
cmaloneyGood morning12:21
cmaloneyHow's the day so far?12:29
jrwrenjust started.12:57
jrwrencmaloney: care evolution in AA is hiring. They seem a pretty cool place.12:58
cmaloneythanks. Checking it out.12:59
cmaloneyCandidates must also have a passionate enthusiasm for the extremely dynamic, rapidly-expanding Health Information Exchange market.13:00
_stink_boy o boy13:02
_stink_doesn't that perfectly describe you??13:02
cmaloneyhttps://goo.gl/THJyJ9 <- Me right now13:04
brousch_There's a place in Holland that makes custom closet systems. They are looking for a decent Django dev.13:33
cmaloneyI'd need to have a sample of their work. :)13:35
cmaloneyfor research purposes.13:35
brousch_cmaloney: Did you see http://pycoders.us4.list-manage.com/track/click?u=9735795484d2e4c204da82a29&id=e7c3db2b2e&e=f62471ce79 ?21:53
cmaloneybrousch_: Not yet. Looking22:01

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