
lotuspsychjegood morning to all04:54
Bashing-omlotuspsychje: ! we be here, you be here .. all better now .04:56
lotuspsychjehey there Bashing-om04:56
lotuspsychjeBashing-om: all ok on your side of the world?04:56
Bashing-omUh huh .. Got my SSD in .. now will busy for a while installing a new 16.04 .04:58
lotuspsychjecool! wich brand Bashing-om ?04:58
Bashing-omlotuspsychje: I went with a Samsung 850 EVO 250GB .05:03
lotuspsychjenice nice05:03
lotuspsychjessd's and ubuntu are such a great couple05:04
Bashing-omMy ole ATI card's fan has failed .. box overheats . also got a nVidia EVGA GeForce GT 710 card to replace it !05:06
lotuspsychjemy old ati x800 still rocknrolls after all these years05:08
lotuspsychjeand xenial loves the card aswell05:09
Bashing-omSo in a short while, I look forward to a whole new experience with this ole box .05:09
lotuspsychjeBashing-om: yeah ssd will turbo it05:09
lotuspsychjeBashing-om: dont forget to install preload after, works like a charm05:10
Bashing-omlotuspsychje: preload ?? 1st I am aware .05:11
lotuspsychjeand some great tweaks for ssd like swappiness=1005:11
lotuspsychje!info preload05:11
ubot5preload (source: preload): adaptive readahead daemon. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.6.4-2 (xenial), package size 34 kB, installed size 135 kB05:11
lotuspsychjeBashing-om: when your ssd is placed, lemme know we go over it togheter if you like05:12
Bashing-omlotuspsychje: preload does look interesting .. I like ! .. will be a while building 16.04 and getting irssi running on it .05:13
lotuspsychjeokay tyt05:13
Bashing-omPutting skype in it's place ( behind us ) ??05:21
lotuspsychjeyeah alot of issues on skype lately05:22
lotuspsychjetime for new alternatives05:22
lotuspsychjei hoped telegram came with videochat..05:23
Bashing-omBoggels the mind what all the technology is comming up with . We can do it .05:25
lotuspsychjelinux has plenty05:27
lotuspsychjelaterz guys, breakfast05:54
ducassemorning all06:31
Bashing-omducasse: o/ .....06:34
ducassenot in bed yet, Bashing-om? :)06:35
Bashing-omHeaded that way .,. eyes crossing, and mind is a muddle . main is now in good hands .06:36
BluesKajHiyas all09:02
ducassewb BluesKaj09:03
BluesKajHi  ducasse09:03
OerHeksHi guys09:04
ducassequiet today, mainly a lot of people asking if 16.10 is out09:04
BluesKajof course, it's the usual09:05
OerHeksquiet is good.09:05
ducasseOerHeks: +1 on that09:05
BluesKajsuppose there's a release party chat setup09:06
ducasseBluesKaj: #ubuntu-release-party09:06
BluesKajit's usually a bit silly ...a so called online party :-)09:10
OerHeksAmericans call it a dutch party09:13
BluesKaja friend is very ill and I wasn't able to sleep much ...it's 5AM here, but I'm up anyway09:14
pauljwhi everyone10:59
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OerHekshi paul11:02
ducasse\o pauljw11:02
* daftykins waves too, having snuck in whilst nobody was watching11:03
ducassedaftykins is also wb :)11:05
daftykins:D ty11:05
pauljwhi ducasse11:07
xcynot sure if I'm in the wrong place, but I'm just wondering when 16.10 is going to be released?14:44
daftykinsyes you're in the wrong place14:45
daftykinsi already see images up, not sure why the site hasn't changed14:45
* OerHeks is seeding iso's already14:46
xcyfound the .torrent... thanks14:52
daftykinsxcy: bear in mind life is better on LTS releases though.14:55
xcyhow is it better?14:59
daftykinssupported longer, because as the name implies it's a Long Term Support release.15:00
ducassea do-release-upgrade every 6 months is the perfect tempo for me, personally15:02
naccducasse: ack, it's good for many; but also bad for many more (IMO), based upon the number of people that come into #ubuntu saying -- why can't i upgrade my EOL version :)15:03
daftykinsi think people try to claim upgrades go well, but i don't believe in them whatsoever, i bring up machines in parallel with a clean install then migrate their tasks over once they're confirmed working15:05
ducassenacc: absolutely, and i fully get that. that tempo is also one of the main reasons i use ubuntu instead of something else.15:06
xcyI'm not running this on a server...15:06
naccdaftykins: it all depends, which is probably the biggest issue. I have one box i've upgraded since 8.04 to current15:06
xcyI've been using Ubuntu since 8.04.15:06
daftykinsnacc: sounds horrible15:07
naccdaftykins: well, I imagine it would be; except I rarely (maybe only at the very beginning, when I didn't know as well and upgraded too early) had any issues15:07
ducassei kind of hope this upgrade fails, as i'm curious how well btrfs snapshot rollback works :)15:26
OerHekswhy would it fail ? ow btrfs, not zfs?15:29
ducasseOerHeks: i was just joking :) why btrfs? because zfs is not supported for /, and this desktop is non-critical for me.15:31
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lotuspsychjegood evening to all16:40
ducassegood afternoon lotuspsychje :)16:44
lotuspsychjehey there ducasse16:44
lotuspsychjehey hey daftykins :p16:45
lotuspsychjeplaying with http://iconmonstr.com/collections/16:46
lotuspsychjegrab those i will use and mail them to my admin16:46
ubot5Ubuntu 16.10 (Yakkety Yak) is the current release of Ubuntu. Download at http://www.ubuntu.com/download - Read the release notes at https://ubottu.com/y/yakkety16:52
daftykinsall the cool kids use LTS ;)16:57
lotuspsychjethey sure do :p16:58
lotuspsychjeanyone know howto list only snaps in ubuntu software?16:58
daftykins < imexil> Hi, just tried to run upgrade to 16.10 and I'm getting "Your python install is corrupted. Please fix17:04
daftykins                the '/usr/bin/python' symlink." from the update-manager. I've already tried "apt install --reinstall17:04
daftykins                python" (and python3) but nothing helped. Any other suggestions?17:04
daftykinsfirst victim17:04
daftykinsooh that's an amusing title17:34
daftykinsKrita o0 not heard of that one17:35
lotuspsychje!info krita17:35
ubot5krita (source: calligra): pixel-based image manipulation program for the Calligra Suite. In component universe, is optional. Version 1:2.9.7-0ubuntu12 (xenial), package size 7975 kB, installed size 31997 kB17:35
lotuspsychjealso as a snap17:36
lotuspsychjeMkll: wich issue did you hear about mint?17:38
MkllThat it was insecure compared to other distros based on Debian17:38
Mkllor Ubuntu.17:38
lotuspsychjeMkll: there were recently mint iso's hacked so i read17:39
MkllThat problem has been solved already, but people are still quick to disregard Mint as a viable choice because they "hold critical security updates"17:40
daftykinsthere's just no point running Mint.17:40
lotuspsychjeMkll: i wouldnt touch mint neither17:42
lotuspsychjebut many swear by it...thats the people's choice of freedom right17:42
MkllBut Mint uses Ubuntu for its updates and repos, so isn't it just as safe as Ubuntu spins17:42
lotuspsychjeMkll: best case is to test distro's yourself and compare what you like best?17:42
daftykinsMkll: no17:44
daftykinsMint holds back security updates17:44
MkllCouldn't I use apt?17:44
daftykinsfor what...17:45
daftykinsjust don' run Mint, it's simple17:45
lotuspsychjeMkll: vanilla ubuntu rescued many users life indeed :p17:50
lotuspsychjeMkll: your in the ubuntu channels, so we strongly advice ubuntu17:50
MkllWell anyway17:51
daftykinsyou won't get very good community help with Mint17:51
Mkllis Xubuntu or Ubuntu Mate lighter.17:51
MkllWhich one is lighter*17:51
daftykinsabout the same i think17:51
ducasseMkll: one reason some of us dislike mint is because they provide poor support (compared to ubuntu), so their users often use ubuntu channels. which is problematic, as mint changes things.17:51
MkllI install Lubuntu on netbooks, but I want to choose something lighter then Unity and prettier then LXDE for a main OS.17:52
daftykinsare you honestly talking about netbooks even now?17:52
daftykinsbecause nothing will run well on them, they need to be retired.17:52
MkllWhen I say netbooks, I also include older laptops from 2003.17:52
lotuspsychjeMkll: try lubuntu 16.04, works like a charm17:53
daftykinsit has to be a netbook to be called a netbook ;)17:53
lotuspsychjedax: can you change !unity8 trigger to 16.10 now instead of the lxc test method?18:01
ubot5Unity8 is the next Unity Desktop running on Mir. It is already used on the smartphones running ubuntu-touch (!touch) and can be tested on the Desktop with https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Unity8inLXC18:03
daxlotuspsychje: just changing "with https://whatever" to "in 16.10"?18:03
lotuspsychjedax: unity8 should be default now in 16.10 at login18:04
ducasseno, it's not.18:04
lotuspsychjebut not yet ready18:04
lotuspsychjeducasse: howso?18:04
lotuspsychjei mean default to test?18:05
ducassenot the default session, if that was what you meant.18:05
lotuspsychjeyes your right18:05
lotuspsychjebut you can choose it right?18:05
lotuspsychjeno extra things to install to login unity818:06
ducassei think so, but i haven't installed from the desktop images in a long time tbh18:06
lotuspsychjedax: http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2016/10/unity-8-desktop-session-ubuntu-161018:07
daxso the change I said above works?18:07
lotuspsychjedax: yes on desktop 16.1018:08
ubot5unity8 has no aliases - added by k1l_ on 2016-02-24 22:07:03 - last edited by dax on 2016-02-24 22:08:4818:08
dax!unity8 =~ s/with.*$/in 16.10 by selecting it on the login screen/18:09
daxoh. right. not ubottu. sigh.18:09
ubot5Unity8 is the next Unity Desktop running on Mir. It is already used on the smartphones running ubuntu-touch (!touch) and can be tested on the Desktop in 16.10 by selecting it on the login screen18:09
daftykinslots of bots and lots of channels :)18:09
lotuspsychjetnx dax18:09
lotuspsychjethink nobody will mess with 14.04 and the lxc method anymore now yakkety released18:11
lotuspsychjebit more patient18:17
lotuspsychjecodename will be born when exactly?18:18
daftykinsusually takes a few days doesn't it?18:18
ducasseyes, it's usually announced within a couple of days after a release18:19
lotuspsychjehey BluesKaj18:20
BluesKajhi lotuspsychje18:20
lotuspsychje!info gthumb18:34
ubot5gthumb (source: gthumb): image viewer and browser. In component universe, is optional. Version 3:3.4.3-1 (xenial), package size 914 kB, installed size 3378 kB18:34
lotuspsychjelaterz guys, movietime19:29
ducasseok, enjoy lotuspsychje!19:30

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