the plugged in one13:56
baldpopestokachu, would I want to bond them together in maas first?13:56
stokachusure you can do that13:56
stokachuyou'd want to do it for all machines13:56
stokachubecause you won't know which one gets picked for neutron-gateway13:56
baldpopeyea, I had planned to configure each in maas the same way13:57
stokachucool yea that should be it then13:57
batkins61I can't find maas-image-builder in either maas-maintainers/stable or maas/stable, as described in the docs.  How do I get an RHEL custom image to install?14:53
brendandbatkins61, yeah that changed14:56
brendandltrager, ^14:56
ltragerbatkins61: you need RHEL not CentOS?14:56
roaksoaxbatkins61: maas-image-builder is no longer available provided it only gave support for CentOS and we now provide centos automatically14:59
brendandroaksoax, docs claim it supports RHEL as well15:00
batkins61roaksoax the web page says RHEL7 too.15:00
batkins61roaksoax 1.7+15:01
batkins61Red Hat logo is also on the main page "Zero-touch deployment of Windows, Ubuntu, CentOS, RHEL and SUSE".    Is there docs on how to access that in 1.9 or 2.0?15:02
blake_rbatkins61: maas.io in the pricing section15:04
roaksoaxbatkins61: that documentation is OLD and it is in the process of being removed15:04
blake_rbatkins61: with Ubuntu Advantange you get access to All operating systems15:04
roaksoaxbatkins61: if you want support for RHEL7, at the moment, you'd need to contact Canonical and get Ubuntu Advantage for MAAS as blake_r just mentioned15:04
batkins61roaksoax blake_r Thanks, that clarifies things15:08
baldpopestokachu, ok, just finished wiring up the bonded nics - you mentioned bridge-mappings earlier - where am I supposed to configure that? in conjure, juju, ?15:22
stokachubaldpope: yea you can do it in conjure-up15:24
stokachuwhen you see the list of applications press the [configure] button next to neutron-gateway15:24
stokachuthere you can enter your mappings15:24
baldpopealso created the bonded nic in maas15:24
baldpopeok, will do that now15:24
* baldpope sigh15:39
baldpopestokachu, have to pick it up in a bit - dev issue going to take my time for a little bit15:39
mupBug #1631934 changed: [2.1] Option to not have MTU values on the bridged interface <MAAS:Invalid> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1631934>16:06
mupBug #1632759 opened: Support for images needs to be clarified <MAAS:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1632759>16:06
mupBug #1632763 opened: [2.1] Device discovery IP Assignment label incorrect <MAAS:Incomplete> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1632763>16:06
PrabakaranHello Team, Getting timeout issue while commissioning the node in MAAS 1.9, Logs are pasted in here  http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/23301741/ could somebody help me on this?16:13
PrabakaranIs there any document or video ref to create a Vrish network which uses DHCP /DNS configuration in maas?16:15
roaksoaxPrabakaran: no there's not. you just need a virsh network that doesn't have DHCP managed by the virsh network16:35
brendandPrabakaran, either use virt-manager -> Edit -> Connection details, or look up virsh net-create16:38
brendandPrabakaran, you can do like:16:39
brendandvirsh net-dumpxml default > maas.xml16:39
brendandremove the <dhcp> section16:39
brendandvirsh net-create maas maas.xml16:40
brendandor rather16:40
brendandvirsh net-create maas.xml (and edit <name> in maas.xml as well)16:40
Prabakaranbrendand:  in the maas console i have edited etho interface management to DHCP + DNS and configured IP, Dynamic ips and Static ip.. Should i reset it also?16:45
=== frankban is now known as frankban|afk
mupBug #1632763 changed: [2.1] Device discovery IP Assignment label incorrect <MAAS:Won't Fix> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1632763>17:54
mupBug #1632804 opened: ROUNDTTT in configure_networking is effectively ignored <MAAS:New> <initramfs-tools (Ubuntu):New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1632804>18:09
mupBug #1632804 changed: ROUNDTTT in configure_networking is effectively ignored <MAAS:New> <initramfs-tools (Ubuntu):New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1632804>18:15
mupBug #1632804 opened: ROUNDTTT in configure_networking is effectively ignored <MAAS:New> <initramfs-tools (Ubuntu):New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1632804>18:24
mupBug #1632808 opened: configure_networking exits without any ipv6 routes <maas-ipv6> <MAAS:New> <initramfs-tools (Ubuntu):New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1632808>18:24
mupBug #1632815 opened: Node failed to be released, because of the following error: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'addErrback' <MAAS:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1632815>18:45
mupBug #1632853 opened: [2.1] Observed neighbours should be avoided when assigning IP addresses <MAAS:Triaged by mpontillo> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1632853>20:49
baldpopestokachu, neutron-gateway/bridge-mappings20:58
baldpopeset to bond0.$vlan ?20:58
mupBug #1632853 changed: [2.1] Observed neighbours should be avoided when assigning IP addresses <MAAS:Triaged by mpontillo> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1632853>21:07
mupBug #1632853 opened: [2.1] Observed neighbours should be avoided when assigning IP addresses <MAAS:Triaged by mpontillo> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1632853>21:10
=== valeech_ is now known as valeech
mupBug #1632862 opened: [2.1. Yakkety] "Map subnet" action doesn't work <MAAS:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1632862>21:40
mupBug #1632862 changed: [2.1. Yakkety] "Map subnet" action doesn't work <MAAS:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1632862>21:43
mupBug #1632862 opened: [2.1. Yakkety] "Map subnet" action doesn't work <MAAS:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1632862>21:49

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