
hallynkwmonroe: nope!  i need the local kvm provider00:27
hallynand yacketty would make it more likely that upstart would break things, so no to that too :)00:27
pmatulishallyn, s/juju.ubuntu.com/jujucharms.com/  :P00:36
hallynpmatulis: wish i could remember which blog i found that in, but i was looking through a lot of them last night...00:46
hallynpmatulis: thanks00:46
hallyn(i had seen that page, doesn't have the info i need, but glad it answers that mystery :)00:46
pmatulishallyn, kindly open a bug if the documentation is lacking - https://github.com/juju/docs/issues/new00:49
hallynlolz - i see, i can't use local kvm provider anyway without systemd.  drat.00:55
lazyPowerhallyn what are you working on that you need juju 1.25 and upstart bidniss?02:29
hallyn1.25 for local kvm provider02:41
hallynupstart bc i want upstart02:41
lazyPowerah ok.02:41
lazyPowerI didn't know if you were kicking tires or were building the next cloud for your mobile DC :)02:41
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hallynnah in the cloud i leave system installed.  upstart is just for battery life on my laptop03:35
* hallyn wonders how much work it would be to implement a juju-2.0 version of libvirt-kvm (uvtool) provider05:15
* hallyn wonders whether he could finagle rbasak into writing it05:15
hallynyou know, to avoid uvtool become OBSOLETE.  yeah, i'll goad him into it.  bound to work05:15
blahdeblahhallyn: As in, something that would allow us to just point juju at a libvirt host and juju deploy VMs?  Because I totally want that.05:16
hallynyeah - which is basically how the local-kvm provider in 1.x works05:17
blahdeblahThere's a local KVM provider in 1.x?05:17
hallynexcept i suspect it's more complicatd than it needs to be05:17
blahdeblahHow did I not know about this?05:17
blahdeblahWhere are my angry eyes?05:17
hallynyou use local provider, and change type to kvm instead of container05:17
hallynone sec,05:17
hallynno need for ppa though05:17
hallynjust install juju-local and add that environments.yaml section05:18
hallynbeen beating on it for the last two days, pretty stable05:18
blahdeblahhallyn: I think I love you.05:18
hallynyou'll love rbasak more when he writes a new uvtool based one for juju 2.005:18
blahdeblahhallyn: I most certainly owe you a six-pack of $PREFERRED_BEVERAGE05:19
hallynwell gawsh, all i did was find it not write it, but i'm not turning down $PREFERRED_BEVERAGE :)05:19
blahdeblahNow all I have to do is work out how to get on a sprint you're on.  You might be waiting for that sixer a while... ;-)05:20
blahdeblahAnd I most certainly will owe rbasak double if he does a juju 2 version. :-)05:21
kjackal_Good morning juju world!07:10
kjackal_SaMnCo: I am almost there07:30
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rbasakhallyn: AFAIK, it's a design decision for there not to be local KVM support in Juju 2. I'm told Juju still supports KVM via uvtool, just not in the local provider.09:39
SDBStefanohi, I'm new to juju, I following the doc, and I tried to create a test charm using10:11
SDBStefano'charm create -t python mycharm'10:11
SDBStefanobut the lib dir was not created10:11
SDBStefanoany suggestions ?10:11
kjackal_Hi SDBStefano havent tried this template before. Let me give it a try now10:13
herb64Hi all, was here yesterday already... juju bootstrap on openstack with self signed certificate - cannot bootstrap, getting "signed by unknown authority" error with --debug10:16
herb64searching for some option --insecure like in nova10:16
herb64running rc3 version now10:16
kjackal_herb64: have you asked on #openstack-charms ?10:17
herb64hi, kjackal, no.. would this be the better place to ask?10:17
kjackal_herb64: I believe so, since your question is rather specific10:19
kjackal_SDBStefano: yeap it does not create a lib dir10:20
kjackal_SDBStefano: Why did you expect such a directory? Did you read this somewhere?10:20
kjackal_SDBStefano: this bug should be related: https://bugs.launchpad.net/charm-tools/+bug/139556010:23
mupBug #1395560: "create -t python " does not install lib/charmhelpers <Juju Charm Tools:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1395560>10:23
SDBStefanohi kjackal_, first thanks a lot for helping, yes here : http://pythonhosted.org/charmhelpers/getting-started.html10:28
SDBStefanoI'm using : charm version charm 2.2.0-0ubuntu1~ubuntu16.04.1~ppa2 charm-tools 2.1.410:33
SDBStefanoso it seems to be a problem, not already solved, am I wrong ?10:40
kjackal_yeap, you are right SDBStefano10:43
SDBStefanois there any other way to get the python library (charm-helpers) ? as a tar or something else10:45
kjackal_SDBStefano: what exactly do you need to do? There is the option to add it as dependency like we do here: https://github.com/juju-solutions/layer-basic/blob/master/wheelhouse.txt10:53
kjackal_SDBStefano: if you build your charm using layers you can just use the basic layer and you should be done10:54
SDBStefanoso, are you saying that  I don't need the charm-helpers ?10:54
kjackal_if not, you should be able to add a wheelhouse.txt in your charm and the charm build process should bring the dependency in10:54
kjackal_SDBStefano: by using the basic layer you are importing the charmhelpers10:55
SDBStefanoso it seems that I have to proceed and see how to use  charm layers10:55
SDBStefanook, thanks, I'm going to try10:56
kjackal_SDBStefano: layers is the recomended way. But if you do not want to use layers have a look at what the basic layer is doing10:56
kjackal_SDBStefano: for example https://github.com/juju-solutions/layer-basic/blob/master/lib/charms/layer/basic.py#L3610:58
SDBStefanoI'm going to follow your suggestion and looking at how to use the layers10:58
kjackal_SDBStefano: yeap that is the right way to go, you will get alot of functionality for free10:58
SDBStefanothanks a lot. out of curiosity I'm in Italy, where are you ?10:59
kjackal_Athens Greece11:00
kjackal_SDBStefano: We are almost on the same timezone, ping me again if you get into trouble11:00
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SDBStefanokjackal - I was looking at https://jujucharms.com/docs/devel/authors-charm-building that talks about layers13:38
SDBStefanobut it describe bash scripts13:38
SDBStefanobut if I understood the good direction is having all python as the github you adviced13:39
SDBStefanoso is this doc https://jujucharms.com/docs/devel/developer-getting-started fine ?13:39
SDBStefanoor should I follow only the info within the github ?13:39
hallynrbasak: drat, if it's a design decision then i guess you can't get away with coding it (meaning i may have to).14:00
hallynrbasak: the claimed support is rubbish.  having to manually create a vm, register it with juju, then tell juju to send a workload to it means i may as well use ansible14:01
rbasakhallyn: does KVM support work with the manual provider? If so, then you could probably hack something together for a single machine KVM use case.14:04
rbasakeg. by putting either the client or the "machine" in a container.14:05
hallynright.  i was just trying to badger you into doing it :)14:05
rbasakThen as far as Juju is concerned your manual provider machine is somewhere else, and you can create KVMs on it?14:05
hallynbut really, using local kvm provider made my charm iteration way faster and cheaper, so this still isn't seeming like a step up for me.  but, i'll figure something out (or stick with 1.x)   - thx rbasak14:06
rts-sandermy upgrade-charm hook froze so I killed it manually via the PID14:07
rts-sandernow the state is in upgrading still14:07
rts-sanderhow do I reset the state of the unit?14:07
kjackal_SDBStefano: here is an example of layers in python https://jujucharms.com/docs/2.0/developer-layer-example14:11
kjackal_SDBStefano: this give a good description of what layers are: https://jujucharms.com/docs/2.0/developer-layers14:13
rts-sanderlooks like the hook has a timeout, it's now in an error state and I can recover it14:24
bildzhttp://i.imgur.com/yonlG9F.png  I feel I'm almost there.  Can someone take a look and let me know what may be able to get me past this issue?14:33
bildzi have 6 machines, do I need 7?14:35
gQuigsif I'm using the juju stable ppa on trusty.. how do I switch back to "juju 1"?14:42
gQuigsthe instructions on first launch don't work14:42
lazyPowergQuigs i'm looking into this for you, 1 moment while i spin up a vanilla trusty image15:14
lazyPowergQuigs looks like the meta package has updated to 2.0, i'm not seeing a 1.x package anymore15:20
gQuigsso I guess the help text could say, if you want juju1.25 remove juju and the PPA and install it from trusty..15:26
lazyPowergQuigs: that does appear to be the case. let me nuke this image and try again without adding the ppa15:28
lazyPowergQuigs - that does indeed install 1.25, i also see a juju-core in this ppa enabled image too... that may be the 1.25 we're looking for15:30
lazyPowergQuigs with that ppa enabled, if you install juju-core, you will get 1.2515:37
gQuigslazyPower: intersting.. yup, I had to remove juju-2.0 juju juju-core15:51
gQuigsand then reinstall juju-core and I'm back to 1.2515:51
gQuigslazyPower: thanks!15:51
lazyPowergQuigs at one time you could update-alternatives, i'm not certain thats still the case15:51
lazyPowerbut you can, and should be able to use juju 1.x and juju 2.x side by side on the same system. I know that marcoceppi does this, and he may have some insights on how you can do this that we should capture and put in the docs.15:52
gQuigsshould there be a PPA specific helptext?15:52
gQuigsyea, I'm happy having separate machines for 1.x vs 2.x15:52
lazyPowergQuigs : what would the help text say?15:52
gQuigslazyPower: currently it says this: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/23324079/15:53
lazyPowerahhh yeah thats stale15:54
lazyPowerthank you for capturing that. I'll file a bug15:54
gQuigsso I'd say, We've detected you are using the PPA, please remove juju juju-2.0 juju-core and reinstall just juju-core, or whatever it needs to make it work15:54
lazyPowergQuigs as you've got the primary information on how you arrived from A-Z would yo mind terribly filing the bug? https://bugs.launchpad.net/juju/+filebug15:55
lazyPowerif they route through me, i wont have all the details you've got, so its better if you take stakeholder on the bug15:55
gQuigslazyPower: I was about to say I can file it :)15:55
lazyPowerperfect :) Thanks for tracking this down.15:55
pmatulislazyPower, gQuigs: please open a docs issue with the relevant info to have a docs change - https://github.com/juju/docs/issues/new15:56
gQuigspmatulis: oh is that a docs bug?15:57
gQuigsthe help text in juju?15:58
lazyPowerpmatulis you bet, i'll xref w/ the core bug.15:58
lazyPowerthat way if any action needs to be taken on either side we have a work order for it15:58
gQuigsreported - https://bugs.launchpad.net/juju/+bug/163354216:01
mupBug #1633542: Juju 2.x upgrade [ppa] doesn't show a workable way to downgrade to 1.25 <juju:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1633542>16:01
gQuigsshould I report to gh to?16:02
lazyPowergQuigs - Certainly, xref that core bug as I imagine the steps to fix will be posted there and pmatulis or i can circle back afterwords and cleanup the docs16:02
gQuigsdo I need more permissions to link them?  (I can ling ubuntu bugs to other trackers...)16:07
gQuigsgh is https://github.com/juju/docs/issues/147016:07
lazyPowerthanks for the bugs gQuigs,   just putting in the link is enough.16:08
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hallynif i have an empty .jenv file, preventing bootstrap, how should i re-init a new one?17:11
hallyn(if i just delete it, then juju bootstrap panics)17:11
hallynoops, nm, had to s/_/-/ in google-provided creds for juju17:27
hallyn(which juju should probably know about and just dtrt)17:28
vancecan i specify which machine in MAAS the juju controller will deploy to?18:39
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jhobbsvance, with juju 2, when you're bootstrapping you can use --to <maas machine name>18:41
vmorrisjhobbs: thanks, i was just reading that in the docs. appreciate it18:42
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cory_futvansteenburgh, bcsaller, petevg: Reviews welcome on my two PRs on theblues: https://github.com/juju/theblues/pull/46 and https://github.com/juju/theblues/pull/4719:57
petevgCool. Taking a look ...19:57
cory_fupetevg, bcsaller: Also, tvansteenburgh talked me into cowboying it in, but my changes to support bundle deploys in libjuju is at https://github.com/juju-solutions/python-libjuju/commit/fd2a74a2eba716e7ea298fe420f070221ff4581f19:58
petevgbcsaller, cory_fu: I'm realizing that there's a good reason for the glitch tests to run outside of the matrix right now: I'm manually spinning up the model in the tests, and attaching it to a mock object that I'm using as a context. There's more integration work to be done outside of glitch before the glitch tests can just run things in the matrix.20:12
petevgIt's relatively small integration work, but I think that I'd like to ultimately keep it in a separate commit -- that PR is already huge.20:12
petevgWhat say you two to giving a +1 on merging the glitch branch, and then I'll create a new branch for integration?20:13
bcsallerpetevg: let me do a quick pass over it, but yeah, that will be fine20:14
petevgCool. I'm creating the integration branch right now -- I'll just rebase when/if you give the go ahead to merge the glitch branch.20:15
cmarsbdx, hi, are you around?20:23
bildzmtr green.5thcolumn.net20:27
cory_fupetevg, bcsaller: Any objection to me moving all of the existing plugins (currently under tests/; save maybe for chaos) to matrix/plugins/ and switching to using entry-points for discovering plugins?21:04
petevgcory_fu: no objection. I've already moved glitch there.21:04
cory_fubcsaller: Your current implementation uses a dot-path resolver, but I feel like entry-points are both more standard and easier to maintain21:05
cory_fuBut I'm up for arguments to the contrarry21:06
bcsallercory_fu: I am fine with entry points, maybe as well, but I find the dot-path style to be less friction21:10
petevgglitch has a main.py that can be renamed to __main__.py, and it also drops the stuff it wants to expose into __init__.py, so it should work w/ either method.21:11
bcsallerpetevg: I am looking to merge your branch but have some changes I'd like to propose in code, I'll push a different branch in a bit, just wanted to let you know21:11
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petevgbcsaller: cool.21:12
cory_fupetevg: I don't think main.py or __init__.py would matter to entry-points.21:12
petevgcory_fu: I thought that entry-points really liked to have a __main__.py; I am most likely just being wrong :-")21:13
cory_fuThey just need a pointer in some module's setup.py21:13
petevgGot it.21:13
cory_fubcsaller: Having a dotted-path resolver kind of makes entry-points moot.  The purpose of entry-points was to make it so that everyone didn't have to implement their own dotted-path resolved.  ;)21:14
bcsallercory_fu: the setup.py part bothers me, I see this being our std tests + some included in the bundles test dir from which we'd resolve an additional plugin21:15
cory_fuPlus to standardize how 3rd party libraries registered their plugins, so it wasn't just all ad-hoc21:15
bcsallerin that context there may not be a setup.py21:15
cory_fuHrm.  Yeah, fair enough21:16
cory_fubcsaller: Ok, fine, I leave well enough alone.  :)21:16
cory_fuI was just tired of seeing yet-another-dotted-path-resolver-implementation21:17

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