
valorieGuest17981: also, you might want to register with freenode so you have a nick00:00
ubottuInformation about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode00:00
Guest17981Thanks mparillo, valorie00:02
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IrcsomeBotsebastiaoguerra was added by: sebastiaoguerra00:44
user|39189hi, how works hibernate on kubuntu 16.04 ? /etc/pm/sleep.d/ scripts don't work. Must I use systemd?01:37
tlcasey100cannot install kdegames or ksiesen03:16
ArcaireHi, what's the app within KDE that handles what app to open a link in?03:26
Arcairee.g., if i click an imgur image link (.png) it opens in gwenview03:26
Arcairepdf opens in okular, etc. I just want web links to open in chrome and not try and be 'helpful'.03:27
valorieArcaire: you set that in systemsettings04:27
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IrcsomeBotbastian salmela was added by: bastian salmela08:02
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SmurphySo - who upgraded to latest kubuntu? Any issues?11:09
spongeI was looking for a gui for the firewall in kubuntu. I understand that kde-kcm should be the gui. But after installing it, I can't find the firewall preferences anywhere. Can anyone help?11:09
sponge(using kubuntu 16.04)11:10
hateballSmurphy: I went from 16.04+PPA to 16.10 yesterday, smooth sailing11:11
BluesKaj_Hiyas all11:30
Smurphyhateball: Thx for the info.11:34
SmurphyI'll prolly upgrade my KUbuntu when plasma 5.8 will be available in the PPA's for it.11:34
Aussie_matt_ubuis kde 1 gonna be brought to kubuntu?11:38
spongeSmurphy, plasma 5.8 will be available for which version of kubuntu?11:45
Smurphy16.10 prolly.11:59
soeeit will be also in 16.0412:01
soeedevs just need some time to test it enough12:01
Smurphysoee: Not sure about this, as the entire QT needs to be backported too.12:01
soeeacheronuk: ^ can you confirm my workds ? :D12:01
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acheronukSmurphy: backporting Qt for the backports ppa is not a problem. making sure that doesn't break the installability of some packages that currently depend on the previosu version's ABI is slightly tricky part. but we more or less know what need to be done for that12:05
Smurphynice :)12:06
acheronukKDE devs are also keen to see 5.8 in Xenial LTS and have tentatively offered help12:07
acheronuk1st step is to get 5.8 into the 17.04 development version, and that has not even opened yet12:09
user|64009I have just upgraded Kbuntu and discovered that kbackup has disappeared. Is there any easy way to reinstall it or, failing that, what is the best replacement?12:09
spongesoee, Really? Plasma 5.8 will eventually arrive to 16.04?!12:30
soeesponge: yes12:31
spongeIs there a gui for firewall in kubuntu?12:32
spongeI tried installing kde-kcm but I can't find a firewall entry in the networking in system settings.12:33
soeei'm not sure12:35
soeehttp://i.imgur.com/sJmjO14.png when typing "firewall" in search field, it highlights Network section12:35
spongesoee, Yes, but there's nothing there that relates to firewall. Do you have firewall's settings there?12:36
soeenope :)12:37
spongealso, is it possible to add a gtalk account to telepathy? I only see a google account with hangouts etc.. I wanted to add an xmpp-gtalk account12:41
soeei would avoid using kde telepathy12:42
soeeit is unmaintained since 2 years i think12:43
spongeMaybe I'm mistaken but, is telepathy the integrated messenger on plasma's taskbar?12:44
Smurphysponge: It is. Yes.12:47
spongeOK, thanks12:48
spongeHmmm It seems plasma is crashing every time I'm accessing widgets in the panel12:49
soee16.04 or 16.10 ?12:52
soeewith backports installed ?12:52
spongeI haven't installed such a thing intentionally, so I guess no.12:53
soeesponge: this is ppa with Plasma 5.612:53
soeesponge: apt-cache policy plasma-desktop12:54
soeetype this command and tell me what installed version it shows for you12:54
spongeI get this:12:57
sponge  Installed 4:5.5.5-0ubuntu112:57
sponge  Candidate 4:5.5.5-0ubuntu112:57
spongeVersion table:12:57
sponge *** 4:5.5.5-ubuntu1 50012:57
soeesponge: than please use backports ppa12:58
ubottuIf new updated packages are built for an application, they may go into Kubuntu Backports, which is one of the official Kubuntu PPAs. See https://community.kde.org/Kubuntu/PPAs for more information.12:58
soeesponge: run the 2 command mentioned there:12:59
soeesudo add-apt-repository ppa:kubuntu-ppa/backports12:59
soeesudo apt-get update12:59
soeesudo apt full-upgrade12:59
soeethis will upgrade your Plasma do 5.6.x12:59
spongeOh, I see13:01
spongejust a sec, I'll try that13:01
spongesoee, will the full-upgrade only upgrade plasma or also kubuntu to 16.10?13:07
soeesponge: if you are on 16.04 and did not marked option to upgrade to non LTS versions than it wont upgrade to 16.1013:08
soeebackports ppa contains just some updated packages13:09
soeeit will never trigger upgrade to newer release13:09
spongeAfter restarting the pc, it seems that all the windows/apps that were open are still open. Is this a common behavior?13:14
soeeis you have session configured to bring back previous one :)13:15
_thelion_hi there. I want to upgrade (16.04 --> 16.10). I changed the Release upgrade from LTS to normal release. I restarted Discover and it shows me, that there is a upgrade. I clicked it, entered my sudo-Password, but ... nothing happens ...13:15
soeeSystem Settings -> Startup & Shutdown -> Desktop Session13:15
soee_thelion_: are you sure it is not downloading packages ?13:16
soee_thelion_: also try to open Konsole and type: sudo apt update & sudo apt full-upgrade13:16
_thelion_i don't know - Discover shows no activity. the screen "16.10 introductory notes" haven't been shown ...13:17
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spongesoee, Thanks! I guess I should become more familiar with the system settings or read the documentation in http://docs.kubuntu.org/13:18
_thelion_i tried it with the Konsole - nothing to  upgrade.13:18
marco-parillosoee: I always used &&.13:19
spongehmmm after upgrading, plasma crashed and didn't come back. I'm left with only the Konsole. Is there a way to restart the pc from Konsole?13:19
_thelion_my Desktop is running with Kubuntu - my Laptop with Ubuntu: and on my laptop i'm running the upgrade.13:20
soeesponge: try to start plasmashell13:20
soeedoes krunner works ? LAT + F2 ?13:20
acheronuk_thelion_: 'sudo apt install ubuntu-release-upgrader-qt' then try again13:20
spongehehe cool! it worked. I'll now restart the pc and see how it's doing13:21
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1633692 in plasma-discover (Ubuntu) "missing depends on ubuntu-release-upgrader-qt - breaks GUI upgrades to yakkety" [Undecided,Confirmed]13:22
_thelion_acheronuk: but this will install Ubuntu instead od Kubuntu?13:22
acheronuk_thelion_: no, it won't13:23
_thelion_acheronuk: yeah, you are right - now the upgrade is working. :)13:24
_thelion_Thanks a lot!13:24
acheronuk_thelion_: no problem :)13:25
_thelion_does anybody has an idea what went wrong?13:26
acheronuk_thelion_: I posted the link to the bug for that above13:33
acheronuk_thelion_: were you following? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/YakketyUpgrades/Kubuntu13:36
_thelion_yeah, i was following that.13:47
acheronuk_thelion_: I have now added a note on what to do if you hit that bug13:47
MrokiiHello. I've tried to reinstall digikam5 after upgrading to 16.10 via some ppa, but I got a message about an unresolvable dependency: "Depends: libmarblewidget-qt5-23 (>=4:15.12.0) but it is not installable". Is there any way to solve this issue?13:57
acheronukwhat ppa?14:05
spongeIs it possible to minimize apps to the system tray? I trying for example to minimize pidgin to system tray (mimicking it's behavior on unity/xubuntu/windows)14:05
soeesponge: pidgin shoudl do that14:15
soeemaybe check its configuration14:15
tuorHi, does the kde wallet support automatic unlock on login?14:16
acheronukthink it may close to the tray, but minimise?14:17
Mrokiiacheronuk: ppa:philip5/extra14:18
soeetuor: i think yes14:19
acheronukMrokii: there is no yakkety series for that ppa, so anything in it will have been built against the Xenial version of marble with has that older library packagename14:20
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tuorsoee, thx.14:22
spongesoee, You're right. It's something in the settings of pidgin.14:31
Mrokiiacheronuk: Any chance to install that missing library manually?14:38
MeodudlyeHi all. I've just updated to 16.10, and I have a very annoying problem with the keyboard input: for some KDE apps (krunner,  konsole for instance), the input is not taken into account at all, so I can't for instance type anything in krunner, of the characters are not displayed, as in konsole where accentuated characters are not displayed, when an x14:47
Meodudlyeterm shows them perfectly. Any idea what that might be?14:47
mrabhiPlease help with this https://paste.ubuntu.com/23338930/14:47
mrabhiI can't use my machine I need to some work quickly.14:47
tuorHi, how does Kubuntu work?: Is it one program for mail, calendar, contacts, or is one backend with multiple frontends?14:49
mrabhiany kubuntu-devs who can help?14:50
mrabhiI am stuck with this.14:50
viewer|9424Hey, all. First time here, looking for Kubuntu help, am I just to toss my problem up here for discussion?14:52
jimarvanmrabhi: that seems a nasty issue :O14:52
mrabhijimarvan, I knw :). any guesses?14:53
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jimarvan:/ nothing good14:53
jimarvanonly one question, is that partition an ntfs one?14:54
jimarvanMrokii: probably the maintaner of this ppa is aware of the dependency issue and will update it soon14:55
mrabhijimarvan, the windo14:56
mrabhisry 1 min14:57
jimarvanmrabhi: I hope this helps, try this old page http://askubuntu.com/questions/137655/boot-drops-to-a-initramfs-prompts-busybox14:57
jimarvanshould deal with your problem hopefully...14:58
jimarvanRawEffect: visit http://www.kde.org14:58
jimarvanit will answer your question14:58
jimarvanaaaaaaaaaand I am gooooooooooone :D14:58
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RawEffectI have Kubuntu installed on an encrypted hard drive. Up until today, I'd have to enter my encryption password twice, once for the main partition, and once for the encrypted swap partition. Today I only entered the password once, and I'm being presented with the initramfs prompt. fdisk -l tells me partition 1 does not end on cylinder boundary. Tried15:17
RawEffect booting off a live USB, which worked, but now trying to do anything with the hard drive seems like it wouldn't work eith the LUKS partition.15:17
RawEffectI've been using Kubuntu for years, but it's never buggered up before so I'm effectively a n00b, so I present myself to you, on one knee, hat-in-hand15:18
mrabhiRawEffect, similar issue. Did you upgrade?15:22
MeodudlyeHow is it possible that my KDE apps react differently to the same keyboard input ? krunner does not allow me to type anything (I've just upgrade to kubuntu 16.10), konsole does not understand dead keys (when xterm does) and kmail allows me to reply all by pressing A, but then, I can't enter any text in the email window.15:23
mrabhiMy issue-  please check this https://paste.ubuntu.com/23339093/15:23
RawEffectIronically, I did. Last night. At 2am. This morning I went to go check the weather, and ran into my problem. Then, I realized, that I'd actually upgraded my other laptop, not the problematic one. Seems like one laptop had a sympathy crash for the other. :P15:25
RawEffectMy kaput laptop did not get an upgrade, is a 32-bit install that has remained largely untouched since. Not even sure what version it is, though I'm pretty sure it's a 15.x15:26
ubottuEnd-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades15:26
mrabhiBluesKaj_, hey man. Any guesses on my issue?15:27
RawEffectEOL aside, I can't upgrade with my partition table being all wonky15:27
BluesKaj_mrabhi, just got here, dunno what your issue is15:27
mrabhiBluesKaj_, please check this https://paste.ubuntu.com/23339093/15:28
BluesKaj_RawEffect, wonky, as in?15:28
RawEffectJust realized you popped in after I complained.15:29
=== lethu_ is now known as lethu
RawEffectI have Kubuntu installed on an encrypted hard drive. Up until today, I'd have to enter my encryption password twice, once for the main partition, and once for the encrypted swap partition. Today I only entered the password once, and I'm being presented with the initramfs prompt. fdisk -l tells me partition 1 does not end on cylinder boundary. Tried15:32
RawEffect booting off a live USB, which worked, but now trying to do anything with the hard drive seems like it wouldn't work with the LUKS partition.15:32
mrabhiany ideas guys?15:32
BluesKaj_so what is happening, mrabhi ...not an expeert om EFIboot/partitions btw15:33
mrabhiBluesKaj_, kde doesn't start15:35
BluesKaj_no desktop after login or?15:36
mrabhikubuntu boot screen then shell no kde loading screen15:38
sithlord48mrabhi:  that is incorrect according to your screen shot something seams wrong with your fstab and systemd can not find the partitions needed to boot re read yoru screenshot again marco-parillo15:38
sithlord48mrabhi:  ^^15:38
mrabhiwhat is marco-parillo15:38
sithlord48typed mar <tab> instead of mra<tab>15:38
sithlord48anyway let it fail again see if in the matience mode you can run mount -a15:39
mrabhisithlord48, mount -a works without error and does nothing15:42
sithlord48now run mount are you disks all mounted?15:42
mrabhiseems so15:43
sithlord48do you have broken or unconfigured packages? if so you want to fix that dpkg --configure -a15:44
sithlord48was your initramfs not made correctly .. you might what to regenerate just incase see here : http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/precise/man8/update-initramfs.8.html15:44
mrabhithe swap is not mounted15:45
sithlord48swapon <device>15:45
mrabhisithlord48, the error says something about swap http://imgur.com/gallery/AqKOQ15:46
sithlord48what does it say about swap..  can't mount like all your other devices.. did u run mount -a and it returned with no error . then checked it what was mounted with mount15:47
jakelinux|99357Hello!! I can not update the ubuntu 14:04 to 16:04.15:48
jakelinux|99357every time I do the process command starts, but for that reason:15:48
mrabhisithlord48, i did  swapon /dev/sda715:48
sithlord48mrabhi:  does mount now show mounted swap?15:48
jakelinux|99357W:Falhou ao buscar http://br.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/xenial-updates/universe/binary-amd64/Packages  Hash Sum incorreto15:49
jakelinux|99357, W:Falhou ao buscar15:49
mrabhisithlord48, no15:49
jakelinux|99357http://br.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/xenial-updates/universe/binary-i386/Packages  Hash Sum incorreto15:49
sithlord48mrabhi:  have you run update-initramfs -u ? try that reboot15:49
jakelinux|99357W:Falhou ao buscar http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/xenial-security/main/binary-amd64/Packages  Hash Sum incorreto15:49
jakelinux|99357W:Falhou ao buscar http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/xenial-security/main/binary-i386/Packages  Hash Sum incorreto15:49
jakelinux|99357, E:Falhou o download de alguns ficheiros de índice. Foram ignorados ou os antigos foram usados em seu lugar.15:49
sithlord48jakelinux|99357:  plese use pastebinfor long stuff liek that15:49
mrabhisithlord48, ok trying right now.15:50
mrabhisithlord48, it shows possible missing firmware15:50
BluesKaj_jakelinux|99357, English please15:50
sithlord48mrabhi: yeah that is most likely for the failsafe boot15:50
sithlord48mrabhi:  you can safely ingore that15:51
mrabhiso reboot?15:51
sithlord48ho BluesKaj_ hows it going buddy15:51
sithlord48hi ** my typing is horrible today :(15:51
BluesKaj_hey sithlord48 , ok here, and you?15:51
jakelinux|99357excuse me. but I had to post as well.15:52
jakelinux|99357I'm from Brasil!15:52
mrabhisithlord48, same error again :(15:53
sithlord48BluesKaj_:  good and even better when i figure out what made this machine tank over the weekend.. (suspects heat issues)15:53
sithlord48mrabhi:  so you can again run mount -a and paste me the out put of mount after that15:54
Mrokiijimarvan: He indeed is, as it seems. I have contacted him, he's already updated the ppa, but as of now, not all necessary files are visible (I assume it's just a matter of waiting a short while now).15:54
jakelinux|99357the update does not continue. Can someone help me?15:54
BluesKaj_sithlord48, upgrade to 16.10 YY?15:55
BluesKaj_jakelinux|99357, those url posts were  404 heere15:55
sithlord48nope not even kubutu machine (arch)15:55
mrabhisithlord48, please check point 5 https://paste.ubuntu.com/23339263/15:57
sithlord48what is the usb stick?15:58
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mrabhisithlord48, just usb-drive I use for copying output from the machine.15:58
sithlord48what happens when you try to manually mount the partitions?15:59
mrabhisithlord48, like which?16:00
jakelinux|99357please. anyone ever seen this my problem?16:01
mrabhijakelinux|99357, post problem in english16:01
BluesKaj_jakelinux|99357, your URL posts don't work here, the page is not found16:02
jakelinux|99357some packages have not been met and the end is written this: Hash Sum incorrect16:04
mrabhisithlord48, sry not sure what you meant. Do you want me to mount any partition?16:05
jakelinux|99357it is how I fix it?16:10
mrabhisithlord48, u there?16:12
sithlord48mrabhi:  your problem ones16:12
RawEffectYeah, I should've known better than to assume IRC would be a help. Cheers all!16:14
jimarvansee ya peeps :D16:17
jimarvan<3 kubuntu irc ;)16:17
mrabhisithlord48,I booted in recovery, select resume normal boot. And it works from there. But now I boot again without recovery same error.16:17
sithlord48is your disc failing?16:17
sithlord48if its taking loger to get online it might explain why resume works and normal does not16:18
mrabhisithlord48, which disc?16:18
sithlord48your hard disk16:18
mrabhisithlord48, this was not a problem before 16.10 though. How can I check?16:19
BluesKaj_RawEffect, perhaps the linux chat might help with luks etc, they're good at encryption issues there16:20
sithlord48at least check the partitions for errors16:20
hippybearor lopsa16:21
hippybearthose are some smart cookies16:21
mrabhisithlord48, from recovery?16:21
jakelinux|99357someone had problems with the upgrade of 14:04 to 16:04?16:22
sithlord48jakelinux|99357:  how are you upgrading?16:22
sithlord48jakelinux|99357:  try do-release-upgrade  in a termainal you may get better errors to help16:23
BluesKaj_jakelinux|99357, can you drop to a VT/TTY shell (ctl+alt +F2), then login and do: sudo dpkg --configure -a , then, sudo apt -f install16:25
hippybearI dislike the muon discover and upgrade system. It isnt the best for debugging when somthing goes haywire16:25
BluesKaj_hippybear, I still use the original muon for package reference info, the new discover gui is for new users16:26
hippybearpkg reference info?16:27
hippybearlike apt-cache?16:27
BluesKaj_yes , I installl packages in the cli, muon tells me what the package names are if i need to know exactly16:28
hippybearthat works, I just use the cache to search for it16:29
BluesKaj_ well, it's good to know the repos and rependencies as well16:29
BluesKaj_dependencies even16:30
BluesKaj_it's an old habit :-)16:30
hippybearI tend to not really be that informed. I just search for it and install -f if I have an issue16:30
mrabhiis 5.8 coming to 16.10?16:32
hippybearI believe its already in 16.04?16:33
jakelinux|99357My software channels are correct. the problem is when you start the update, it starts looking for new xenial software channels.16:33
hippybearheh actually not even in 16.1016:35
hippybearPlasma 5.7.516:35
acheronukmrabhi: it is the aim to backport it once we have it in the 17.04 development version16:39
paranoidabhihi this is mrabhi from before17:23
paranoidabhisithlord48, on fsck I get http://imgur.com/gKo4dQA17:24
paranoidabhiplease help if possible17:27
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oncaI have  this mildlyinfuriating problem with google-chrome which I use to watch netflix on a virtualbox's virtualmachine, it seems that google gets corrupted everytime I reboot or update.17:51
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IrcsomeBotsebastiaoguerra was removed by: sebastiaoguerra21:54
ndtyhnxsrthnxsrhseem to be having an issue connecting to the internet on Kubuntu. Wifi works great on Windows and Linux Mint, but not on Kubuntu. I have tried 16.04, 16.10, and 14.04. Has anyone else had a similar issue, or know how to solve it?22:32
valoriedoes it work when you plug into ethernet?22:36
* valorie has had no such problems on any of those releases22:36
ndtyhnxsrthnxsrhYes, but the ethernet port is broken so I have to pull on the cord to get it to work, which damages it.22:37
* ndtyhnxsrthnxsrh wishes I was Valorie.22:37
valoriedo you have a keyboard key that turns it off and on?22:38
valoriethat was my difficulty with my travel computer long ago22:38
valorieit seemed to be off by default22:38
ndtyhnxsrthnxsrhNo. I have checked carefully.22:38
valorieit only ever had kubuntu on it so I never tried it with anything else, but once I switched the hardware switch on a few times it seemed to stay on22:39
ndtyhnxsrthnxsrhMight the stupid Broadcom wireless card do that?22:39
valoriewhen you click on the symbol, is the "airplane" icon checked or colored in?22:39
ndtyhnxsrthnxsrhNo, but there is nothing beneath the airplane.22:40
valoriebecause some people reported awhile ago that that kept happening without them doing it22:40
valorieonce mine was hosed, not sure why, and I resorted to using nmcli in the commandline22:40
valorieit sucks, it's hard to use, but it does seem to work22:41
ndtyhnxsrthnxsrhI will try that.22:41
ndtyhnxsrthnxsrhIt didn't work, but I will keep trying. Thank you Valorie!22:50
Not_a_RobotDo you know guys how to use different Firefox instances for every activity?22:51
Not_a_RobotI want to have different firefox sessions22:51
valoriendtyhnxsrthnxsrh: you have to poll your devices, etc.22:51
valorieit takes many steps before they actually turn on with that *d****** tool22:52
valorielike trying to train a cat22:52
Not_a_Robothow can I create/open an activity, please?22:56
odiumI am getting strange problems with google-chrome on a virtualmachine, It seems to be continually becomming corrupted by something. I only use this vm for netflix22:58
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