
brobostigonmorning boys and girls.06:01
diploMorning all07:01
diploHow're things brobostigon ?07:10
brobostigonnot great if i am honest, and you?07:13
diploSimilar but plodding on :)07:14
davmor2Morning all07:57
JamesTaitGood morning all!  Happy Wednesday, and happy Emergency Nurses Day! 😃09:23
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* diddledan cuddles everyone09:32
TwistedLucidityUnwarranted physical contact is assault.09:33
* TwistedLucidity summons the cuddle police09:33
davmor2JamesTait: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L68nlTMVExw09:42
davmor2diddledan: there's a nice one for you :)09:42
diddledanwell this ubuntu-devel mailing list thread finally got a smile out of me by quoting HHGTTG10:29
diddledanref: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel-discuss/2016-October/017046.html10:29
diddledanI guess the hip and cool kids refer to the guide as H2G2 these days?10:31
zmoylan-pithe cool kids have no idea what a reference book is anymore10:31
diddledanreally? I thought geekery would never be out of vogue10:32
diddledanor was it never *in* vogue in the first place?10:32
zmoylan-piif it's not online it doesn't exist10:32
diddledanI really must read rule3410:32
zmoylan-pigo to any physical book shop and look at their reference section...10:33
diddledanhaha, *physical* book shop!10:33
diddledanthe last one of those went years ago :-p10:33
davmor2diddledan: to be honest you'd just say 42 and be done people would be on the floor at that point ;)10:34
zmoylan-pistill a fair few around dublin but the second hand book shops i preferred are almost gone10:34
diddledanoh, well dublin is a bit backasswards10:34
diddledanrain all year indeed!10:35
diddledanwho would put-up with that without filing a protest to the church?!10:35
zmoylan-pidublin is only city to have 3 folk who won noble prizes for literature born there...10:36
diddledan"we, the undersigned, politely request that the church consider the reinstatement of sunlight during the summer months"10:36
davmor2diddledan: that's not rain that the tears of the people who long for the Sun10:37
zmoylan-piyou don't miss what you never had :-)10:38
davmor2diddledan, zmoylan-pi: I still love Rhod Gilberts introduction of Wales of I was 11 before I realised you could take a Kagool off the bible said it rained for 40 days and 40 nights that's still the best summer I ever remember10:40
zmoylan-pii like that newgrange a solar temple was built in ireland as was the largest telescope in the world for quite a while at birr castle... http://birrcastle.com/telescope-astronomy/ talk about optimists... :-)10:44
diddledanlol. I like that10:46
zmoylan-pinice the telescope has an entry in h2g2... https://h2g2.com/edited_entry/A8783547710:56
zmoylan-pi::futurama voice:: welcome to the future... http://www.telegraph.co.uk/technology/2016/10/12/man-spends-11-hours-trying-to-make-cup-of-tea-with-wi-fi-kettle/11:24
foobarrythats nothing compared to fixing xorg.conf back in the day11:27
foobarryor the time i just spent taping my headphone jack to my pc to make it work11:27
zmoylan-piback in the days you could make a vga monitor explode...11:27
foobarryneeded that to hear vocals11:28
zmoylan-pishape of the case stopped the jack been plugged in properly?11:28
diddledanheadphone cables always break internally for me11:32
diddledanmeans I can wiggle it and the sound will come and go as I do so11:32
zmoylan-pii can count the number of headphones that have broken on me on one hand... and usually not my fault... i wonder what the people who break so many pairs do to break them11:33
davmor2zmoylan-pi: most people use them too loud11:33
diddledanI don't like really loud11:34
zmoylan-pii prefer high quality sound over loud11:35
diddledanI prefer sound at a nice normal human level11:35
zmoylan-piso i use isolating/noise cancelling headphones11:35
davmor2zmoylan-pi: as for cables people pull on them if it is phone headphones by putting the phone in a pocket that stretches the cable on pcs/laptops they roll between machines and tug on the cable and the coil the cables too11:35
zmoylan-pihas to be said, some phones have terrible head phone sockets in bad places so that if you put phone in a pocket it will put pressure on the socket ::glares at nokia e71::11:36
zmoylan-pithen again... at least they had a headphone jack :-)11:37
foobarrymy wife broke the earphone cable through wear and tear11:51
foobarryso it neeed pressure at a certain point on the jack connector11:51
foobarryto get extra instruments and vocals11:52
foobarryreally weird how certain freuqencies disappear11:52
foobarrywhen the wire is dodgy11:52
zmoylan-piget in ear headphones... she won't want to share :-)11:53
foobarrythere are11:55
foobarrythey are her ones i replaced them like a loving husband11:56
foobarrybut was sure they could be used if taped down11:56
zmoylan-pisounds like she'd be an ideal user for bt11:59
diddledanhow about a pair of those apple wireless ones? :-p12:11
* diddledan drops the mic and wanders-off to get cake12:11
diddledanmr kipling, you do make exceedingly good cakes12:13
daftykinsbiggest BSOD i think i have seen, in a shopping mall in Houston - TX: http://i.imgur.com/lGr3ys3.jpg12:34
zmoylan-pieverything is bigger in texas12:36
daftykinsi received the tool to open this old duck today \o/ https://www.dropbox.com/sh/w1ys15didhssdi2/AACQyG1buPxdGbs_AQvUmhgZa?dl=012:38
daftykinsi've just ordered a capacitor set for £4.50 which should hopefully fix that up12:39
zmoylan-piand leave it were some kids are baffled as to why they can't access snapchat? :-)12:42
diddledanjust got an alert that I'm included in the leaked data. I have no idea who this company is14:13
Seekerdiddledan: I'd guess something to do with car insurance14:31
Seekerbecause of the "vehicle data"14:31
diddledannope, don't got a car14:31
davmor2diddledan: house insurance14:32
diddledandavmor2: don't got a house :-p14:44
davmor2if it store insurance it could be any type so household, buildings, gadgets, car bike and so on14:44
davmor2diddledan: not to mention health and life :)14:45
diddledandon't got a life!14:45
diddledanwhere do we find these lives to live?14:45
davmor2diddledan: hey there are people who have freetime I thought it was all a big myth14:48
ali1234what is the correct way to monitor rtnetlink?18:52
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diddledanwonder what these globals are about.. a hidden hub being rebooted sounds nefarious :-p23:46

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