OerHeks | !upgrade | 11:03 |
ubottu | For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade | 11:03 |
elcore_el | OerHeks I know, but I even used do-release-upgrade on DO | 11:03 |
elcore_el | Same result | 11:04 |
V7 | Guys ... how yo make a full backup of linux system and just reinstall it at full data loss ? Modo ? | 11:04 |
V7 | Mondo * | 11:04 |
OerHeks | elcore_el, for server, you should have edited /etc/update-manager/release-upgrades and set “Prompt=LTS” to “Prompt=normal” (without quotes) | 11:05 |
elcore_el | I have done it | 11:05 |
elcore_el | I know how to upgrade a server!!! | 11:05 |
V7 | elcore_el: When you're getting this error ? | 11:05 |
V7 | WHen you're starting or what ? | 11:06 |
OerHeks | V7 dd the disk or use a gui tool like clonezilla? | 11:06 |
elcore_el | rebooting the server | 11:06 |
elcore_el | [FAILED] Failed to start Journal Service. | 11:06 |
elcore_el | See 'systemctl status systemd-journald.service' for details. | 11:06 |
elcore_el | [DEPEND] Dependency failed for Flush Journal to Persistent Storage. | 11:06 |
V7 | OerHeks: And then I just can burn ISO and isntall it to the disk ? Am I right ? | 11:06 |
ducasse | V7: no, you write the image back. | 11:07 |
V7 | ducasse: hmm .. Like coopy and paste > | 11:08 |
V7 | ? | 11:08 |
OerHeks | V7, if the disk fits on an dvd/blueray, sure | 11:08 |
ducasse | V7: no, you use the same tool as you used to make the image. | 11:08 |
V7 | ducasse: I'm booting with this tool and do the job ? | 11:09 |
ducasse | V7: i don't make images, myself, but i think clonezilla has a bootable image. | 11:10 |
OerHeks | oh, the image is just data, you still need a live-iso | 11:10 |
V7 | Roger | 11:10 |
ubuntu-gnome_ | Hello. I updated my system yesterday, today i booted it up and USB doesn't work anymore (so mouse, keyboard...). Any ideas anyone? | 11:10 |
V7 | Thank you guys | 11:10 |
ducasse | ubuntu-gnome_: try booting an older kernel, others have had this issue with the latest kernel. | 11:11 |
ubuntu-gnome_ | how can i do that? | 11:11 |
FManTropyx | oh, Ubuntu has dropped support for USB? | 11:12 |
ducasse | ubuntu-gnome_: hold left shift on boot, and select 'advanced' and an older kernel in the grub menu. | 11:12 |
ubuntu-gnome_ | ok thanks. I'll be back in 2 mins if it doesn't work | 11:12 |
ducasse | FManTropyx: that particular kernel probably has a bug/config problem. | 11:13 |
msev- | can someone highlight my nick i'm testing if it will show a notification on gnome DE :D | 11:15 |
Gaming4LifeDE | Hi. i was the guy with that USB problem 2 mins ago. works now thanks. But how can i make it boot that permanently? | 11:15 |
Gaming4LifeDE | msev test | 11:16 |
ducasse | Gaming4LifeDE: you can just remove the packages with the latest kernel. | 11:16 |
FManTropyx | sup, msev-? | 11:16 |
Gaming4LifeDE | how should it be called? | 11:17 |
msev- | cool it works FManTropyx thanks :D | 11:17 |
FManTropyx | o/ | 11:17 |
msev- | sup sup | 11:17 |
Gaming4LifeDE | better question: what package should i uninstall so it just removes the latest kernel and how can i make synaptic not ask to update to it again? | 11:19 |
aus_mal | hi, it's pretty quiet over on the ubuntu touch channel, so i'll try my luck here. does anyone know how I can lower brightness past the lowest setting? | 11:19 |
aus_mal | sorry to interupt~ | 11:20 |
ducasse | Gaming4LifeDE: there will probably be a new kernel to fix this om monday, might be better to just choose the kernel manually until then. | 11:21 |
Gaming4LifeDE | ok thanks. i'll go now. Bye | 11:22 |
V7 | So ... correct me if what ... | 11:30 |
V7 | I can use as a partition whatever I want for clonezilla ? | 11:30 |
V7 | whereever * | 11:30 |
V7 | Like ... let's imagine that conezilla live is installed to USB pendrive and backup partition is what ? | 11:32 |
V7 | on what * | 11:32 |
V7 | installed on ... crap I need to have some English lessons xD | 11:32 |
kerdaz | There is always a backup partition , do you have the USB drive? | 11:33 |
V7 | I'm typing faster than I can create a sentence in my mind ... | 11:33 |
V7 | kerdaz: Yes ... I have one with 32GB ... I['ve checked that system weights ~10 gigs | 11:33 |
V7 | So. .. I need to install cloezilla live to USB pendirve and create a partition on HDD drive with 15 gis ? | 11:34 |
kerdaz | I'm not sure if I can help, but configure your BIOS on the USB Drive, try the test version or install it then check gparted | 11:34 |
V7 | kerdaz: I have no problem with installing clonezilla ... I just ask you how to backup data correcly xD | 11:35 |
V7 | Let's guess that here on this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gJKv6NSKMAU men have a /backup folder on his system which could be damaged ... | 11:36 |
V7 | So ... can I have this /backup folder on other device or place ? | 11:36 |
kerdaz | Why don't you do a external save? | 11:36 |
V7 | kerdaz: What do you mean | 11:37 |
V7 | ? | 11:37 |
kerdaz | You want to keep your data safe on the new system or it's something else? ^^ | 11:38 |
elcore_el | I just wanted to say that I fixed my issue myself :) | 11:38 |
V7 | The Google says that "If system is on the same hard drive; then backup/restore the partition. If on it's own drive, back/restore the drive." and this is correct, but *where* I can hold this backed up data ? | 11:39 |
MonkeyDust | elcore_el what was that and feel free to share it with the channel | 11:39 |
V7 | elcore_el: Good for you ! I wanted to help you, but you leaved a channel :D | 11:39 |
elcore_el | V7 no my ISP had an issue | 11:39 |
kerdaz | Sorry I have no idea ^^ | 11:40 |
elcore_el | It was the Kernel | 11:40 |
V7 | kerdaz: :D | 11:40 |
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akik | V7: clonezilla creates the backup as files on a file system | 11:40 |
V7 | akik ... only like this ? | 11:40 |
elcore_el | V7 I used 4.5.7, but Ubuntu 16.10 needs 4.8 to work | 11:40 |
akik | V7: there could also be a partition to partition copy, but i don't remember | 11:41 |
V7 | akik: roger | 11:41 |
V7 | elcore_el: :) | 11:41 |
elcore_el | V7 to be precise systemd | 11:41 |
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sveinse | Is it possible to remote a package that another package depends on, but keep the parent package still installed? A kind of pinning? | 11:58 |
sveinse | s/remote/remove/ | 12:00 |
SchrodingersScat | please don't do this? | 12:04 |
\9 | sveinse: that goes against the very nature of apt. why on earth would you do that? | 12:06 |
okieiam | Hello, how to rscure a broken x? I mistakenly remove /var, now x not work | 12:07 |
sveinse | \9: The use case is ubuntus overall meta packages that serves to collect a standard set of packages. Yet some specific package/service might not be used on this machine, and this it is explicitly unneeded, but you'd want to have the top-level meta installed to pick up any other packages under its umbrella. | 12:08 |
\9 | sveinse: if you install the meta package, you get all the other packages it provides | 12:09 |
\9 | sveinse: so you'll need to manually install the packages you want | 12:09 |
sveinse | Otherwise I'd have to script what package the meta package depends on and install them manually minus the ones I don't want | 12:09 |
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sveinse | which is tedious, so I wonder if dpkg or apt has mechanisms for this | 12:10 |
SchrodingersScat | sounds like you just discovered what you want | 12:10 |
\9 | you can use "apt-cache show <package>" to show the dependencies | 12:10 |
MonkeyDust | or apt depends [foo] | 12:10 |
\9 | apt-cache can be used to make a script, though | 12:11 |
sveinse | yep, but I need to run that script every time a update is made to pick up any changes to its dependencies | 12:11 |
\9 | sveinse: why are you so interested in those dependencies being installed automatically? you already want to exert control over which packages you want installed | 12:12 |
sveinse | \9: The specific case is ubuntu-server depending on mdadm, which I don't want to have installed as the machine is running NAS, but it creates warnings all the time since mdadm is unused. OTOTH I'd like to have ubuntu-server installed, as I prefer having few top-level packages to determine what packages are installed, and the ubuntu-server package is very convenient, except mdadm | 12:14 |
klon__ | Hey, my Xubuntu doesn´t start anymore. I fiddled around with GRUB and partitions to convert mit xubuntu from BIOS to UEFI booting. Boot-repair and Rescatux seem to have problems to fix it. Here´s a first log of bootinfo http://paste.debian.net/877774/ | 12:14 |
MonkeyDust | sveinse there's also #ubuntu-server | 12:15 |
sveinse | MonkeyDust: There is, but this question was not related to #ubuntu-server, its about package exclusion | 12:15 |
akik | sveinse: what warnings do you get? if you don't have a md setup it should just be silent | 12:16 |
sveinse | akik: W: mdadm: /etc/mdadm/mdadm.conf defines no arrays. | 12:16 |
SchrodingersScat | I get that too, I ignore it. | 12:16 |
akik | sveinse: if that's all, you can safely ignore it | 12:17 |
solasoul | hi everyone i just tried the new update and it had some errors system is working fine but how do i do a system check to see the damaged files | 12:19 |
asdasda | anyone here? | 12:21 |
asdasda | ... | 12:22 |
solasoul | yeah | 12:22 |
asdasda | i dont have a down arrow key | 12:22 |
asdasda | can i still select install option from the live disc :p | 12:22 |
asdasda | im too lazy to boot up and see myself | 12:22 |
solasoul | try the tab key | 12:23 |
asdasda | ok | 12:23 |
solasoul | brb let me search | 12:24 |
solasoul | before you install test it on the system | 12:26 |
solasoul | make sure that the arrow and keys work first make sure iso is not corrupted ill post the pastebin | 12:26 |
asdasda | alright | 12:27 |
asdasda | will do | 12:27 |
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dynamitekid | I had a bsod for windows that occured on every boot up. I installed ubuntu and have had no problems untill i chraged my apple ipod mini. A few seconds after I pluged it in, the pc froze and it froze again on me when I restared. | 12:36 |
BadMan | is vlc on ubuntu and is google chrome always up-to-date on it?? | 12:39 |
yao_ziyuan | anyone succeeded installing ubuntu 16.10 on dell xps 8900 (with GTX960)? | 12:40 |
\9 | !latest |BadMan | 12:40 |
ubottu | BadMan: Packages in Ubuntu may not be the latest. Ubuntu aims for stability, so "latest" may not be a good idea. Post-release updates are only considered if they are fixes for security vulnerabilities, high impact bug fixes, or unintrusive bug fixes with substantial benefit. See also !backports, !sru, and !ppa. | 12:40 |
ppf_ | BadMan: yes and yes(if you let it) | 12:40 |
ducasse | BadMan: vlc, yes. | 12:40 |
OerHeks | chrome is, vlc might be a few days later | 12:40 |
solasoul | yes vlc is on ubuntu search synaptic manager also know google chrome is but not sure if its always up to date i would imagine it would be | 12:40 |
BadMan | i dont mind the vlc not being up to date | 12:40 |
BadMan | just the google chrome... | 12:40 |
ducasse | BadMan: you need to download it from google, i think. | 12:41 |
solasoul | whatever you do just prepare for google alerts everyother day when u sign in | 12:41 |
\9 | yao_ziyuan: are you having problems doing so? | 12:41 |
yao_ziyuan | \9: yes | 12:41 |
\9 | okay so what problems are you having? | 12:41 |
BadMan | and I know security wise ubuntu is much safer even on the web because the vulnerabilities associated with windows aren't targeted or possible on linux environment and it isn't the norm | 12:41 |
yao_ziyuan | \9: only 15.10 works for me. 16.04 and 16.10 not. | 12:42 |
yao_ziyuan | \9: both 16.04 and 16.10 Live DVDs run into like blank screen on my xps 8900 (i7-6700k, GTX960). it is the video card. | 12:42 |
OerHeks | !nomodeset | 12:43 |
ubottu | A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter | 12:43 |
yao_ziyuan | 15.10 has near perfect support for my video card. | 12:43 |
\9 | i have that same processor, but i have a gtx 1060. i haven't run into any problems | 12:43 |
yao_ziyuan | but as 16.10 was released yesterday, my 15.10's support lifecycle had ended and Chrome suddenly said "Adobe Flash Player has expired." | 12:44 |
yao_ziyuan | this Flash Player problem is forcing me to look for a new distro. | 12:44 |
\9 | ... wait, 16.10 was released yesterday? | 12:44 |
yao_ziyuan | \9: yes | 12:44 |
ppf_ | yao_ziyuan: i believe chrome will remove support for flash in the close future anyways | 12:44 |
\9 | that's quite early | 12:44 |
yao_ziyuan | many video sites in china still use flash. | 12:45 |
yao_ziyuan | and you know, it's CHINA's video sites... lots of movies and tv series not freely available in the west... | 12:45 |
ppf_ | \9: we're kinda half way through with october | 12:45 |
\9 | ppf_: i've seen ubuntu releases usually happen near the end of month | 12:45 |
\9 | cool, though | 12:46 |
yao_ziyuan | ppf_: you mean even chrome's own flash implementation will be removed? | 12:46 |
OerHeks | yao_ziyuan, so you are 2-3 chrome versions behind, and vulnerable | 12:46 |
yao_ziyuan | OerHeks: no, after i saw the Flash expiration problem yesterday, i updated chrome to the latest. | 12:47 |
OerHeks | yao_ziyuan, how did you do that? 15.10 is EOL | 12:47 |
yao_ziyuan | Firefox reported the same problem yesterday, but gave me an option to allow outdated plugins. | 12:47 |
yao_ziyuan | chrome has a command line option to allow outdated plugins too, but it doesn't work for my problem. | 12:48 |
MonkeyDust | yao_ziyuan sure it's 15.10 and not 16.10 | 12:48 |
OerHeks | Oh they do give support after we ended ?... | 12:48 |
yao_ziyuan | OerHeks: by manually go to chrome.google.com and download a full deb file. | 12:48 |
OerHeks | anyway, this is going offtopic, try to fix your install with nomodeset. | 12:48 |
yao_ziyuan | OerHeks: oh, just realized this is for me | 12:49 |
kerdaz | Someone know where I can find a channel to practice english? | 12:50 |
cristianrichie | t | 12:50 |
cristianrichie | list | 12:50 |
cristianrichie | hi | 12:50 |
cristianrichie | join | 12:50 |
kerdaz | ?? | 12:51 |
OerHeks | !alis | kerdaz | 12:51 |
ubottu | kerdaz: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" . For more help or questions relating to alis, please join #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu or /msg alis list http | 12:51 |
yao_ziyuan | by the way, which distro has the best support for new hardware (such as video cards)? | 12:51 |
MonkeyDust | kerdaz ##English | 12:51 |
OerHeks | yao_ziyuan, ubuntu 16.10 | 12:51 |
yao_ziyuan | OerHeks: how about debian? | 12:51 |
kerdaz | Thank you | 12:51 |
\9 | yao_ziyuan: gtx 1060 works fine for me, as i said :P | 12:51 |
OerHeks | yao_ziyuan, i don't give opinions about other distros, ubuntu support only. try ##linux ? | 12:52 |
* yao_ziyuan goes to retry 16.10 Live DVD with nomodeset | 12:52 | |
\9 | for what it's worth, with gtx 1060 i didn't need to use nomodeset either | 12:52 |
OerHeks | 16.10 got the latest kernel, and for that card enough driver options | 12:52 |
solasoul | Badman: Yes it is but I am just sharing m experience i have since logged out from my google account | 12:58 |
solasoul | want to ask support if anyone else has experienced an increase in google alerts when logged in on Ubuntu | 12:59 |
solasoul | chrome is called Chromium in Ubuntu just a heads up Badman | 13:00 |
OerHeks | wrong, chromium is opensource, chrome closed. based on chromium with extras, that is. | 13:01 |
OerHeks | pdfreader,unique ID, and some more | 13:01 |
solasoul | ok thanks for the correction i downloaded chrome but on install it was chromium that was installed instead will try again | 13:02 |
OerHeks | You can have both installed :-) | 13:02 |
solasoul | i did it via sudo apt | 13:02 |
SchrodingersScat | solasoul: if you're downloading the google package then it's like google-chrome-stable | 13:02 |
SchrodingersScat | solasoul: that's chromium | 13:03 |
solasoul | schrodingerscat: thanks alot | 13:03 |
ducasse | solasoul: you don't need to type nicks, just type the first few characters and press tab. | 13:05 |
solasoul | ducasse, wow awesome thanks | 13:06 |
ducasse | :) | 13:06 |
solasoul | i cant find chrome | 13:06 |
solasoul | via sudo apt is it only available from the site | 13:07 |
V7 | You need to add a arep | 13:07 |
V7 | rep * | 13:07 |
solasoul | V7, how do i do that | 13:07 |
ducasse | solasoul: download it from google, it will add the repo | 13:07 |
EriC^^ | solasoul: visit the google chrome website and download the deb file | 13:07 |
OerHeks | chrome is available on https://www.google.com/chrome/browser/desktop/ | 13:07 |
OerHeks | ducasse +1 repo and key | 13:08 |
solasoul | OerHeks, Thanks I will download | 13:08 |
V7 | solasoul: ... check if you ahve rep ... | 13:08 |
V7 | Just type sudo apt install chrome<TAB> | 13:08 |
solasoul | V7, fantastic | 13:09 |
solasoul | OerHeks, Thank you all for your help it worked | 13:09 |
V7 | aw | 13:09 |
yao_ziyuan | OerHeks: nomodeset works! | 13:18 |
OerHeks | yao_ziyuan, have fun! you need nomodeset only, till you installed the nvidia stuff | 13:20 |
phenom | Anyone around with the gumption to help me out with a bad bug I'm experiencing on a fresh install of 16.04? I originally thought chromiun-browser was crashing my system. But it seems when any labor intensive browser, possible any program is left alone for an extended period of time, it will lock up the screen. I'm not sure if I can ssh in to it still. A couple people were helping me with this and I'm appreciative of their help however I need to fix | 13:20 |
phenom | this or go back to 14.04. | 13:20 |
yao_ziyuan | OerHeks: they really should make nomodeset a default option. | 13:20 |
OerHeks | phenom, do a memtest86 run3 | 13:21 |
yao_ziyuan | i'm almost considering switching to fedora or other major brands. | 13:21 |
yao_ziyuan | *i was | 13:21 |
OerHeks | yao_ziyuan, that would not be possible, it disables advanced features | 13:21 |
phenom | OerHeks, OK. Any idea where to start. "Google"? :P | 13:21 |
anotheryou | Hi, I'm running lubuntu on an old macbook pro (a white plastic one from 2009). It's the only OS on the machine, systemd takes ~45s, but the whole boot takes 2min. Any way to speed this up? Is it the mac bootloader that does gymnastics to be windows compatible and takes so long? | 13:21 |
OerHeks | phenom, boot live iso or choose memtest86 from grub, hold shift @ boot to enter grub menu | 13:22 |
OerHeks | i would do live iso | 13:22 |
phenom | live iso with 16.04? | 13:22 |
yao_ziyuan | ubuntu still has way to go for supporting mainstream pc's such as xps 8900. | 13:22 |
OerHeks | sure, or an older one | 13:22 |
solasoul | hey guys if you download a game in zip how do you run it i dont see a deb file i just see python etc | 13:22 |
phenom | and at grub add memtest86 to grub boot? | 13:22 |
anotheryou | solasoul, do you see something called "make" ? | 13:23 |
OerHeks | phenom, no, it is installed standard | 13:23 |
MonkeyDust | yao_ziyuan thank you for the tip | 13:23 |
EriC^^ | solasoul: check the readme | 13:23 |
yao_ziyuan | i guess selling pc's with ubuntu pre-installed is a viable business... | 13:23 |
solasoul | EriC^^, yes i see zyncmake | 13:23 |
MonkeyDust | yao_ziyuan ask microsoft, adobe and macromedia to port to linux, to make it more fit for the mainstream | 13:24 |
EriC^^ | solasoul: do you see any readme file? | 13:24 |
yao_ziyuan | Dell China only sells computers with windows pre-installed, meaning each computer contains a 200-yuan microsoft tax. | 13:24 |
phenom | OerHeks, OK, I'm going to do it now. | 13:25 |
phenom | Obliged, sir. | 13:25 |
sveinse | yao_ziyuan: It's basically the same in europe | 13:25 |
solasoul | EriC^^, no readme still searching through | 13:25 |
EriC^^ | solasoul: any kind of runme.py or so | 13:26 |
ducasse | solasoul: look for instructions where you downloaded it | 13:26 |
solasoul | EriC^^, yes | 13:26 |
EriC^^ | .py are python files solasoul | 13:26 |
yao_ziyuan | look, there is a gap between ubuntu and an off-the-shelf pc such as Dell XPS 8900, e.g. the nomodeset trick i just learned. | 13:27 |
yao_ziyuan | there can be a business to fill this gap. | 13:28 |
EriC^^ | solasoul: i'd check the maintainer's site for instructions | 13:28 |
solasoul | EriC^^, it doesnt say run me but theres a beta py there how do i run it ...it just opens a text file will do | 13:28 |
yao_ziyuan | i'll give it a thought... | 13:29 |
EriC^^ | solasoul: to run files you usually do chmod +x file.py then "./file.py" | 13:29 |
solasoul | EriC^^, thanks that helps | 13:29 |
yinflying2016 | yao_ziyuan: My computer is pre-installed linux....Lenovo G480 | 13:29 |
EriC^^ | +x makes it executable, and ./ tells the shell to run the file that's in your current dir (as opposed to it looking for it in the $PATH variable that has /bin /usr/bin /sbin etc) | 13:30 |
yao_ziyuan | yinflying2016: lenovo has other problems... the green dam... | 13:30 |
yao_ziyuan | generally i don't trust chinese hardware... | 13:30 |
yao_ziyuan | yinflying2016: are you the famous Wang YIn?... | 13:30 |
BluesKaj | Hiyas all | 13:30 |
yinflying2016 | yao_ziyuan: green dam? | 13:31 |
yinflying2016 | yao_ziyuan: of course not | 13:31 |
yao_ziyuan | yinflying2016: 绿坝 | 13:31 |
solasoul | EriC^^, hey do i have to be in the folder to do that | 13:33 |
yinflying2016 | yao_ziyuan: seems terrible | 13:33 |
EriC^^ | solasoul: yeah | 13:34 |
yinflying2016 | yao_ziyuan: recently, I saw a news that some lenove computers are bound to windows and could not install linux....what a shame! | 13:35 |
ducasse | yao_ziyuan: stay on topic, please, this channel is only for ubuntu support | 13:35 |
yao_ziyuan | ducasse: ok, i cease. | 13:36 |
solasoul | EriC^^, ok did it nothing happened | 13:36 |
yinflying2016 | ducasse: copy that | 13:36 |
solasoul | yinflying2016, i installed it on my lenovo ideapad | 13:37 |
solasoul | yinflying2016, i had to remove some settings with UEFI first i got the walkthrough on youtube | 13:37 |
solasoul | yinflying2016, not remove but take it off default options like the boot process but it works great | 13:38 |
V7 | Ohh ... that's crap | 13:39 |
V7 | Always this flash player ... | 13:39 |
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V7 | How can I install this flash player to Opera in Linux ? | 13:39 |
V7 | Without installing Chrome ? | 13:39 |
V7 | I've downloaded *.so file and copied it to new created /usr/lib/opera/plugins folder as said in their instruction, but NOTHING ! | 13:40 |
yinflying2016 | solasoul: just some,not all | 13:40 |
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yinflying2016 | yinflying2016: but this have cauesed my bad mood... | 13:42 |
solasoul | yinflying2016, bless it gets better | 13:43 |
yinflying2016 | V7: http://www.opera.com/docs/linux/plugins/install/ | 13:43 |
yinflying2016 | V7: maybe you should read it ? | 13:44 |
V7 | yinflying2016: I did that is instructed there | 13:44 |
V7 | Result: no flash player | 13:44 |
SchrodingersScat | I gave up on that too | 13:45 |
SchrodingersScat | RIP Opera | 13:45 |
yinflying2016 | V7:have you installed flashplayer ever? | 13:45 |
V7 | With flashplugin-installer ? | 13:45 |
V7 | Yes | 13:45 |
solasoul | SchrodingersScat, I read on the chat days ago its one of chromes best features | 13:45 |
yinflying2016 | V7: you would better remove it... | 13:46 |
SchrodingersScat | solasoul: what's that? | 13:46 |
V7 | wait | 13:47 |
solasoul | SchrodingersScat, the fact that it has flash | 13:47 |
OerHeks | chrome can handle DRM flash and such | 13:47 |
OerHeks | firefox downloads chrome to rip the plugin :-D | 13:48 |
V7 | Removed and so on - nothing | 13:48 |
yinflying2016 | flash player of linux is update to 23.0, it is a surprise! | 13:49 |
V7 | and ? | 13:49 |
ubuntu342 | Hi, I've run into an annoying problem on latest Ubuntu - not sure where to report it or fix it though - I have two USB drives that form a raid1 via a USB hub. When adding it the first time it's great - auto read only until mounted with Nautilus.... problem is when I remove it and re-add it much later it randomly breaks or resyncs etc. And it takes forever 10TB drives.. I'd like to suggest to automatically remove raid arrays from md | 13:53 |
=== RalphBa is now known as RalphBa|away | ||
ubuntu342 | But which component is responsible for autodetection? | 13:54 |
ubuntu342 | Is it mdadm, something else, nautilus? | 13:54 |
=== UrsaTempest is now known as ImpeccableEyes | ||
SchrodingersScat | ubuntu342: oi, yeah I've had external drives that would randomly IO error and it would trigger mdadm to rebuild the data. | 13:58 |
Zer0Byte | hey | 14:00 |
Zer0Byte | quesiton i guess i do this | 14:00 |
Zer0Byte | ubuntu 14.04 im a member of a group and i have a file with these group i can perform chmod without sudo? | 14:00 |
\9 | Zer0Byte: i think the group needs to have write permissions to the directory that contains the file | 14:02 |
Zer0Byte | look this | 14:02 |
Zer0Byte | i have a file called is settings on this way | 14:02 |
Zer0Byte | 770 root:group1. file.txt | 14:03 |
Zer0Byte | regularuser is on group1 | 14:03 |
Zer0Byte | when i do chmod 660 file.txt i got operation not permitted | 14:03 |
EriC^^ | Zer0Byte: you can't change stuff unless you're the owner | 14:04 |
Zer0Byte | is just in ubuntu | 14:04 |
Zer0Byte | or in another linux distro this doesn;t happend? | 14:04 |
EriC^^ | yes you have to be the owner of the file | 14:04 |
\9 | ah | 14:04 |
Zer0Byte | im asking because im solving a issue | 14:04 |
EriC^^ | in all distro | 14:04 |
EriC^^ | what issue | 14:04 |
Zer0Byte | on cinder netapp driver for openstack | 14:04 |
jnhghy | anyone knows the command line for startup applications? | 14:04 |
\9 | jnhghy: you want to start up something in the commandline? just type its name | 14:05 |
Zer0Byte | is running chmod without being sudo | 14:05 |
\9 | jnhghy: e.g. 'firefox' for firefox | 14:05 |
EriC^^ | jnhghy: you mean gnome-session-properties ? | 14:05 |
jnhghy | \9: my bad, I want to make a command run at startup and I know there is an UI that lets me do that "Startup applications" but I want to start it from command line since I can't find it using the UI | 14:06 |
beantaxi | Hi all. Weird annoying mouse-freezing problem on xenial/unity. Freezes every couple seconds or so, for a couple seconds. I've replaced the mouse and the mat, which didn't change anything, and now I am wondering if it's a software issue. | 14:06 |
beantaxi | Any ideas on troubleshooting? | 14:06 |
jnhghy | EriC^^: You nailed it! Thanks | 14:06 |
EriC^^ | jnhghy: no problem | 14:07 |
OerHeks | fresh battery does wonders for a wireless mouse | 14:07 |
\9 | beantaxi: try use a different usb port for the mouse? not much that i know of that could help | 14:08 |
beantaxi | OerHeks: That was my hope :) I tried fresh ones on the old one, and the new one is a Logitech MX Master w a rechargeable | 14:08 |
beantaxi | \9: Thanks ... My new mouse came with a new receiver, in a different port, so I'm not sure that's it. I'll change it though. | 14:09 |
OerHeks | beantaxi, use an usb2 port, if you have usb3 available | 14:09 |
beantaxi | I was thinking about downloading a LiveCD (sorry if I have that term wrong), booting that and see if that helps. | 14:10 |
OerHeks | or open a terminal: top # and see for unusual spikes | 14:10 |
OerHeks | ctrl alt T | 14:10 |
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beantaxi | OerHeks: Thanks for the tips. Chrome was at about 50% CPU. I killed it, and I had a responsive mouse for about 60s of continuous motion, for the first time in months. I have reopened Chrome, top is lower and the mouse is more responsive. I will try and monitor that. | 14:18 |
jali_ | Hello Dear | 14:18 |
jali_ | I have a microphne problem in ubuntu | 14:18 |
jali_ | There is some noise for example when I talk in telegram how can I solve it | 14:18 |
jali_ | I did this but it wasn't useful http://paste.ubuntu.com/23328957/ | 14:18 |
beantaxi | Should normal browser usage affect the mouse though? Anything I might do about that? | 14:18 |
OerHeks | beantaxi, likely a page crashed, in its own Virtual Environment. | 14:20 |
OerHeks | top can reveal this | 14:20 |
OerHeks | beantaxi, have fun! | 14:21 |
Paminus | hello everyone | 14:21 |
beantaxi | OerHeks: This is happened for months across multiple reboots ... but perhaps pages are crashing more often. Thank you for the tips! | 14:21 |
elcore | jali_ it could be possible that your mic is just "poor" | 14:22 |
virtuosoj | I am able to boot my image of 16.10 fine in Gnome boxes. But my computer can't actually boot from the Liveusb | 14:22 |
virtuosoj | it shows me this error message: imgur.com/a/nITS0 | 14:22 |
Paminus | #mirc | 14:24 |
jali_ | but why I don't have this problem in windows ,elcore | 14:24 |
luigi_ | ciao | 14:24 |
Paminus | ciao? | 14:25 |
FManTropyx | Italian for bye | 14:26 |
guvn0r | hi > when i do a cd ~ i go to root. but when i do a cd // i also go to root but a ls -lh shows more output. what function does the cd // have? | 14:26 |
SchrodingersScat | guvn0r: cd // is equivalent to cd / | 14:27 |
FManTropyx | more output what? maybe Windows is better | 14:28 |
SchrodingersScat | guvn0r: ~ should go to your home, not /, even as root the ~ is /root so unless you changed your home that doesn't make much sense to me. | 14:30 |
guvn0r | when i navigate around i would obviously use cd, so i accidently used cd // and saw it jumped to root. didn't expect a different output once i done that and follow a ls. it seems to show maybe hidden files? | 14:30 |
guvn0r | i mean home sorry | 14:30 |
SchrodingersScat | guvn0r: your user home is normally /home/username/ so / is much different, it will have all system files, etc. | 14:31 |
MonkeyDust | guvn0r sweet, but cd // makes this machine jump to root | 14:31 |
anotheryou | I installed lubuntu on a mac. This will have installed grub too, no? (so i can "bless" the partition to speed up boot time) | 14:31 |
guvn0r | thanks guys. learning everyday | 14:32 |
virtuosoj | guvn0r, https://linuxjourney.com/ is a good place to learn | 14:40 |
SynfulAck | virtuosoj, thats a nice looking website, never seen that one before. | 14:42 |
virtuosoj | SynfulAck, I know right? The tutorials are quite easy to navigate/read. I'm still working through it | 14:43 |
guvn0r | awesome site thanks | 14:52 |
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anotheryou | ugh, any way to disable the startup sound on a mac without osx? I can set "nvram SystemAudioVolume" in recovery, but it resets to "N" when I reboot. Maybe because I somehow set this in the recovery, not on the real system? | 14:55 |
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yao_ziyuan | Oct 15 15:02:17 ubuntu ubiquity: message repeated 84 times: [ #01579% [1 /var/lib/update-notifier/package-data-downloads/partial/adobe-flashplugi] | 15:03 |
yao_ziyuan | Oct 15 15:02:18 ubuntu ubiquity: #01580% [1 /var/lib/update-notifier/package-data-downloads/partial/adobe-flashplugi | 15:03 |
yao_ziyuan | i was about to report that the flash plugin download takes a LONG time as one of Ubuntu 16.10's final installation steps | 15:03 |
yao_ziyuan | but it suddenly completed now... | 15:04 |
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=== S-USA|Zzzz is now known as SonikkuAmerica | ||
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zaynectx_ | i can't install anope | 15:08 |
zaynectx_ | it just freezes | 15:09 |
zaynectx_ | through synaptic | 15:09 |
EriC^^ | !info anope | 15:10 |
ubottu | anope (source: anope): IRC Services designed for flexibility and ease of use. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.0.3-3 (yakkety), package size 3375 kB, installed size 18701 kB | 15:10 |
EriC^^ | zaynectx_: try sudo apt-get install anope | 15:11 |
arvind | hello | 15:11 |
zaynectx_ | ok | 15:11 |
zaynectx_ | !info postfix | 15:12 |
ubottu | postfix (source: postfix): High-performance mail transport agent. In component main, is optional. Version 3.1.0-5 (yakkety), package size 1155 kB, installed size 3537 kB | 15:12 |
zaynectx_ | anope needs postfix | 15:12 |
zaynectx_ | but I can't seem to get it configured | 15:12 |
RandomNoob | guys I have installed mouse cursor theme. It looks great but does not work in chrome window. also in vb and spotify. WHat to do | 15:15 |
MonkeyDust | RandomNoob now that's a big issue, a new mouse theme! | 15:15 |
guvn0r | dont judge, lol. revert back. | 15:17 |
pepijndevos | Every time I boot my ssh-agent crashes. I pressed report problem some time, but I have no idea where that goes and it obviously doesn;t fix the problem. | 15:19 |
RandomNoob | MonkeyDust not really but i want to figure out how to solve this problem. | 15:19 |
RandomNoob | I tried sudo update-alternatives --config x-cursor-theme | 15:19 |
pepijndevos | I can;t even figure ou where it logs the error. | 15:20 |
pepijndevos | When I run ssh-agent -d it seems to run fine. | 15:21 |
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effectne- | hello in here | 15:24 |
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rossmerton | how to get a mask | 15:25 |
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FManTropyx | ask on #freenode or do you want a Guy Fawkes mask perhaps? | 15:26 |
arch-user | Hello Guys. My friend is running Xubuntu 15.10. So I advised him to upgrade to 16.04. After issuing sudo apt-get update and sudo apt-get upgrade I issued sudo apt-get dist-upgrade. The downloading of the kernel images went fine. But while setting up the kernel, the OS took way too long, and there was no verbose output for me to know whether the command got hanged or running fine. So I ctrl + Z from the command . And now when I update my package it | 15:26 |
arch-user | says me to do a sudo dpkg --configure -a . I restarted the system and did a sudo apt get update. It went fine. But when I issued sudo apt-get upgrade, it started the setting up the newly downloaded kernel image. It is taking time gain , Currently stuck on run-parts: Executing /etc/kernel/postinst.d/zz-update grub 4.2.0-42-generic /boot/vmlinuz-4.2.--42-generic. Shall I wait while it executes ?? | 15:26 |
SonikkuAmerica | !dist-upgrade | arch-user: You don't use dist-upgrade to upgrade to a new release | 15:27 |
ubottu | arch-user: You don't use dist-upgrade to upgrade to a new release: A dist-upgrade will install new dependencies for packages already installed and may remove packages if they are no longer needed. This will not bring you to a new release of Ubuntu, see !upgrade if that is your intention. | 15:27 |
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SonikkuAmerica | arch-user: But to answer your question, let zz-update-grub run. | 15:28 |
arch-user | ubottu: Yes. I wanted to upgrade from Xbuntu 15.10 to Xbuntu 16.04. So I followed an article telling me to first update repos then upgrade packages then run dist-upgrade. | 15:28 |
ubottu | arch-user: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) | 15:28 |
bri-fi-802_11 | could anyone help me with a problem I am having with my GTX 1070? Seems to be a problem with the open source video drivers, but no matter which distro I use my computer wont boot, even with nomodeset set, and in recovery mode. It either spits out errors on the cli or wont start at all | 15:29 |
virtuosoj | are there still daily builds of 16.10? I would like to run Yakkety but my laptop won't even boot the release image | 15:29 |
SonikkuAmerica | arch-user: That will make sure your packages in 15.10 are the latest (which should be easy peas, since 15.10 has reached end-of-life) | 15:29 |
arch-user | SonikkuAmerica: Okay. What is the correct way to upgrade from 15.10 to 16.04 from within the OS itself? | 15:29 |
SonikkuAmerica | arch-user: 2 ways | 15:29 |
virtuosoj | arch-user, as someone who just 'enjoyed' a failed upgrade, please back up your data first :) you may even care to do a fresh install | 15:29 |
SonikkuAmerica | arch-user: (a) In a terminal, run [ do-release-upgrade ] | 15:30 |
yao_ziyuan | ubuntu 16.10 installed on xps 8900! | 15:30 |
SonikkuAmerica | arch-user: (b) Use the Software Updater. | 15:30 |
FManTropyx | yay | 15:30 |
SonikkuAmerica | arch-user: I prefer method (a), because that way the install won't necessarily be botched due to a graphical error (which has happened to me in the past) | 15:31 |
FManTropyx | to negate previously mentioned bad experience, I would like to bring up my successful do-dist-upgrade from 14.04 to 16.04 :) | 15:32 |
bri-fi-802_11 | SonikkuAmerica: funny that happened to me yesterday | 15:32 |
SonikkuAmerica | FManTropyx: You mean "do-RELEASE-upgrade" | 15:32 |
FManTropyx | yes, that's what I said | 15:32 |
SonikkuAmerica | You said "do-dist-upgrade" :P | 15:32 |
FManTropyx | you read wrong ;) | 15:32 |
SonikkuAmerica | XD | 15:33 |
rossmerton | do-dist-upgrade | 15:33 |
rossmerton | that's what you said | 15:33 |
FManTropyx | this is a conspiracy against me! | 15:33 |
arch-user | SonikkuAmerica: do-release-upgrade .. Okay ... So I shall run this command after dpkg --configure -a does its job right?? | 15:33 |
SonikkuAmerica | arch-user: Right. | 15:34 |
imran-ubuntu | help: why can't i log into Ubuntu One from software center | 15:34 |
SonikkuAmerica | imran-ubuntu: Ubuntu One is not a thing anymore. | 15:34 |
rossmerton | imran-ubuntu: wrong password? wrong email? | 15:34 |
bri-fi-802_11 | could someone link me the site to link code to chat? | 15:34 |
imran-ubuntu | from web i can log in | 15:34 |
rossmerton | i use ubuntu one for launchpad sonikku | 15:34 |
OerHeks | !paste | bri-fi-802_11, | 15:35 |
ubottu | bri-fi-802_11,: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic. | 15:35 |
SonikkuAmerica | imran-ubuntu , rossmerton - if you're using Ubuntu 16.04 or 16.10, you have "Ubuntu Software," which is a fork of GNOME Software | 15:35 |
rossmerton | sonikku i use linux lite | 15:35 |
rossmerton | a distro of ubunt | 15:35 |
rossmerton | *ubuntu | 15:35 |
imran-ubuntu | i am running ubuntu 16.10 clean install | 15:35 |
FManTropyx | I was forced to register on Ubuntu One to have the automatic bug reporter do its thing... | 15:35 |
OerHeks | linux lite has nothing to do with ubuntu, not an official flavor | 15:36 |
rossmerton | also xenial ppa source dosen't work | 15:36 |
imran-ubuntu | from web i can log in but from a log-in promt intiated by Software center doesnt happ so | 15:37 |
OerHeks | imran-ubuntu, maybe it helps to login @ launchpad via your browser first | 15:37 |
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scalper | hey | 15:38 |
FManTropyx | what's up? | 15:39 |
OerHeks | imran-ubuntu, not sure why you want to login in softwarecenter, other than your pass to install software | 15:39 |
scalper | my cpu only supports vt-x and not vt-d, at the moment i'm not able to run a 64 bit guest, has it to with the vt-d? | 15:39 |
OerHeks | brb | 15:40 |
scalper | i enabled virtualisation in my bios | 15:40 |
ZeloZelos | its been a while, when setting up a hard disk with files i dont want to move somewhere else do i need to make the system partitions at the beginning of the disk or does it matter | 15:42 |
scalper | VT-x can it run 64 guests? | 15:46 |
scalper | 64bit | 15:47 |
scalper | or can only vt-d do this | 15:47 |
akik | scalper: yes enable vt-x for it | 15:50 |
akik | scalper: the cpu flag will be vmx in /proc/cpuinfo | 15:51 |
rossmerton | hey | 15:51 |
scalper | akik: thanks, eating here atm | 15:52 |
scalper | brb | 15:52 |
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GrandPa-G | I have 2 servers both at same level 16.04. I have the same unit file, same permissions. However on server 2 I alwasy get the following error when I check service status | 15:53 |
GrandPa-G | Warning: capauth.service changed on disk. Run 'systemctl daemon-reload' to reload units. | 15:53 |
GrandPa-G | Any idea how to fix? Checked google search | 15:53 |
ppf_ | GrandPa-G: how about 'systemctl daemon-reload'? | 15:54 |
Olas | hi. having difficulty installing Teamviewer on a Ubuntu (Actually, Ubuntu Studio, but it's, I imagine the same thing basically). CPU = 64bit | 15:55 |
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Olas | can't get GUI | 15:55 |
Olas | Anyone wanna help a helpless cause? | 15:56 |
Tadgy | I have a weird problem on 1610. I work at the console at lot of the time (which has worked fine in the past), but since upgrading to yakkety i'm finding that keys will sometimes ranomly repeat after being pressed just once. Has anyone else encountered this problem? :) | 15:57 |
Olas | it installs, but can't get it to run | 15:57 |
Olas | Tadgy not me | 15:57 |
Tadgy | Olas: Do you spend a lot of time at the console? This isn't a terminal issue, but actual console :) | 15:58 |
Olas | Tadgy you're talking about key repeating or my teamviewer problem? | 15:59 |
Jsync | Global DrakoNet: A sociologically appropriate data network | 15:59 |
Jsync | Dragons in peoples' faces. | 15:59 |
Jsync | ;) | 15:59 |
Tadgy | Olas: I was asking about the key repeating problem - you said it diddent affect you, so I was curious if you spend a lot of time at console, not at a terminal. | 16:00 |
Jsync | Not trying to make people feel uncomfortable, not actually. X) | 16:00 |
Jsync | Global DrakoNet: A sociologically appropriate data network. | 16:00 |
Olas | Tadgy wife won't let me stay long enough on the computer - except for finding vacations for her. | 16:01 |
Olas | ;) | 16:01 |
Tadgy | Olas: lol | 16:01 |
Jsync | Olas, how about we tear down the walls to your house & make a vacation site out of it? ^.^ | 16:01 |
Olas | Tadgy So I can say I don't spend enough time on anything | 16:02 |
Olas | Jsync : We rent where we live. | 16:02 |
Olas | Jsync : Besides, Belgium is too cold to make a vacation site out of it | 16:03 |
Jsync | The destruction of the Berlin Wall was one of the most atrocious crimes within human history. | 16:03 |
GrandPa-G | ppf: I assume you are joking. | 16:04 |
Jsync | The invasion of the North American Continent was probably the #1 most atrocious crime within the human history. | 16:04 |
Olas | Jsync : I'd say the killing of millions tops the tearing down of the Berlin wall | 16:04 |
ppf_ | !ot | 16:05 |
ubottu | #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks! | 16:05 |
ppf_ | GrandPa-G: no. did you run the command? | 16:05 |
GrandPa-G | ppf: of course. | 16:05 |
Jsync | Considering the difference in the square miles of Russia & what's suggested "The United States" actually is considerable within the context that the invaders' descendants of the North American Continent actually are "War Criminals". | 16:05 |
ppf_ | GrandPa-G: after which systemctl status returns what? | 16:06 |
Olas | Jsync : But getting back to my problem, Teamviewer on Ubuntu? My parents need help with their computer . I'm in Europe and they are in the USA | 16:06 |
GrandPa-G | ppf: the exact same thing. I have done the sequence many times, rebooted, restarted, stop/started service. Every combination. I wouldn't ask if I hadn't done all the obvious things. | 16:07 |
Olas | I downloaded it from their web site and installed it easily | 16:07 |
Olas | But can't get it to function | 16:08 |
=== ImpeccableEyes is now known as UrsaTempest | ||
emreg | i can ping but can't ssh into my ubuntu server on virtual box | 16:09 |
baizon | emreg: did you configure ssh? | 16:09 |
emreg | i can ssh from localhost so sshd is working | 16:10 |
emreg | it's a fresh new install so no firewall | 16:10 |
ppf_ | GrandPa-G: please paste the output of sudo systemctl daemon-reload && sudo systemctl status capauth | 16:10 |
yao_ziyuan | oh noes! no i have the latest ubuntu (16.10) and the latest chrome (54.0.2840.59 (64-bit)), and chrome still says "Flash Player has expired". | 16:11 |
emreg | baizon: ? | 16:12 |
GrandPa-G | ppf_:http://pastebin.com/zwys7vhH | 16:13 |
Jakey3 | when you compress a file with zip and a password, what encryptions is it? | 16:13 |
elias_a | yao_ziyuan: With what content? What webpage? | 16:14 |
yao_ziyuan | elias_a: like http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XODE4NjA4Mjg=.html?f=3169022 | 16:14 |
SwedeMike | Jakey3: http://security.stackexchange.com/questions/35818/are-password-protected-zip-files-secure | 16:14 |
OerHeks | yao_ziyuan, question the website, not flashplayer | 16:16 |
Jakey3 | SwedeMike, thanks | 16:17 |
ioria | yao_ziyuan, have you tried with firefox ? i can watch it, no problem | 16:17 |
gazprometheus | morning! | 16:19 |
OerHeks | yao_ziyuan, they use location managment, there are unblock plugins, but it is up 2 you to trust that | 16:19 |
yao_ziyuan | ioria: yes, firefox can. | 16:19 |
ioria | yao_ziyuan, good | 16:19 |
yao_ziyuan | ioria: do you know how to get chrome to show it too? | 16:20 |
ioria | yao_ziyuan, go in plugins and select it | 16:20 |
ioria | yao_ziyuan, activate, i mean | 16:20 |
yao_ziyuan | ioria: in chrome://plugins, it's already activated: | 16:21 |
yao_ziyuan | Adobe Flash Player - version: | 16:21 |
yao_ziyuan | v | 16:21 |
yao_ziyuan | Shockwave Flash 23.0 r0 | 16:21 |
ioria | yao_ziyuan, maybe disable others flash plugins ... pepper is activated ? | 16:21 |
yao_ziyuan | other plugins are: Chrome PDF Viewer, Native Client, Widevine Content Decryption Module | 16:22 |
meng | hello | 16:23 |
yao_ziyuan | this is a freshly installed Ubuntu 16.10. there is no other flash plugins. | 16:23 |
yao_ziyuan | and a freshly installed latest chrome. | 16:23 |
OerHeks | yao_ziyuan, youku on chrome uses location managment, there are unblock plugins, but it is up 2 you to trust that | 16:23 |
OerHeks | * in chrome store | 16:24 |
yao_ziyuan | OerHeks: do you mean youku will discriminate visitors from outside and inside china? | 16:24 |
OerHeks | yao_ziyuan, yes, question the website, not flashplayer | 16:24 |
yao_ziyuan | another example is Radio Hong Kong: http://programme.rthk.hk/channel/radio/player_popup.php?rid=177&player=mp3&type=live | 16:24 |
yao_ziyuan | this is a flash-enabled page and should start broadcasting quickly. | 16:25 |
yao_ziyuan | now i can't use it either. | 16:25 |
yao_ziyuan | Radio Hong Kong should not discriminate any visitors. | 16:25 |
for{} | i dont like chinese language | 16:26 |
posi | Does work doing software raid count towards IOwait or SYS? | 16:27 |
yao_ziyuan | also, on Adobe's official test page https://www.adobe.com/shockwave/welcome/ , | 16:28 |
yao_ziyuan | i can't see the animation. | 16:28 |
yao_ziyuan | oh, that's a shockwave test. the flash player test is here: https://www.adobe.com/software/flash/about/ | 16:29 |
stevarino | hey all, just transitiioned over to ubuntu from windows and there's one thing i can't figure out despite google searches: google drive. i'm currently trying to use the gnome network account solution but its taking 2+ minutes to navigate a directory | 16:31 |
yao_ziyuan | on that page, firefox says: You have version 11,2,202,637 installed | 16:31 |
stevarino | is there a common solution that most use? | 16:31 |
yao_ziyuan | and chrome just shows a plugin icon. | 16:31 |
ioria | yao_ziyuan, go here in chome https://helpx.adobe.com/flash-player.html | 16:36 |
SchrodingersScat | stevarino: I use the google-drive-ocamlfuse to mount it, but you can still expect it to be pretty slow. | 16:36 |
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stevarino | SchrodingersScat: ouch. gotcha, thank you. | 16:37 |
SchrodingersScat | might be worth a try to compare speeds | 16:38 |
Taholmes160 | Good afternoon, I have a new installation of lubuntu 16.04 which for some reason has no sound. I have an mp3 playing in audicous and all the visualizations are working, just no sound in the known good speakers. | 16:39 |
SchrodingersScat | !sound | 16:39 |
ubottu | If you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings. If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !players and !mp3. | 16:39 |
Taholmes160 | dmesg output @ paste.ubuntu.com/233329641. Where should I be looking | 16:40 |
ioria | Taholmes160, have you checked in menu -> preferences -> sound & video -> alsamixer-gui ? | 16:41 |
ioria | Taholmes160, sorry menu -> sound & video -> alsamixer-gui ? | 16:42 |
Taholmes160 | ioria Yes I have everything is turned on and up, as well I used alsamixer in a terminal window to check it all | 16:42 |
yao_ziyuan | anyone using chrome here? | 16:43 |
imran-ubuntu | me | 16:44 |
Norux | yao_ziyuan: yes | 16:44 |
yao_ziyuan | Norux: ubuntu 16.10 + latest chrome? can you see your flash version from adobe's official flash test page? adobe's official flash test page (https://www.adobe.com/software/flash/about/) won't show my flash version either. | 16:44 |
Mkll | Hello. | 16:45 |
Mkll | An update to the kernel broke my install. | 16:45 |
Norux | yao_ziyuan: i use ubuntu 14.04 LTS | 16:45 |
yao_ziyuan | Norux: then it's probably a different story. | 16:45 |
Norux | Mkll: ask EriC^^ | 16:45 |
Mkll | Eric##?> | 16:45 |
EriC^^ | hi Mkll | 16:45 |
Norux | yao_ziyuan: try sudo apt-get install pepperflash-nonfree | 16:45 |
Mkll | Hello EriC^^ | 16:46 |
EriC^^ | Mkll: what's up? | 16:46 |
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Mkll | A patch to the kernel broke the install of 16.04.1 | 16:46 |
Norux | yao_ziyuan: sorry, it is sudo apt-get install pepperflashplugin-nonfree | 16:46 |
yao_ziyuan | Norux: i figured it out. | 16:46 |
Norux | yao_ziyuan: okay | 16:47 |
EriC^^ | Mkll: use an older kernel from grub | 16:47 |
ioria | Taholmes160, aplay -l finds your card ? | 16:47 |
Techspectre | Is there any software that lets you combine two applications in one X window? | 16:49 |
EriC^^ | Mkll: hold shift when the pc boots then go to advanced and select an older kernel | 16:49 |
yao_ziyuan | Norux: it seems to take forever for apt-get to set up pepperflashplugin-nonfree, and the hard disk shows a pattern of dead loop | 16:50 |
Norux | yao_ziyuan: hm i don't know, i'm quite new here ^^ | 16:51 |
Norux | does anybody have experience with mounting a filesystem you get via vpn? | 16:51 |
OerHeks | pepperflash downloads chrome to rip the plugin | 16:52 |
OerHeks | grinn | 16:52 |
Norux | umm another quick question | 16:55 |
Norux | in unity-tweak-tool i can choose the dmz-dark mouse skin, but it only shows up when i hover above chrome, otherwise not | 16:56 |
Norux | dmz-black* | 16:56 |
Guest89399 | hey all, just installed 16.04 fresh after removing my old 14.04 setup. I'm using nvidia proprietary drivers and trying to figure out where to put my xorg.conf, as the location seems to have moved. anyone able to help me figure that out? | 16:57 |
Taholmes160 | ioria yes it does | 17:05 |
scalper | akik: i did cat /proc/cpuinfo | 17:05 |
scalper | i get this output: flags: fpu vme de pse tsc msr pae mce cx8 apic sep mtrr pge mca cmov pat pse36 clflush dts acpi mmx fxsr sse sse2 ss ht tm pbe syscall nx rdtscp lm constant_tsc arch_perfmon pebs bts rep_good nopl xtopology nonstop_tsc aperfmperf eagerfpu pni pclmulqdq dtes64 monitor ds_cpl vmx est tm2 ssse3 cx16 xtpr pdcm pcid sse4_1 sse4_2 x2apic popcnt tsc_deadline_timer aes xsave avx lahf_lm epb tpr_shadow vnmi flexpriority e | 17:05 |
scalper | like i said i did enable virtualisation in the bios | 17:06 |
akik | scalper: you have vmx there | 17:07 |
scalper | but i notice i can only run 32 guest os's in vbox | 17:07 |
scalper | yes man :) | 17:07 |
scalper | Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-2450M CPU @ 2.50GHz | 17:07 |
MonkeyDust | scalper me too, 32bit only | 17:08 |
scalper | akik: what could cause this? i mean am i be able to run a 64 guest? | 17:08 |
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scalper | address sizes: 36 bits physical, 48 bits virtual | 17:09 |
scalper | don't know if that has anything to say anything about it | 17:09 |
akik | scalper: what does uname -a say in your host operating system? | 17:09 |
EriC^^ | did you enable vt-x in the bios? | 17:09 |
ioria | Taholmes160, desktop or laptop ? | 17:09 |
scalper | EriC^^: yes i did | 17:09 |
scalper | Linux mark-HP-ProBook-4730s 4.4.0-31-generic #50-Ubuntu SMP Wed Jul 13 00:07:12 UTC 2016 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux | 17:09 |
MonkeyDust | scalper paste this line in a termlinal egrep -c '(vmx|svm)' /proc/cpuinfo | 17:09 |
scalper | MonkeyDust: it outputs 4 | 17:10 |
Mkll | HP trash tbh | 17:10 |
MonkeyDust | scalper odd, then you should be able to run 64bit guests | 17:10 |
scalper | MonkeyDust: the fact is that vbox only shows 32 bit operating system's in the select box | 17:12 |
Norux | EriC^^: sudo mount -t cifs -o user=$USERNAME,password=$PASSWORD,iocharset=utf8,noperm //$SERVER/$SHARE /media/share/ doesn't work | 17:12 |
akik | scalper: is your virtualbox package also 64-bit? | 17:12 |
scalper | akik: it is | 17:12 |
MonkeyDust | scalper what select box? | 17:13 |
scalper | virtualbox-5.1_5.1.6-110634-Ubuntu-xenial_amd64.deb | 17:13 |
scalper | MonkeyDust: there is Type: like Linux and there is Version like: Ubuntu (32-bit) but there is no 64 bit shown anywhere | 17:14 |
MonkeyDust | ok, i have vb 5.0.blah | 17:14 |
scalper | MonkeyDust: what next to do? | 17:16 |
akik | scalper: do you have some other virtualization solution running? | 17:16 |
scalper | akik: no i just installed ubuntu and after that virtual box | 17:17 |
OerHeks | vt turned off in your bios. | 17:17 |
scalper | OerHeks: virtualization is enabled (vt-x) | 17:18 |
solz | everyone | 17:19 |
solz | hello there | 17:19 |
akik | scalper: is it an old system? maybe a bios update is needed? | 17:20 |
scalper | akik: the laptop has been shipped by default with an i3 cpu and it is upgraded with an i5 cpu | 17:21 |
scalper | http://ark.intel.com/products/53452/Intel-Core-i5-2450M-Processor-3M-Cache-up-to-3_10-GHz | 17:21 |
scalper | akik: i bought it from another person | 17:23 |
scalper | i try a reboot maybe some driver will be updated | 17:23 |
akik | scalper: can you find a bios update for it? | 17:23 |
scalper | i will look what bios version it has atm | 17:24 |
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solasoul | hi guys can you recommend an app for removing installed files quickly | 17:26 |
akik | scalper: are you sure that the cpu is supported in that mobo? | 17:26 |
akik | scalper: try changing trusted execution technology (txt) to off in your bios | 17:40 |
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scalper | akik: ok, i will if have the option, second things is that i found out there is a new bios available for this model but it comes within an .exe file that should be executed on windows 7/8 | 17:43 |
akik | scalper: ok :) | 17:44 |
scalper | akik: is it save to install the bios? i mean the cpu has been updated on the this model | 17:44 |
scalper | to another model of cpu | 17:44 |
scalper | i said before, i bought this laptop from another person | 17:44 |
akik | scalper: i'd test changing that txt option to off first | 17:44 |
OerHeks | akik, ah, trusted could prevent vt? | 17:47 |
scalper | akik: i will look if it is in the bios | 17:47 |
_44trent | How do I install amdgpu pro on ubuntu 16.10? | 17:47 |
akik | OerHeks: yes i googled around and it affects virtualbox 64-bit guests | 17:47 |
OerHeks | akik good find | 17:47 |
OerHeks | besides bios update that could be logical | 17:48 |
scalper | http://i.stack.imgur.com/rrRC6.jpg | 17:48 |
scalper | there it is shown | 17:48 |
_44trent | i'd run the amd supplied installer but i'm worried it might not work because it says it's only for 16.04 | 17:48 |
scalper | i doubt if i have it in this bios | 17:48 |
scalper | i check it now, brb | 17:48 |
akik | it's right there :) | 17:48 |
scalper | i think i've only got the vt-x option | 17:48 |
Seven_Six_Two | I have an official 14.04 dvd, but it seems only 64 bit. Is that correct, or is there a way to tell it to boot 32 instead? Were 32 bit DVDs made for 14.04? I only seem to have one for desktop and one for server. | 17:50 |
SchrodingersScat | yes they should have also made 32 | 17:50 |
Seven_Six_Two | I wasn't sure, because what I have doesn't say 64 on it anywhere | 17:51 |
akik | Seven_Six_Two: http://releases.ubuntu.com/14.04/ (the ones with i386) | 17:51 |
akik | i think the 64-bit is only 64-bit | 17:52 |
Seven_Six_Two | akik, yes, but I mean printed discs. | 17:52 |
akik | Seven_Six_Two: well, those iso files are the official ones. so i don't know | 17:53 |
_44trent | hello? i'm having a problem trying to install amdgpu pro on ubuntu 16.10 | 17:54 |
scalper | akik: there was no option that you told me about, but there was under another menuL Virtualisation Technology > Change, View or Hide, i changed that from View to hide, and what you think? there is now a 64 bit option shown in vbox :) | 17:54 |
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akik | scalper: weird | 17:55 |
bogsdollocks | 44rent ? amdpro? | 17:55 |
_44trent | yes, the driver for AMD graphics cards? | 17:55 |
_44trent | i'm on ubuntu 16.10 | 17:55 |
akik | scalper: so you don't have an enabled or disabled setting for vt-x in your bios? | 17:55 |
scalper | akik: i now gonna check if i get something running | 17:55 |
bogsdollocks | ahh... | 17:56 |
bogsdollocks | sorry i#m nvidia | 17:56 |
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scalper | akik: yes, i have for sure, i turned it already to on before i did reboot | 17:57 |
akik | scalper: some page even said that you need to power off your machine after changing those settings | 17:57 |
bogsdollocks | 44rent from repo or self compiled? | 17:57 |
scalper | akik: thanks for this | 17:57 |
_44trent | well the only place i could amdgpu-pro, which is from AMD themselves, was on the amd website | 17:58 |
_44trent | it installed fine on 16.04, but i did a clean install for 16.10 | 17:59 |
bogsdollocks | sorry mate... i had prob with nv drivers in the past and had to blacklist nouveu...or deinstall it 1st... | 18:01 |
_44trent | when i try to run the installer script it fails to find /etc/aptsourceslist.d | 18:02 |
_44trent | there's something wrong with the script, i can only assume there was supossed to be a "/" between apt, but there isn't | 18:02 |
_44trent | but the installer script is spaghetti code and I have no idea how on earth i'm supossed to add that extra "/" | 18:02 |
bogsdollocks | gedit | 18:03 |
bogsdollocks | edit it | 18:03 |
bogsdollocks | do a search on debian or archwiki | 18:03 |
bogsdollocks | may help | 18:03 |
bogsdollocks | you prob have to drop to root...reboot etc, afew times | 18:05 |
_44trent | i have a stupid idea, what if i made /etc/aptsourceslist.d link to /etc/apt/sources.list.d? | 18:05 |
_44trent | it should get the script to continue | 18:05 |
mjayk | _44trent: id give that a go | 18:05 |
bogsdollocks | back up 1st! | 18:05 |
* [_]` backs up slowly. | 18:06 | |
bogsdollocks | no reverse cam? | 18:06 |
_44trent | so i made an aptsources.list.d in etc, what command would link it /apt/sources? i normally don't make symbolic links so i have no idea what I should do | 18:07 |
_44trent | apt/sources.list.d i mean | 18:07 |
_44trent | should "ln -s /etc/aptsources.list.d /etc/apt/sources.list.d work? | 18:09 |
bogsdollocks | http://support.amd.com/en-us/kb-articles/Pages/AMDGPU-PRO-Install.aspx | 18:10 |
bogsdollocks | you been here 44trent ? | 18:11 |
_44trent | i don't think that worked, when i cd into that folder in doesn't send me to /etc/apt/sources.list.d | 18:12 |
solasoul | hi guys is there a reason why steam closes when opening | 18:12 |
jamie_1 | hey i am running on ubuntu 16.04 and i cant seem to find the process that is keeping root occupied... i looked through the system monitor thinking it might be the update utility but its not that one, any ideas? | 18:15 |
Flannel | _44trent: you want ln /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ /etc/aptsourceslist.d, and don't have /etc/aptsourceslist.d exist as a directory yet. | 18:16 |
solasoul | jamie_1, are you using synaptic as well close that and any program that may be accesing your applications | 18:16 |
Flannel | _44trent: the order is [destination] [link name] | 18:16 |
jamie_1 | Flannel: i only have ff running... i have some common sense | 18:16 |
_44trent | okay, this should work then | 18:16 |
zacarias | Hi. I'm running Ubuntu 16.04 with Unity and Cinnamon on a laptop with an Intel i5 processor. After a recent regular upgrade it stopped recognising any network interfaces (both internal and external) and any usb storage devices. If y run "lsusb" the devices appear. But the system acts like if they weren't there. Also, in the Cinnamon option it forces the "software rendering" option. | 18:16 |
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jamie_1 | all i have running right now is a terminal i just opened, firefox and system monitor | 18:16 |
scalper | akik: i now get this error when i startup a guest: VT-x is disabled in the BIOS for all CPU modes (VERR_VMX_MSR_ALL_VMX_DISABLED). | 18:17 |
scalper | akik: and it is just enabled | 18:17 |
scalper | i will total shutdown this host machine | 18:17 |
scalper | brb | 18:17 |
solasoul | close firefox | 18:17 |
jamie_1 | got it... ugh seems that it was the terminal for some odd reason... not the first time either | 18:17 |
solasoul | jamie_1, close firefox and try happened to me today so i closed the software updater and then restarted the terminal it worked | 18:18 |
jamie_1 | its like the 7-8th time its happened just in that specific terminal instance... might file a bug next time it happens.. get some system logs next time | 18:18 |
jamie_1 | solasoul: already got it | 18:18 |
solasoul | jamie_1, awesome best regards | 18:18 |
jamie_1 | solasoul: it was the termial instance again... :/ | 18:18 |
jamie_1 | next time ill get some system logs and file a bug report on it | 18:18 |
solasoul | who can help me with steam ...it just closes once executed | 18:19 |
solasoul | nevermind i dont have enough memory | 18:21 |
EriC^^ | solasoul: run it from a termina | 18:21 |
scalper | akik: a total shutdown fixed it | 18:21 |
scalper | akik: now installing windows | 18:21 |
solasoul | ok how do i do this EriC^^ | 18:21 |
EriC^^ | solasoul: if it's not enough memory that wont help | 18:21 |
EriC^^ | it just says an error in the terminal usually | 18:22 |
akik | scalper: so what options do you have in the bios for vt-x and txt ? | 18:22 |
zacarias | Hi. I'm running Ubuntu 16.04 with Unity and Cinnamon on a laptop with an Intel i5 processor. After a recent regular upgrade it stopped recognising any network interfaces (both internal and external) and any usb storage devices. If y run "lsusb" the devices appear. But the system acts like if they weren't there. Also, in the Cinnamon option it forces the "software rendering" option. | 18:22 |
solasoul | EriC^^, i should have thought about that while partitioning what can i do to increase my memory | 18:22 |
teebeutel | hello guys | 18:23 |
solasoul | EriC^^, my memory is 3.6 gb | 18:24 |
teebeutel | someone could help me, need informations about "ssh" | 18:24 |
Seven_Six_Two | solasoul, you'd have to buy more of the right kind of memory, assuming your computer is upgradeable. 3.6 is enough for steam | 18:24 |
Seven_Six_Two | solasoul, open a terminal, and type "steam" without quotes, then hit enter. | 18:25 |
solasoul | Seven_Six_Two, thanks a bunch how do i run it from terminal i did the new update and it caught an error since then some apps not working right | 18:25 |
EriC^^ | solasoul: 3.6gb is enough i'd guess | 18:25 |
Seven_Six_Two | solasoul, terminal is a program that is always installed. However you run programs, it's called "terminal" or "xterm" or something like that. | 18:26 |
pppoe | Hey guys, I'm having a bit of an issue with Xubuntu, pppoeconf in terminal returns "pppoeconf is not installed, to install please type sudo apt install pppoeconf" and when I do that it sais it cannot locate the package, any clues? | 18:26 |
teebeutel | Tagchen, kennt sich vielleicht wer mit SSH aus? | 18:27 |
Seven_Six_Two | solasoul, that will give you a text window with a prompt | 18:27 |
solasoul | Seven_Six_Two, thank you i got an error will paste it | 18:27 |
Seven_Six_Two | pppoe, there might be more to the package name. find that name by searching. sudo apt-cache search pppoe | 18:27 |
skweek | My computer just blinked at me :( | 18:28 |
skweek | I just intsalled new ubuntu updates | 18:28 |
solasoul | Seven_Six_Two, http://pastebin.com/y06SJNBE | 18:28 |
skweek | and the screen went black | 18:28 |
Seven_Six_Two | teebeutel, du musst zu #ubuntu-de gehen. | 18:28 |
elichai2 | hey | 18:28 |
skweek | and my network manager has been crashing like crazy | 18:28 |
elichai2 | weird thing | 18:28 |
Curious87 | So I am debating on going back to Ubuntu after using Windows 10 for over a year on my low end laptop. Recently after an update some of my favorite games play worse then they did before updating. However I'm wandering, if you replace Windows 10 with Ubuntu...does the Windows Serial delete itself from your bios? | 18:28 |
skweek | help! | 18:28 |
solasoul | Thanks for all your help guys you make the system worth it | 18:28 |
Seven_Six_Two | solasoul, it looks like maybe you don't have the right video driver stuff installed. | 18:29 |
skweek | like the screen just went black for a second and then it came back | 18:29 |
elichai2 | I installed google chrome and inside `apt-cache policy` I see this version: 54.0.2840.59-1. but when I get into `about` I see this version: `50.0.2661.94` | 18:29 |
Seven_Six_Two | solasoul, like maybe you're using mesa | 18:29 |
EriC^^ | Curious87: no | 18:29 |
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solasoul | Seven_Six_Two, whats that should i remove it im a newbie to ubuntu i am just a week old | 18:30 |
pppoe | Seven_Six_Two, It's pppoeconf but it doesn't work that way either. | 18:30 |
Curious87 | EriC^^: really? that's a releaf. Thank you | 18:30 |
elichai2 | anyone? | 18:31 |
pppoe | And it's weird how pppoeconf doesn't work from terminal. | 18:31 |
EriC^^ | Curious87: np | 18:31 |
Seven_Six_Two | solasoul, fyi most errors can be solved by searching for them in google. just copy paste. possibly add the name of the program that you're using. I'm not telling you to go away though, because even then, fixes aren't always easy. What video card do you have? desktop or laptop? | 18:31 |
elichai2 | sorry I disconnected? | 18:31 |
elichai2 | anyone can help my problem? | 18:31 |
solasoul | Seven_Six_Two, Thank you will do its a dual install on a lenovo | 18:32 |
=== NET||abu- is now known as NET||abuse | ||
Seven_Six_Two | pppoe, what result do you get? does it prompt for a password? Even if you don't get that package, you should get others. | 18:33 |
gde33 | is it okay to ask lubuntu questions here? my live usb gives 1024x768 resolution with SiS M661MX video but the install only does 640 | 18:33 |
pppoe | Seven_Six_Two, yes it does, I enter it and then it sais package not found, even though the disc is in the drive. | 18:33 |
Seven_Six_Two | solasoul, can you pastebin the result of lspci -v | 18:34 |
Seven_Six_Two | pppoe, oh it's a live cd you're using? | 18:34 |
pppoe | I't installed. | 18:35 |
Seven_Six_Two | pppoe, I'm confused then. What disc is in the drive, and what is installed? | 18:35 |
Seven_Six_Two | pppoe, did you just finish installing from a live session? | 18:36 |
solasoul | Seven_Six_Two, will do one moment | 18:36 |
pppoe | ... I installed Xubuntu. Rebooted. Entered PPPOECONF in the terminal and it sais PPPOECONF is not installed. | 18:36 |
pppoe | Then I inserted the disc, and tried dbpk -s pppoeconf | 18:36 |
Seven_Six_Two | ok. you don't need the disc | 18:37 |
solasoul | Seven_Six_Two, thanks so much here it is http://pastebin.com/f4u39rz4 | 18:37 |
pppoe | I've put in the drive in case it will install from the disc | 18:37 |
Seven_Six_Two | pppoe, remove the disc, update all of your packages and upgrade. It won't install from disc. | 18:37 |
pppoe | How can I update and upgrade without internet? | 18:37 |
Seven_Six_Two | are you chatting on a phone? | 18:38 |
pppoe | No, from my windows installation. | 18:38 |
root1_ | eegeg | 18:38 |
littlebit | hi people, I have an external harddisk that I wanted to mount, when I double click on it I get this error message: https://dpaste.de/GkaG can someone help | 18:39 |
=== james is now known as Guest56608 | ||
MonkeyDust | littlebit pastbin the output of lsblk -f | 18:39 |
Seven_Six_Two | pppoe, please pastebin the output of cat /etc/apt/sources.list and sudo dpkg -s pppoeconf | 18:40 |
littlebit | MonkeyDust: https://dpaste.de/Rcaj here you go | 18:40 |
Guest56608 | hello | 18:41 |
nimda_ | irc.smashthestack.io | 18:42 |
solasoul | Seven_Six_Two, im using studio | 18:42 |
YWingAnsible | type @#$2 if you are not a bot | 18:42 |
solasoul | @#S2 | 18:43 |
__R__ | who's the bot now? | 18:43 |
scalper | akik: yet i didn't found anything about vt-x and text | 18:43 |
MonkeyDust | littlebit "exFAT (Extended File Allocation Table) is a Microsoft file system" ... guess you better ask in ##windows | 18:43 |
scalper | brb | 18:43 |
littlebit | MonkeyDust: I have installed extfat from apt-get install and formatted the harddisk with it. I use the harddisk for watching movies on my tv | 18:45 |
Seven_Six_Two | solasoul, run the driver manager, and see if there's a driver that you need for intel chipset. I found a link on steam about updated drivers available, but it's for an older ubuntu version, and I'm not sure if there is also an updated ppa. what ubuntu r u using? | 18:45 |
MonkeyDust | !find exfat | 18:45 |
ubottu | Found: exfat-fuse, exfat-utils | 18:45 |
littlebit | I just unpluged it from my tv to my pc | 18:45 |
MonkeyDust | littlebit ok, wasnt aware | 18:45 |
Ben64 | littlebit: probably corrupted, you can try fsck | 18:45 |
solasoul | Seven_Six_Two, I appreciate it | 18:45 |
solasoul | im using 16.10 | 18:46 |
Seven_Six_Two | is that xenial? | 18:46 |
Seven_Six_Two | sorry. I don't even use ubuntu desktop any longer | 18:47 |
Ben64 | yakkety | 18:47 |
Seven_Six_Two | Ben64, thanks | 18:47 |
littlebit | Ben64: ok, I got this: expected 0xb4afb97). | 18:47 |
littlebit | ERROR: invalid VBR checksum 0xdd4afb8a (expected 0xb4afb97) | 18:47 |
Ben64 | yep | 18:47 |
Seven_Six_Two | solasoul, http://www.howtogeek.com/242045/how-to-get-the-latest-nvidia-amd-or-intel-graphics-drivers-on-ubuntu/ | 18:47 |
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solasoul | Seven_Six_Two, Bless your heart | 18:48 |
solasoul | Seven_Six_Two, I am gratefu | 18:48 |
solasoul | (l) | 18:48 |
Seven_Six_Two | solasoul, you may want to hold your thanks until after you determine that something didn't go terribly sideways. ;) | 18:49 |
Seven_Six_Two | but yw | 18:49 |
phenom | OerHeks, You around. Tried memtest and it depicted no errors. If you remember I am battling a bug where everything freezes if left running long enough. | 18:49 |
Ben64 | phenom: how long did you leave memtest running | 18:50 |
phenom | Ben64, 6 hours almost. | 18:50 |
bray90820_ | Can someone help me in ubuntu 16.10 my tablet freezes every time I try to use a web browser web access works in other apps such as the terminal | 18:50 |
phenom | Not adequate? | 18:50 |
lion4407 | anyone tried ubuntu 16.10 with virtualbox particular with usb? | 18:50 |
shadyz | 6 hours | 18:50 |
Ben64 | phenom: thats probably ok | 18:50 |
bray90820_ | I have tried using both firefox and chrome | 18:51 |
Seven_Six_Two | lion4407, it requires vbox addons | 18:51 |
shadyz | That cool | 18:51 |
phenom | Would anyone happen to have advice on where to go from here? | 18:51 |
lion4407 | Seven_Six_Two, well i was using it with 16.04..you mean extra addons? | 18:51 |
Aaditya | my ubuntu software isnt working...wont start at all when clicked | 18:51 |
Aaditya | looked up some articles online | 18:51 |
shadyz | Addons for the Vbox | 18:51 |
phenom | I'm on a fresh install of 16.04, thinkpad x220. | 18:51 |
Aaditya | tried reinstalling gnome software | 18:52 |
Aaditya | no help | 18:52 |
Aaditya | also, I'm new to IRC...i dont really understand how logging is done...and that will i be able to see messages during the interval when my IRC client was inactive | 18:52 |
Seven_Six_Two | lion4407, there's an addons iso that you insert to vbox cd drive after os install that installs drivers and stuff for host-guest interactions | 18:52 |
shadyz | Aaditya what is telling you | 18:52 |
Aaditya | ? | 18:53 |
Seven_Six_Two | Aaditya, not unless you use a bouncer like ZNC or subscribe to a similar service | 18:53 |
lion4407 | Seven_Six_Two, I was already using vbox with 16.04..I'm asking is the setup different with 16.10? | 18:53 |
Seven_Six_Two | lion4407, not that I know of | 18:53 |
Seven_Six_Two | but you might have to reinstall the guest additions iso | 18:53 |
lion4407 | Seven_Six_Two, well im getting errors | 18:53 |
Aaditya | what should i be doing? | 18:54 |
lion4407 | Seven_Six_Two, im using with usb...not a ubuntu iso | 18:54 |
Seven_Six_Two | are you trying to boot a persistent usb in vbox? | 18:55 |
Seven_Six_Two | or use a usb key in an ubuntu install that is in vbox? | 18:55 |
lion4407 | Seven_Six_Two, well I'm not only trying I already did with 16.04. a persistant usb.. | 18:56 |
Seven_Six_Two | lion4407, ok, and what error(s) are you getting? I've never tried to boot a persistent usb in vbox | 18:57 |
lion4407 | Seven_Six_Two, well sometimes it does not even want to boot and sometimes it a whole bunch on errors on the screen...some ext4 errors but a bunch | 18:58 |
phenom | How much support do we have left on 14.04; about 7 months? | 18:58 |
shadyz | Is very easy to boot a persistant usb in vbox...my really work even with GsmMap | 18:58 |
lion4407 | shadyz did you try with 16.10? | 18:59 |
shadyz | Install appropriate software | 18:59 |
phenom | I fell I'm going to have to downgrade as the result of a critical bug. | 18:59 |
phenom | feel even* | 18:59 |
shadyz | That is addons | 18:59 |
bray90820_ | Can someone help me in ubuntu 16.10 my tablet freezes every time I try to use a web browser I have tried using both firefox and chrome web access works in other apps such as the terminal | 18:59 |
lion4407 | shadyz and Seven_Six_Two the usb works fine when I boot straight from it..which is odd | 19:00 |
shadyz | :-( | 19:01 |
Seven_Six_Two | lion if you could capure the errors, either by copying and pasting to pastebin, or taking screenshots and upping them to a free sharing service, that would make helping you a lot easier. | 19:01 |
shadyz | Booting on the system work | 19:01 |
shadyz | But not in usb | 19:02 |
shadyz | To vbox | 19:02 |
phenom | bray90820_, Sounds like you are experiencing the same thing I am | 19:02 |
shadyz | Ryt | 19:02 |
phenom | And no one else. | 19:02 |
maxvaillancourt1 | bray90820_: what's your tablet? | 19:02 |
maxvaillancourt1 | mmh. | 19:02 |
phenom | bray90820_, I've tried multiple browsers and after running for hours, even overnight, it freezes. | 19:03 |
lion4407 | now im getting a busybox screeen type help for commands? what is this? | 19:03 |
lion4407 | busybox v1.22.1 | 19:03 |
phenom | Don't like,, all developers use thinkpads? | 19:06 |
blf | Is there any way to cause the ubuntu server install cd to boot and obtain an ip address without interaction? | 19:09 |
ub_ubuntu | updated to 16.10 | 19:10 |
ub_ubuntu | But nvidia-opencl error?? | 19:10 |
blf | I'm trying to install ubuntu server as a kvm guest, and I'm trying to make the guest obtain an ip address so that i can vnc into it from another machine to complete the installation. | 19:10 |
ub_ubuntu | And number of processes running is around 700 | 19:11 |
michael__ | Hey guys! | 19:12 |
michael__ | I have an android device I am trying to root, however I cannot find the drivers for it. | 19:12 |
michael__ | (Fastboot wont detect the device, but adb does) | 19:12 |
michael__ | It is an Alcatel onetouch idol 3 running marshmallow | 19:12 |
michael__ | How do I go about installing those drivers? | 19:12 |
michael__ | I've searched everywhere | 19:13 |
ub_ubuntu | michael_ ask in android channel | 19:13 |
michael__ | Okay | 19:13 |
michael__ | Thank you | 19:13 |
michael__ | #android-unregistered :Cannot send to channel | 19:15 |
michael__ | what does that mean | 19:15 |
OerHeks | !register | 19:16 |
ubottu | Information about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode | 19:16 |
rapier | why do games require less usage of processor at 4k resolutions? | 19:19 |
TheWild | hello | 19:22 |
yeib | hi? | 19:23 |
yeib | exit | 19:23 |
TheWild | I'm considering installing Ubuntu on my parents netbook | 19:23 |
TheWild | is this system safe for non-tech-savvy users? | 19:23 |
TheWild | Ubuntu 16.04.1, I just tried to localize my live session: http://pasteboard.co/fmDnbp28c.png | 19:25 |
phenom | TheWild, Sure it's safe[er]. | 19:26 |
phenom | If it works | 19:26 |
phenom | I have noticed a trend of having to revert back to an older version at every LTS | 19:26 |
Anonymes | Hi | 19:29 |
TheWild | blindly giving "sudo apt-get update" a try | 19:32 |
=== RalphBa|away is now known as RalphBa | ||
seventy | Any ideas what I should do with a VPS I'm not using | 19:33 |
ilhami | hey! | 19:34 |
seventy | hey! | 19:35 |
Norux | hey! | 19:35 |
ilhami | what's up ? | 19:37 |
lion4407 | anyone know of a good service to post a screenshot of errors? | 19:38 |
doitux | Hey, i accidentally removed my /etc/cups/ directory ... i tried to reinstall the cups package for getting the config files back but i dont get it working. There is no cupsd.conf in this dir after the reinstall. I guess thats why the service doenst start. Any ideas which package should include the /etc/cups/cupsd.conf? I cannot find it in packages.ubuntu.com ... | 19:38 |
ioria | doitux, dpkg -l cups-daemon | 19:39 |
zainul | Howdie | 19:45 |
Steve973 | Hi. When will a ubuntu LTS release go beyond the 4.4.x kernel? | 19:47 |
akxwi-dave | lion4407: imgur | 19:48 |
Norux | yes, imgur | 19:49 |
kinu | tomreyn : Issue with wifi did not resolved yet, can you help me out!!! | 19:49 |
ronaldsmazitis | nautilus is kinda unstable in 16.04, it slows down and does not respond lately | 19:50 |
kinu | is there anyone who can help me to fix the issue with weak wifi signal in ubuntu 16.0.1 | 19:51 |
ronaldsmazitis | it just updated to 4.4.0-43-generic | 19:52 |
kinu | my ethernet Ltd. RTL8111/8168/8411 PCI Express Gigabit Ethernet Controller | 19:53 |
kinu | RonaldsMazitis are you talking to me | 19:54 |
ronaldsmazitis | nop | 19:55 |
kinu | ok | 19:55 |
=== jorge is now known as Guest60689 | ||
kinu | is there anyone who can help me to fix the issue with weak wifi signal in ubuntu 16.0.1 | 20:00 |
thekrynn | hi, was looking for a recommendation on server + jbod enclosures for scaling up storage on linux (something that supports SATA drives). | 20:01 |
mijk | anyone here familiar with yad? | 20:06 |
=== insecta_ is now known as insecta | ||
Kinu | is there anyone | 20:12 |
Kinu | I need help | 20:13 |
Norux | just ask | 20:13 |
Kinu | facing some problem with wifi connectivity | 20:14 |
ilhami | more details please. | 20:15 |
Kinu | 8 days back i got a new laptop and after installing ubuntu wifi gets connected but only if i sit beside wifi router | 20:16 |
swensson | Hey guys, how do I activate sound via HDMI? :O | 20:16 |
Kinu | but if i go little bit far it gets disconnectedt | 20:16 |
ilhami | did you try with a Windows machine, Kinu? does it do the same? | 20:17 |
Kinu | even though if i sit beside wifi router it just shows 2 lines in notification | 20:17 |
Kinu | yes | 20:17 |
Kinu | it was working fine | 20:17 |
ilhami | okay. | 20:17 |
ilhami | which version of Ubuntu? | 20:17 |
Kinu | 16.04.1 | 20:17 |
Kinu | kernel 4.4.0 bild 38 | 20:18 |
=== teo is now known as Guest60443 | ||
Kinu | ethernet card: Ethernet controller: Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd. RTL8111/8168/8411 PCI Express Gigabit Ethernet Controller (rev 15) | 20:18 |
Kinu | is there anyone | 20:19 |
ilhami | and you have the latest driver for your WiFi adapter? | 20:19 |
Kinu | dont know should be | 20:20 |
Kinu | can you tell me how do i upgrade ethernet drivers | 20:20 |
ilhami | laptop model? | 20:20 |
Kinu | hp 245 g5 | 20:20 |
Kinu | AMD A6, 4 GB RAM | 20:21 |
ilhami | and your kernel is updated? | 20:23 |
Kinu | no | 20:23 |
ilhami | 4.4.24 | 20:23 |
ilhami | can you update to this version at least? | 20:23 |
Kinu | how do i do that | 20:23 |
Kinu | previously i tried upgrading the kernel but the whole system was crashing | 20:24 |
ilhami | wait for someone with more knowledge to answer. :) in the weekends people seem busy | 20:24 |
Kinu | you are right | 20:25 |
Kinu | :) | 20:25 |
Kinu | thanx ilhami | 20:25 |
bugtraq | info | 20:25 |
ilhami | I don't want to give you wrong info so you mess up your system even more lol | 20:25 |
ilhami | but what have you tried to fix it so far, Kinu? | 20:27 |
bugtraq | info | 20:27 |
=== kaasbandiet is now known as marshal0505 | ||
ace_me | hi all ! I did entered in a bash crontab and enter ... now I cannot exit with :!x ... ho can I exit from that coomand please ? | 20:29 |
Norux | Kinu: Kernel upgrade via "sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get upgrade" | 20:30 |
Norux | ace_me: Ctrl-C quits current command | 20:30 |
ace_me | thx Norux | 20:30 |
Norux | ace_me: you're welcome | 20:31 |
ace_me | where should I look for compromised signs in a vps please ? | 20:32 |
ilhami | ace_me: check your logs :D | 20:32 |
bugtraq | as | 20:33 |
Norux | bugtraq: what do you need | 20:33 |
ilhami | what a weird dude | 20:34 |
phenom | Is it me or is my thinkpad x220 the only thinkpad in the lineup that is NOT officially supported? https://certification.ubuntu.com/desktop/models/?category=Laptop&vendors=Lenovo&page=5 | 20:34 |
ilhami | he sent me a CTCP request | 20:34 |
tomreyn | ace_me: what makes you think it maybe was? | 20:34 |
ace_me | vps provider told me the system was restarted several times | 20:35 |
tomreyn | well if that's the only indication, i'd rather look for a misfunction | 20:36 |
tomreyn | if you'd still like to pursue the hypothesis of a compromise: http://askubuntu.com/questions/608994/was-my-ssh-server-compromised-if-so-how-and-what-steps-should-i-take | 20:37 |
phenom | If you think you are compromised, I've found that anything, anyone tends to tell you, will NOT in fact, make you feel any more comfortable about the situation. | 20:37 |
ronaldsmazitis | why my screen goes black randomly | 20:38 |
ilhami | ronaldsmazitis: elaborate please | 20:38 |
ppf_ | screensaver? | 20:38 |
Maxou | Please help me : https://forums.lenovo.com/t5/Lenovo-Yoga-Series-Notebooks/Yoga-700-14ISK-Keyboard-and-trackpad-not-working/td-p/3455716 | 20:38 |
ronaldsmazitis | ubuntu 16.04 running 4.4.0-43-generic | 20:39 |
ronaldsmazitis | I have integrated intel video card | 20:39 |
ilhami | ronaldsmazitis: how often does it go black? | 20:39 |
ronaldsmazitis | maybe it's screensaver | 20:40 |
ronaldsmazitis | randomly | 20:40 |
ronaldsmazitis | less than 5 minutes seemed | 20:40 |
=== marshal0505 is now known as caseumlatro | ||
Norux | ronaldsmazitis: does it go black even though you use your computer, like just a few seconds after you moved your mouse | 20:41 |
ace_me | sudo netstat -tnpa | grep ESTABLISHED.*sshd does not output any connections for me and I have 2 sessions opened to the vps now tomreyn | 20:41 |
ronaldsmazitis | I did not do anything, but less than 5 minutes | 20:41 |
ronaldsmazitis | I changed setting, maybe it was screensaver | 20:42 |
Sven_vB | ace_me, so can you find the entries in netstat's output? also i'd quote that regexp | 20:42 |
ilhami | ronaldsmazitis: most likely. | 20:43 |
=== achraf is now known as BOUZIDIAchraf | ||
ronaldsmazitis | no it did it again | 20:43 |
=== caseumlatro is now known as timebandit | ||
ronaldsmazitis | and again | 20:43 |
=== kyle is now known as Guest18121 | ||
ilhami | even when you move the mouse? | 20:44 |
Norux | ronaldsmazitis: does your screen just turn black or do you get a lock screen | 20:44 |
Sven_vB | ronaldsmazitis, does it recover by itself or does it stay black until you do something? | 20:44 |
ronaldsmazitis | just black | 20:44 |
ronaldsmazitis | stays black | 20:44 |
tomreyn | ace_me: try this instead: LANG=C sudo netstat -pan --inet | grep 'ESTABLISHED.*/ssh' | 20:44 |
Sven_vB | ronaldsmazitis, so what do you do to recover from the blackness? is it enough to move the mouse? | 20:44 |
ronaldsmazitis | yes | 20:45 |
ace_me | no output at all | 20:45 |
Sven_vB | ronaldsmazitis, check your screen saver and energy saving settings | 20:45 |
Sven_vB | tomreyn, probably that LANG= should be right of sudo | 20:45 |
ilhami | ronaldsmazitis: is it a desktop or laptop? | 20:45 |
ronaldsmazitis | laptop | 20:46 |
TheWild | Localization of Ubuntu "succeded": It'snow in english (um, still?) and no applications can be found in Unity. Never mind. Closing this a launching live session again... | 20:46 |
Sven_vB | ace_me, does it show _any_ ssh lines? aka try without that ESTABLISHED | 20:46 |
tomreyn | Sven_vB: right | 20:46 |
ilhami | ronaldsmazitis: you have the latest display drivers? | 20:47 |
tomreyn | ace_me: or try without the pipe and grep. maybe the VPS just restriucts your access to this information | 20:47 |
ace_me | If I only run netstat I see 2 tcp connections with state ESTABLISHED | 20:47 |
Norux | ronaldsmazitis: make sure your suspension is disabled | 20:48 |
Sven_vB | ace_me, let's check the pipe and grep. do you still see the connections with this? | grep . | 20:49 |
=== timebandit is now known as AnansiDeSpin | ||
b6s3d | i am trying to install deluge-web on a ssh machine, but i get this error: "Failed to connect to with reason: Connection refused" when trying to issue this "deluge-console "config -s allow_remote True", i am using a firewall (ferm) with strict rules | 20:49 |
b6s3d | but i have allowed the port 58846 in the firewall | 20:50 |
ace_me | yes I can see if I put netstat | grep ESTA | 20:50 |
ilhami | where is a good place to store passwords? :) | 20:50 |
ace_me | I see the 2 connections Sven_vB | 20:50 |
Sven_vB | ilhami, I can store it for you | 20:51 |
ppf_ | ilhami: keepass is quite okay | 20:51 |
MildlySeriousCat | ilhami, in your brain | 20:51 |
Sven_vB | ace_me, ok, then try adding the other chars and see what char makes it stop | 20:51 |
ilhami | MildlySeriousCat: in my brain? so you can store passwords like this in your brain? ß[ßð[@£¡£ßd ? | 20:51 |
MildlySeriousCat | I perfer long ones who make sense to me, but not to others | 20:52 |
Sven_vB | ilhami, why would you use a password that's so short and still hard to remember? | 20:52 |
ilhami | Sven_vB: I use password generators. | 20:52 |
ppf_ | ilhami: long passwords >> complicated passwords | 20:52 |
* Sven_vB believes in the xkcd password entropy reasoning. | 20:52 | |
ilhami | right now I store some of my passwords in a file on my OneDrive | 20:53 |
ppf_ | yeah that's bad | 20:53 |
Sven_vB | yeah that's almost public | 20:53 |
ppf_ | like, literally, the worst thing you can do | 20:53 |
Norux | ilhami: pen and paper are better | 20:54 |
ppf_ | use a local password manager | 20:54 |
ppf_ | such as keepass | 20:54 |
ilhami | how is that public if the file is private? hehe | 20:54 |
ppf_ | or even the firefox one, for instance | 20:54 |
ppf_ | there are tools that generate nice passwords for you | 20:54 |
ppf_ | i like apg because i can actually remember those passwords, but there are others | 20:54 |
Sven_vB | ilhami, cloud services have a history of unadvertized backups | 20:55 |
ppf_ | ilhami: you're storing it on a different person's computer | 20:55 |
ppf_ | how much more publich can it be | 20:55 |
MildlySeriousCat | If it can be generated, it can be bruteforced. Just do a long one and you are safe | 20:55 |
ilhami | different person's computer? how? | 20:55 |
Norux | brain > pen and paper > password manager > cloud storage | 20:55 |
ilhami | they are stored on MS servers | 20:56 |
ppf_ | ilhami: there is no cloud, just other peoples computers | 20:56 |
ilhami | ok | 20:56 |
ilhami | let | 20:56 |
ppf_ | MildlySeriousCat: that's ... a weird statement | 20:56 |
ilhami | oops.. sorry. | 20:56 |
ilhami | let's stay I use a password manager locally. what if my system crashes ? then I have lost all of the passwords? | 20:57 |
ppf_ | ilhami: that's what backups are for | 20:57 |
ilhami | which backup system do you guys use? | 20:57 |
MildlySeriousCat | http://crambler.com/password-security-why-secure-passwords-need-length-over-complexity/ | 20:58 |
ppf_ | i've got a small server at home, to which i synchronize my data with syncthing | 20:58 |
MildlySeriousCat | ppf_, ^ | 20:58 |
Sven_vB | bruteforce attack usually isn't considered a problem if it takes longer than the estimated remining life time of planet earth. | 20:58 |
ppf_ | MildlySeriousCat: yes i don't disagree with that. that doesn't conflict with what i said above | 20:58 |
gigetto | ciao | 20:58 |
gigetto | !list | 20:59 |
ubottu | gigetto: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ». | 20:59 |
ppf_ | fwiw, apg generates random passwords, but composed from pronouncable syllables | 20:59 |
ppf_ | no loss of security, but easy to remember | 20:59 |
ilhami | Gonna get KeePass now. | 21:01 |
TheWild | citation from askubuntu.com: "It seems that Canonical went the totalitarian way and ordered that users should not be allowed to change the buttons position" (laughing so hard) | 21:01 |
Sven_vB | TheWild, which button? | 21:01 |
Norux | TheWild: lmao | 21:02 |
Norux | Sven_vB: the close minimize and maximize buttons | 21:02 |
TheWild | exactly | 21:02 |
ppf_ | but you can change that position, can you not | 21:02 |
=== AnansiDeSpin is now known as marshal | ||
Norux | ppf_: no you cannot | 21:02 |
Sven_vB | I hope it only affects the free (as in money) versions? | 21:02 |
ppf_ | has that been disabled? | 21:02 |
ppf_ | i don't use unity actually, but last time i did you could | 21:03 |
Norux | ppf_: the option is in unity-tweak-tool but it doesn't work | 21:03 |
MildlySeriousCat | ilhami, that is alot more job than having a password like "Me gu5ta L0s Angeles?!". Easy to remember, impossible to crack | 21:03 |
=== marshal is now known as AnansiDeSpin | ||
ppf_ | don't know the tool, but i remember that you could change the window title bar in dconf | 21:03 |
ppf_ | it's been a while though | 21:04 |
phenom | Is it normal behavior that when you first boot ubuntu xubuntu and do a "sudo fstrim -v /" that the whole drive was trimmed? \/: 899.4 GiB (965686132736 bytes) trimmed | 21:04 |
ppf_ | MildlySeriousCat: that's missing the point | 21:04 |
Sven_vB | MildlySeriousCat, dictionary + leet? | 21:04 |
ppf_ | the problem these days is not length and complexity, but reuse | 21:04 |
=== physpi_ is now known as physpi | ||
MildlySeriousCat | Just an example password from a website, had aprox cracking time of 686 centuries | 21:05 |
ppf_ | nobody cracks passwords anymore today | 21:05 |
ilhami | I am not worried about bruteforce at all | 21:05 |
ilhami | hashing algorithms are so good today that it's hard to bruteforce these days | 21:06 |
Norux | MildlySeriousCat: it's better to think of a sentence like "today i went to los angeles with my car" and change it to "T1wtL@W/mc" | 21:06 |
ppf_ | people just hack a website that doesn't protect the paswords, and obtain cleartext passwords | 21:06 |
ppf_ | ilhami: hashing and bruteforce are completly orthogonal | 21:07 |
ilhami | websites that don't protect the passwords should be illegal | 21:07 |
Norux | ilhami: true | 21:07 |
Sven_vB | password reuse is old. the new hype is having a booth in a public square that offers people free trials of chocolate or something if they show you how they'd go about installing your app on their phones, maybe even agree to have their phone filmed while they do so. | 21:08 |
ppf_ | sure, but there is really little incentive to protect the data properly | 21:08 |
ppf_ | that's why you never reuse a password. ever. | 21:08 |
Sven_vB | also typing passwords on devices that have motion sensors | 21:09 |
ilhami | so you never use the same password for 2 different services? | 21:09 |
ppf_ | yes | 21:09 |
ppf_ | any single password can be stolen | 21:10 |
SchrodingersScat | it's three different passwords just to boot my laptop, bios, luks, user | 21:10 |
ppf_ | all you can protect against is that _every_ password can be stolen | 21:10 |
Sven_vB | ilhami, btw i have a website that can check the strength of your SSH password | 21:10 |
ilhami | I don't use SSH passwords | 21:10 |
ilhami | I use SSH keys | 21:10 |
ilhami | :P | 21:10 |
ppf_ | good choice | 21:10 |
Sven_vB | it can also check key randomness | 21:10 |
SchrodingersScat | ilhami: good catch, that was an obvious trick | 21:10 |
Sven_vB | nevermind it says "contact form" at the top | 21:11 |
Sven_vB | it's early access | 21:12 |
ilhami | which backup tool do you guys use or recommend? | 21:13 |
ppf_ | i use syncthing | 21:13 |
mok0 | rsnapshot | 21:13 |
ppf_ | i've used btsync before, but i don't like it being closed source | 21:13 |
ilhami | http://askubuntu.com/questions/2596/comparison-of-backup-tools looking at this | 21:14 |
ppf_ | there's a hundred solutions to this | 21:15 |
ilhami | seems so. :) | 21:15 |
ppf_ | figure out what you really expect from a backup tool, and then look for one that fits your bill | 21:15 |
ilhami | yep. | 21:15 |
SchrodingersScat | !backups | ilhami | 21:17 |
ubottu | ilhami: There are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning | 21:17 |
Sven_vB | ilhami, I recommend the archive team advice: http://www.archiveteam.org/index.php?title=Introduction | 21:17 |
SchrodingersScat | they saved geocities, they know what's up | 21:17 |
ronaldsmazitis | I can't install kubuntu-desktop | 21:23 |
ronaldsmazitis | Errors were encountered while processing:/var/cache/apt/archives/kde-config-telepathy-accounts_4%3a15.12.3-0ubuntu1_i386.deb/var/cache/apt/archives/plasma-desktop_4%3a5.6.5-0ubuntu1~ubuntu16.04~ppa1_i386.deb/var/cache/apt/archives/kaccounts-providers_4%3a15.12.3-0ubuntu1_i386.debE: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1) | 21:23 |
ppf_ | ronaldsmazitis: paste the entire output please | 21:23 |
yao_ziyuan | what's the main wine package? wine-stable? | 21:23 |
ronaldsmazitis | ppf_ that is entire output | 21:24 |
yao_ziyuan | also, how do i set .exe's default open type as wine? | 21:24 |
yao_ziyuan | i see. set to "A Wine Application". | 21:25 |
Techspectre | I'm trying to remove duplicate music files. File A(s) are named, while File B(s) are arbitrarily named files from an iPod (example: BXTY.mp3). I'm trying to use Dupeguru and Fslint but neither are pulling up any duplicates. | 21:27 |
skinux | Does Java Web Start get installed with Java? | 21:27 |
olibiaz | leave | 21:28 |
MrXXIV | Anyone here use FFMPEG | 21:49 |
UrsaTempest | It's a weird question, but is there a way to print console's input history? | 21:50 |
\9 | MrXXIV: i'm pretty sure someone in here does use ffmpeg | 21:50 |
\9 | UrsaTempest: ~/.bash_history | 21:50 |
UrsaTempest | Thanks! | 21:50 |
\9 | UrsaTempest: or the 'history' command | 21:51 |
UrsaTempest | ...is that a command, or a directory? | 21:51 |
UrsaTempest | Ah, right. Okay! | 21:51 |
\9 | .bash_history is a file in your home dir | 21:51 |
ronaldsmazitis | Installed kubuntu-desktop crashed | 21:51 |
ronaldsmazitis | http://apaste.info/3mQVf | 21:51 |
=== Trystam is now known as Tristam | ||
ronaldsmazitis | this is output of sudo apt-get install -f | 21:51 |
ronaldsmazitis | started with | 21:52 |
ronaldsmazitis | Errors were encountered while processing:/var/cache/apt/archives/kde-config-telepathy-accounts_4%3a15.12.3-0ubuntu1_i386.deb/var/cache/apt/archives/plasma-desktop_4%3a5.6.5-0ubuntu1~ubuntu16.04~ppa1_i386.deb/var/cache/apt/archives/kaccounts-providers_4%3a15.12.3-0ubuntu1_i386.debE: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1) | 21:52 |
\9 | ronaldsmazitis: yeah there's something real fishy goung on in those packets | 21:52 |
ronaldsmazitis | I can't do install -f | 21:53 |
\9 | ronaldsmazitis: i think i eventually just removed kde-telepathy in the end | 21:53 |
ppf_ | ronaldsmazitis: hm. remove account-plugin-google and qml-module-org-kde-activities? | 21:53 |
ppf_ | i don't use kde, so i don't really know what the packages do and if they're safe to remove | 21:53 |
ronaldsmazitis | it always brags I have to do sudo apt-get install -f | 21:54 |
ronaldsmazitis | I can't do anything else | 21:54 |
ronaldsmazitis | can't remove nothing, it just asks to do install -ff | 21:55 |
\9 | ronaldsmazitis: try this http://askubuntu.com/questions/772360/apt-get-not-working-after-attempting-to-install-kde-desktop | 21:56 |
ronaldsmazitis | same error | 21:57 |
ronaldsmazitis | http://apaste.info/zopAA | 21:58 |
ppf_ | ronaldsmazitis: do the same thing with the qml packa | 21:59 |
ppf_ | ge | 21:59 |
ronaldsmazitis | wut | 21:59 |
ppf_ | sudo dpkg -r qml-module-org-kde-activities | 21:59 |
phenom | Is it normal that only 5 minutes after you do a sudo fstrim -v / and you do it again, that there is over 300MiB trimmed again. Seems to me the amount of data needing trimmed is accumulating uncommonly fast. | 21:59 |
phenom | Every time i boot and do an "sudo fstrim -v /" my ENTIRE HD is trimmed. | 22:00 |
ppf_ | phenom: yes, that's the point | 22:00 |
ronaldsmazitis | http://apaste.info/pjPyT | 22:00 |
ronaldsmazitis | again | 22:00 |
ppf_ | ronaldsmazitis: then remove that too | 22:00 |
ronaldsmazitis | wut | 22:01 |
phenom | ppf_, I'm trying to troubleshoot a problem where if I were to leave (seemingly) memory intensive programs run for a few hours, the system freezes. | 22:01 |
ppf_ | yes, i remember | 22:01 |
ppf_ | phenom: ^ | 22:01 |
ppf_ | ronaldsmazitis: read what dpkg tells you ... | 22:01 |
ppf_ | qml-module-org-kde-extensionplugin depends on the package you're trying to remove | 22:01 |
ppf_ | try and remove it to | 22:01 |
phenom | ppf_, Sorry for the million questions, but I don't want to give up and revert to 14.04 | 22:01 |
ppf_ | too* | 22:01 |
ppf_ | phenom: that's what this channel is for | 22:02 |
ronaldsmazitis | qml-module-org-kde-extensionplugin? | 22:02 |
phenom | ppf_, Appreciate your input, sir. | 22:02 |
ronaldsmazitis | nothing is removing | 22:02 |
ronaldsmazitis | sudo dpkg -r qml-module-org-kde-activities | 22:03 |
ronaldsmazitis | dpkg: dependency problems prevent removal of qml-module-org-kde-activities:i386: | 22:03 |
ronaldsmazitis | qml-module-org-kde-extensionplugin depends on qml-module-org-kde-activities. | 22:03 |
ronaldsmazitis | dpkg: error processing package qml-module-org-kde-activities:i386 (--remove): | 22:03 |
ronaldsmazitis | dependency problems - not removing | 22:03 |
ronaldsmazitis | Errors were encountered while processing: | 22:03 |
ppf_ | ronaldsmazitis: yes you pasted that | 22:03 |
ppf_ | what i said | 22:04 |
ronaldsmazitis | what? | 22:04 |
ppf_ | qml-module-org-kde-extensionplugin depends on the package you're trying to remove. remove that too | 22:04 |
ronaldsmazitis | it doesn't removes | 22:05 |
ppf_ | why not | 22:05 |
ronaldsmazitis | just tell me what to remove | 22:05 |
ronaldsmazitis | I don't get | 22:05 |
ppf_ | qml-module-org-kde-extensionplugin | 22:05 |
ronaldsmazitis | same error | 22:06 |
ppf_ | unlikely | 22:06 |
ppf_ | paste it please | 22:06 |
ronaldsmazitis | http://apaste.info/swxRS | 22:06 |
ppf_ | same procedure | 22:08 |
ronaldsmazitis | don't tell me I have to remove qml-module-org-kde-extensionplugin | 22:08 |
ppf_ | no ... | 22:08 |
ppf_ | read the error message please | 22:08 |
ronaldsmazitis | I read | 22:09 |
ronaldsmazitis | qml-module-org-kde-extensionplugin | 22:09 |
ronaldsmazitis | is only thing dependend on plasma | 22:09 |
ppf_ | so what does the message tell you | 22:09 |
ronaldsmazitis | what do I have to do | 22:09 |
ronaldsmazitis | dpkg: dependency problems prevent removal of qml-module-org-kde-extensionplugin: | 22:10 |
ronaldsmazitis | plasma-workspace depends on qml-module-org-kde-extensionplugin; however: | 22:10 |
ronaldsmazitis | Package qml-module-org-kde-extensionplugin is to be removed. | 22:10 |
ppf_ | yes | 22:10 |
ronaldsmazitis | so | 22:10 |
ronaldsmazitis | WHAT DO I HAVE TO REMOVE | 22:10 |
ronaldsmazitis | IT DOES NOT REMOVES | 22:10 |
ppf_ | what did we do the last two times | 22:10 |
ronaldsmazitis | just tell me what to do | 22:11 |
FManTropyx | panic | 22:11 |
ronaldsmazitis | cmmon, there is no hints in can't be remove | 22:11 |
ppf_ | only if you don't read the error message ... | 22:11 |
ronaldsmazitis | I read | 22:11 |
ronaldsmazitis | what? | 22:11 |
Norux | quick question, how do i make ubottu adress a user? e.g. !ask @name ? | 22:12 |
ronaldsmazitis | dpkg: dependency problems prevent removal of qml-module-org-kde-extensionplugin: | 22:12 |
FSociety007 | Hey Everyone | 22:12 |
ppf_ | !help | Norux | 22:12 |
ubottu | Norux: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience | 22:12 |
ronaldsmazitis | plasma-workspace depends on qml-module-org-kde-extensionplugin; however: | 22:12 |
ronaldsmazitis | Package qml-module-org-kde-extensionplugin is to be removed. | 22:12 |
ronaldsmazitis | what DO I HAVE TO DO | 22:12 |
ronaldsmazitis | ? | 22:12 |
Norux | ppf_: ok pipe solves everything^^ | 22:12 |
ppf_ | ronaldsmazitis: you've had the same error three times now. do the same thing you did the first two times? | 22:12 |
ronaldsmazitis | THERE IS NO OTHER DEPENDECY | 22:13 |
ronaldsmazitis | NO JUST TELL ME | 22:13 |
ronaldsmazitis | I GAVE YOU ERROR LOG | 22:13 |
FManTropyx | don't yell at us | 22:13 |
ppf_ | dude, read the error message .. | 22:13 |
ronaldsmazitis | I read | 22:13 |
ronaldsmazitis | what DO I HAVE TO DO | 22:13 |
ronaldsmazitis | dude | 22:13 |
FManTropyx | lol | 22:14 |
ronaldsmazitis | everything depends on something else | 22:14 |
ronaldsmazitis | WHAT DO I HAVE TO DO | 22:14 |
Norux | rip | 22:14 |
FSociety007 | I have a questions about installing ubuntu 16.04 I cannot get it to load into ubuntu for the first time. 14.04 works fine, even 16.10 works, but for some reason I cannot install 16.04. Tried different usb drive, different programs to make it a live usb and still no results. Any ideas? | 22:17 |
ppf_ | FSociety007: how far do you get? | 22:18 |
ppf_ | details :) | 22:18 |
Defiance_ | install 16.04 and then upgrade to 16.10 | 22:18 |
FSociety007 | When booting into 16.04 I do see the start up purple screen for a second and then it reboots | 22:18 |
ppf_ | boot the rescue mode from grub and check the log files | 22:19 |
FSociety007 | Would there be a log if it is a live usb and not installed? Would not the reboot restart kill that log? | 22:20 |
orvergon | My sound is veeeery distorted, how can I restart the sound service? Ubuntu Gnome 16.04 btw | 22:20 |
Bigmodz54 | How do I get drivers for my android phone on ubuntu? | 22:20 |
ppf_ | FSociety007: the installer isn't able to boot? | 22:20 |
ppf_ | hm. | 22:21 |
FSociety007 | ppf_, correct, I dont get that far | 22:21 |
FSociety007 | I do get to the purple screen quick for a split second before it reboots | 22:21 |
FSociety007 | Its an Asus motherboad its for my dad. Mine works fine on my asus | 22:22 |
=== auctus_ is now known as Auctus | ||
Nicklaus | How do I get drivers for my android phone on ubuntu? | 22:23 |
FSociety007 | I have also tried Ubuntu, Lubuntu, Xubuntu and they are do the same thing ppf_ | 22:23 |
Nicklaus | Any help please | 22:23 |
ppf_ | Nicklaus: what kind of drivers do you need for that | 22:24 |
Guestie | Hey! | 22:24 |
ppf_ | FSociety007: no real idea | 22:24 |
ppf_ | i think you cann boot the installer without a graphical ui, too | 22:24 |
FSociety007 | thanks anyway ppf_ , I have been trying for a while lol | 22:24 |
Nicklaus | ppf_: I need drivers for my alcatel onetouch idol 3 so fast boot will detect my phone | 22:25 |
ppf_ | Nicklaus: that make very little sense | 22:26 |
Nicklaus | I need to get usb drivers for my phone | 22:26 |
tomreyn | FSociety007: have you tried to boot a different OS on this system? have you tried to repeatedly press the escape key after POST? | 22:26 |
ppf_ | what's fast boot? in what way should it detect your phone | 22:26 |
Nicklaus | ppf_: ^^ | 22:26 |
Guestie | I just installed Ubuntu 16.04. I went to the Ubuntu Software Center and found that I had several things to install. They looked applications that had to do with system updates/upgrades. So, I clicked "install" on the top, and it started installing all of them. Now, when I open the Ubuntu Software Center and click either "Installed" or "Updates," it staays on the loading screen. | 22:27 |
ppf_ | tomreyn: he said wily and yakkety boot alright | 22:27 |
tomreyn | FSociety007: and last but not least, are you sure the boot media was written properly? | 22:27 |
Guestie | This is Ubuntu Desktop TLS 16.04, that is. | 22:27 |
FSociety007 | Yes it was | 22:27 |
tomreyn | right, he said that, so i take back that one question | 22:27 |
FSociety007 | it works on another laptop | 22:27 |
ppf_ | FSociety007: did you check the md5sum of the iso? | 22:28 |
tomreyn | !md5sum | 22:28 |
ubottu | To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM | 22:28 |
Nicklaus | !android | 22:30 |
ppf_ | Nicklaus: this is ubuntu | 22:30 |
Norux | lol | 22:30 |
tomreyn | Guestie: there's probably some way to fix this without rebooting, but i would assume rebooting will fix it. have you tired this, yet? | 22:31 |
tomreyn | *tried | 22:31 |
ronaldsmazitis | how to remove all kubuntu packages now | 22:32 |
ronaldsmazitis | kubuntu-desktop is not installed | 22:32 |
ppf_ | ronaldsmazitis: what | 22:32 |
ppf_ | what do you expect your system to consist of after that? | 22:32 |
ronaldsmazitis | I did purge repository, then it installed bunch of kde stuf | 22:32 |
ppf_ | what's purge repository | 22:33 |
FSociety007 | sorry ppf_ i have IO got fedora running on it fine, as well as ubuntu 14.04 and 16.10 | 22:33 |
FSociety007 | I did not check the md5 | 22:33 |
ronaldsmazitis | now splash screen is kubuntu, I have plasma session, but it does not work | 22:34 |
ppf_ | FSociety007: do that then | 22:34 |
ppf_ | ronaldsmazitis: details, please | 22:34 |
ppf_ | precisely what is your issue, and what behavior are you expecting | 22:34 |
=== ia is now known as Guest43943 | ||
Gorian | say, if I want to write a script to run at reboot only once, what's the best way to do it? | 22:40 |
Gorian | just add a crontab entry for "@reboot" and have the script remove it? or is there a more elegant way? | 22:40 |
ppf_ | Gorian: i don't think it's unelegant | 22:41 |
ppf_ | Gorian: maybe you can use at | 22:44 |
ppf_ | !info at | 22:45 |
ubottu | at (source: at): Delayed job execution and batch processing. In component main, is optional. Version 3.1.18-2ubuntu1 (yakkety), package size 38 kB, installed size 144 kB | 22:45 |
Gorian | okay, so that's how I should do it then? | 22:45 |
ppf_ | check it out, i don't know if at has an @reboot | 22:46 |
ppf_ | otherwise use crontab, it's quite alright | 22:46 |
Gorian | I'm automating the install of Ubuntu on ZFS, and some of the install stuff has to be done after you reboot into the OS, so I was trying to figure out the best way to do that | 22:46 |
Gorian | I'll try that then | 22:46 |
ppf_ | Gorian: why only after reboot? | 22:47 |
Guestie | tomreyn: would rebooting my computer screw things up? | 22:47 |
=== Lor_ is now known as totally_not_lor | ||
Gorian | because you boot into the live cd, setup the zfs pool, mount it, debootstrap it, chroot into it to configure it, then reboot | 22:47 |
=== totally_not_lor is now known as Lor_ | ||
Gorian | things like enabling swap seem like are better done after you are booted into the new OS, and not chrooted into it? | 22:48 |
ppf_ | why not put that into fstab | 22:48 |
Gorian | that's what I was going to test next, honestly haven't tested it, and I don't know if there is a reason the guide I'm using suggests doing it after reboot | 22:49 |
Guestie | Is gedit important to Ubuntu? | 22:50 |
Guestie | An error for gedit popped up. | 22:50 |
ppf_ | Gorian: it makes sense when trying things out to do it manually | 22:51 |
ppf_ | but eventually you want to put that into fstab :) | 22:51 |
Gorian | yeah, fair enough. I'll just keep that then. Going to reboot and test my script again in a second anyway | 22:51 |
Gorian | so | 22:56 |
Gorian | i have a list of command I'm running, and I want to print something when they all finish succesfully | 22:56 |
ppf_ | set -e on most shells will exit the script upon first error | 22:57 |
Gorian | I was thinking, I can create an array, assign each exit code to an array, and then if && it, or create a space delimitated variable from all the exit codes, and loop over it, setting a variable on any exit code that isn't zero | 22:57 |
Gorian | any reason to do that over handling it yourself? | 22:57 |
ppf_ | simplicity | 22:58 |
ppf_ | if you need more precise handling, suffix the commands with || echo "Error" | 22:58 |
ppf_ | for some error-handling value of echo :) | 22:59 |
Gorian | except that that doesn't match the rest of the script | 22:59 |
Gorian | which grabs the exit code of everything and prints "[ OK ]" if it succeeds | 22:59 |
OverCoder | Hey guys | 23:01 |
OverCoder | um | 23:01 |
OverCoder | I use cpupower to set my CPU frqeuency/governor | 23:01 |
OverCoder | Is there any visual application where I can create profiles and change them easily without touching the terminal? | 23:02 |
dbarros | how do I do to remove the entire Unity 8 stack from 16.10 post-installation? | 23:03 |
ppf_ | apt remove unity8* | 23:04 |
=== Caplain is now known as FierceDeityLink | ||
nicomachus | ppf_: idk if that will get everything... | 23:04 |
nicomachus | and isn't the package name unity-8-desktop? I don't remember what it was when I installed it in 16.04 and can't find it now | 23:05 |
dbarros | ppf_, thanks | 23:05 |
dbarros | ppf_, will that get the whole thing out? | 23:05 |
ppf_ | dbarros: i don't know | 23:05 |
dbarros | why did you advise then? | 23:05 |
ppf_ | most of it, probably | 23:05 |
nicomachus | ah, it is unity8-desktop-session-mir | 23:06 |
ppf_ | nicomachus: yes, the packages start with unity8 | 23:06 |
dbarros | nicomachus, apt remove unity8-desktop-session-mir && apt autoremove? | 23:06 |
nicomachus | dbarros: that will at least get the desktop session, but there are several other packages that begin with unity8, so I would suggest removing unity8* as ppf_ suggested. | 23:07 |
dbarros | okay | 23:07 |
nicomachus | https://paste.ubuntu.com/23331224/ | 23:07 |
nicomachus | full package list, I _think_ ^ | 23:07 |
dbarros | okay | 23:07 |
ppf_ | yeah | 23:08 |
nicomachus | but that's me doing an apt-cache search for unity8* from 16.04 | 23:08 |
dbarros | sorry to say this 8 thing is unusable | 23:08 |
nicomachus | meh. to each their own. | 23:08 |
dbarros | from TBOMH, if 8 turns default, it's the end of linux desktop... | 23:09 |
ppf_ | linux desktop is quite a big bigger than just unity ;) | 23:09 |
nicomachus | there are plenty of other DEs. and that's really a subjective opinion thing. | 23:09 |
nicomachus | I don't even think unity is a large share of the userbase... | 23:09 |
dbarros | the linux desktop rounds around one distro to rule them all and one DE to rule them all... that's simply it. | 23:10 |
ppf_ | dbarros: that's incredibly false | 23:10 |
nicomachus | ridiculously false. | 23:11 |
dbarros | i'm not saying that this is what is is now | 23:11 |
nicomachus | and if it was one distro and one DE, it likely wouldn't be ubuntu+unity | 23:11 |
nicomachus | not if redhat has anything to say about it, at least. | 23:11 |
Bashing-om | dbarros: I can use unity .. but my DE of choice is xfce4 - and I do like that we have choices ! | 23:11 |
dbarros | i'm saying this is the way it should be... because that would be the only way to competition to OS-X and Win | 23:11 |
nicomachus | dbarros: the best thing about linux though is that you HAVE so many choices... | 23:12 |
nicomachus | but we're way offtopic now. | 23:12 |
dbarros | I remember back in 1999, when folks in IRC would rant about linux being 30% of the desktop market share by 2003. | 23:12 |
dbarros | anyway, just a bad feeling about unity 8, my 2 cents. | 23:13 |
dbarros | I think canonical can do whatever they want, that's fine | 23:13 |
UnsweetenedTea | Please see question here: https://gist.github.com/anonymous/fbf8c3d7d45fae657535062fdec5cbee | 23:15 |
nicomachus | UnsweetenedTea: looks like you need to ask a Ruby-specific channel. | 23:16 |
Tadgy | Anyone got a second to test a bug for me? It'll involve a reboot... | 23:20 |
UnsweetenedTea | nicomachus: I have ruby, selenium, webdriver, and rubygems open. | 23:21 |
adamsilver | Where do I find the output of systemd daemonized scripts? | 23:28 |
adamsilver | For example, I have a Python script print() stuff and I need to debug | 23:29 |
solasoul | good evening everyone how do i refresh the desktop theres a botched installation attempt just sitting there and its quite annoying | 23:59 |
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