
brobostigonmorning boys and girls.09:01
=== svea_____ is now known as svea____
marshmnwhat are people's opinions of Let's Encrypt? totally fine for general purpose SSL?09:53
marshmnit looks good from what I've read on their website, but not sure if there are any downsides to be aware of?09:53
marshmnit's obviously nice that it's free - but I also really appreciate that it auto-renews the certificates rather than having to do them manually...09:54
=== _stowa_ is now known as _stowa
daftykinsDanielLlewellyn[: :D nice13:34
daftykinshey hey more soldering successes! (i'm new to doing it)13:34
daftykinsoh ignore that one, i've made a youtube mockup now - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ufYogr5sv7Q13:54
daftykinsSega Game Gear repaired \o/13:54
=== scouts is now known as ScoutsAtJOTA
zmoylan-pii was loaned a sega game gear years ago while house sitting for a relative in a house with no tv.  was a very entertaining system17:14
ScoutsAtJOTAwhere are you from17:15
zmoylan-piearth... maybe...17:16
ali1234why does the topic say VOTE!17:24
ali1234what are we voting on?17:24
zmoylan-pithat vim is the best editor :-P17:25
* penguin42 agrees17:30
ScoutsAtJOTAany usa?17:48
daftykinsScoutsAtJOTA: it's a -UK channel, if you want US folks - join #ubuntu the main support channel, or perhaps there is a local channel18:00
lubotu3A list of official Ubuntu IRC channels, as well as IRC clients for Ubuntu, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat - For a general list of !freenode channels, see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#channellist and !alis - See also !Guidelines18:00
ScoutsAtJOTAok cool18:07
daftykinsdepends what kind of chat you're looking for :>18:10
=== ScoutsAtJOTA is now known as second
bcuraboyhi fellas18:26
bcuraboyanybody also compilling for mobile devices?18:26
daftykinsthere might be a more appropriate channel depending on your query18:26
bcuraboymost likely18:26
bcuraboyaltough my query is about the ninja_wrapper18:27
daftykinsare you talking Ubuntu Touch?18:27
daftykinsah, so what specifically then?18:27
bcuraboyI should go to other channel,right?18:27
daftykinswell it depends how soon you want a response i suppose ;D18:27
lubotu3alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" . For more help or questions relating to alis, please join #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu or /msg alis list http18:27
bcuraboywell, ninja wrapper gives me an error of unknow targe18:27
daftykinsand where does that (i assume program) come from? ubuntu repos?18:28
daftykinsprobably better to hit a larger pool for the support query then, main #ubuntu channel would be a good start there - or just using alis above to find an appropriate android dev channel18:28
daftykins!find ninja18:29
lubotu3Found: backupninja, libjs-rtcninja, ninja, ninja-build, ninja-build-doc, ninja-ide, node-rtcninja, W:, W:, W: (and 24 others) http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=ninja&searchon=names&suite=xenial&section=all18:29
daftykins!info ninja-build18:29
lubotu3ninja-build (source: ninja-build): small build system closest in spirit to Make. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.5.1-0.1ubuntu1 (xenial), package size 90 kB, installed size 284 kB18:29
bcuraboyok, i will move to android channel then18:30
=== NET||abu- is now known as NET||abuse
daftykinsah mr.zmoylan18:51
daftykinshow goes?18:51
zmoylan-pigoing ok.  nice walk from bray to home.18:52
zmoylan-piin a few days the rain will turn the fallen leaves into a slippery mush which will make walking with a walking stick more of an adventure.18:55
daftykinsah har!18:56
daftykinsyeah best get it in now :>18:56
zmoylan-pimy walking speed will drop by a few %.  it'll take longer to get anywhere...18:58
zmoylan-pii also picked up a nice 10000mah power bank for €20.  should keep my dumbphone going for months in zombie apocalypse :-)18:59
daftykinsi'm shocked it even uses a useful interconnect19:09
zmoylan-piit doubles as a battery for a mini... :-P19:10
=== TREllis_ is now known as TREllis
daftykinswhat's up?20:34
daftykinsi mean in life, but ok!20:35

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