
mupBug #1619245 changed: console-conf does not allow to create a user for offline devices <Snappy:Fix Released> <subiquity (Ubuntu):Invalid> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1619245>00:15
mwhudsonum why am i waiting for cloud-init to time out today00:55
ahoneybunmhall119: popey still kicking?01:02
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mupPR snapcraft#865 opened: Add `init-plugin`  <Created by jaymell> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/865>06:05
dholbachgood morning06:12
dholbachdidrocks, davidcalle, do you think we could steal a bit of the playpen CI and document it so we can explain upstreams how to set up a build/publication run with CI in a doc somewhere?06:33
dholbachethercalc just merged my snapcraft.yaml and they seem interested06:34
didrocksdholbach: sure, but it only produces amd64 snaps06:35
didrocksdholbach: I'm going to go to a dark hole (recording some videos)06:35
didrocksbut we can discuss afterwards06:35
dholbachdidrocks, sure, let's chat later06:36
mupPR snapd#2137 opened: tests: run ubuntu-core-upgrade on own machine <Created by niemeyer> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/2137>06:42
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mupPR snapd#2136 closed: tests/lib: prepare ubuntu-core with core from beta <Created by niemeyer> <Closed by niemeyer> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/2136>07:59
om26erwhere to find latest all-snap for RPi2 that is not 4gb in size ?08:04
pittiogra_, morphis, slangasek: nplan is now in xenial-updates, including all NM and systemd fixes; so you should be able to drop these from the overlay PPA08:38
pitti(it also includes that NM naming hack)08:38
om26erdoes static ip + custom dns work now ? (I remember there was an issue with that)08:40
ogra_pitti, YAY !09:08
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dr1337_ogra_: what's the best place to start to build a system image for an IoT device using snappy core?09:38
ogra_dr1337_, what hardware ?09:39
dr1337_ogra_: ARMv7a09:39
dr1337_ogra_: BSP is kind of working at the moment09:39
ogra_is it supported by a kernel we have ? (linke linux-generic)09:39
dr1337_ogra_: I'm using mainline at the moment09:39
ogra_no patches ?09:40
dr1337_ogra_: 4.8.1 so I guess I could just merge the patches09:40
dr1337_ogra_: no patches09:40
ogra_ok, so kernel side you might be able to just use the arhive kernel. that makes it easier09:40
ogra_dr1337_, http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ogra/+junk/linux-generic-bbb/files this is what i use to build the beaglebone kernel snap from the archive kernel deb09:41
dr1337_you mean this? - https://github.com/snapcore/sample-kernels/tree/master09:41
ogra_you might need to switch it to yakkety somehow09:42
ogra_once you have this done you need to create a proper bootloader setup ... we only support uboot and grub atm09:43
dr1337_ogra_ isn't xenial supported yet?09:43
ogra_xenial doesnt have 4.8 debs09:43
dr1337_ogra_: I have uboot and kernel loading09:43
ogra_right, you will need to make some adjustments to the build time config of uboot09:43
dr1337_ogra_: I actually have a rootfs running 16.04.1 core base09:44
ogra_we load our environment from a binary blob file and only support raw kernel and initrd loading .... these three things need to be enabled in your uboot binary09:44
ogra_then you need to create the binary blob from your default uboot env and add the snappy specific script and variables09:45
ogra_once you have all this working, you wrap it together with image partitioning info into a gadget snap09:46
dr1337_ogra_ what's the binary blob file for?09:46
dr1337_could you point me in the direction of some documentation?09:46
ogra_it is similar to uEnv.txt ... but since it has a fixed size you can not corrupt it easily when the filesystem underneath gets issues ...09:47
ogra_not yet, i have to write some :)09:47
dr1337_ogra_ is that similar to a boot.scr file?09:48
ogra_during the boot process both, uboot itself as well as the booted OS can write to the config ... if you use a uEnv.txt file on top of a fat system things can get shuffled around and at some point your file gets corrupt09:48
ogra_no, it is an actually binary blob, imagine a raw partition for the config ... now take the content and put it into a img file ... that is more how it works09:49
ogra_that are our gadget snap source trees09:50
ogra_http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~snappy-dev/snappy-hub/snappy-systems/view/head:/beagleblack/README explains how the binary blob gets created09:51
ogra_and here is an example of the uboot config changes we use http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~snappy-dev/snappy-hub/snappy-systems/view/head:/pi3/uboot.patch09:51
om26erpitti: in netplan world how can I disable wireless power management, any pointers ?09:56
pittiom26er: that's outside of netplan or even NM; I suggest starting with powertop09:56
pittithat has toggles for everything, and also shows you which sysfs attribute to toggle09:57
dr1337_ogra_: thanks mate09:57
pitti(for scripting it)09:57
ogra_dr1337_, i'll most likely do a series of blog posts soon and work with the doc team on a proper porting guide09:57
ogra_just need to find some time :)09:57
dr1337_ogra_ would love to find out more - we have plans on putting ubuntu core on our "hub" for production09:58
om26er... if I can get that running on a Pi09:58
dr1337_essentially it's a resurrected ninja sphere ;)09:59
ogra_awesome ... !09:59
dr1337_ogra_: a bit painful though - working with more exotic hardware this time09:59
ogra_well, that shouldnt get in your way for doing a basic port10:00
ogra_and since there is a beaglebone setup deriving from it shouldnt be to hard for your setup10:00
dr1337_ogra_ well I did spend a whole day banging my head against the table why i couldn't get a UART TTY working with a core rootfs10:01
dr1337_turns out it was missing udev10:01
ogra_you mean a base rootfs ?10:01
dr1337_which is kind of understandable if you're running core fore cloud VMs10:01
ogra_(core definitely has udev ;) )10:01
dr1337_ogra_ not this guy - http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-base/releases/16.04/release/ubuntu-base-16.04-core-arm64.tar.gz10:03
dr1337_actually i meant this one - http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-base/releases/16.04/release/ubuntu-base-16.04-core-armhf.tar.gz10:04
ogra_dr1337_, well, the core in there is wrong :)10:06
ogra_(in the name i mean)10:06
dr1337_ogra_: erm....wtf?10:07
ogra_the "core" named image is just for backwards compatibility ... technically the core name is now reserved for snappy10:07
ogra_and the old "core" was completely renamed to "base"10:08
dr1337_ogra_: omg...if only i had known10:08
ogra_and base is a way smaller packageset10:08
ogra_(it is pretty much exactly what you get with "debootstrap --minbase")10:09
dr1337_ogra_ yeah makes sense now10:10
om26erpitti: I was able to disable wifi power management from classic environment on all-snap. (iwconfig, the friend :)10:17
om26erogra_: it adds lxd group but lxd still does not start, AFAIK, lxd needs to be a system group10:18
om26erzyga: 'home' interface does not connect automatically when I install my snap, is that a bug ?10:19
om26ermy snapcraft.yaml looks like this http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~om26er/+junk/crossbar-snap-pkg/revision/110:20
om26ernetwork and network-bind connect automatically however.10:20
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ogra_om26er, so make it one10:34
ogra_(the -r option to groupadd makes it one)10:35
om26erogra_: how can I delete the previously added lxd group ?10:39
ogra_om26er, hmm, i guess that only works manually10:40
om26erogra_: know the filename/location ?10:41
ogra_(remove it from /var/lib/extrausers/group and /var/lib/extrausers/gshadow)10:41
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Brad_Hi John.11:45
Brad_Is anyone creating snaps, here?11:47
mupPR snapcraft#863 closed: history/status alignment fixes <Created by cprov> <Merged by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/863>11:53
mupPR snapcraft#864 closed: Update documentation links to developer.ubuntu.com that now redirect … <Created by robert-ancell> <Merged by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/864>11:56
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liuxgsergiusens, ping13:04
sergiusensliuxg just ask the question ;-)13:08
liuxgsergiusens, last time, I reported a bug regarding installing a local debian package. https://bugs.launchpad.net/snapcraft/+bug/1604669, it was fixed. My question is that how I can make use of it. is there any example for it? thanks13:09
mupBug #1604669: Support Installing a local deb package in the snapcraft <Snapcraft:Fix Released by sergiusens> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1604669>13:09
sergiusensliuxg just do source: <path to source>13:09
liuxgsergiusens, what plugin should I use?13:10
sergiusensliuxg sources and plugins are orthogonal13:10
sergiusensliuxg but I guess if you just want to unpack, use dump13:11
liuxgsergiusens,  yes, I just want to install a local debian only. OK. I will have a try. thanks. so "orthogonal" should also work, right?13:12
sergiusensliuxg USE dump13:15
liuxgsergiusens, many thanks13:15
rharperogra_: hi, I've been trying to find out which part of the build process (using ubuntu-image and my own provided core snap I rebuilt with a PPA to inject a new cloud-init with some snappy changes for system-user assertion);  injects the /etc/cloud/cloud-init.disabled into the system-data partition ... I didn't see anything in the core snap, nor in the pc.gadget or ubuntu-image tool ...13:44
ogra_rharper, it is actually snap prepare-image i think ... it will create the file if it finds no cloud-init stuff inside the gadget ... then ubuntu-image just blindly copies /etc inot the img13:45
ogra_so to have it not created you need to ship your cloud-init configuration in the gadget snap ... now ... i dont exactly know how the format has to be ... you have to ask someone from the snapd team .... mvo perhaps13:46
rharperogra_: ok, is prepare image part of ubuntu-build ?   a quick grep through mvo's git repo of ubuntu-build didn't hit any lines with cloud-init.disabled13:46
ogra_prepare-image is a snap command ... "snap prepare-image"13:47
ogra_ubuntu-image just calls it13:47
rharperthere's a whole lot of indirection here =)13:47
* rharper goes to read snapd prepare-image code13:47
ogra_rharper, https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/210113:47
mupPR snapd#2101: image: support gadget specific cloud.conf file <Created by mvo5> <Merged by niemeyer> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/2101>13:47
rharperogra_: thanks13:47
ogra_that looks relevant13:47
ogra_for deeper insight ask niemeyer or mvo13:48
ogra_(i.e. i have no clue whats the expected format inside that file, where it lands on the filesystem etc etc)13:49
* rharper goes to make his own gadget snap13:50
* ogra_ sticks his head back into wifiSD card code13:51
mupPR snapd#2138 opened: many: removed frameworks target, and some leftover frameworks helpers… <Created by chipaca> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/2138>13:52
attentepitti: hey, about #1580740, i see two problems. one is the fake xdg-open script can't be found by the script (which i think is a problem with the snap itself), the other is that nothing is pulling in snapd-xdg-open on the iso14:12
mupBug #1580740: [SRU] Cannot open a browser link from a snap that provides a link <snap-desktop-issue> <verification-done> <Snappy:Triaged> <snapd-xdg-open (Ubuntu):Confirmed> <snapd-xdg-open (Ubuntu Xenial):Fix Committed> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1580740>14:12
ogra_attente, i thought the first one was a snap-confine issue14:16
attenteogra_: i think the problem is that we don't have the fake xdg-open script anywhere that the snap can find it14:19
ogra_it should be in /usr/lical/bin inside of the ubuntu-core snap14:19
seb128it's in the ubuntu-core snap no?14:19
seb128that dir is not in the path though14:20
attenteogra_: seb128: i did a strace, but it doesn't find it at all14:20
ogra_(or in future-speak ... in the core snap :)14:20
seb128attente, is the binary there on disk?14:20
seb128dunno if ubuntu-core got updated to have it14:20
ogra_ogra@styx:~$ ls /snap/ubuntu-core/current/usr/local/bin/14:20
ogra_apt  apt-cache  apt-get  no-apt  xdg-open14:20
seb128it was outdated for a while, I had to change channel to get it14:20
seb128but that was like in august14:20
seb128it might be because that dir is not in PATH14:21
attenteso the telegram snap needs to add it to the path then?14:21
ogra_it should be ... but to be sure you can indeed add it to PATH in your wrapper14:21
seb128but j_dstrand said it was weird to have in /usr/local anyway14:22
sergiusensattente what is the path?14:22
seb128we should probably just move it to /usr/bin14:22
sergiusensthe path I need to add that is14:22
ogra_seb128, tricky ... since the original lives there14:22
sergiusensyeah, that would be best seb12814:22
attentesergiusens: /snap/ubuntu-core/current/usr/local/bin14:22
seb128ogra_, but the original is not in the ubuntu-core snap14:22
ogra_so on pd based systems you would have a clash14:22
sergiusensogra_ welcome dpkg divert ;-)14:23
ogra_i.e. it would require quite some dpkg-divert hackery if you want to use similar build scripts for both snaps14:23
attentethe other problem still exists too. nothing pulls in snapd-xdg-open on the iso and it isn't seeded14:23
ogra_which is awful14:23
seb128attente, sergiusens, is that snap trying to call xdg-open directly? we have a .desktop that makes the mimetype association so gio functions should work14:23
seb128attente, right, snapd should probably recommends it?14:24
seb128but that's up to mvo I guess14:24
ogra_attente, i think it was supposed to be merged into either snaapd or snap-confine14:24
sergiusensseb128 honestly have no idea; but I have seen direct calls in some other code14:24
attenteseb128: strace seems to show it looking for the xdg-open binary14:24
ogra_the sepearate package was an interim afaik14:24
seb128well try the PATH thing14:24
ogra_ogra@styx:~$ hello-world.env |grep ^PATH14:25
ogra_yeah, not in PATH by default ... but i think the desktop launchers add it14:25
seb128is that snap using the desktop launcher?14:25
ogra_(we could just stuff it into /usr/games instead of /usr/local :P )14:26
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rharpercreated an updated pc gadget to include some cloud-init config, build the gadget snap, updated my model to use the new gadget, signed the model and now building, I get a prepare-image failure, http://paste.ubuntu.com/23313239/15:05
rharperanyone ever debug a "ERROR:ubuntu-image:Crash in state machine" with prepare-image ?15:05
ogra_rharper, well, it says it cant find your gadget snap15:14
ilivhow can I donwload source of package (snapcraft.yaml, etc.) for a package that can be installed with snap install $SNAP?15:16
mupPR snapd#2137 closed: tests: run ubuntu-core-upgrade on isolated machine <Created by niemeyer> <Merged by niemeyer> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/2137>15:18
ogra_iliv, you ahve to ask the packager for it15:20
ilivogra_, okay, thanks!15:24
rharperogra_: hrm, I thought the syntax for a local gadget snap was the name of the snap (without the .snap) extension?15:32
ogra_in the assertion, yeah15:33
rharperogra_: here's the model assertion I have http://paste.ubuntu.com/23313336/15:35
ogra_rharper, everything after the underscore is a version string ... drop it15:36
ogra_you only want the name (pc)15:36
rharperok, but the .snap file I pass via --extra-snaps is OK to include that string? or just rename it all ?15:37
ogra_i think it doesnt matter15:37
rharpergot it working now; thanks !15:38
om26erHi! One of the projects that I am snapping reads /var/lib/dbus/machine-id, in strict mode it gives me permission denied, what's the remedy ?15:54
naccom26er: presumably an interface to dbus / that file15:55
mupPR snapd#2135 closed: cmd/snap: simplify auto-import mountinfo parsing <Created by niemeyer> <Merged by niemeyer> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/2135>16:01
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mupBug #1632453 opened: snapd won't start on dragonboard <Snappy:New> <snapd (Ubuntu):New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1632453>16:03
om26ernacc: right, so it seems instead of permission denied, the issue is that it cannot find that file within its path. So as you say an interface might help here (not sure though what the solution would be).16:18
naccom26er: right, in the snap itself, i doubt that file exists16:18
naccom26er: /var/lib/dbus may not exist either, possibly16:18
naccom26er: you may want to look at adding a 'shell' application to drop to a shell in your snap's environment to debug16:19
naccom26er: and then you could see if adding appropriate pacakge dependencies would fix it (i doubt it, as that's a runtime file)16:19
naccom26er: by default, i don't think your snap has any dbus connection16:19
sergiusensnarc om26er snap run --shell <snap-name.app-name>16:20
naccsergiusens: ah cool, thanks!16:20
sergiusensnarc ^16:20
naccsergiusens: i thought it might exist, but couldn't recall :)16:20
sergiusensdarn. Double fail16:20
sergiusensAutocorrect kills me with irc handles16:21
om26ernacc: sergiusens right, so whats the solution :)16:22
sergiusensom26er simple one is to make it not depend on /var/lib/dbus16:23
naccom26er: i'm guessing either remove that dep, or add an interface that provides it to snaps16:23
om26ersergiusens: hmm, that's an upstream project that I don't control.16:24
om26erto be precise: https://github.com/crossbario/crossbar16:24
naccom26er: it falls back though?16:25
naccom26er: in the code, if it can't read machine-id, it falls back to socket.gethostname()16:26
* sergiusens wonders why everyone is so afraid of forking16:26
sergiusensit is the BETTER patching afer all16:26
nacc"On Linux, it is universally available, given that "16:27
naccsergiusens: snaps do violate some public blog posts :)16:27
naccfwiw, that's the link in crossbar's source as to why they picked that file16:28
om26ernacc: not sure if it fallbacks, it rather just skips, so the config file ultimately does not have machine_id. I have seen multiple times that causing some kind of error from crossbar16:28
om26eradding the machine id manually fixes that, so its a bug16:28
naccom26er: oh it might be that socket.gethostname() returns nothing? depends on where it's run, i guess16:28
naccom26er: a bug in what? i'd say it's a bug in your snap :)16:29
sergiusensnacc I bet you can use /proc/self/sessionid16:29
naccsergiusens: ack16:29
naccit seems to be just an arbitrary string to uniquely identify the machine16:29
om26ernacc: yes, thats that I mean :)16:29
naccom26er: so i'd fork and try with something that is available to snaps (just point to your github tree instead of upstream) -- probably can even do a PR to update upstream eventually? Or add an actual interface (if you want), but the latter is probably slower16:30
om26ernacc: any thing that requires changes upstream is a deal breaker IMO. So would try the slower path but I think there have been conversations on @snapcraft about accessing files from other system directories, so I'll keep a close eye on that.16:31
naccom26er: why? you can fork trivially in github and build against your fork?16:32
sergiusensom26er I disagree about changing upstream16:32
sergiusenswith that mind set nothing new would ever happen16:32
om26ernacc: I am working with upstream to get their package officially uploaded. this whole app-my_name scheme is what I am trying to avoid.16:34
naccom26er: right, but it's not reasonable to say you can snap your application without any modifications16:35
naccthere are assumptions being made, such as this one assumign d-bus is present in the snap16:35
nacc*accessible perhaps16:35
om26ersergiusens: historically its been proved that not all upstreams feel excited to change their code to work with a specific project, so the status-quo does exist. Something that cannot be denied.16:39
om26ernacc: assumption based on suggestions from people working on systemd and pulseaudio and probably dbus.16:39
naccom26er: yes, still an assumption16:40
sergiusensom26er the discussion for me is over as you are not even trying16:57
ogra_niemeyer, dude !17:55
* ogra_ goes offline18:05
Croephahi, is anyone familiar with an issue where running /snap/bin/ubuntu-image fails when calling snap prepare-image with a complaint about opening the model assertion with no such file or directory, but when I run snap prepare-image directly with the same arguments it works?20:10
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mupBug #1632886 opened: [Feature Request] Per App Firewall Settings <Snappy:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1632886>23:21

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