
naccrbasak: if you get a chance take a look at the latest commits on lpusip:memcached#ubuntu/yakkety,{-proposed}00:20
naccrbasak: those are achieved with the importer/ namespace implemented and with upload/ tag support (so in this case, I had the upload/ tag in my local repository that i then used as the basis for import)00:20
halvors1Hi. There is core dumps in systemd for last patch for systemd in xenial as well as yakkety.00:46
halvors1What happend here? Everything worked just fine before the "security update" and the last "change" in yakkety way after the freeze zone...00:47
sarnoldhalvors1: what bug number?00:55
halvors1sarnold: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/systemd/+bug/163327401:17
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1633274 in systemd (Ubuntu) "Systemd-networkd crashes with core dump" [Undecided,New]01:17
sarnoldhalvors1: very nice, thanks01:20
halvorsI don't know exactly how yakkety is affected as well, the bug seems to be appearing only when i attach the VTI interface to a physical interface.01:23
BluefoxicyI can't find the bug for "flash is completely broken in 16.10"02:09
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pittiGood morning05:29
* Mirv frequently refreshes https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+series08:46
* acheronuk prays for a slight break with the animal theme (zombie)08:53
rbasaknacc: nice!09:44
rbasakInteresting that the commit date appears to go backwards.09:44
rbasak(in ubuntu/yakkety)09:44
rbasakI guess that's just a consequence of the test using historical data in this case.09:45
tsimonq2cyphermox: Hello, what should I reply with here? https://www.reddit.com/r/Lubuntu/comments/57eg8q/vpn_icon_in_applet_tray/11:12
tsimonq2cyphermox: Afair, that's your specialty ;)11:12
brendandtsimonq2, ask them to post 'nmcli conn'11:18
tsimonq2brendand: ok11:22
pittismoser: I revisited bug 1629797 and now sent a D-Bus patch upstream which solves this in a more intrusive, but also much more elegant way, FYI11:50
ubottubug 1629797 in dbus (Ubuntu) "resolve service in nsswitch.conf adds 25 seconds to failed lookups before systemd-resolved is up" [Undecided,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/162979711:50
pittismoser: so I'll see to getting this into z and Debian unstable soon, and at some point we can backport it to x and lose that workaround in cloud-init.service11:50
rbasakpitti: do you have a link to the upstream patch please? I'm curious.11:59
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pittirbasak: I linked it from the bug, freedesktop bug 9825412:55
ubottuFreedesktop bug 98254 in core "Deadlock/timeout if early boot services try to connect to D-Bus" [Normal,New] http://bugzilla.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=9825412:55
smoserpitti, link to upstream in the bug ?13:04
pittismoser: I did13:05
coreycbpitti, hello, bug 1623107 is ready for another look if you have a chance13:09
ubottubug 1623107 in python-pylxd (Ubuntu Xenial) "[SRU] python-pylxd 2.0.5" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/162310713:09
pitticoreycb: http://launchpadlibrarian.net/289337158/python-mock-services_0.2-0ubuntu3_0.2-0ubuntu0.16.04.1.diff.gz looks a bit strange -- why did you remove the changelog?13:15
pitticoreycb: this is a build dep only, right? so it'll go into universe13:16
coreycbpitti, hmm, confused.. I didn't think python-mock-services existed in xenial13:16
coreycbpitti, it is a build dep only, yes.  I adjusted the changelog from yakkety so that the version is < yakkety13:17
pitticoreycb: I mean normally you'd take the y package, add a new changelog record for 0.2-0ubuntu3~16.04 (or ~xenial) and keep the rest13:17
pitticoreycb: but, nitpicking13:17
coreycbpitti, yeah I should have done that13:17
pitticoreycb: accepted; I'll let it build and binNEW it after that, then pylxd should start building13:18
coreycbpitti, thanks13:18
coreycbinfinity, RAOF:  hello, any chance one of you could put xenial nova and neutron* in your sru review list for next week?13:23
pitticoreycb: …done13:23
coreycbpitti, thanks again13:23
smoseris there some tool that i can point at a changelog and it will download me the right orig tarball from launchpad ?14:44
smoseri'm aware of pull-lp-source, but basically want to run 'get-orig-source' in some directory, have it read the debian/changelog, and downlaod the .orig.tar.gz (or .tar.xz)14:46
smoserprobably of the last non-UNRELEASED version14:46
pittino, I don't think there's something that general14:46
pittiwell, uscan --download-current-version --rename14:46
pittithat shold actually do what you want14:46
cjwatsononly if it actually matches upstream14:46
cjwatsonI'd be inclined to build something out of dpkg-parsechangelog + dget14:47
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naccsmoser: to make it easier to build with teh importer, right?15:02
smoseri just git clone, but then build says E_NO_ORIG_TARBALL15:05
cjwatsonI always preferred the pristine-tar approach to this personally, although I've sensed that falling out of favour a bit15:05
naccrbasak: yeah, i think that's an artifact of my local git-dsc-commit reconstruct having been done a few days ago, and the publish actually haveing occurred a week ago15:05
cjwatsonand it does require tool support15:05
nacccjwatson: right, that's what i was considering adding, although it will slow down our importer more15:06
cjwatson(all my git-dpm-managed packages have a pristine-tar branch that stores deltas versus commits on the upstream branch)15:06
naccsmoser: but agreed, it's a needed functionallity15:06
smoseri'm working on one.15:06
rbasakI imagined a tool that would use a cache somewhere in .git, and populate that if required, only on user demand.15:07
naccrbasak: ack, i'm just worried about how large that cache might get, and it's a bit of complication to the 'importer' code proper -- i guess it could live in a different tool, though15:08
barrysmoser: http://paste.ubuntu.com/23323900/15:09
rbasakDifferent tool is what I had in mind. Though if somehow the same cache could be used for both, that would be nice.15:09
barrythat's what i've been using for a while now.  requires chdist.  not sure it's what you want, but you can easily run `gbp build-package` over the result15:09
smoserbarry, thanks.15:10
naccrbasak: ack, agreed15:11
naccrbasak: at the minimum, i think the importer can stash the 'last' imported debian and ubuntu orig tarballs in there15:12
naccrbasak: as those seem the 'most' valuable for the development side15:12
rbasakYeah, but in smoser's clone use case, his cache would start off empty.15:12
naccack, we'd need to have a separate tool still, no matter what i tihnk15:13
naccwhich is good, as 'building' is different from 'importing' :)15:13
naccsmoser: in your c#3 to LP: #1633114, doesn't that leave the trailing maintainer entry15:21
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1633114 in usd-importer "provide debian/changelog information in commit messages" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/163311415:21
rbasakPerhaps even a tool that shares its cache with pull-lp-source?15:22
rbasakUsing ~/.cache (XDG-ized) etc perhaps.15:22
rbasakBut YAGNI, perhaps.15:23
smosercjwatson, dget would require deb-src lines, right ? nacc that was by design15:27
smosersorry, cjwatson . that was just in by buffer15:27
cjwatsoner possibly, yeah15:27
smosernacc, that was by design, as it is in the commit Author15:28
naccsmoser: i agree, but it *does* leave the line in my case -- but in your comment15:29
nacc*but not15:31
naccgit diff import/1.4.1-1^..import/1.4.1-1 -- debian/changelog | sed -e '/^[+]/!d' -e 's/^[+]//' -e '/^ /!d'15:32
smoser https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+archive/primary/+files/isc-dhcp_4.3.3-5ubuntu14.dsc15:49
smoserdget https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+archive/primary/+files/isc-dhcp_4.3.3-5ubuntu14.dsc15:49
smoseralways fails for me, and i have to pass '-u'15:49
smoserwhat is the right way to m ake it pass ?15:49
bdmurrayhappyaron: Are you about? Your fcitx upload has no Launchpad-Bugs-Fixed in it.15:52
smosernacc, did you figure it out ? i probably changed something and didn't update what i put inthe comment15:52
naccsmoser: no, i just wanted to make sure i wasn't missing something obvious, i can tweak the regexs15:52
naccsmoser: for dget, wouldn't it need to know the public key for whoever uploaded that version? is that what is' verifying?15:57
cjwatsonsmoser: there isn't necessarily a good reason to expect that you'll have the necessary public key, for Ubuntu.  For Debian, where that tool was written, they're generally in the debian-keyring package.15:57
cjwatsonsmoser: transport security is probably OK in this case ...15:58
smosercjwatson, yeah. thats what i was thinking. i justdidn't know if in general i was missing some obvious thing.16:00
rbasaknacc: do you have SRU information for bug 1629241 please?16:07
ubottubug 1629241 in strongswan (Ubuntu Trusty) "crash strongSwan in Ubuntu Trusty" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/162924116:07
naccrbasak: let me fill it out16:07
smosernacc, cjwatson that is probalby over-engineered in many ways, but works for me.16:08
smoserbad thing is that it downloads more than just the dsc and the orig tarball (gets the debian tarball too)16:08
rbasaknacc, caribou: you have both uploaded an SRU for multipath-tools in Trusty for different bugs. Could you coordinate and consolidate these into one upload, please?16:12
rbasakSo I propose to reject both from the queue unless you object?16:12
caribourbasak: I'm fine with it, I'll ping nacc to coordinate16:13
naccrbasak: fine with me, sorry about that!16:14
naccrbasak: LP: #1629241 updated; however, I'm not sure the test case is sufficient16:14
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1629241 in strongswan (Ubuntu Trusty) "crash strongSwan in Ubuntu Trusty" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/162924116:14
rbasaknacc: will you be able to exercise that test case if required? If not, I suggest asking the reporter to commit to doing the SRU verification - otherwise we sometimes end up stuck blocking other SRUs and have to reject it in the end.16:16
rbasakbdmurray: any opinion?16:16
bdmurrayrbasak: The reporter verified from a PPA so I think they are willing16:16
caribounacc: I just pulled your source, want me to merge it with mine (got two patches)16:17
rbasakcaribou, nacc: sounds like you could have fun with the git workflow there :-)16:17
caribourbasak: nacc: this is something that came up within our team : how do we handle post-merge uploads to dev16:18
naccrbasak: bdmurray: yeah, they already were very prompt in our testing16:18
nacc*prior testing16:18
rbasakbdmurray: OK, so shall we accept that one?16:18
nacccaribou: fine with me, thanks!16:18
caribourbasak: nacc: do we keep using the git repo or just debdiffs16:18
nacccaribou: yeah, that's on my todo list for today (hopefully)16:19
nacccaribou: using the git workflow for bugfixes16:19
caribounacc: ok, will merge both & post the debdiff in a few minutes16:19
nacccaribou: debdiffs will also still be supported and handled, but if one knows to use the git repo (and hopefully that population grows), then MRs can be used, etc.16:20
caribounacc: here is the debdiff : http://paste.ubuntu.com/23324297/16:24
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nacccaribou: looks good to me!16:25
caribounacc: ok, uploading16:25
caribourbasak: nacc: ok, merged multipath-tools trusty SRU uploaded16:28
naccapw: query on the overlay stuff in y -- given that overlayfs is no longer recognized, should there be something that goes into /etc/schroot/chroot.d/ and post-install of an appropriate kernel ensures that it says overlay for each schroot? I guess that could be a sbuild change. Wasn't sure if there was already a bug for this16:29
naccapw: i'll re-ask that in #ubuntu-kernel16:30
naccsmoser: if we import a version and it's a copy-forward from another release, do you want the most recent chagnelog entry to be present still?16:36
rbasaknacc: could you add SRU paperwork to bug 1628723 please?16:36
ubottubug 1628723 in multipath-tools (Ubuntu Trusty) "Trusty: multipathd SIGSEGV on path addition or removal" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/162872316:36
rbasakcaribou: looks like someone messed with the bug status in bug 1621835, but it should have been Fix Released in the development release if it already has the fix.16:38
ubottubug 1621835 in multipath-tools (Ubuntu Trusty) "multipathd reconfigure does not update /etc/multipath/wwids file on trusty" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/162183516:38
naccrbasak: done, similar statement regarding testing as the strongswan one (they already tested via PPA)16:40
rbasakOK, thanks.16:40
smosernacc, i guess all the interim, wouldnt you think ?16:42
naccsmoser: what do you mean by interim? e.g., 1.4.25-2ubuntu1 published in x, then copied to y, what do you think should be in y's importer commit message16:43
nacckeeping in mind that x's commit message may also be affected by your choice (because it was copied from x-proposed)16:45
smoseri dont know.16:48
naccsmoser: yeah it's tricky, if we say it's the most recent changelog entry (whcih corresponds to the version in that import), then i have to probably use dpkg-parsechangelog or similar manual munging (btw, i'm basically taking the middle route on that issue, after talking with rbasak, i'll add some manual fallback in the code if dpkg-parsechagnelog fails, so hoepfully we won't need source patches anymore16:52
nacc(but we'll still keep that support around))16:52
naccsmoser: if we say it's the diff, it might be empty often16:52
smoserwhen would it be empty ?16:52
smoseronly rally on "first copy to branch"16:53
naccand every series starts with that :)16:53
naccand some series get no updates16:53
naccso it depends on 'often'16:53
nacci'm fine either way, just trying to match what you expect16:53
naccdiff is probably easier for me to code, tbh16:54
naccsmoser: let me generate an example tree and we can use that as the basis for discussion17:03
smosernacc, another possibity is to just push this to a tool17:07
smoserthat looks at git log debian/changelog17:07
naccsmoser: sorry, i'm a bit confused; i thought the point was you wanted to see the corresponding changelog entry in the `git log` ?17:11
smoserright. i did.17:13
smoserand i do think that woudl be useful.17:13
smoserbut if you can't figure out the right way to do it, i thin it may be sufficient to say "thats a user problem"17:14
naccsmoser: ah ok :)17:14
naccsmoser: i think i can get us something that is useful, and i agree in principe that our current `git log` output is not the most helpful17:15
smoserso lets say i had a fix for a bug (bug 1629972)17:38
ubottubug 1629972 in MAAS "networking stop incorrectly disconnects from (network) root filesystem" [Undecided,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/162997217:38
smoserwhere would i upload that ?17:38
smosershall ijust upload it to yakkety-proposed ?17:38
naccsmoser: iiuc, based upon prior discussions, you can just upload to ubuntu and it will dtrt?17:42
naccsmoser: ah but you mean because z isn't open yet?17:43
naccgood question :)17:44
slangaseksmoser: yes, yakkety-proposed for now.  I guess this is an SRU candidate regardless, right?17:50
smoserslangasek, yes.17:53
slangasekthen definitely yes :)17:53
naccslangasek: process-wise, given that the 'development release' should always have the fix first, how is the devel release defined right now?17:55
nacc*for an SRU, I mean17:55
naccsmoser: any idea why the single-quote escape isn't working? http://paste.ubuntu.com/23324761/18:04
smoserto escape single ticks you need '\''18:07
smoserbut probably best to avoid the shell interpretation18:07
smoserunless you're just asking about you typing things.18:07
smoseror if you prefer, "" can do same as \ there: echo 'you can'"'"'t do that.'18:08
naccsmoser: well, i mean if i do git commit -m '<result of git-diff>' and git-diff contains '18:09
naccsmoser: it doesn't go so hot :/18:09
smoserbut why are you passing that to the shell18:10
naccsmoser: sorry, not sure i understnd? we use subprocess.call(shell=True) throughout th eimporter18:12
smoseryeah, thats wrong.18:12
smoseralmsot always18:12
naccsmoser: i could switch those around, but i ran into plenty of other issues18:12
smoseralmost always better to not have the shell involved.18:13
naccsmoser: ok, so not using the shell, i probably need to pass absolute paths to everything?18:16
naccsmoser: as just switching shell=True off broke just about every subprocess call :)18:16
smoseryeah, because you invoke with "git log" rather than ["git", "log"]18:16
naccsmoser: ah ok18:20
* nacc switches over to shlex.split18:20
smoserjust drop the shell18:20
smoseri promise, it will only get in the way.18:20
naccdropping the shell requires me to switch everything to []18:21
naccwhich i just did by using shlex.split18:21
naccthe only ones that still use shell are those using pipes18:21
nacci will change those over later18:21
nacclol, shlex.split also has an issue with nested '18:23
smosernacc, http://paste.ubuntu.com/23324843/18:25
smoserthat handles ithink all but the pipes18:25
smoserican fix those too18:25
naccsmoser: right, that is what shlex.split() is supposed to be doing :)18:26
nacclet's just say it doesn't work so hot :)18:26
naccok i'll do the same locally18:26
smoserwell, no.18:26
smoserit is actually doing the righ tthing18:27
smoserits splitting as the shell would split18:27
smoserwhich is why you have bug for bug compatibility18:27
nacceven if i use shlex.quote first, it bugs out18:27
naccit's fine18:27
nacci'm changing to your format18:27
slangaseknacc: we batch-copy packages forward from yakkety-proposed to z-proposed once it opens18:45
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smoserslangasek, i remember at soem point in the long past making changes to dhclient so that if it failed to get a lease it would die20:49
tsimonq2smoser: bah20:49
smoserand exit failure20:49
smoserbut it seems it does nto do that now20:50
smoserdhclient -v -4 ... echo $?; seems to say 020:51
slangaseksmoser: did you forget the -1 option?20:52
slangaseknot according to your pastebin20:52
smoserno. i typo'd -4 for -1 above20:52
smoserdo you remember doing this too ? or did i make it up.20:53
smoserthe man page seems to say it will act like i expect20:53
slangaseksmoser: dhclient was always supposed to work that way on -1, we changed other things to make use of that behavior20:53
slangaseksmoser: so clearly that's misbehaving per manpage; file a bug with deets?20:54
smoserdeets ?20:54
slangasekdetails ;)20:54
smoserpeople commonly over-guess on my hipness factor.20:56
smoserthats either because a.) i just look hip20:56
smoserb.) i'm more lame than people expect is possible.20:57
slangasekyou've apparently ruled out c) slangasek uses dated slang to keep people guessing if he's retro or just old20:57
naccall of the above?20:59
dobeywhen people say "deets" it makes me think of https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DEET21:06
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1633619 in isc-dhcp (Ubuntu) "dhclient -1 exits 0 when no lease found" [Undecided,New]21:07
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srwarrenDoes anyone know how/why/when /etc/default/locale is created when running the Ubuntu installer?22:12
srwarrenRelated, if a system is being installed a different way, e.g. by untaring a root file system .tar file supplied by Canonical, what's the suggested way of creating config files like that; just untar another overlay .tar with manually created file content, do something at first-boot, or ?22:12
naccsmoser: if you're around: https://git.launchpad.net/~nacc/ubuntu/+source/memcached22:19
naccsmoser: that has changelog entries22:19
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