=== RemonShai is now known as r3m0n | ||
r3m0n | hi pavlushka, Kilos..../// | 05:09 |
r3m0n | pavlushka, I wanted to set this nickname(r3m0n) permanently. how...? | 05:12 |
=== RemonShai is now known as r3m0n | ||
=== r3m0n_ is now known as RemonShai | ||
=== RemonShai is now known as r3m0n | ||
zaki | hello r3m0n | 06:27 |
r3m0n | yea.... zaki | 06:27 |
Kilos | hi zaki r3m0n | 06:32 |
r3m0n | hi... Kilos , my bigggg friend... | 06:33 |
r3m0n | Kilos, I wanted to replace my nick as r3m0n forever. | 06:35 |
=== RemonShai is now known as r3m0n | ||
zaki | wb pavlushka and RemonShai | 08:52 |
RemonShai | zaki, আমার নিক পরিবর্তন হচ্ছে না, চিরস্থায়ীভাবে। | 08:57 |
zaki | which one? | 09:02 |
zaki | r3m0n: or RemonShai ? | 09:02 |
RemonShai | r3m0n | 09:02 |
pavlushka | zaki: HE is on android irc, he need to change it on th settings there, but he cant find it. | 09:03 |
zaki | are u yousing two client at a time? r3m0n | 09:03 |
zaki | using* | 09:03 |
r3m0n | no... just wait... | 09:04 |
zaki | :| | 09:04 |
zaki | wb RemonShai | 09:04 |
pavlushka | He needs to set r3m0n as first nick and RemonShai as second nick but for identifying, needs the sequence "/msg nickserv identify RemonShai his_passwd" | 09:05 |
=== RemonShai is now known as r3m0n | ||
pavlushka | that's how the settings should on his android irc settings | 09:05 |
zaki | hmm | 09:06 |
r3m0n | আজ পিছির নেট নাই। পিছির নেট আগামীকাল কিনবো। | 09:11 |
zaki | (y) | 09:11 |
pavlushka | and r3m0n if you did not identify your nick, then the group command will not work, may be that's where the problem is. | 09:14 |
r3m0n | yes | 09:15 |
pavlushka | to group r3m0n to your main nick RemonShai, you have to identify yourself first, then change to desired nick and run the group command. | 09:15 |
pavlushka | zaki: the issue has been resolved, the problem was the above mentioned one :) | 09:17 |
Kilos | hi pavlushka and the other bd peeps | 09:18 |
r3m0n | pavlushka & zakiI do it.... yahooooo | 09:18 |
pavlushka | Hello dear Kilos :) | 09:18 |
r3m0n | pavlushka, now, everyone search me as r3m0n , isn't...? | 09:23 |
zaki | yes | 09:23 |
r3m0n | (y) | 09:24 |
r3m0n | Qa, coffee on | 09:25 |
r3m0n | coffee on | 09:25 |
zaki | QA isn't here, she is missing | 09:25 |
r3m0n | yea... :'( :'( | 09:26 |
r3m0n | how to set QA...? | 09:26 |
zaki | Kilos: know | 09:26 |
Kilos | what do you want to set | 09:27 |
Kilos | oh ill get here | 09:27 |
Kilos | sorry | 09:27 |
zaki | Kilos: QA | 09:28 |
zaki | thnx Kilos | 09:28 |
Kilos | QA coffee on | 09:28 |
* QA puts the kettle on | 09:28 | |
zaki | welcome back QA | 09:28 |
r3m0n | btw zakiare u try ubuntu 16.10 or unity 8 (mir) | 09:28 |
r3m0n | ty Kilos for Qa | 09:29 |
Kilos | yw | 09:29 |
zaki | r3m0n: nope, i'm using kubuntu | 09:29 |
zaki | 16.4.1 | 09:29 |
zaki | Sysinfo for 'zaki-Satellite-C800D': Running inside KDE Plasma 5.5.5 on Ubuntu 16.04.1 LTS (Xenial Xerus) powered by Linux 4.4.0-42-generic, CPU: AMD E2-1800 APU with Radeon(tm) HD Graphics at 1700 MHz, RAM: 2405/2621 MB, Storage: 29/72 GB, 222 procs, 3.67h up | 09:29 |
r3m0n | are you using AMD..!!! :) | 09:31 |
zaki | yes, for last 5 years | 09:31 |
QA | Coffee's ready for Kilos! | 09:32 |
Kilos | QA gracias | 09:32 |
QA | ¡de nada! | 09:32 |
r3m0n | tell me, some word about AMD. | 09:33 |
r3m0n | QA, coffee please. | 09:33 |
QA | r3m0n: There isn't a pot on | 09:33 |
zaki | r3m0n: Advanced Micro Devices (AMD) :p | 09:33 |
r3m0n | I know but mostly dislike it. i don't know why...? | 09:35 |
zaki | If AMD goes out of the race, Intel will be free to charge whatever the hell they want for CPUs, and Nvidia will charge whatever they want for GPUs. | 09:39 |
zaki | https://teksyndicate.com/comment/1523456 | 09:42 |
r3m0n | (y) | 09:44 |
r3m0n | আমি AMD পছন্দ করি কিন্তু সবাই হতাশ করে। | 10:00 |
zaki | ask them the reason, why they don't like amd!! | 10:01 |
zaki | if they can show some good point, it's oky to be hotash :p | 10:02 |
r3m0n | they, don't say that clearly. :( | 10:03 |
pavlushka | I like AMD, though its GPU's performance are not that satisfactory :) | 10:04 |
pavlushka | I had an AMD machine once :) | 10:05 |
pavlushka | k7 | 10:05 |
r3m0n | I haven't. but I like AMD. | 10:06 |
zaki | hmm | 10:06 |
=== RemonShai is now known as r3m0n | ||
r3m0n | Is tumblr & wordpress are same...? | 10:17 |
r3m0n | pavlushka ↑ | 10:18 |
pavlushka | r3m0n: cool r3m0n :) | 10:19 |
pavlushka | ↑ | 10:19 |
zaki | pavlushka: NOOP Prevents services from setting modes upon you automatically. | 10:23 |
zaki | like this? [Mode] You have set personal modes: +i | 10:25 |
zaki | is this necessary? | 10:25 |
pavlushka | r3m0n: nope, wordpress is a web content manager specially designed for blogging sites | 10:25 |
zaki | what i missed!! :3 | 10:25 |
pavlushka | tumblr is pic sharing site I guess | 10:25 |
r3m0n | pavlushka, no...same.. | 10:26 |
pavlushka | zaki: I just copy pasted r3m0n's ↑, no pointing to anything :p | 10:26 |
pavlushka | not pointing | 10:26 |
zaki | pavlushka: what aboout "NOOP" command ^ | 10:27 |
r3m0n | pavlushka, i asked Google. Google said, " they are same." | 10:28 |
pavlushka | zaki: no op is to disabling any chan op to set any service on you, like giving voice or op :) | 10:28 |
pavlushka | on your nick actually | 10:29 |
zaki | oky thnx. :) | 10:29 |
Kilos | night bd peeps | 10:29 |
Kilos | sleep tight | 10:29 |
zaki | night Kilos | 10:29 |
pavlushka | Good Night Kilos :) | 10:29 |
zaki | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tumblr | 10:30 |
zaki | Tumblr (stylized on its home page as tumblr.) is a microblogging and social networking website founded by David Karp in 2007, and owned by Yahoo! since 2013.[1][4][5][6][7] The service allows users to post multimedia and other content to a short-form blog. Users can follow other users' blogs. Bloggers can also make their blogs private.[8][9] For bloggers, many of the website's features are accessed from a "dashboard" interface. | 10:31 |
zaki | As of October 1, 2016, Tumblr hosts over 316.2 million blogs.[2] As of January 2016, the website had 555 million monthly visitors.[3][2] | 10:31 |
zaki | ops sorry. :3 | 10:31 |
pavlushka | zaki: for what? | 10:31 |
zaki | flooding. :p | 10:32 |
zaki | text flooding actually | 10:32 |
pavlushka | zaki: its ok, but its good to keep that in mind :) | 10:32 |
zaki | :) | 10:34 |
r3m0n | I decided to delete unnecessary account. | 10:43 |
zaki | r3m0n: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4tdKl-gTpZg listen to this and enjoy deleting your accounts. :p | 10:45 |
r3m0n | গানটা গাইতে খুব কষ্ট হইছে😜😜😜 | 10:58 |
zaki | whoom? | 10:59 |
pavlushka | r3m0n: lol | 11:00 |
zaki | :p | 11:00 |
r3m0n | গায়ক ও তার সঙ্গীদের😜 | 11:00 |
zaki | i don't like yellow :3 | 11:01 |
pavlushka | zaki: যারা heavy metal শুনে না বা শুনে নি, তাদের অনেক কে এরকম কথা বলতে শুনসি, মজার | 11:01 |
pavlushka | যেমন "এক পোয়া শুকনা মরিচ খাইয়া গান ধরসে" | 11:01 |
r3m0n | আমি আগে শুনতাম linkin park. | 11:02 |
pavlushka | যেমন "দেখাচ্ছে চারজন কিন্তু বাজাইসে তো এগারোজন!" | 11:02 |
zaki | ha ha. :D lol | 11:02 |
zaki | 1 minute silence for them :p | 11:02 |
zaki | bbl | 11:48 |
=== RemonShai is now known as r3m0n | ||
=== Rezwan is now known as Guest85219 | ||
=== z4ki is now known as zaki |
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