=== RemonShai is now known as r3m0n | ||
Kilos | ohi superfly hows things there by you? | 04:47 |
Kilos | hi inetpro paddatrapper and everyone else | 04:48 |
paddatrapper | Hey Kilos | 05:11 |
pavlushka | ahoy ZA! | 06:09 |
pavlushka | I need help on this, http://paste.ubuntu.com/23315390/ , cant guess where the problem is. | 06:58 |
pavlushka | or my guesses aren't working. | 06:58 |
Langjan | Hi Kilos enjoying the weekend? | 07:06 |
=== RemonShai is now known as r3m0n | ||
qwebirc24409 | aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa | 11:27 |
pavlushka | ahoy ZA! | 13:14 |
pavlushka | ahoy za! | 15:29 |
pavlushka | please I need help on this http://paste.ubuntu.com/23315390/ | 15:33 |
gremble | Good evening | 19:29 |
kulelu88 | evening | 19:33 |
gremble | How are you kulelu88 | 19:40 |
kulelu88 | good mate and you? | 19:40 |
gremble | I am well thank you. | 19:41 |
gremble | Finished your telegram bot? | 19:41 |
kulelu88 | gremble: actually, I finished implementing user authentication | 19:42 |
gremble | Nice. :P | 19:43 |
kulelu88 | looks like it's finally raining | 19:43 |
gremble | I wish. My trees are suffering | 19:45 |
gremble | It also looks like I don't have any more semester tests | 19:45 |
gremble | All students will have access to the final examination (this means there is no exam entrance requirement). The semester mark construction will be communicated to you in due course. | 19:46 |
kulelu88 | last ditch attempt for the 'protestors' who failed already :P | 19:47 |
gremble | Without a second semester test, I also fail that subject :P | 19:50 |
kulelu88 | LOL! | 19:52 |
gremble | I think. The first semester test was fuck difficult and a very high % of the class failed, so I just assumed I am in that group :P | 19:53 |
kulelu88 | which subject? | 19:54 |
gremble | Mathematical Statistics | 19:55 |
kulelu88 | WST 300? | 19:55 |
gremble | 221 | 19:56 |
kulelu88 | you're a brave soul for doing those modules. I've heard that they're extremely tough | 19:56 |
gremble | They are very difficult and I hate myself for considering taking the 300 modules next year | 19:57 |
kulelu88 | but you can't do math without statistics right? | 19:58 |
gremble | You can. Stats is my elective | 19:58 |
gremble | I am majoring in math and applied math, but you can also major in statistics if you want haha | 19:58 |
kulelu88 | could you choose programming as an elective? | 20:00 |
kulelu88 | people attempting to make python 'fast' again: https://github.com/channelcat/sanic | 20:01 |
gremble | No, not with mathematics. Otherwise I would've | 20:02 |
kulelu88 | stupid Tuks with their stupid elective options | 20:02 |
gremble | They're working on it. Geology and Chemistry are working to allow their students to take mathematics as a major and allowing mathematics to take a geology or chemistry major. If I recall correctly, microbiology and physics has that already. | 20:03 |
gremble | With BSc IT you can take mathematics as a major too, iirc | 20:04 |
kulelu88 | can math majors take philosophy as an elective/major ? | 20:05 |
kulelu88 | :P | 20:05 |
gremble | Gah. I tried | 20:05 |
gremble | I went to both the philosophy department and the mathematics department to get them to agree with me do do that. | 20:06 |
gremble | Because I already have most of the philosophy done haha | 20:06 |
kulelu88 | philosophy is interesting, I must add | 20:06 |
gremble | I need like three semesters then I can do post grad | 20:06 |
kulelu88 | you really do want to do research heh | 20:09 |
gremble | Yup :P | 20:10 |
kulelu88 | oh man, you will then be Dr. gremble :D | 20:11 |
gremble | I hope so. Maybe even Prof. gremble :P | 20:12 |
kulelu88 | that'll be awesome! | 20:14 |
kulelu88 | check this out: https://git-ssb.celehner.com/ | 20:14 |
gremble | What am I looking at? | 20:16 |
kulelu88 | distributed github-like code-repo hosting | 20:16 |
gremble | That's pretty cool | 20:27 |
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