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TheMusoHey hikiko.05:19
hikikoHi TheMuso :-)05:20
pittiGood morning06:15
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davmor2Morning all07:57
Laneycough cough spluttery cough08:02
seb128hey Laney flexiondotorg davmor208:02
pittiLaney: morning! argh, got a cold?08:02
Laneyhey seb128 & pitti, how are you?08:02
flexiondotorgLaney, seb128 pitti o/08:02
pittibonjour seb128, hey flexiondotorg!08:02
Laneypitti: a bit; the cold phase is over and now the cough phase is setting in08:02
flexiondotorgLaney, sounds like hot toddy season then.08:03
LaneyI might go out to Boots and get one of those really thick cough syrups08:04
seb128don't feel like you have to bring it for next week ;-)08:04
* seb128 sends Laney back to bed with some tea08:04
seb128you need rest and to get better!08:05
Laneybah, next week08:05
Laneyit needs to be better by friday!08:05
seb128beer drinking is not what you need to recover!08:05
flexiondotorgBeer makes everything better08:09
LaneyIt'll erase all memories of the illness, and if I can't remember it then it didn't happen08:09
davmor2Laney: get some broncho stop pastilles not the syrup08:10
Laneybroncho stop sounds terrifying08:10
LaneyI could get some of those bricks from down the road and go walk into the Trent too08:10
davmor2Laney: we found them to be the most effective cough remedy and because they are pastilles you can carry them around with you08:12
Laneydavmor2: thanks for the tip :P08:14
davmor2Laney: just looking you for you dude :)08:14
willcookeam I really here08:15
seb128oh, I was going to comment on wether the flu got you down08:16
seb128hey willcooke08:16
willcookeinternet is all screwy today it seems08:17
davmor2willcooke: this is not the internet you are paying for........droids and looking damn it I'll get that quote right one of these times ;)08:18
willcookeseb128, Laney flexiondotorg - https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-themes/+bug/157881008:19
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1578810 in Wireshark "Insensitive (disabled) toolbar icons in GTK3 are not dimmed" [Undecided,New]08:19
willcookeI'm not sure about this one08:19
willcookeBecause I tried the wireshark example, and its fine for me08:19
willcooke(comment 12_08:19
flexiondotorgwillcooke, I'll take a look at wireshark.08:26
flexiondotorgDo an install with the new iso now.08:26
willcookeI just loaded it here, started a capture and it looks fine08:26
willcookeflexiondotorg, they're talking about X08:27
flexiondotorgwillcooke, You mentioned your working on "docs" explaining what to install in a Unity 8 session to make it more complete.08:27
flexiondotorgANy chance you can put that somewhere to collaborate?08:27
flexiondotorgAh, OK. Xenial.08:28
willcookesent you a link08:28
TheMusoHey folks.08:29
willcookehey TheMuso08:30
seb128willcooke, wireshark looks fine on my xenial08:34
seb128in any case https://code.launchpad.net/~malaperle/ubuntu-themes/ubuntu-themes/+merge/294568 seems like it oculd makes sense to me08:38
seb128to be confirmed by somebody who is more familiar with gtk css though08:38
seb128so you willcooke or Laney :-)08:38
willcookeseb128, I think you mean flexiondotorg ;P08:38
seb128or him!08:38
* flexiondotorg ducks08:38
seb128flexiondotorg, congrats on being our new theme maintainer08:39
willcookeit's a trap08:39
willcookethey did that to me08:39
flexiondotorgAnd I'm in it now.08:39
seb128you guys don't get to complain08:40
seb128it used to be that the newest team member gets to maintain compiz08:40
seb128you can ask didrocks08:40
flexiondotorgLet's just all agree to stick with GTK 3.22 for-ev-er! ;-)08:40
seb128isn't that was upstream is sort of doing?08:54
seb128I think they are preparing things for the next gtk08:54
seb128so 3.2x should stop changing in the next cycle(s)08:54
flexiondotorgYep, that is how I understand it.08:55
LaneyThat doesn't let you off maintaining the theme08:57
LaneyIt has to work with the newer versions08:57
seb128right, but it let you off fixing applications that didn't change just because gtk update is slightly incompatible08:59
jbichaflexiondotorg: it just increases your fun because you'll get to maintain the theme for gtk2 and gtk3 and gtk4, etc.09:00
jbichagood morning09:00
seb128hey jbicha09:00
seb128well "maintain"09:00
seb128gtk2 and gtk3 themes don't have reasons to require more work if you are happy with the current look of things09:00
LaneyI think you'll end up doing all the changes you otherwise would have done, just to a new branch and not the existing one09:03
LaneyIt's of course true to say that things built against the old version won't change appearance09:04
seb128right, theme work is the same09:05
seb128but thinks like eclipse or libreoffice looking wrong because gtk changed under theme and confuse their code is going to get better09:05
seb128no going around looking what UI are buggy after a gtk update09:06
seb128you just get to check things that you opt in to use the new version09:06
seb128which is much easier to manage09:06
Laneyk, I think that's what I said so we agree09:07
seb128seems so09:07
seb128good :-)09:07
seb128Laney, btw how was your dns this morning?09:07
seb128still had to restart things manually?09:08
Laneyit worked actually09:08
LaneyI didn't use the laptop in between last night though09:08
Laneynot sure if that was a factor or not09:09
LaneyGoing out to find some of those lung stopper things what davmor2 recommended10:12
Laneyback in a few10:12
seb128Trevinho, bug #1632656 seems a new segfault in yakkety10:29
ubot5bug 1632656 in compiz (Ubuntu) "/usr/bin/compiz:11:unity::input::Monitor::Impl::UpdateEventMonitor:unity::input::Monitor::Impl::~Impl:std::default_delete:std::unique_ptr:unity::input::Monitor::~Monitor" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/163265610:29
Trevinhomh, yeah, might bee a new one... It shoud happen during shutdown though... I also thought I had a branch, but maybe it was fixed in something not merged yet10:30
seb128hey Trevinho btw :-) how are you?10:31
Trevinhoseb128: hey, good... Still some cough, but not bad10:31
Trevinhoseb128: you?10:31
seb128I'm good thanks10:34
* Laney meows10:52
Laneydavmor2: that cat was basically tripping me up all the way down the street10:52
LaneyEXTREMELY friendly10:52
davmor2Laney: hahahaha10:52
Laneysome guy in a car laughed at me10:53
davmor2Laney: I can only assume you smell of catnip, fish or Dreamies :D10:54
* willcooke sniffs laney10:57
willcookeOT: Why is all royalty free music bobbins10:57
davmor2willcooke: because it is royalty free ;)  have a look and see if blind divine still have some CC music10:59
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ricotzSweet5hark1, hi, please note that the libreoffice source are split, so if you apply a patch to the binary code which doesnt affect the translation, you don't have to upload/rebuild the l10n package12:27
chrisccoulsonhmmm, firefox looks awful in yakkety (with the bold outline around the awesomebar and searchbar). Who broke the theming? ;)15:39
seb128gtk upstream!15:40
chrisccoulsoncan I statically link the old gtk in to firefox? It really does look bad15:41
seb128the theme needs tweaks I guess15:41
chrisccoulsonPerhaps I should use firefox a bit more15:42
seb128nobody reported the issue?15:42
seb128is that new from firefox 49?15:42
chrisccoulsonseb128, I'm not sure, I've not been using yakkety that long15:43
seb128flexiondotorg was looking at some firefox theming issues I think15:44
chrisccoulsonI was only joking about the static linking thing btw ;)15:45
seb128I know :-)15:45
seb128chrisccoulson, https://code.launchpad.net/~flexiondotorg/ubuntu-themes/lp1624738/+merge/30803215:45
chrisccoulsonseb128, ah, excellent. Thanks :)15:46
seb128those as well15:46
chrisccoulsonThat's good. I'm glad those are being worked on :)15:47
seb128shame that was not on time to land on the iso15:48
* willcooke sings the respin song15:48
seb128better to sing to the post LTS version song15:48
flexiondotorgseb128, Yeah, I'm workin on those FF tweaks.15:48
flexiondotorgI've improved my tooling in the process to catch what Laney observed.15:49
willcookeseb128, :D15:49
Laneyoh it's hardly awful, don't be over dramatic16:12
seb128time for some sport, bbl16:23
Laneybye seb128!16:30
Laneysport well, sport hard, sport often16:30
davmor2Laney: how's the cough now?17:26
Laneystill there, but acceptable17:27
Laneygoing to skip climbing to let it get a bit better though /o\17:27
willcooke3rd attempt to capture this screencast without something crashing halfway through19:37
willcookeor running out of disk space19:38
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willcookenight all20:41
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Laneyah man21:45
Laneyfirefox done forgot my history21:46
TheMusoLaney: Wow never heard of that happening before.21:48
sarnoldfirefox without history: modern-day equivalent of a lobotomy?22:45
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