
knomenicolaEdison, ...and since you say the website was confusing, do you have any suggestions on making it less so?00:16
nicolaEdisonIDK, perhaps making a link to the IRC.00:16
nicolaEdisonI found the IRC via Help/Support.00:17
knomeone of the problems from the teams side is that especially with development stuff, there isn't a single good place to point people to, so it has to be kind of general00:17
nicolaEdisonEverything else was suggesting I go to "launchpad" but that had no real leads from there.00:17
nicolaEdisonAgreed. Not having a real "goto" place makes it difficult. I figured IRC is a good place to start.00:18
* knome goes poking a bit00:19
knomebut feel free to ask any questions00:19
nicolaEdisonSo, knome. What do you do around here.00:19
Unit193Well launchpad is were it all happens, but yeah that's not really a jumping off point.00:19
knomeUnit193, krytarik and bluesabre are lurking00:19
knomewell, not Unit193 any more..00:19
Unit193I was not.00:19
Unit193I specifically remember hiding.00:20
* bluesabre was coding, not lurking00:20
nicolaEdisonHowdy all. I'm just looking to join an OS dev group.00:20
nicolaEdisonI've used several flavours of Linux for several years now and I figure. I know embedded development and Assembly, why not see what I can do to help.00:21
nicolaEdisonI was just wondering what all'yall do, and if anybody had any good suggestions for a starting point.00:22
Unit193Well bluesabre is the technical lead, so there's that.  Generally speaking it's recommended that you find a bug that affects you and fix it for the first go, but there's other ways too.  Xfce is C, but that's also more upstream than Xubuntu (and is currently porting everything to GTK3 now.)00:24
bluesabrepretty much exactly that ^00:24
Unit193bluesabre likes python though, and keeps thinking he should update the Xfce python bindings rather than re-implementing it in every application, but so far.. ;)00:25
nicolaEdisonHuh, I have been meaning to break into more C/++ GUI based programming (so far my C manipulations have dealt with files and the like).00:25
bluesabreXfce is a good place to start then, the apps already exist (and have plenty of bugs here or there that could do with small patches)00:27
knomenicolaEdison, i updated the "Get Involved" page, does it look less confusing now? :)00:27
nicolaEdisonWell then. How should I join/start.00:27
nicolaEdisonOoh. Thanks Knome00:28
Unit193nicolaEdison: knome is website/PR/artwork, bluesabre is dev/packaging, I'm packaging/weirdstuff.00:28
knomenicolaEdison, and to answer your question, i'm one of the council members as well as the website lead.00:28
knomexfce is currently in a migration state from GTK2 to GTK3, so there's at least quite a lot of work to do...00:29
bluesabrenicolaEdison, I'd recommend hanging around here and in #xfce-dev and joining a few of the mailing lists (https://mail.xfce.org/mailman/listinfo/xfce4-dev, https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/xubuntu-devel)00:30
nicolaEdisonThe "Get involved" page seems much more, how you say, resourceful00:30
knomewell good00:30
knomeeven if it actually has the same amount of links and to less content ;)00:30
knomei think the problem was that the developer area was hidden too well..00:30
nairwolfhello nicolaEdison ;)00:30
nicolaEdisonKnome :P Ssssh, that's how UX work00:31
nicolaEdisonHi nariwolf00:31
bluesabrenicolaEdison, https://wiki.xfce.org/contribute/easybugs might interest you to get started00:31
knomereminds me we should set up the next devel version on the tracker00:31
Unit193Our team is very IRC based too, so we all either end up using a bouncer or always-on IRC client.00:31
knome*very* IRC based00:31
nicolaEdisonAnd people say IRC is outdated. PSSSSH00:32
Unit193Eg, half of us haven't sent anything to the mailing list this year, and some others try to avoid it like ebola. :P00:32
knomebluesabre, oh man, you created all those blueprints but not an umbrella one00:33
bluesabreknome, I created a single blueprint :)00:33
Unit193bluesabre: Wait, so did we actually push the meetings back on to the council officially now?00:33
nairwolfnevetherless, I think it would be a great things to use more mailing-list. Because sometimes, you can't be here, and you can't see important things you talked. 00:33
bluesabreUnit193, hm?00:33
knomeUnit193, nno?00:33
nairwolfI know you can read logs, but it's not the same thing as reading its mails00:33
Unit193knome: Hrm, OK..00:34
knomeUnit193, why would we want to push more tasks for the council as we are trying to make the tasks spread out better with a council?00:35
Unit193Makes sense, we broke it out because the team lead didn't have much time, now there's 3 of 'em.00:36
knomeit still doesn't mean we have three times the time, or that it's fine to dump it all on us ;)00:37
knomebut i'll take a double amount of chairs if people feel like the council shouldn't slack out00:38
knome(no, not taking your turn, Unit193, just another one in the schedule)00:38
electricergerHello, am I connected.00:44
nicolaEdisonYes, me you are00:44
Unit193So, in the sense of "XCM+team lead", then sure.00:44
electricergerHi again. (This is my main tag for nicolaTessla)00:45
Unit193(Because then if someone isn't a team lead, still gets into the queue.)00:45
knomeUnit193, well i guess in that sense, but i also meant that i can do double chairs as a council member.00:51
knomei really don't care if i chair 1 or 3 meetings during the cycle, as long as i don't chair every meeting00:52
knomeoookay, the new release is set up @ dev.xubuntu.org00:53
knomethe umbrella blueprint --> https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/xubuntu-z-roadmap00:54
bluesabreknome, thanks!03:21
bluesabremore progress with the puzzle launcher, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SNlCvLuLgkk&feature=youtu.be03:21
flocculantbluesabre: dev blueprint going to track ⚡ Thunar is dead. Long live Thunar! ⚡?06:46
sorinello_Thunar is dead ? :o07:21
flocculantit's limping so much it's going round in circles :)07:22
flocculantsorinello_: https://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/xubuntu-devel/2016/xubuntu-devel.2016-09-09-22.00.log.html#l-10807:23
Unit193sorinello_: Unless you'd like to join on the quest for the perfect patch.07:25
Unit193And a maintainer.07:26
sorinello_Too bad the XFCE community is not able to handle this :(07:28
bluesabreflocculant, thanks, added to the blueprint10:07
flocculantbluesabre: mugshot - just a thought :p11:16
bluesabreflocculant, feel free to add proposals tasks or proposals to the whiteboard :)11:16
bluesabrewrote that word a few too many times :D11:17
flocculantwell I don't like to do that for you :p11:17
flocculantcos I'm nicer than people think lol11:17
bluesabreI'm a jerk, if I didn't agree I'd probably remove it11:17
flocculantha ha ha 11:17
bluesabretime to run, bbl11:18
flocculanthave a good one :)11:18
-SwissBot:#xubuntu-devel- ::xubuntu-artwork:: [greybird] r478 Rebase on Adwaita 3.22.1 (Fixes #155)... (by Simon Steinbeiß)16:36
-SwissBot:#xubuntu-devel- ::xubuntu-artwork:: [greybird] r479 Also update the css files... (by Simon Steinbeiß)16:36
Unit193flocculant: Right, so the tests of upgrades went fine, an actual upgrade broke at the end, nice..19:18
flocculantones I did were actual upgrades - went fine19:19
akxwi-davelol.. reminds me of 15.10 to lts.. that happened to me19:19
Unit193Just crashed at the end where it was supposed to remove some packages, so end user would have been fine too.19:20
flocculantUnit193: not too bad then - not good of course19:20
=== knome_ is now known as knome
amerigenaDoes any developer present know when / if the Thunar bug is going to be fixed? Or, if it's even being addressed?20:03
amerigenaJust curious.20:03
knomewe don't even know what the cause is20:03
knomedoesn't help giving estimates when it's fixed..20:04
Unit193Presuming you have thunar from yak, it'll at least crash "less"...20:04
amerigenaThank you for those answers.20:04
amerigenaNow, I have another question, provided you're willing to answer it.20:05
amerigenaI have seen that there's a patch available, for this bug. I've applied it.20:05
knomethat's likely the patch that is in yakkety you are talking about20:05
amerigenaI stand corrected.20:06
knomea few things have been tried but none of them fixed the bug in all situations for all people20:06
knomeit might be different - if it 100% fixes the issue for you, then let us know...20:06
Unit193Or he means the one that Debian tried, then reverted because it caused more problems than it fixed.20:06
amerigenaWell, that's hard to say.20:06
amerigenaI can say that I tried moving an ISO file and lost it, pre-patch, and then performed the same operation and didn't lose it, post-patch, but that seems like inadequate QA to me, for the purposes of this discussion.20:07
Unit193Which patch?20:07
amerigenaHow much testing constitutes certainty for you?20:08
knomethe crashes are relatively easy to reproduce, i haven't had to try very hard to reproduce them20:08
amerigenaI followed the steps in this link.20:09
Unit193amerigena: That patch is in yak, as well as two others.20:09
amerigenaPerformed the test, Thunar crashed. Followed the steps, performed the steps again, Thunar didn't crash.20:10
amerigenaPerformed the TEST again.20:11
amerigenaThunar didn't crash. Should learn how to type.20:11
Unit193And yeah, makes things less crashy, but doesn't fix entirely.20:11
amerigenaSo 16.10 (and all releases going forward) should include the patch.20:11
amerigenaNext question, for knome, since theming is his stock-in-trade : I've had problems with offset drop shadows on desktop fonts when changing themes.20:12
amerigenaIs this an issue that's been addressed in 16.10 as well?20:13
knomei'll delegate that question to ochosi20:13
knomebut i think the answer is "no"20:13
knome(but i don't use desktop icons, so...)20:13
knomei've seen a few people mention that lately though20:13
amerigenaI change from Greybird to Orion, desktop fonts are messed up. Changing back to Greybird and rebooting seems to fix it.20:14
knomemaybe it's some gtk3 breakage then.20:14
knomeor sth.20:14
knomegenerally, if it works with greybird, but not with other themes, you need to be in touch with the developers of those themes20:15
knomethat isn't to say we wouldn't care about other themes working, but in those cases it sounds much more like those other themes just not being up-to-date or having something20:15
knomeand ochosi has enough work with maintaining greybird already ;)20:16
knomeif you want to test something with another theme that should work, try adwaita20:20
amerigenaI thought that Orion was part of the shimmer-themes package that installed using the PPA for your daily builds?20:20
knomesure, but the problem is the same; not enough time to maintain all the themes with the ever-changing gtk3 stuff20:21
amerigenaSo this an upstream issue? Until the Xfce developers fix the underlying problems, Xubuntu is going to experience these symptoms?20:25
amerigenaThe primary underlying problem being the constant platform changes in GTK3?20:26
knomeif it works in greybird, but not orion, it's a bug in orion20:27
knomethe reason why i mention gtk3 changing is that it IS indeed in a very flowing state; requirements for themes change every release20:28
knomewe (read: ochosi) try to keep greybird in a state that works with the current gtk3 release in every xubuntu release20:29
amerigenaThat's interesting.20:38
amerigenaIs information like that included in the Xubuntu documentation? 20:40
amerigenaSeems like it should be. Although I can understand why it might not be. From my limited knowledge of Xubuntu, it seems like you guys suffer from a lack of contributors. The generally high quality of your finished product is very impressive, despite this fact.20:42
knomewell, it's kind of the same with everything else as well20:43
knomefor example, consider thunar;20:43
knomewe try to keep it in a usable state with whatever the current libraries are, but sometimes bugs still slip through20:43
knomethe main way we try to communicate about these bugs we were unable to fix are the release announcement/notes20:44
amerigenaOf course. But the fact that this "patch" exists and has been applied at the Xubuntu-level, does that mean that no work is being done on it upstream? And forgive me if I'm asking a question that you can't answer.20:44
amerigenaExcuse me, "it" being Thunar.20:45
knomeit doesn't20:45
knomeanother thing to keep in mind is that there is overlap between the xubuntu and xfce (eg. upstream) teams20:45
knomeof course the developers who work with both will try the fixes on their "preferred" platform (here, xubuntu) first, before pushing upstream20:46
knomeyet another thing is that upstream releases happen at more or less arbitrary times; there is no special syncing with (x)ubuntu releases20:47
knomethis means sometimes patches need to be carried out as xubuntu-specific ones as the new upstream release isn't done20:47
knomeand from the xubuntu POV, it's better to have the "best possible" patch in the release20:48
knomewhile on the xfce POV, it might not be worth it to apply a patch that seems to fix only part of the crashes that happen, thus no release20:48
knome(and now remember that one person can be part of both of the developer groups...)20:49
knomethe reason why all this isn't written out is that it IS complicated20:49
amerigenaYes. It certainly seems to be. 20:49
knomeso having this all, or part of it, in the documentation (that is purposefully targeted at end users) would likely just scare even more people away20:50
Unit193knome: You gonna look at the Xubuntu MPs?20:54
knomewhich ones particularly?20:55
knomei'll peek.20:55
knomeone only?20:56
Unit193krytarik: ↑ they'll build again.20:59
knomeany reason we still have our main branches under ~ubuntu-core-doc?21:00
knomeit kind of feels weird.21:01
knomebut okay.21:01
Unit193Don't look at me, I wondered why Xubuntu Docs team can't commit to the Xubuntu docs without some outside power approving it.21:01
knomei guess it's because "those branches are used to create packages" or sth.21:01
Unit193So are the and the xubuntu-dev ones aren't?21:01
Unit193Wow, I did not just stroke out.21:02
knomeyeah, i don't know21:03
knomei wonder when we'll get the new codename21:03
Unit193Going to move them so they're under our control and not that of a semi dead team?  And, later than everyone would like.  cjwatson had a nice graph.21:04
knomenice graph of what?21:04
knomei guess i could register the new branch under ~xubuntu-docs, yeah.21:05
knomeoh sigh21:06
knome~xubuntu-doc vs. xubutnu-21:06
knomexubuntu-docs too21:06
SwissBotfeed xubuntu-docs had 6 updates, showing the latest 321:41
-SwissBot:#xubuntu-devel- ::xubuntu-docs:: [yakkety] r623 Launchpad automatic translations update. (by Launchpad Translations on behalf of ubuntu-core-doc)21:41
-SwissBot:#xubuntu-devel- ::xubuntu-docs:: [yakkety] r624 Launchpad automatic translations update. (by Launchpad Translations on behalf of ubuntu-core-doc)21:41
-SwissBot:#xubuntu-devel- ::xubuntu-docs:: [yakkety] r625 Merging Sean's MP.... (by Pasi Lallinaho)21:41

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