
=== lpotter is now known as lpotter-BNE2AMS
GGJON /filter add irc_smart * irc_smart_filter *05:13
aus_malHi, I couldn't find anything online so I'll try my luck here06:05
aus_malscreen brightness on nexus 4 at the lowest setting is still too bright, is there any way to lower it further? thanks06:06
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aus_malHi, does anyone know how I can reduce brightness further than the lowest setting?10:31
matv1hi everyone.11:51
matv1here is my issue: I have a ubuntu phone with a broken screen. In the current state I cant activate the lockscreen11:52
matv1applemuncy :)11:52
applemuncydoes it support OTG USB?11:53
matv1Is there any way to access the device ?11:53
matv1applemuncy nope its a bq e4.511:53
matv1only usb11:53
matv1adb works is that it does recognize the device11:53
matv1but i cant obviously do adb shell because it needs to be unlocked for that11:54
matv1i was hoping someone knows a way11:54
applemuncyOn The Go is physical way to reverse USB that allows you to connect keyboard or mouse.11:55
applemuncyI use it on my Nexus 7 (wifi) that has no digitizer.11:56
matv1applemuncy but the BQ phones do not support OTG afaik11:57
matv1matv1 actually i am sure :(11:57
matv1moreover, to enable kb mouse, i would need to have gui access first to make that work, wouldnt I11:58
matv1All i actually would like to do is grab my files off the phone. I wont be using it after that11:59
matv1but how to do that.. agh the agony :/11:59
applemuncyMy experience is no you don't12:00
applemuncyAnd if you have OTG adapter already it's easy to try12:01
matv1applemuncy mhmm so you are saying i would be able to connect and use a kb and or mouse over otg?12:01
applemuncyIt works for me on nexus 7.12:02
matv1well i dont unfortunately but i may be able to borrow one12:02
applemuncyI hook up mouse and then configure bluetooth mouse and keyboard.12:03
matv1i do have a bt kb and mouse which I use on my bq tablet. but those are useless too because i cant pair them12:03
applemuncyRight, same here.12:04
matv1applemuncy thnks for the tip. I am going to investigate on OTG :)12:04
applemuncyGood : )12:04
CoderEuropeI shall just leave this here: http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/BQ-Aquaris-E4-5-Ubuntu-Edition-/262674156411?15:10
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Acou_Bassis the 'media' folder on the ubuntu touch file manager actually supported/a working feature? when i click on it the file manager app just crashes, not sure if bug or just a placeholder icon xD21:57
Acou_Basshuh ok, looks like someone beat me to making a bug on the launchpad, ill keep my eye on that ;D21:59
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