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powersjReading the docs there is a "preserve_source_list" option to prevent sources.list from being modified. However, it looks like it does not have any effect.15:13
powersjThen I looked at a modified sources.list and at the top there is a comment about "apt_preserve_source_list", which is different thant he docs15:13
powersj1) which "verb" should I use? 2) can I use it to prevent any changes? or only some?15:13
jgrimmpowersj, i'm far from knowledgeable.. but the docs do say  "only  extra  source specifications will be written into /etc/apt/sources.list.d/* " even when preserve_source_list is true.    WRT you're question #2 (looks like only 'some' is the answer)15:43
rharperpowersj: jgrimm:  recall that the base /etc/apt/sources.list is generated from a template15:45
rharperthere's a default template built-in to cloud-init; or you have to provide your own template15:45
rharpercombined with jgrimm comment, the preserve would only be for .d/ entries IIUC15:46
rharpercpaelzer might know more;  powersj also looking at curtin's vmtest for apt may be informative15:46
jgrimmrharper, good idea wrt curtin tests15:46
jgrimmpowersj, i'm curious to know more by what you mean " there is a comment about "apt_preserve_source_list", which is different thant he docs"  .. sounds peculiar15:48
powersjrharper: jgrimm thanks, from the note in the docs made me think it would preserve sources.list not the .d/*15:48
jgrimmif you think some clarification could improve things, please do submit fixup. :)15:49
powersjjgrimm: here is from a cloud-init generated source.list: https://paste.ubuntu.com/23324063/15:49
powersjso that mentions apt_preserve... but I don't see that mentioned anywhere else in the docs15:50
magicalChickeni think cloud-init should follow 'preserve_sources_list'. in cc_apt_configure.py at line 300 it checks if that's there before generating15:51
rharperpowersj: that's if you snapshot and boot it in a different instance15:51
rharperthen cloud-init won't re-create the templated file15:51
rharperpowersj: are you seeing that sources.list is re-written when you switch instances ?15:51
powersjrharper: haven't tried that, just trying to understand all the options and which to actually use.15:52
magicalChickenpowersj: the apt_preserve_sources_list is rewritten to preserve_sources_list in cc_apt_configure.convert_v2_to_3_apt_format15:53
powersjmagicalChicken: ah! so it is a legacy name so to speak15:55
jgrimmah, apt_* version is old, so indeed maybe useful to fix up15:55
powersj"Convert old to new keys..."15:55
magicalChickenpowersj: yeah, the new format is everything under a general apt: key15:55
jgrimmso looks like a minor cleanup bug for the emitted text15:56
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harlowjasmoser did u ever get my cla email ?16:22
smoserwhere did you send ? more contexst ?16:24
harlowjagodaddy never got a copy of theres16:24
harlowjalet me figure out where i sent it16:25
harlowja(canonical ccla for godaddy)16:25
harlowjaScott Moser <smoser@ubuntu.com>16:26
harlowjathat one16:26
harlowjasent again :-P16:26
harlowjasmoser so mdorman may have some resources for VMs :)16:47
harlowjaif we can just figure out what we want :)16:47
harlowjawe/canonical/us ...16:47
mdormanhello o/16:49
harlowjasmoser is https://public.etherpad-mozilla.org/p/cloud-init-centos-unittest still the idea for rhel?16:54
mdormanso i am not totally up to speed with the whole discussion here, but we should be able to provide you N VMs to help with this.  but if you need an openstack api endpoint to hit as a way to dynamically spin up/down vms, that’s a little more complex and i’m not sure we can accommodate that (we don’t have an OS api exposed publically today)16:55
harlowjasmoser is the one up to speed :-P16:55
smosersee the 'mostly now'16:57
smoserthat works last i checked16:57
harlowjaso with that kind of stuff just VMs with LXC would be fine16:58
harlowjano need for API acccess16:58
harlowjajust some VMs with ability to login (for certain keys)16:58
smoseractually.. so using lxc i can npretty easily run unit tests as seen there.16:58
smoserand we can do that on existing canonical hardware.16:59
harlowjacanonical orange boxes?16:59
harlowjaor whatever they were called :-P16:59
smoserso at the moment i guess i dont need anything16:59
smoserright, all our boxen are orange.16:59
harlowjajust like the next president!16:59
mdormanalright, cool.  well if that’s something we can assist with, feel free to reach out to me and/or via josh.  it’s pretty easy for us to stand up17:00
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