[03:00] cfhowlett called the ops in #ubuntu (gosports) [03:10] cfhowlett called the ops in #ubuntu (harlmee) [03:19] orlock called the ops in #ubuntu (hawkings) [03:19] cfhowlett called the ops in #xubuntu (hawkings ban requested) [15:08] ubuntu.com is updated with 16.10, no ubuntu-announce@ post yet tho [15:15] o? [15:15] I forgot about that [15:16] non-LTS releases aren't as exciting as they used to be. [15:16] indeed [15:18] there it goes https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-announce/2016-October/000213.html [15:18] no yakkety is Ubuntu 16.10 (Yakkety Yak) is the current release of Ubuntu. Download at http://www.ubuntu.com/download - Read the release notes at https://ubottu.com/y/yakkety [15:18] I'll update the config vars too... [15:30] Do we want to change the default !info behavior? [15:31] it was always the latest release, iirc [15:31] !info bash [15:31] bash (source: bash): GNU Bourne Again SHell. In component main, is required. Version 4.3-15ubuntu1 (yakkety), package size 577 kB, installed size 1560 kB [19:06] Pici: ubottu is not identified to NickServ and thus can't get into #ubuntu-offtopic [19:06] I expect she didn't autoretry after the hub maintenance this morning; I think services were down during that. [19:09] dax: she should be back shortly. I gotta run for a doctor's appt, but I'll double check when I get there. [19:10] oh, nm [19:15] danke [22:44] 09:36 [freenode] [abmares(~abmares@] hello [22:44] 09:37 [freenode] [msg(abmares)] Hi abmares :) [22:44] 09:38 [freenode] [abmares(~abmares@] Did you know something about ISLAM, the fastest growing religion in the World ? [22:44] 09:39 [freenode] [msg(abmares)] I have heard of it yes :) pretty controversial stuff but I don't take on because it makes too many assumptions about the Creator [22:44] 09:42 [freenode] [abmares(~abmares@] you can visit this site to have more information : http://www.islam-guide.com/ [22:44] I think that needs a nuke. Sits in #ubuntu with me and not other channels, so far. [22:44] I'm not an op in there but I'll take a look [22:44] Ah, you op one of the #ubuntu-* channels but not #ubuntu itself? :) [22:45] Ah, k1l_ beat me to it [22:45] yeah [22:45] Thanks k1l_. Have a nice day you all. [22:45] gry: alright thanks. i kicked that user. you might want to report to freenode staff too if it continues [22:45] gry didn't see that, he left [22:47] I should apply for main channel op-ship, but I'm not in there often enough anymore. [22:47] and I need to set up Ubuntu in a VM again :)( [22:47] wait? you are not running ubuntu as main OS? [22:47] /kickban SonikkuAmerica [22:47] :) [22:48] ikr? I'm running Arch with Deepin desktop [22:49] I have Windows 10 (for *those* programs) and TrueOS in VMs [22:49] but not UBuntu [22:50] i see something that might be work a kickban [22:50] I have TrueOS installed because I'm looking to install GNOME in it [22:50] 1549 <+SonikkuAmerica:#ubuntu-ops> I have Windows 10 [22:50] /stab wxl [22:51] wxl: He runs Bash on Windows in it, that count? :P [22:51] ^ [22:51] hehe i do too. and i have only broken that 3 times yet :) [22:52] i run windows 10 and gentoo [22:53] I will only go back to Windows full time if (a) I build a dedicated gaming rig or (b) I can successfully install GNOME on Windows using the WSfL [22:54] (and don't tell me I need systemd either, because there is a GNOME build using eudev) [22:54] ewwdev [22:54] ^ [22:54] European Union dev