
sujongood morning everybody..........05:12
=== RemonShai is now known as r3m0n
r3m0nahoneybun, hi... tomorrow I saw you in telegram, is you?05:23
sujonকেউ কি অনলাইনে আছেন?05:36
sujonভাই কোথায় থাকেন?05:37
sujonশশুর বাড়িতে নাকি!05:38
r3m0nবাপের বাড়ী..../05:38
sujonসেই বাড়িটা কোথায়, দেশের ভেতরে নাকি...............05:39
r3m0nহ... 05:39
sujonতা ভাই নিশ্চয় জায়গাটার কোনো একটা নাম আছে। দয়া করে জানালে খুবই উপকৃত হইতাম।05:40
r3m0nখুব দরকার...?05:41
sujonএকই গ্রুপে আছি, তাই পরিচিত হওয়াটা অবশ্যই দরকার আছে বলে আমার মনে হয়।05:42
r3m0nok... এই লন>>> wiki.ubuntu.com/remon05:42
r3m0nস্বাগতম.../ আপনার কিছুমিছু দেখান??05:44
sujonউবুন্টু.কম এ লগিন করবো কিভাবে?05:52
sujonকেউ হেল্প করেন প্লিজ05:52
r3m0nsorry... I'm busy now... I'll tell you tomorrow....05:53
sujonওকে ভাই.........05:55
pavlushkaHello everyone ahoneybun and Kilos :)09:34
ahoneybunheyo pavlushka10:25
pavlushkaahoneybun: its supposed to be very early in the morning there, what are you doing? :)10:26
pavlushkaah no yes, its supposed to be10:26
pavlushkaahoneybun: you didn't sleep?10:27
ahoneybunit's 6:30am10:31
ahoneybunnot that crasy10:33
pavlushkaahoneybun: great, so you are an early riser :) or your work made you?10:36
ahoneybunnah just woke up10:37
pavlushkaahoneybun: looking for coffee?10:38
ahoneybunnot at the moment10:38
=== ChanServ changed the topic of #ubuntu-bd to: Official IRC channel of Ubuntu Bangladesh | www.ubuntu-bd.org | Mailing list: https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-bd | Forum: http://ubuntuforums.org/forumdisplay.php?f=409 | Launchpad: http://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-bd | Channel Logs: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com | Telegram chat: https://telegram.me/ubuntubd | register your irc nick(username) and ask in #freenode for an unaffili
=== ChanServ changed the topic of #ubuntu-bd to: Official IRC channel of Ubuntu Bangladesh | www.ubuntu-bd.org | Mailing list: https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-bd | Forum: http://ubuntuforums.org/forumdisplay.php?f=409 | Launchpad: http://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-bd | Channel Logs: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com | Telegram chat: https://telegram.me/ubuntubd | register nick and ask in #freenode for an unaffiliated cloak
walriderKilos: helo unlc 11:48
walriderKilos: u there ?11:49
walriderpavlushka: bhai asen ?11:49
Kiloshi walrider 12:05
walriderKilos: uncl how are u now ?\12:10
walridersujon: wc 12:11
Kilosim fine so far ty walrider , how are you?12:11
walriderKilos: im good i was worried abt ur health condition 12:11
Kilosim ok ty12:11
walriderKilos: ur still in medical cabin ? or home ??12:12
Kilosi was only in hospital for 3 days 12:12
walriderhows ur family 12:13
Kilosthey are ok as well ty. 12:14
walrider:)  12:15
Kilosthe old women suffering with ankylosing spondilitis12:15
walriderim glad to here from u 12:15
walrideroh 12:15
walriderwhere is she now 12:15
Kilosparts of her spine are fusing together , so she lives in pain12:15
walriderdamn 12:15
Kilosshe is right next to me here12:15
walriderbone -prblm is realyy painfull12:16
Kilosyes especially when parts just fuse and you do something too strenuous and break them loose again12:16
walrideri wish u both get wel soon i pray to god 12:16
Kilosty my friend12:16
zakihello everyone12:32
zakihi sujon12:32
zakipavlushka: how are you?12:32
Kiloshi  zaki sujon 12:33
zakihello Kilos12:36
zakihow are u now?12:36
Kilosok ty and you?12:36
zakii'm ok now12:37
zakihow's your day's going? 12:37
zakiand how is your family? :) 12:37
Kilosbeen a good day ty, and ready for bed again12:37
Kilos11.37 pm12:37
zakiha ha12:37
zakihow is the dinner?12:38
Kiloshows things your side12:38
sujonI need a help12:38
sujonhow can i login ubuntu.com12:38
zakieverything fine right now. but exam will start soon12:38
Kilosstudy hard lad12:38
Kilossujon ask pavlushka 12:38
zakiKilos: btw QA is not here12:39
zakii asked her to join #ubuntu-bd from your channel but she was not listening to me :D 12:39
Kilosmust have disconnected again zaki 12:39
zakisujon: what are u tring to do?12:40
Kilosyes she is very cheeky12:40
zakiha ha12:40
zakiwelcome QA12:40
KilosQA welcome12:40
QAKilos: *blink*12:40
KilosQA wb12:41
QAThank you so much Kilos my good friend12:41
sujonAnyway I am busy now..... good bye12:41
Kiloscheers sujon 12:41
zakisujon: you can't login to ubuntu.com12:41
zakiat first you have to create a ubuntu one profile12:42
zakisujon: https://login.ubuntu.com/12:42
zakithan create a launchpad profile12:44
Kilosnight bd friends12:45
zakigood night kilos12:45
pavlushkazaki: I am fine, just afk :)12:50
pavlushkahey zaki sujon :)14:34
zakihello pavlushka14:49
zakisujon: ping14:49
zakipavlushka: we have new guest here, sujon 14:50
zakido u know him?14:50
pavlushkazaki: looks like he knows me.14:52
zakigood. 14:53
zakisujon: create your ubuntu one account from here. https://login.ubuntu.com/14:54
sujonok bro.... I am trying14:57
sujonaccount created... but wiki link ber korbo ki kore?15:00
zakinow log in here https://launchpad.net/15:02
zakiusing your ubuntu one acount15:02
zakiand wait15:03
zakikeep calm and wait. :P15:04
sujonলগিন হয়েছে। এখন কি করবো?15:05
zakiwhat u want to do?15:06
sujonআমি আমার ইনফর্মেশন দিতে চাইছি।15:06
pavlushkasujon, let the wiki matter to rest, first got to launchpad.net and create your profile there.15:06
sujonI have logged launchpad.net... what can I do now?15:08
zakiyou can provide your information in your launchpad profile, so edit your launchpad profile.15:08
sujonOk... I'm trying. Thanks again15:08
pavlushkasujon for instance you can have zaki's LP link to have an idea, here https://launchpad.net/~z4ki15:09
zakiyou can follow this guide. https://launchpad.net/~tanjim 15:09
sujonyaah... many many thanks15:10
pavlushkazaki: you better stop providing tanjim's link15:10
zakisujon: you welcome15:10
zakipavlushka: where to find an avatar like your lp avatar. :D15:12
pavlushkazaki: I have created it, but collected the sample from web, That is Johny Bravo.15:13
zakisujon: how is your niece tisha?  how old is she? 15:21
sujon3 years old15:21
zakisujon: so this is you? https://www.facebook.com/farukahmed85215:25
sujonyaah bro...15:26
sujonকিন্তু আমার আইডি পেলেন কিভাবে ভাই?15:26
zakii was walking beside graveyard15:27
sujonবুজলাম না ভাই......15:28
zakisujon: so you are holy spirit or evil spirit? :P 15:29
sujonআমি কিভাবে বলবো। নিজেরটা নিজে কেমনে বিচার করে।15:30
zakifrom your facebook profile name i can identify you as a spirit15:30
zaki:D 15:30
sujonHmm... that's right15:30
zakiyea. :P that's why i'm asking about15:31
sujonI'm not so good, but hope so not bad.15:32
zakihmm :) 15:32
zakisujon want some coffee?15:32
sujonyaah, why not.15:32
zakiQA: coffee on15:33
* QA puts the kettle on15:33
zakiQA: coffee large15:33
QAzaki: *blink*15:33
zakisujon: ask Qa for coffee like this 15:34
zakiQA: coffee please15:34
QAzaki: Now now, we don't want anyone getting caffeine overdoses15:34
zakiha ha15:34
sujonQA I need some coffee...15:34
QAsujon: What?15:34
sujonCan I get it?15:34
zakisujon just say 'coffee please"15:35
sujoncoffee please15:35
zakiyou should mation her name15:35
sujonoh... trying15:35
sujonCoffee please QA15:35
zakiQA: coffee please15:36
QAzaki: Now now, we don't want anyone getting caffeine overdoses15:36
zakisujon: like me.15:36
sujonWhat's the meaning of QA zaki vai?15:36
zakishe is a bot 15:36
QACoffee's ready for zaki!15:37
zakishe serve coffee 15:37
zakiQA: ty15:37
QAOnly a pleasure zaki15:37
sujonI need some QA15:37
zakisujon: we are talking about virtual coffee not real :P15:38
sujonyaah... I understood that15:38
zakiand you missed coffee this time, it was awesome. :D15:39
zakinex time don't miss15:39
sujonUbuntu 16.04 এ অনেক বাগ ছিলো। উবুন্টু ১৬.১০ তে কি বাগ আছে zaki?15:39
sujonthere are any video chating apps on ubuntu zaki?15:40
zakivideo chating app? sujon15:48
zakisujon: ubuntu 16.10 should be nice, and less buggy i think15:51
zakiand you can use google hangout for video chatting15:51
sujonhow can i install with terminal?15:52
zakiknow about ask ubuntu?15:54
zakiyou can use web interface15:55

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