
Kubuntu_newanyway, out of time. I'll be on a little later, and if I may, I'll mine your brains then.00:00
r_riosHey. I have a triple-boot set up in my system: opensuse, Windows, and Kubuntu 14.04. The grub menu comes from opensuse, but every time I upgrade Kubuntu's kernel, Kubuntu's grub menu takes over, and then I opensuse doesn't boot for some reason.03:15
r_riosHow can I update my Kubuntu but block grub-update?\03:15
user|51362hello my Ubuntu when logging in does not show me the desktop, it stays in the login screen04:25
user|51362please help me04:26
Kubuntu_newI have returned.05:00
shaver_Where do I download 64-bit kubuntu?05:00
Kubuntu_newand I've decided on the most relevant question. Does kubuntu have a generic touchscreen driver?05:01
KurousagiMK2shaver http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/releases/16.10/release/05:05
Kubuntu_newit seems it might...05:08
shaver_Kur:Thanks. I'll try downloading the 64-bit version.05:08
shaver_I started the torrent download. Kubuntu 64-bit. Thanks again.05:10
shaverok. I have to help the spouse fold clothes.05:10
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penelopaHello all! I have problem with Kubuntu 16.10. For my KDE work only with kernel 4.4.0-43. With kernel 4.8.0-22 not work. Please submitting bug report for developers.06:01
penelopaKernel 4.8.0-22 not korrect work for my i960 chipset. Please report bug. KDE not work.06:02
penelopaBad work KDE in my kubuntu 16.10, permanently crashed (((06:09
valoriepenelopa: this is not where you report bugs06:14
valorieand you can run an old kernel if you want06:15
ubottuThe core of Ubuntu is the Linux kernel: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel - You shouldn't have to compile your own, and if you need to troubleshoot issues, you can try a !Mainline kernel instead, but if you insist, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile (see also !Stages)06:15
penelopavalorie: With old kernel work, KDE plasma permanently crashed.06:21
soeecrashed in what way ?06:22
user|61986will installing kunutu wipe al of my existing files?06:35
user|61986kubuntu? sorry06:35
valorieuser|61986: depends on how you do it06:40
valorieif you say "use the entire disk" then yes06:40
user|61986thank you06:47
penelopasoee: Crashed on my i960 chipset periodical in 10-15 minutes. (((06:48
penelopaKubuntu 16.10 - is awesome release.06:48
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IrcsomeBot<soumyajitpal> Need konsole terminal code to upgrade to 16.10 from 16.0407:10
IrcsomeBot<soumyajitpal> Any help pls07:10
CQhello, when can I do-release-upgrade my 16.04? does it take a few days to mirror?07:18
IrcsomeBot<acheronuk> @soumyajitpal, in completely on console, make sure 'Prompt=normal' is set in '/etc/update-manager/release-upgrades'07:30
IrcsomeBot<acheronuk> then run 'sudo do-release-upgrade'07:31
IrcsomeBot<soumyajitpal> ok07:31
IrcsomeBot<soumyajitpal> thanks07:31
IrcsomeBot<soumyajitpal> @acheronuk07:32
acheronukCQ: you may need to change the release upgrade mode as I just said to soumyajitpal07:34
acheronukCQ: https://www.kubuntuforums.net/showthread.php?70922-Upgrade-for-Kubuntu-16-04-LTS&p=393807&viewfull=1#post39380707:34
CQthanks, will chekc that leter.07:35
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vishnu_hey guys!08:44
vishnu_* hey folks08:45
afd_which plasma version will be available in 16.10 ?09:08
fmlit says 5.7.509:13
fmland it's upgraded09:13
jubo2found a free 20W DC charger09:17
jubo2is from Acer but slides perfectly into a HP09:18
jubo2Now booting it to 16.1009:18
jubo2If the OS will install properly it does look like my travel computer privileges are reacquired09:18
jubo280 sec startup09:19
jubo2and X ain't up even yet lol09:19
jubo2Hmmm.. I wonder what kind RAM this eats09:20
jubo2Was like 788MHz in BIOS09:20
jubo2DDR2 prlly09:20
jubo2Disk is 120GB and Windows XP is banish to lose persistent media 100% which gives me enough space09:21
jubo2Installation seems to be progressing with no probelms09:40
jubo2howevs semi-antique the HW is09:40
jubo2automatic chose 1.1GB SWAP10:16
jubo2please don't tell me this means the machine has 1GB RAM10:16
jubo2that'll be unusable. 2GB machines barely run modern GNU/Linukka10:16
mparilloI find kubuntu is the only kde distro that runs OK in 1GB for light surfing and Libre Office editing.10:17
=== CQ2 is now known as CQ
viphi ho10:45
jubo2oh shoot10:56
jubo21GB RAM10:56
jubo2This is gonna be like a flea in tar10:56
jubo2and I ain't talking about the bass player10:57
jubo2We try10:57
jubo2I 'sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade'10:57
jubo2"yakkety" I see10:58
jubo2what's the animal this October?10:58
jubo2And wts "Yakkety" imply?10:58
jubo2This is insanely slow, but at least I'll have connectivity10:59
jubo2Uhh.. Centrino Duo..11:01
jubo2This is not gonna take these 2x 2GB DDR3s I have here but lets try it still11:01
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poda4ahello all. As I understood, there's no nice option to share all Kubuntu settings (key shortcuts, themes, Plasma settings etc.) across many machines. Am I correct? If so, does anyone know a good alternative to that? Maybe different distro?11:18
hi2upoda4a: you're talking about copying a few appearance and specific user settings?11:22
hi2uwrite a script containing all the changes and distribute it11:25
dsealiuswhy okular is not installed by default on 16.10 release ?11:29
dsealiusit launches libre office instead11:30
poda4abut how do i know where are ALL the changes?11:36
BluesKaj_Howdy folks11:41
hi2upoda4a: example?11:50
poda4akey bindings, all system settings?11:50
poda4a...KNotes/Dolphin/Kmail settings11:51
poda4athis seems to be quite basic feature11:51
IrcsomeBot<soumyajitpal> @acheronuk, thanks..  followed and downloaded 😄13:10
IrcsomeBot<soumyajitpal> hi13:10
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IrcsomeBot<J2v1s> Hi, in 16.10 I always have an icon on the task bar sugesting me to intall flash as an additional package to Firefox..... How can I get rid of it (not installing flash obvioisly)13:55
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fmlIrcsomeBot: explain further14:20
ikoniait's a bot14:29
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IrcsomeBot<J2v1s> @fml, I'll explain later, sorry afk14:56
IrcsomeBotGreger was removed by: Greger15:34
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user|10429Hey people, Any idea when will Plasma 8 be available on Kubuntu ?16:34
user|104295.8 I meant16:34
IrcsomeBot<acheronuk> When it has been done for 17.04 developement version then backported. Can't give an exact ETA, but would like to see that ASAP.16:39
* opal 💩 slaps Drone` around a bit with a large trout. 💩17:05
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j-b-m-anybody has hints an upgrading from Kubuntu 16.04 to 16.10? Tried changing "release upgrade" to normal but no update shows up...18:10
FatboyFitzj-b-m-: Perhaps it is because 16.04 is a LTS - there should be an option to check to enable moving off a LTS18:11
j-b-m-Yes, that's what I changed in /etc/update-manager/release-upgrades, I switched from LTS to normal18:14
jubo2This K16.10 is almost usable with 2007 CPU and 1GB RAM18:14
jubo2No worries. I have located some 2GB RAM that is with shipping 23,50€18:14
jubo2I know that's expensive but this will be a fine perfectly functional GNU/Linux once it's got 3GB RAM18:15
jubo2Memory price is strange, the older and therefore slower and smaller it is the more expensive it is per unit18:15
jubo2We should all hoard old RAM and lock it up for 50 yrs.. then all we need is someone who is desparate to get functional RAM to a 60 yr old machine and *KA-CHING*18:16
BluesKajjubo2, ferer production runs makes it more expensive to serve that market18:16
* acheronuk looks in drawer. finds old 1GB RAM module18:17
jubo2I got a free power adapter, 8GB 1066MHz DDR3 RAM and a keyboard18:17
jubo2plus bought a 19" display (on credit) for 15€18:18
acheronukWindows Vista ready on the packet.... Woooo.18:18
jubo2The 2nd hand computer pros at Sörnäinen got interesting prices for DDR2 800MHz RAM.18:18
BluesKaji t cost me $50CDN for 3G Ram 2yrs ago for my 2008 HP18:18
jubo21GB == 2€18:18
jubo22GB == 20€18:19
jubo2that's +400% per unit if you want the rational choice18:19
patoin the past (older ubuntu releases) I could do "ping otherHost.local" and it worked, by searching the network and retreiving the IP automagically18:21
patois that the zeroconf thing?18:21
patoand it is not working in recent installations anymore? (16.04)18:22
patoforget it, it works, just that looks like it takes some time18:39
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kuSuSEguys, what's happening here? https://i.imgur.com/Q7VLi1x.png https://i.imgur.com/PbTEpoD.png it says plasma shell needs 5GB+ RAM just for itself?19:04
hippybearOracle is burning up CPU?19:05
kuSuSEoracle who?19:08
kuSuSEwell, the only intensive thing I'm running is that vagrant up19:09
kuSuSEwhich does use virtualbox yes19:10
kuSuSEbut why does ksysguard report it as plasmashell with 5GB+ RAM?19:10
hippybearalso how large is your CPU that 5Gigs is only 1%19:10
kuSuSECPU usage is 1% but memory usage is over 50%19:11
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kuSuSEi only have 8GB ram19:11
hippybearkill the VM and see if it goes down19:12
kuSuSEwell it is at 20% I might let it finish19:13
hippybearwhat is that vagrant app?19:14
hippybearit is possible the code is causing an issue?19:15
user|28305kubuntu  for usb flash drive live session19:16
kuSuSEvagrant is a way to "deploy" virtualbox images19:19
kuSuSEbut why would ksysguard report memory usage by a process vagrant as by plasma shell?19:19
kuSuSEhippybear: closed vagrant and virtualbox and now plasmashell dropped to 4GB+19:22
hippybearthats weird19:22
hippybearwhat does top tell you?19:22
kuSuSEis this normal?19:22
hippybearpersonally I am only using .1%19:23
hippybearof a 5G CPU19:23
hippybearI think its actually 6 but I have 5.8 free19:24
kuSuSEsomething like this    20   0 9999.2m 4.297g  31664 S  16.3 55.5  65:07.00 plasmashell19:24
hippybearthats intense19:25
kuSuSEiotop looks pretty calm19:25
hippybearare you running k in a windows vm?19:26
kuSuSEmy hard disk might be dying and I blame Windows for it19:26
kuSuSEhippybear: no not anymore19:26
hippybearI dont have a clue bruh19:26
kuSuSEhaha no worries19:26
kuSuSEI kind of wish I could somehow capture system details so it would help someone debug it19:27
kuSuSEif not I'll just reboot and see if it goes away19:27
hippybeardo it!19:27
kuSuSEjust reboot now?19:28
kuSuSEok later19:28
IrcsomeBotDarin Miller was added by: Darin Miller20:20
V7Do you know how to change nvidia resolution to the correct one if there is no correct one21:12
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leumasHi All, ust upgraded to Kubuntu 16.10 and my wifi sno longer working...can anyone help or has seen this issue?21:25
leumasLenovoThinkpad T420i21:26
jubo2Next 2nd hand machine I'm getting. It has 4GB in one bank so I gonna bump it 8GB to 12GB21:36
jubo2the chip and the chipset is couple years newer than my bust system21:36
jubo28GB is not enough21:37
jubo216GB is overkill unless you need it21:37
jubo2and this fine machine with a http://ark.intel.com/products/29759/Intel-Core2-Duo-Processor-T7100-2M-Cache-1_80-GHz-800-MHz-FSB from 2007 is gonna get a memory bump21:40
jubo2plus I'm potentially getting a working panel w/ installation for the X20121:40
jubo2Pile up all the machines with working CPU's http://maidsafe.net is coming21:41
jubo2I gonna several terabytes in Lithuania21:41
jubo2and maybe even few in Nederlands21:41
jubo2depends on how much disposable income I have when the Beta goes online21:42
jubo2Usually Beta is rubbish to be avoided (especially if commercial)21:42
jubo2but the SAFE Network has been in hard and professional R&D for 10 yrs now21:43
jubo2currently is TestNet 921:43
jubo2Beta will be the first version that is persistent21:43
QuantosHello to the room.  I'm running KUbuntu 16.04 and my USB headset doesn't work.  I used a program before to change the priorities of speaker and headset.  I can't remember what it was called though21:49
QuantosThis is a fresh reinstall so I don't think it's a problem with the headset21:50
QuantosGot it fixed, thanks anyway guys22:00
viewer|54484is thre a command line way to upgrade from 16.04.1 to 16.1?22:28
viewer|54484like the same one that the ISO is on the download page?22:29
=== cohnation is now known as weblover
viewer|54484is thre a command line way to upgrade from 16.04.1 to 16.1?22:30
viewer|54484like the same one that the ISO is on the download page?22:30
geniiviewer|54484: sudo apt update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade ...to make sure 16.04 is up to date. then: sudo do-release-upgrade22:30
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