
janat08how do i install this DE on top of ubuntu without the netbook version or vanilla one00:09
tsimonq2janat08: sudo apt install lubuntu-core00:10
janat08is there a suggestion (or a place for those) to making it easier for people to explore the flavours00:12
janat08_lol yea, so i got a bunch of trash along with lubuntu00:18
Kamilionhttp://puu.sh/rIfVk/701a2d80b8.jpg   Little boxes, stuck in boxes, little boxes made of ticky tacky, little boxes on the host box, little boxes all the same, there's a pink one and a blue one and a green one and a yellow one and they're all made out of ticky tacky and they all look... just the sameee....02:37
Kamiliontheme song to a once popular television show02:42
xsmltxHi, tell me please, which one is more lightweight Lubuntu-Core 16.10 Yakkety Yak or 16.04 Xenial Xerus Considering the dependencies http://packages.ubuntu.com/yakkety/lubuntu-core / http://packages.ubuntu.com/xenial/lubuntu-core04:11
ltWhen I try to upgrade from a perfectly working Lubuntu 16.04, I get "dpkg: dependency problems prevent configuration of lubuntu-desktop:^M10:39
ltan error about missing gnome dependencies for lubuntu-desktop10:39
ltgnome-software,  language-selector-gnome, software-properties-gtk & one other are missing.10:42
ltI read the release notes & saw nothing mentioned. Have I done something wrong?10:43
lt(Looks like a lxqt transition glitch to me).10:43
ltPlease advise & thank you  in advance.10:43
leszeklt: lxqt transition ? There is no lxqt transition10:44
leszeklt: did you run apt-get update again to see if it fixes the issue ?10:45
ltThank you.  I can, I always use a scratch disk for a first upgrade10:45
ltbut I never quite trust an upgrade which is not "clean".10:46
ltPerhaps I should have said "lxqt work in progress". I looked into running the beta of that (do I have the acronym right)10:46
ltbut there was no upgrade path.10:47
leszekyeah 16.10 is still using lxde for some reason. Maybe because the new lxqt release didn't make it in ubuntu10:57
ltI just tried "apt-get upgrade", which exited, suggesting "apt-get -f install" (-f for fix)10:59
ltThe second apt-get wanted to make a bunch of changes, which looked scary.11:00
ltAs an existence proof, has anybody done an upgrade to Lubuntu 16.10 rather than an ISO install?11:01
norbydroid_I ran lusb to see if the USB 3 card I installed was seen by linux and I don't se it.  Is there anything I can do to get it usable?12:31
norbydroid_I have a USB stick in the USB 2 slot (the USB stick unfortunately is USB 3) and it is so slow it will take years to xfer files.12:33
norbydroid_A reboot with the stick installed shows it, but the PC I think is crap because the xfer speed is atrocious.13:15
lee1I have a question about an older machine i'm using Aspire 4520, it has a Nvidia GeForce 7000 in it. I'm currently having problems booting back into the OS. I'm getting a black screen with a blinking cursor. It was working before. I'm using 16.04 64bit20:12
LuMintlee1: do you use nvidia173?20:13
LuMintlee1: what happens if you do ctrl alt f1?20:13
lee1LuMint let me try20:16
lee1No the tty is also messed up. I have to edit grub and put in nomodeset20:17
LuMintlee1: that's what I was going to suggest20:18
lee1The kernel i'm using is 4.4.0-4320:18
lee1When I use the nomodeset in the 4.4.0-43 it doesn't want to load it stops at the black screen with the cursor blinking. I'm going to select the -31 kernel and try.20:21
lee1LuMint: Well it's loading with nomodeset in the kernel 4.4.0-3120:23
lee1the nvidia driver that it wants me to use is 304.13120:25
LuMintit should be okay20:25
LuMintforget about 173, i thought your card was older20:25
lee1It says i'm using it. i'm going to switch back to Nouveau driver and restart then try to reload the nvidia drivers. But my problem I wasn't getting sound. I believe it happend after I ran some updates and the kernel updated20:26
=== WildSoft_ is now known as WildSoft
swift110hey LuMint21:06
LuMintswift110: hi21:06
swift110how r u21:06
LuMintfine, and you?21:07
swift110great LuMint what ya up to21:08
LuMintgoing to take a nap21:10
V7Do you know how to change nvidia resolution to the correct one if there is no correct one21:13
sodomyHas Lubuntu 16.10 been officially released yet?  Or is it still in testing?21:46
wxl!isitout | sodomy21:46
ubottusodomy: It's Out!!! See - http://www.ubuntu.com/download21:46
tsimonq2sodomy: http://lubuntu.me/yakkety-released/21:46
sodomyThanks chaps.21:47

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