
PiperPPRDonald Trump versus the New World Order - 1 of 4 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zAOcccVmaYE02:31
littlediobolicHey really quick question for anyone who knows. Im having issues with GRUB I believe. Sometimes when I turn on my Ubuntu MATE machine I just get caught at a grey screen. After a few reboots it boots into GRUB fine. But idk why its doing that. If anyone could help that would be amazing. thanks02:33
ratchetmecheJust installed 16.04, loving it. I was using mint, but I think I like this better05:54
billybigriggerhey all, i'm having issues launching update-manager, with a python/gtk3 import error...this box is a 16.04 machine, but it looks like software boutique is grabbing packages for 16.10?06:32
alkisgbillybigrigger: what's the output of: apt policy mate-desktop06:51
billybigriggerill check06:53
billybigriggeralkisg: brb06:53
billybigriggeralkisg: it's version 1.12.106:54
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alkisgbillybigrigger: no, the whole output. put it to paste.ubuntu.com and give us the link here.06:55
billybigriggerit's 4 lines there's not much info there, but ok06:56
lozusrWhat's this?06:58
alkisgbillybigrigger: ok, it's the correct version 1.12.1-1 coming from the correct repository, so it's 16.04 and not 16.1006:58
billybigriggerbut software boutique is telling me that's grabbing packages for 16.1006:58
billybigriggerill just paste the update-manager error06:59
alkisghttp://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=mate-desktop shows that 16.10 has version 1.16.0-106:59
billybigriggerya, well somehow i have gtk3 mixed up on this 16.04 machine, gtk3 didn't come till 16.10 though?06:59
alkisglozusr: it is the logs of the lubuntu channel, you can join that channel by writing /join #lubuntu06:59
lozusralkisg, I know, but it's neonazi content.07:00
alkisglozusr: it's normal irc spam, but why ask here and not in #freenode or in #lubuntu?07:00
lozusrThey shouldn't be logging neonazis.07:00
billybigriggeralkisg: http://pastebin.ca/372966207:00
alkisgIt's completely off topic here07:00
lozusralkisg, Well if they're not going to regulate the channel they need to stop the logs.07:01
lozusrNow they have neonazi spam made permanent in the logs.07:01
alkisgbillybigrigger: update-manager is an ubuntu application, also used by ubuntu-mate, and uses gtk3, like many other apps07:01
alkisglozusr: well, report it to the correct place then, either #freenode or #lubuntu, here it's not the irc channel that you see in that log07:02
lozusrI just reported it to #freenode07:02
alkisglozusr: this is the ubuntu-mate channel, not the lubuntu channel07:02
alkisgOK, no need to talk about it here though07:02
ali1234those idiots spammed their rubbish here too08:06
ali1234they hit all the popular channels08:07
lowkey_Hi wanted to inform you that I was unable to unlock the encryption after my installation of 16.04.1 amd64 with norwegian keyboard I assume it is caused by only recognize US keyboards during boot09:20
lowkey_Was also unable to overwrite the previous partitions in the install visard. some thing about already a root partition or what ever09:25
alkisglowkey_: things that are not related to the desktop environment (i.e. mate), should be reported to the ubuntu bug trackers, launchpad etc09:59
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Guest55540need help guys13:23
jacky__thank you13:24
lowkey_no need it will never be fixed and if it is it will be unfixed again in a month or so that is how this always was and will be13:26
miguelhi there13:49
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Guest54550hi there13:49
nazarenoHi, where can I find my file, transfered via bluetooth?14:00
nazarenoI looked in / home / nazareno / Public but can not find it there14:02
nazarenoI don't know where are the files transferreds via bluetooth...14:03
r00tobonazareno, it depends on what's the item you transferred =p14:04
r00toboif its a picture then it will be in the Picture folder of your home dir14:04
nazarenois a picture, but I can't find it...14:05
r00toboare you sure the transferring went successfully ?14:06
masnellnazareno Try ; find $HOME -iname '<the name>'14:08
nazarenoit's a command for a terminal?14:09
masnellsorry, yes, terminal command14:09
masnellcan try *.ext or name.* also14:10
masnellin <the name>14:10
masnellI don't use it, but if you open caja to your home directory, there is a search function there14:12
nazarenoit says: /home/nazareno/.cache/obexd/postre.jpg14:13
nazarenoThanks! The problem is solved!14:15
masnellso .cache is hidden in caja, if you do ctrl-h it will toggle show/hide hidden files/directories.14:15
nazarenook, I found it!14:15
nazarenoBest regards, from Argentina!14:16
alkisgnazareno: that's the cache; the file should also be in a real location like Downloads14:17
nazarenook, I will find there too...14:18
masnellalkisg: could be a bug given the obexd directory under cache, else would expect a ~/obexd directory - i will try to do tmrw a test and log a bug if it's a default config problem14:20
alkisgmasnell: obexd is the library that handles the transfer; putting it to cache before handing it out to caja sounds like a good plan14:21
alkisgIt's not the end receiver; it's the library14:22
masnellalkisg: OK. thx for the clarification. will check it out n do the necessary if there is an issue14:24
nazarenoGood bye guys! Thankyou again! Best Regards, from Argentina!14:24
alkisgbb nazareno14:24
Dooley_da_Vulcanhello, good morning14:38
Dooley_da_Vulcanouroumov: are you around?14:38
Dooley_da_VulcanI have an issue with a file appearing on my desktop that does not show up in, terminal, or midnight commander, or krusader or caja it is named similar to another link on the desktop.14:39
alkisgHeh, that was fast :)14:42
mate|98083why can't i set my home page to what I want in Firefox?15:28
nomicits not an ubuntu issue15:29
nomicask somewhere that deals with firefox15:29
mate|98083it only happen in ubuntu, so, yes, yes it is.15:29
nomiccheck you have enough disk space15:30
nomicask on ubuntu forums15:30
nomicask in #ubuntu15:30
mate|98083instead of being a dick, why don't you tell me why i can't set my home page in firefox while running ubuntu?  just go ahead and do it, k?15:31
nomicif i knew I would tell you15:31
nomicits obscure15:31
nomicgoogle it?15:31
nomicask google15:31
nomicask forums15:31
nomicask in #ubuntu (more populous)15:31
mate|98083if you know nothing, why respond?15:31
nomicbecause nobody does15:31
nomicyou should be grateful15:32
mate|98083k... thanks15:32
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titus_question please: terminal command to upgrade for 16.1016:44
ouroumov_sudo do-release-upgrade16:44
titus_many thanks16:44
titus_Checking for a new Ubuntu release16:50
titus_No new release found16:50
alkisgtitus_: what's the output of this command? grep Prompt /etc/update-manager/release-upgrades16:51
titus_titus@titus-H61MGV3:~$ sudo do-release-upgrade16:52
titus_[sudo] password for titus:16:52
titus_Checking for a new Ubuntu release16:52
titus_No new release found16:52
alkisggrep Prompt /etc/update-manager/release-upgrades16:52
alkisgTGhat command16:52
alkisgNot the do-release-upgrade command16:52
titus_o0k i try16:53
masnellis a apt update needed for do-release-upgrade?16:54
masnelltry ; sudo apt-get update16:55
titus_not realy get what is the command for upgrade from 16,4 to 16.1016:55
masnellthen; sudo do-release-upgrade16:55
titus_ok i try thank16:56
alkisgtitus_: can you run the command that I said, and tell us the result?16:56
alkisgBecause if you have Prompt=LTS in that configuration file, then you can't get 16.10 without changing the configuration16:56
titus_titus@titus-H61MGV3:~$ greq Prompt/etc/update-manager/release-upgrades16:57
titus_No command 'greq' found, did you mean:16:57
titus_ Command 'grep' from package 'grep' (main)16:57
titus_greq: command not found16:57
titus_i am big noob sorry16:57
guest-nz1u7rэто тут сидят убунтякеры))17:06
guest-nz1u7rкто подскажет как поламать пароль на админе?17:06
ubottuПожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke.17:06
ubottuПожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke.17:08
guest-nz1u7rтам не кто видет что я пишу(((17:08
guest-nz1u7r #ubuntu-ru :Cannot send to channel17:09
alkisgguest-nz1u7r: we don't speak russian, sorry17:11
alkisgguest-nz1u7r: that probably means that they want you to register your nickname...17:12
RFlemingdid something break with acahi-dnsconfd?17:27
RFlemingI'm trying to do an upgrade from 16.04.1 to 16.10 (cus I can), and avahi-dnsconfd fails to unpack and pooches the upgrade17:28
RFlemingseems to be in launchpad already: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/avahi/+bug/163406117:29
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1634061 in avahi (Ubuntu) "package avahi-dnsconfd 0.6.32-1ubuntu1 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess new pre-removal script returned error exit status 1" [Undecided,New]17:29
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stomithinstalled 16.10 from netboot.iso and don´t have ´System-Tools > Display´. What software package contains the Display settings?18:22
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joem86Hi, I use an alternative keyboard layout. I can manually set my keyboard layout to colemak just fine. When I reboot my layout is always qwerty, even though colemak is at the top of the list. This didn't seem to happen in 14.04. Any ideas?20:47
alkisgjoem86: what's the output of this? grep XKB /etc/default/keyboard21:22
joem86@alkisg http://pastebin.com/EirYrP5921:24
alkisgjoem86: does it happen if you switch to the guest session?21:24
alkisg(i.e., trying to see if it's a user setting or a system setting)21:24
alkisg(you can check now, if you know how to activate the guest session)21:25
joem86I'll see if I can do it without logging out of my current session21:38
joem86just tried the guest session. The keyboard was set properly21:39
joem86I'm not sure what it is about my session21:39
alkisgjoem86: then the problem is that you tried to use gnome (mate) keyboard settings :)21:39
alkisgThose are set in gsettings, you can simply reset them...21:39
joem86I'll give that a try21:39
alkisgSomething like: `gsettings reset-recursively org.mate.peripherals-keyboard-xkb` and then logout/login21:41
alkisgAh and possibly `gsettings reset-recursively org.gnome.desktop.input-sources` as well21:41
eemilioohow can I update the intel driver for an 945G Express23:23
eemilioochecked foruns and only Nvidia updates are listed23:23
eemiliooThinkPad-T60 4.2.0-42-generic #49-Ubuntu SMP Tue Jun 28 21:24:45 UTC 2016 i686 i686 i686 GNU/Linux23:24
JudasHow do I make my laptop screen not flicker?23:49

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