
=== Guest21891 is now known as AntiSpamMeta
Vad3rso 16.10 is out, is LXQt being used now?11:22
tsimonq2Vad3r: nope, we postponed it11:32
Vad3rtsimonq2, ?!11:32
Vad3rwhy? :(11:33
tsimonq2Vad3r: we had a few problems, most of which should be solved by now, so hope for 17.04. :)11:34
Vad3rhow long for 17.04?11:34
tsimonq2Vad3r: 6 months11:36
tsimonq2sorry :(11:36
Vad3roh, damn.11:37
Vad3ranyway, off to install 16.10 :)11:38
Vad3rwhy release 16.10 when it's broke?12:20
Vad3rethernet doesn't work. updating doesn't work. NOTHING WORKS! device not managed. sigh.12:21
Vad3rI thought you test these releases?12:22
vad3ryeah, so, 16.10 is broke. I installed it > Internet wouldn't work. Ethernet was plugged in. kept telling me about device not managed.14:07
vad3rI plugged in a wireless usb and connected to the Internet, nothing would update.14:07
vad3rbackports etc was ticked. still couldn't update. checked the server uk and then tried main; still wouldn't work.14:08
=== pavlushka is now known as Guest52849
=== pavlushka_ is now known as Guest59271
taholmes160howdy all -- nice job on lubuntu 16.04LTS19:59
taholmes160night all20:11
norbydroid_Is there a was to remove packages without it sayin it needs to remove lubuntu desktop and break the system?21:19
wxlnorbydroid_: lubuntu-desktop is just an index file. you can safely remove it. nothing will break.21:19
norbydroid_okay.  Thank ya.  Didn't know.21:20
wxlnp, norbydroid_ nevermind the arghing btw. that was meant to be directed elsewhere :)21:21
norbydroid_When I was tryin to remove files via synaptic it kept sayin it wanted to remove files and the system would break.  I swapped to usin the terminal and apt-get purge.  No issues.21:26
wxlyeah sometimes GUI tools try to interpret things for you ;)21:27
norbydroid_I am settin up a system for doin a specific task and removin all unecessary items I don't want.21:27
wxlnorbydroid_: you also might look into the lubuntu-core package. you can just install the mini.iso and then add that.21:27
norbydroid_Hmmm  Thank ya kindly I shal check that out.21:28
=== Unit193 changed the topic of #lubuntu to: Lubuntu Docs: http://tinyurl.com/LubuntuHelp | Lubuntu 16.10 is out: http://tinyurl.com/GetLubuntu | Pastes: http://paste.ubuntu.com | About: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu | Offtopic: #lubuntu-offtopic | QA/Development: #lubuntu-devel

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