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pittisanta_: indeed; calligra released03:51
valoriepitti: \o/ and thanks!04:26
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: accepted python-pylxd [source] (xenial-proposed) [2.0.5-0ubuntu1.1]06:08
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xnoxslangasek, i have built-using better handling... however I'm not sure it's great11:58
xnox? Unknown dependency libc6-mips32 (= 2.24-0ubuntu1) by zsh-static11:58
* xnox giggles11:58
xnoxmaybe we can specify something on the source package, that if something is built-using me it means this binary package?11:58
xnoxe.g. Source: glibc would have Built-Using-Binary-Hint: libc6-dev, or libc6-dev should Built-Using-Binary-Hint: True12:00
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mardypitti: the armhf task seems to be stuck here, can you please restart it? https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/197112:53
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xnoxinfinity, slangasek: what do you think about http://people.canonical.com/~xnox/germinate-output/builtusing/desktop.depends ?13:07
xnoxgrep for "Built-Using"13:07
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: fcitx (xenial-proposed/main) [1: => 1:] (input-methods, kubuntu, ubuntu-desktop)13:10
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xnoxinfinity, we have name =)13:19
apwxnox, yay ... i think he is afk just at this instance collecting supplies or similar13:21
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acheronukZesty Zapus13:42
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pittimardy: will do shortly; I need to update request.cgi to the new PPA naming forat14:09
* barry will forever read "zapus" as "zappa"14:12
davmor2barry: just call it frank for short14:15
barrydavmor2: +114:17
mardypitti: thanks14:18
tsimonq2Z announced!14:21
=== infinity changed the topic of #ubuntu-release to: Released: Trusty 14.04.5, Xenial 16.04.1, Yakkety 16.10 | Archive: closed | Zesty Release Coordination | Please don't upload things during freezes where you shouldn't, or be prepared to apologise to the release team | We accept payment in cash, check or beer | melior malum quod cognoscis
tsimonq2IKR ZOMGWTFBBQ!114:22
* infinity is grabbing a bit of breakfast, then spending the day opening ZZ Top.14:22
pittidictionary o'clock14:22
flocculantfrank is better than zz top14:22
pittiinfinity: not Zany, Zesty14:23
infinitypitti: Yes, you're reading the topic diff backwards.14:23
infinity08:21 -!- Irssi: Topic: -: Zany Release Coordination14:23
infinity08:21 -!- Irssi: Topic: +: Zesty Release Coordination14:23
pittiindeed, yes14:23
infinity(best irssi plugin ever)14:24
pittiok, so a zapus is a tiny mouse, but in my dictionary "zesty" is a culinary term (like "well spiced").. cruel!14:25
flocculantpitti: red in tooth and claw :p14:25
infinityZesty can also be applied to people (and anthropomorphic animals, I guess) to mean something similar to feisty.  So, I guess we have a repeat.14:26
apwand cna mean full of intersting flavours and depth14:26
infinityBut at least 99% of our uploaders can probably spell this one.14:26
flocculantpitti: zest - great enthusiasm and energy14:26
apwlots of fun meanings, but most importantly, easy to spell14:27
pittiindeed, http://dict.leo.org/?search=zest is more helpful :)14:27
infinityI'll bet most can pronounce it too, which will be novel.14:27
flocculantha ha14:27
xnoxslangasek, i have germinate patch and components missmatches patch14:34
xnoxbut it's impossible for me to run components-missmatches because the output of my germinate is not what it wants/expects.14:34
xnoxwhat shall I do?14:34
xnoxpush germinate & ubuntu-archive-tools to launchpad and ask you to pull those and run them on snakefruit or something? did you manage to run components-missmatches last time?14:34
pittimardy: done14:46
pittiinfinity: btw, can https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/wily finally stop being "supported"?14:49
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mardypitti: thanks!14:59
pittiLaney: pushed https://git.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-release/+git/autopkgtest-cloud/commit/?id=79e2071e05 but creating containers and nova images is blocked on actually opening the release on archive.u.c.15:07
infinitypitti: Working on it. :P15:08
pittiLaney: running seed-new-release for autopkgtest now, and making some tweak to it to not take so hilariously long15:08
pittiinfinity: sorry, wasn't meant as impatience, just a status update15:08
slangasekxnox: what do I think> I think it's a big text table ;)  and previously I ran patched germinate locally for testing c-m output, I think I posted my hacked-up script for this on the mailing list at the time15:17
slangasektjaalton: freeipa removed by mistake> I guess the mistake here was processing the removal from unstable, but the package was still in experimental at the time which was where the Ubuntu version had been synced from?  Yeah, seems I should've been reading more closely. :/  As far as getting it back into yakkety, is that important enough to do for a non-LTS release, vs. picking it back up in zesty?15:24
tjaaltonslangasek: well, some folks seem to want the client at least. the "orphaned" xenial version will still work after upgrade to yakkety15:26
tjaaltonmaybe I could provide it via the ppa15:27
slangasektjaalton: if you think it's important, we /can/ push it into -updates; I'm just pondering the best way to do this15:38
slangasekI don't want to pull in the current version of the package from Debian unstable without it first being tested15:39
slangasekbut I could resurrect the binaries that were previously in yakkety and copy them to yakkety-proposed15:39
slangasekand I would forego any SRU verification in this case15:39
tsimonq2infinity: when you set up Zesty in Launchpad, I'll do the wiki pages, unless you want me to do it now?15:59
infinitytsimonq2: Which wiki pages were you intending to set up?16:00
tsimonq2whoops, Zapus16:01
tsimonq2infinity: ^16:03
tsimonq2The ones I called dibs on a few days ago. :P16:04
tjaaltonslangasek: resurrecting them is fine, and i'll let folks test them too16:05
slangasektjaalton: well, I'm going to resurrect directly to yakkety-updates :)16:15
slangasektjaalton: except, erm, copy-package isn't showing me binaries for 4.3.2-116:16
apwwould we have cleaned -release before closing it16:17
slangasekapw: not out of launchpad's guts16:17
slangasekthough maybe there was a launchpad cleaning I'm just not aware of16:18
slangasekit did get copied to release, so it definitely had binaries at one point ;)16:18
slangasektjaalton: so since copy-package fails me, it'll have to go through the SRU process (because there will be new binary builds, that need to be tested before publish to -updates, so SRU bug + verification)16:19
cjwatsonWe haven't purged binaries from LP for quite a while16:20
cjwatsonYou may have better luck if you give copy-package an explicit version?16:21
cjwatson(if you didn't already)16:21
cjwatsonThis is just copy-package lying to you, actually16:21
cjwatsonIIRC there's some reason it fails to accurately predict what the copy will contain in this case16:21
cjwatsonBut it's just an inaccurate prediction, it doesn't mean that binaries won't be copied16:21
cjwatsonslangasek: It's a safe copy, there'll be no new binary builds (can't - LP would reject them)16:22
slangasekcjwatson: ah, ok16:24
slangasektjaalton: in that case, resurrected to yakkety-updates, maybe :)16:25
infinityslangasek: copy-package won't show binaries.16:39
infinityslangasek: Oh, Colin explained it.16:39
infinityWell, "explained". :)16:40
infinitycjwatson: The "some reason" is that copy-package uses getPublishedBinaries, I assume.16:41
infinitycjwatson: And, well, that ain't published.16:41
infinityYup, it sure does.16:42
infinityNot sure if there's a better way to make that prediction more reliably.16:42
infinityBut it's a wart we all learn of and then learn to not care about.16:42
infinityI guess the "better" way would be to follow from the source to the builds to the builds' binaries, but ick.16:43
tjaaltonslangasek: sweet, thanks :)16:47
infinitytsimonq2: Anyhow, feel free to create whatever boilerplate zesty wiki pages should exist, except for the release schedule.  I'll get to that shortly.16:47
krytarikpitti, infinity: Now that the new Calligra package (and thus Krita) is in yakkety-updates, can one of you please update the Studio meta again too?  Thanks!17:18
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pittiinfinity: want me to do the distro-info SRUs? (out of self-interest, I need it for the infra)19:09
pittistefanor didn't commit the update to https://anonscm.debian.org/git/collab-maint/distro-info-data.git yet, but being collab-maint I suppose I could do that too19:09
pittibah, the yakkety release date in distro-info-data is one week off19:13
pittihttps://anonscm.debian.org/git/collab-maint/distro-info-data.git updated19:17
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: ubuntu-image (yakkety-proposed/universe) [0.7ubuntu1 => 0.8+16.10ubuntu1] (no packageset)19:21
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: distro-info-data (yakkety-proposed/main) [0.29 => 0.29ubuntu0.1] (core)19:24
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: distro-info-data (xenial-proposed/main) [0.28ubuntu0.1 => 0.28ubuntu0.2] (core)19:25
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: distro-info-data (trusty-proposed/main) [0.18ubuntu0.5 => 0.18ubuntu0.6] (core)19:27
pittiinfinity: ^ review, s'il te plaƮt ?19:27
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: distro-info-data (precise-proposed/main) [0.8ubuntu0.10 => 0.8ubuntu0.11] (ubuntu-server)19:28
barryi know the zesty archive is closed.  can i still do an upload and have it sit around until it opens, or should i wait.  and if the latter, what's the eta?19:34
pittibarry: you can't upload yet, it hasn't been created on https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/ yet19:35
barrypitti: ack19:35
tumbleweedpitti: oh, sorry. was on a plane on thursday :P19:40
pittitumbleweed: o/19:40
pittitumbleweed: no worries; I hope you don't mind my commits?19:40
tumbleweedgo for it :)19:40
pittitumbleweed: retroactively done :) (I wanted it in collab-maint before uploading the SRUs)19:40
pittiI just didn't upload, I don't want to do that without maintainer's consent at least19:41
tumbleweedyeah, I'll do that now19:41
pittibarry: I also wonder where to put my debhelper merge :)19:41
tumbleweedoh, he only announced the new name today, anyway19:42
* barry 's finger hovers over the button19:54
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: criu (xenial-proposed/universe) [2.0-2ubuntu3 => 2.6-1ubuntu1~ubuntu16.04.1] (no packageset)19:57
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-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: snapd (xenial-proposed/main) [2.16 => 2.16ubuntu1] (desktop-core, ubuntu-server)20:11
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: snapd (yakkety-proposed/main) [2.16+16.10ubuntu1 => 2.16+16.10ubuntu1.1] (desktop-core, ubuntu-server)20:13
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: debian-installer (xenial-proposed/main) [20101020ubuntu451.6 => 20101020ubuntu451.7] (core)21:21
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: debian-installer (trusty-proposed/main) [20101020ubuntu318.40 => 20101020ubuntu318.41] (core)21:33
clivejohi folks, we (Kubuntu) have a very small fix to make to our packaging, but it is actually preventing our users from upgrading to Yakkety.  We have fixed the packaging and have a debdiff on this bug report LP 163369221:56
ubot5`Launchpad bug 1633692 in plasma-discover (Ubuntu Xenial) "missing depends on ubuntu-release-upgrader-qt - breaks GUI upgrades to yakkety" [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/163369221:56
clivejoanyone able to help get it accepted and into Xenial ASAP?21:57
* ahoneybun pokes Mirv22:15
tsimonq2clivejo: You just need to upload it, and it will go in the SRU queue.22:17
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New: accepted squashfuse [source] (xenial-proposed) [0.1.100-0ubuntu1~ubuntu16.04.1]22:55
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New binary: squashfuse [amd64] (xenial-proposed/none) [0.1.100-0ubuntu1~ubuntu16.04.1] (no packageset)22:56
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New binary: squashfuse [ppc64el] (xenial-proposed/none) [0.1.100-0ubuntu1~ubuntu16.04.1] (no packageset)22:56
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New binary: squashfuse [i386] (xenial-proposed/none) [0.1.100-0ubuntu1~ubuntu16.04.1] (no packageset)22:56
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New binary: squashfuse [s390x] (xenial-proposed/none) [0.1.100-0ubuntu1~ubuntu16.04.1] (no packageset)22:56
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New binary: squashfuse [arm64] (xenial-proposed/none) [0.1.100-0ubuntu1~ubuntu16.04.1] (no packageset)22:57
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New binary: squashfuse [powerpc] (xenial-proposed/none) [0.1.100-0ubuntu1~ubuntu16.04.1] (no packageset)22:57
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New binary: squashfuse [armhf] (xenial-proposed/none) [0.1.100-0ubuntu1~ubuntu16.04.1] (no packageset)22:57
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