
floridagram<KMyers> @Ivoriesablaze, Nice17:36
floridagram<ahoneybun> right in the feels17:37
floridagram<KMyers> @Ivoriesablaze / @RazPi - Are you going to come this weekend?17:40
floridagram<Ivoriesablaze> Today or tomorrow? No, this car thing is really holding me back17:43
floridagram<ahoneybun> on Saturday is an Ubuntu Hour17:43
floridagram<KMyers> Saturday actually17:43
floridagram<Ivoriesablaze> Oh yeah, today's Wednesday, I forgot, I'm taking off today bc of Yom Kippur17:47
floridagram<RazPi> @KMyers I'll hve to see if I finish my task before saturday but otherwise would love to18:07
floridagram<KMyers> Let me know so I can arrange transit18:08
floridagram<KMyers> I NEED to do something... The family I have had in town have left18:08
floridagram<SivaMachina> heckle Apple people outside of an Apple store?18:13
floridagram<SivaMachina> http://abcnews.go.com/US/fearing-hurricane-matthew-florida-family-parks-car-living/story?id=4264237518:17
floridagram<SivaMachina> Florida18:18
floridagram<KMyers> How the...18:18
floridagram<Ivoriesablaze> Can't make it Saturday :-(21:48
floridagram<Ivoriesablaze> Knee pain is back and I need to look for new cars21:48
floridagram<KMyers> @Ivoriesablaze, You may have better luck looking for cars in Broward County.... Just saying21:49
floridagram<Ivoriesablaze> Probably, but my knee is in tremendous pain again, and my dad is looking with me21:50

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