
nicomachusnew bot in the channel?00:27
nicomachusor a rogue one?00:27
SonikkuAmericanicomachus: Huh? Where?01:00
nicomachusseems to just do descriptions of links.01:08
nicomachusgone now.01:08
nicomachusbut it's there in scrollback if you're got it01:08
nicomachus19:26 < pimpbot> [ X/Config/Input - Ubuntu Wiki ] - wiki.ubuntu.com01:09
=== EriC^ is now known as EriC^^
EriC^^hey Bashing-om05:22
EriC^^how's it going?05:22
Bashing-omEriC^^: Recooperating ! .. I got a new nVidia card .. too new for open source support in 14.04 - took me a while to finger that out .. and a 256 Gig SSD, have 16.04 installed and presently tweak´n away . How much fun have you been having ?05:35
Bashing-omEriC^^: Was a lesson well learned trying to get a open source driver to install that does not exist !!05:37
EriC^^i got a nice new laptop, pretty happy with it except for the keyboard just a little05:38
EriC^^laptops have such low keys (some of them anyways)05:38
EriC^^my old one had good key travel05:38
EriC^^also need to work on the car a little!05:39
Bashing-omAt the time .. when I tried to boot up when the card was swapped out ( black screen ) jad me wondering if the card was compatible with my ole mother board .05:40
EriC^^which card is it?05:40
Bashing-omEriC^^: a GT 710 ) low end budget ... on 14.04 even with the vesa driver it is impressive .05:41
EriC^^did you try 16.10 anywhere yet?05:41
EriC^^i usually download the iso and put it in a vm when the releases come out05:42
EriC^^haven't done so with yakkety yet :D05:42
Bashing-omEriC^^: Not yet .. I swapped a spinner out for the SSD, may be a while re-arranging to install any other OS . Think I may keep the SSD as stand alone (primary ) .05:44
Bashing-omspeaking of cars .. had my share of fixing on cars here lately ... drive belt, radiator, thermostat, water pump .. and on the daughterś car the starter . :))05:46
Bashing-omEriC^^: I still use an old mechanical keyboard .. cause I too like that key travel .. and my fingers seem to fit pretty good .05:57
EriC^^yeah the key travel is nice!05:58
EriC^^i'm getting a little more used to this one but it feels "wrong"05:58
Bashing-omWell .. that is about the way I feel about 16.04 and xfce 4.12. But I will get used to it .. hey though I still miss release 10.04 !06:00
ducassemorning all06:09
EriC^^morning ducasse06:11
ducassehi EriC^^ - how are you today? :)06:12
EriC^^good thanks, yourself? :)06:12
Bashing-omducasse: o/ .06:12
ducassefine, thanks :) a bit tired, was to a late-night theatre last night and saw dracula - awesome stuff :)06:13
ducassehi Bashing-om :)06:13
Bashing-omducasse: Dracula - on stage or film ?06:14
ducasseon stage. really creepy use of light and sound etc.06:15
EriC^^booting into windows! brb06:16
Bashing-omducasse: Wonderful . A great experience I bet. Been a long time since I had an opportunity .06:16
ducasseit was, went with my cousin, she was absolutely scared stiff :) what about you Bashing-om - finishing up for the night?06:17
Bashing-omducasse: considering closing down .. Got 16.04 minimal installed onto that new SSD today and think´n bout what all yet I have not done .06:20
ducasseBashing-om: nice! just reinstalled my laptop with an ssd and minimal 16.10, will be upgrading the desktop today. the server will stay on 16.04.06:21
Bashing-omWell, we got to learn 16.04 systemd .. sooner is better than later .06:22
ducasseBashing-om: if you go the the systemd freedesktop.org site, there's a link called 'systemd for administrators', a nice introductory series.06:24
Bashing-omducasse: Mir available as an option on 16.10 ? (yet ?)06:24
ducasseBashing-om: as an option, but of no interest to me :)06:24
Bashing-omYeah, I am pretty happy wuth X as it is !06:25
ducasseaiui, they are aiming for stable unity8 in 17.10, with possible default in 18.04...06:26
ducassei'm staying with x, though.06:26
SonikkuAmericaBashing-om: Personally, I'd prefer something that ran on Wayland. :) Especially as someone with Intel GPU hardware06:28
Bashing-omWellll .. TBH .. if I had my druthers, we still be doing initate with initab . Worked and was easy to understand .06:28
ducasseSonikkuAmerica: i've been trying out sway (i'm an i3 user), actually works pretty well.06:29
SonikkuAmericaI'm a GNOME user, and Wayland adds an interestingly useful dimension to how it works06:35
ducasseyes, i was actually considering installing gnome just so i can try the wayland session :)06:38
SonikkuAmericaIn 3.22 Wayland is the default for most distros06:51
BluesKajHey folks11:21
pauljwHi everyone14:31
OerHeks92+35 gb torrent upload sofar, 1. lubuntu i386 2. ubuntu amd64 3. lubuntu amd64 ...19:28
Bashing-omnicomachus: Hey ! I am hopeful that the installation of "gksu" resolves this situation . keyrings and libs also installed !22:29

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