
praisethemoongood day folks!07:36
praisethemoonpavlushka, o/08:29
pavlushkao/ praisethemoon :)(08:30
praisethemoonhow is it going?08:30
elachecheWassup folks08:32
praisethemoonelacheche, hello o/08:55
pavlushka0/ elacheche :)09:08
elachecheOh! Too much net splits09:24
praisethemoonelacheche, what happened?09:25
elachecheThe freenode stuff are maintaining the EU servers.. Apparently both of us are not using the EU servers x)09:27
elachecheYes we use the same US server x)09:28
praisethemoonoh wow xDDDD09:30
praisethemoonhow did you know? :309:30
elachecheSo.. late yesterday, I decided that I'll use python to create a script that I need for work instead of shell, I know that I probably will be able to finish it in an hour or less using bash, but I'll try this adventure and see how many hours I'll need to it in python :/ x)09:32
praisethemoonelacheche, what kind of script?09:32
elachechepraisethemoon: use the /whois elacheche command the output of that command will be in the "freenode" tab/window, you'll find the maintainince annoucement there as well09:33
praisethemooni'm sure you can do the lua version in far less time :P09:33
praisethemoontrue ..09:33
praisethemoonhow do you activate AFK notice?09:33
elachechepraisethemoon: Nah! I'm not a lua ninja yet, but when I finish converting all my dummy shell scipts to py3 I'll start converting them to lua and learn things..09:33
praisethemoonelacheche, good plan :)09:34
praisethemoondo you code in C?09:34
elachecheI have an old inhouse DNS server based on AD (winbugs).. I activated an other DNS server integrated with my GW, I'll try to convert all records to dnsmasq and pfsense format to inject them to the config file without adding each one from the webui09:35
elachecheUse /away <msg> to enable/disable the away flagn the notice is what you right in the msg field09:36
elachecheI'm a C n00b as well09:36
praisethemoonhow do I disable it? XD09:39
elachechejust use it without <msg>09:40
praisethemooni did, it says /BACK09:44
praisethemoonGUESS WHOS BACK09:44
elachecheEmm, it depends on your client then09:50
praisethemoonoh okay09:55
praisethemooni use hexchat now :309:55
elachechehexchat is good :)09:56
elachecheGuess what!13:26
elachecheI finished the AD to DNSMASQ script (with 1 little bug x) ) in only 20 lines of py codes13:27
elachecheNow it's time to tr to convert that dnsmasq to pfsense format (I hope that I don't break my pfsense box x) )13:27
praisethemoonelacheche, i have no idea about what you are doing13:32
praisethemooni'm such a n00b13:32
* praisethemoon cries ..13:32
elachecheIt's just converting a file text from format to an other13:40
praisethemoonfrom user friendly format to hacker friendly format :D13:54
praisethemoonpavlushka, o/14:57
pavlushkao/ praisethemoon :)14:57
praisethemoonsup man14:57
pavlushkadoing open (means free) work for family business :)14:58
pavlushkasending email to a news paper, scanning veterinary prescription for our ducks and fowls and pigeons and sheep :(15:01
pavlushkabut I am happy for them coz its good for them :)15:01
pavlushkaneed to go to some other district with sample soil for soil testing.15:02
praisethemoonpavlushka, oh that's good :)15:05
praisethemoonmy father owns a small shop, i always though of writing a software to manage products etc but he doesnot have a computer on the shop yet15:05
praisethemoonelacheche, what is ELCE 2016?15:06
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elachechepraisethemoon: Embedded Linux Conference Europe16:33
praisethemoonoh yeah i figured :3 had to google16:34
praisethemooni'm also interested in IoT16:34
praisethemoondammit i have to finish berserk16:34
praisethemoongotta write awesome stuff with it16:34
ChikoreHi people =)16:40
praisethemoonChikore, hello16:46
praisethemoonhow is it going?16:46
Chikorewho tried 16.10?17:42

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