
claudepdpm: what are the requirements for a language to appear in installation languages?15:39
claudepis it based on debian-installer languages?15:39
dpmhi claudep, let me check15:54
dpmI think it definitely needs to be a language in debian installer, which would then also cover the requirement that there is an iso code for it15:55
dpmother than that, I think we might have a minimum percentage of coverage requirement15:55
dpmlet me find what we documented on the wiki15:56
dpmclaudep, so I think if the bases are covered (locale available in glibc and in LP, installable from debian-installer), it all boils down to the last bit of this doc: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Translations/KnowledgeBase/StartingTeam15:58
dpmi.e. filing a bug for a language pack to be created15:58
dpm(and ping pitti just in case)15:58
claudepdpm: thanks for the information16:03
dpmno worries :)16:04
claudepas for the language (lingala), I think the next step would then be working on the debian-installer16:04

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