
Bashing-omGuys, How can one verify that a "minimal" intall .iso is 64 bit ? I got my SSD put in all fine good and dandy -, and installed what I thought was 64 bit .. nope turned out to be 32 bit ! I can not find a way to get to a terminal in the minimal installer to find out the architchure. Is there some way to know the architechure prior to installing ? ( a new .iso downloaded )03:00
tsimonq2I'm not sure that'03:11
tsimonq2*that's a simple answer03:11
tsimonq2although I'd like to see what the answer is when found03:11
Bashing-omtsimonq2: Uh Huh .. Not a somple thing .. some way to extract the .iso and a file we can read to know if it is a 64 bit installer ? or other means ?03:13
tsimonq2Like I said, I don't know it's that simple03:13
tsimonq2I've poked around, I don't know where one would find that03:13
Ben64md5sum mini.iso, google resulting hash03:35
tsimonq2oh good idea03:38
Bashing-omBen64: Oh ,, that is good idea ! .. ( though the hash matched on the download page for a supposed 64 bit installer ) - It is possible I goofed that 1st download up .03:47
Bashing-omGuys, every thing I look at hash wise says I have the 64 bit version - thanks for the hint Ben64 .. I will burn it and install again again - tomorrow .04:15
Ben64i think they need to have better names than mini.iso04:19
Bashing-omBen64: Yeah .. I can now accept that I mis clicked on my 1st .iso download and got a 32 bit version .. rather than the desired 64 bit . The good thing about the day I know my new SSD is doable ( old Phoenix bios and afraid to push for GPT support ) .04:22
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ducassemorning all07:00
=== EriC^^ is now known as Guest20929
OerHeksyay, 90 Gb https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/6885560/90gb.png13:10
ducasseOerHeks: your isp must love you :)13:17
OerHeksFUP, i contacted them, it is oke.13:17
OerHeksi noticed lubuntu is more populair now13:18
OerHeksbut wait until monday for the real top1013:18
ducassefor older computers, i would think. must be a lot of them around that people want to get more use out of.13:19
OerHeks(maybe these numbers are wild, but the best i can tell)13:19
BluesKajHiyas all13:30
daftykinshey folks :)13:39
daftykinsducasse: i've been doing my latest soldering project yesterday and today :D13:39
daftykinsjust going to play with youtube video editing to see if i can mock the before and afters together13:40
ducassedaftykins: yay :) what did you do?13:40
daftykinsare you familiar with the Sega Game Gear handheld game device? my parents unearthed it recently so i decided to invest some money and time in its' repair :)13:41
ducasseyes, i remember that. never had one, though.13:41
daftykinswell this little guy had ceased functioning at some point over the years, probably whilst in storage for so long... but it's known to be that the capacitors were cheap, so a quick <£4 ebay purchase and i had myself the latest task :D13:43
daftykinsi'm starting to be a bit of a capacitor fiend13:43
ducassehehehe :)13:43
daftykinsi was starting to have my doubts last night as i had already done maybe 10+ before i had to go out for a meal with friends, by which point nothing had changed at all13:44
daftykinsbut murphys law... last couple on the main board went in and *bam* fixed :) then the last two on the audio daughterboard and woot the volume was up to max again :D13:45
daftykinspauljw: \o13:45
pauljwhi daftykins :)13:45
daftykinshi sir!13:46
daftykinsjust telling the tale of my latest soldering success ^_^13:46
pauljwtj would be sooo proud13:46
daftykinspossibly squeamish at my corner cutting, but yeah maybe :D13:49
daftykinsooh excellent video nicely edited, i'll share once it's ready...13:49
EriC^^hey daftykins14:04
daftykinshey there! how're things, EriC^^ ?14:05
EriC^^good you?14:05
daftykinsall the better for another electronics/soldering success :D yep all well here ta14:06
pauljwhi EriC^^14:06
EriC^^hi pauljw :)14:07
=== S-USA|Zzzz is now known as SonikkuAmerica
solasoulhello everyone17:15
daftykinshrmm such brief visitors18:00
OerHekshello. here is your money. bye.18:01
OerHeksi love those18:01
EriC^^daftykins: how was your visit to the states?18:02
daftykinsgood thanks, though very tiring :>18:05
EriC^^was it your first visit to the states?18:06
daftykinsnah about third trip this time - been to a few spots in the north-east back in 2011, then coast to coast roadtrip with friends in 201218:07
daftykinsit's almost like i have a tickbox list of the states :>18:07

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