
pittiGood morning03:50
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pittihey Laney, how are you?08:02
pittibonjour seb128 !08:02
Laneyhey pitti08:03
LaneyEnjoying the Dutch hospitality :-)08:04
Laneygood to see people again08:04
Laneyhow are you?08:04
seb128salut pitti08:05
seb128had a good w.e?08:05
pittiI'm great, thanks! nothing special, just jumped out of a plane :-P08:05
pittino, seriously, this was amazing08:05
seb128where are you going?08:05
pittino, literally08:05
qenghoGoing? Downward.08:05
pittiqengho: and very fast that!08:06
qengho"Just jumped out" sounds like you're typing on the way down.08:07
qengho...which, I *imagine*, is hard.08:07
pittiindeed, there is a slight draft :)08:08
qenghoYou're brave. And I don't mean that as a euphamism for "dumb".08:09
pittiLaney, seb128: happy sprinting! I hope you had some beers last night08:09
seb128thanks pitti08:09
pittiseb128: your jetlag must be terrible08:10
seb128yeah, it was a looong trip08:10
pittilike, 20 mins on the bike?08:10
seb128it would be more 4508:10
seb128but we were in north of France for the w.e08:10
seb128so it was rather a 3 hours drive ;-)08:10
pittioh, so actual travel then08:10
seb128yes, but still an easy one08:11
willcookeLaney, desrt hikiko please head to the meeting room Van Gogh09:02
xnoxLaney, what was the gsettings key for the unity7 key for the decimal scale factor?10:23
Trevinhoxnox: font or screen?10:24
Trevinhoxnox: for global one is com.ubuntu.user-interface scale-factor though10:25
xnoxthat one i think10:25
Trevinhoxnox: and values are so that 8 = 1x.10:25
Trevinhoxnox: so, you've 8 point scaling for each integer.10:26
xnoxTrevinho, very nice. But is unity7 that sets it?10:26
xnoxor.... I'm looking for e.g. 2.38 that i can twiddle manually10:27
xnox"scale for menu and title bars"10:27
Trevinhoxnox: unity-control-center does10:27
Trevinhoxnox: as for gtk apps scaling is different10:27
Trevinhoxnox: thant's controlled by org.gnome.desktop.interface values, and yeah we hack those too (at unity level)10:28
xnoxTrevinho, hm, i'm looking for something to query of dbus to preset environment variable in the unity8.conf upstart pre-start script10:28
xnoxto have the right dpi.10:28
xnox*over dbus10:28
Trevinhoxnox: something to be set on pre-install or after user configured?10:28
Trevinhoxnox: err, pre-install.. .I mean pre-user conf10:29
xnoxTrevinho, something that unity7 user configured, and now logs into unity8 session (because they upgraded to 16.10)10:29
xnoxand expect unity8 session to have same scale factor as existing unity7 session.10:29
Trevinhoxnox: ah... ok... Well, u8 should be smarter in using the proper scaling, however... if you want to keep these settings, well... that com.ubuntu.user-interface scale-factor key is the one to query10:30
xnoxTrevinho, for me it has com.ubuntu.user-interface scale-factor {'default': 8, 'HDMI1': 8, 'eDP1': 16, 'eDP-1': 16} ... but is that available when unity7 is not running?!10:33
* xnox ponders how lightdm gets DPI setting for me.10:33
xnoxcause that shows things right.10:33
sil2100jibel: I didn't browse the whole schedule, but do we have some meeting set for the snappy-CI story?11:26
Trevinhoxnox: yeah, sure... that's always available once set.11:31
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* flocculant is sad at the lack of zebedee ...13:56
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