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kyrofacjwatson, if this "hotfix channel" thing comes to fruition, I'd love to work with you on a github integration to provide snaps on a PR if you're interested07:46
cjwatsonkyrofa: certainly07:50
cjwatsonkyrofa: there's a session on the general topic later in the week07:50
cjwatson(somewhere ...)07:50
kyrofacjwatson, consider me there! Haha, it'll probably be reshuffled between now and then anyway07:51
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validomhi! Does anybody know (or could send me to the right direction) how to backport a package while explicitly provide a specific dependent libary version?17:35
validomI've created a backport of package darktable, but it was build using lensfun 0.2.8 ... it should use lensfun 0.3.217:36
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naccvalidom: i take it you're backporting something to t or x?17:37
validomyakkety provides both lensfun 0.2.8 (liblensfun0) and 0.3.2 (liblensfun1)17:37
validomI like to backport from yakkety to xenial17:37
naccthere is no liblensfun0 in yakkety17:38
naccaccording to rmadison17:38
validominteresting, but darktable was build using 0.2.8 ... https://launchpad.net/~validom/+archive/ubuntu/ppa17:39
validomthe lensfun version I backported seperately17:39
naccvalidom: that's a xenial build17:39
naccvalidom: liblensfun0 exists in xenial17:40
validomyep, maybe thats why the build process has taken that. But it should use the newer version...17:40
naccvalidom: why?17:41
validomlensfun 0.3.2 does support a lens I own (and has a tool to update the lens database without needing to update the libary itself)17:41
naccvalidom: that's not what i meant; i mean why should the newere version have been used in that particular build? you mean the one fromyour PPA?17:42
naccvalidom: what the one in your PPA already built when you built darktable?17:42
validomyes, the darktable backport in my PPA should use the liblensfun version I also backported17:42
naccvalidom: yes, but afaict, you built them at the same time17:43
validomno, I created both packages more-or-less at the same time (first lensfun, then darktable)17:43
validomah ok I see...17:43
naccvalidom: right, so how would that work? :)17:43
validomSo I build again darktable and the newer lensfun should be taken.17:43
validomperfect, thanks :)17:43
naccvalidom: that's what i'd try, yeah17:43
validomdone, let's see in a couple of hours what the result will be17:45
validomworked, perfect :) Thanks @nacc !  https://launchpad.net/~validom/+archive/ubuntu/ppa19:49
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