
wxltsimonq2: new screenshot would be good here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu#Get_Lubuntu00:00
tsimonq2Delivery to the following recipient failed permanently:00:00
tsimonq2Technical details of permanent failure:00:00
tsimonq2Google tried to deliver your message, but it was rejected by the server for the recipient domain lists.launchpad.net by polevik.canonical.com. [].00:00
tsimonq2The error that the other server returned was:00:00
tsimonq2550 unknown user00:01
tsimonq2ok wxl00:01
wxli don't care about that list very much00:01
wxlthat's a mario-ism00:01
lynorianThis brings up another question do we need an LTS to LTS update page00:03
* tsimonq2 gives wxl high-fives00:06
tsimonq2wxl: ugh?00:07
wxli put the include in the aforementioned link00:07
wxlbut it's annoying00:07
wxli'm just going to get rid of that00:08
wxlit's redundant anyways00:08
wxlbut might be good for links00:08
tsimonq2wxl: No celebrate? 🎉🎉🎉00:08
wxlnot yet00:09
wxlmore work to do00:09
tsimonq2wxl: awwwwwwwwww00:09
tsimonq2wxl: you know what I'd like to see?00:15
tsimonq2wxl: gilir's MOTU meeting00:15
lynorianhttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/Lubuntu/GetLubuntu/LTS ok got some links done for x86 for 16.04 but need to find a way to get them labeled and I need to do powerpc00:15
wxlomg this minimalinstall page sucks00:18
lynorianhttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/Lubuntu/GetLubuntu/LTS Is this good for seperating 16.04 and 14.04 ?00:21
wxlthis page SUCKS00:28
tsimonq2wxl: Phillism00:29
wxlit's a good page00:29
wxlbut it's hard to find all the info00:29
wxlthat's why there are direct links00:29
wxland direct info00:29
wxllynorian: looks good. i think you need 16.04 ppc00:30
lynorianyes I do00:30
wxlredwolf: you have work to do here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu/Developers/PrePostReleaseTODO00:31
wxllynorian: i had an idea of using <<Include(Lubuntu/CurrentDesktop32Download)>> and having THAT page include the graphic and all that stuff since they are used on more than one page00:33
wxllynorian: but i gotta go. so i'll save that for another day i guess00:33
tsimonq2wxl: bai bai sweet dreams <300:33
tsimonq2lynorian: want your name on here? http://lubuntu.me/the-lubuntu-team/00:51
tsimonq2lynorian: I can put your name on there. ;)00:51
lynoriantsimonq2, yes00:52
tsimonq2lynorian: what details do you want on there? (can you give me links?)00:52
tsimonq2I also need your preferred hackergitchi ;)00:52
lynorianhmm I am not sure I have one00:53
tsimonq2lynorian: find the best image that represents you :)00:53
tsimonq2lynorian: please make it greater than or equal to 192x19200:54
tsimonq2lynorian: well, for now I can just find a placeholder. What details do you want on there?00:58
lynoriantsimonq2, can you ask me another time ?01:01
tsimonq2lynorian: sure, get back to me when you have a minute :)01:01
tsimonq2redwolf: you broke download links01:03
tsimonq2redwolf: we don't release PowerPC for 16.10, remember?01:03
tsimonq2redwolf: I don't have the time to fix it atm. Fix it ASAP.01:04
tsimonq2wxl, redwolf, lynorian: please read the email I just sent out to you guys when you have a minute.03:01
-queuebot:#lubuntu-devel- Packageset: Added directfb to lubuntu in yakkety16:37
-queuebot:#lubuntu-devel- Packageset: Added libgsf to lubuntu in yakkety16:37
-queuebot:#lubuntu-devel- Packageset: Added nemo to lubuntu in yakkety16:37
-queuebot:#lubuntu-devel- Packageset: Added libdca to lubuntu in yakkety16:37
-queuebot:#lubuntu-devel- Packageset: Added makedev to lubuntu in yakkety16:37
wxltsimonq2: i thought we were going to do this at UOS?17:13
lynoriangrr I feel like an idiot I should have reported an upgrade bug before rebooting but I fixed more of the getlubuntu/LTS wiki page19:10
lynorianIt seems installing gnome-software with lubuntu-software-center is the problem19:11
lynorianmight need to upgrade another one of my 16.04 installs19:11
tsimonq2wxl: I thought we discussed that we can have this meeting19:38
wxltsimonq2: now i remember. k19:47
tsimonq2wxl: so respond to Doodle please? ;)19:47
wxleventually yes19:47
tsimonq2wxl: the sooner the better man19:48
wxloh jeez19:48

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