
zakihi Kilos05:51
Kiloshi zaki 05:52
zakihow are u Kilos05:58
Kilosok ty and you zaki 06:37
zakii'm fine.06:45
pavlushkaHello everyone:16:50
pavlushkazaki: watched the match?16:50
pavlushkaHello Tuhin Tanvir :) 16:52
pavlushkaTuhin: So, did you watched the match?16:53
pavlushkaTuhin: good for you, coz we lost it.16:54
Tuhinyeah thats why i stopped watching long time ago16:55
Tuhinwe watch , and when we lose , i feel bad, upset and feel like it was waste of time...16:56
pavlushkaoey `[R] | Researcher why in disguise?17:20
zakihi pavlushka17:23
pavlushkahi zaki :)17:24
zakiwhat about the match17:25
zakiI'm  feeling sorry for imrul kayes. 17:26
pavlushkawe lost it17:26
pavlushkawe almost lost it when we lose the toss.17:26
zakimay be17:27
pavlushkactg's dew point is much higher, so in 2nd innings, you got 2 opponent, England and dew17:28
zakiwhat are u doing?17:33
pavlushkanothing, but need to be prepared for tomorrow, :)17:34
zakiwhat are u going to do tomorrow?17:35
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