
naccsmoser: would you happen to have a guide/info on ensuring that when the annotated tag says 'imported using v1.0' where 1.0 is in our source tree, that it actually is 1.0? I mean, I could use a version file generator, but then that's a static file in the git tree. Presuming one is always running from the git tree, I coudl use `git describe`, but that won't work if running from, e.g., the snap. Or if00:04
naccsomeone (maliciously or accidentally) were to use a released tarball (if we had them) and edited the version file. Or made changes from the released version, and we wouldn't want to indicate it's actually 1.000:04
naccsmoser: or really, i'm looking for advice for how to include the importer's version (which itself would be an annotated tag in the importer's repository) in the tag00:06
naccbarry: --^ maybe you'd have some pythonic insight here too00:06
naccsmoser: barry: http://paste.ubuntu.com/23341473/ this is what i did locally, and you can see i've tagged (to test) it as 1.0. So then the importer invocation picks up the version from `usd-import`'s git repository. But not sure if that always will work? But I think it might be an appropriate way to feed the version in if we rework the various usd- into usd/ modules00:48
BluefoxicyDoes anyone know if this is what's causing the issues with Evolution and Google Calendar on 16.10?  https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=137373701:04
ubottubugzilla.redhat.com bug 1373737 in evolution-data-server "Evolution reports quota exeeded for Google calendars every morning" [High,Closed: nextrelease]01:04
smosernacc, i dont know that there is really any ay to do what you're asking.  I think what you're asking equates to drm or trusted computing.01:11
smoserwrt getting git-describe into some place where you're running not from git, i ended up giving up in cloud-init.01:11
smoseri had a way to do it, but then my source tarballs differed from the git code that they represented (by one having 'git describe' in a file and one not).01:11
smoserand gbp didn't like that, and i decided rather than fighting it i'd accept it.01:12
naccsmoser: yeah it feels non-trivial all of a sudden; what i have works i think if running from git01:14
naccsmoser: and we'd just add something to extract it from a file if that fails for released/snap'd versions?01:14
smoseryeah, i just gave up01:14
smoseri think its not really worth it.01:14
smoseri dont think you can trust anything other than an official importer honestly.01:14
smoseror dont think the effort is worth the gain.01:15
naccsmoser: ack, it might not be -- so is cloud-init's version hardcoded in the source? and if someone uses a hacked version, you'd not notice?01:15
smoserjust don't let someone else run.01:15
smoserin cloud-init's source, it only now says '0.7.8'01:15
smoserthe 'make tarball' used to append to that the full git describe version01:15
smoserwhich was nice, and then when running from package, you'd get that01:15
smoseryou'd get that info in a log01:15
smoserbut i just gave up.01:15
naccyeah, it seems like most people use release processes to do this01:16
naccand even then, seems like a half-solution01:16
naccok, i'll stop trying any harder at this, then :)01:16
naccsmoser: thanks, have a good night!01:16
smoserthe thing that i just didn't like... was that the source tarball had different data than the git checkout of the tag.01:19
smoserwhich was just obnoxious both as a "cleanliness" thing and also from other tools like gpb that cried foul.01:20
rbasaknacc: yeah I think that's fine05:03
pittiGood morning05:36
cpaelzergood morning06:35
Mirverr, " format '3.0 (quilt)' is not permitted in zesty."? (PPA upload)06:50
pittiwell, "zesty" does not exist yet in the first place? https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/06:50
Mirvoh, right, I didn't check it anymore since bileto enabled zesty :) robert was too fast.06:51
pittinot exactly the most obvious error message too :)06:53
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sarnoldnacc: normally I'd say pass the bug number along to whoever did the update, but this week email to security@ubuntu.com is probably more reliable07:18
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Mirvheh, zesty now created, the next obvious error message on PPA uploads is "Cannot build any of the architectures requested: any all08:17
Mirvbut 3.0 (quilt) source format is fine now! :)08:17
pittiMirv: haha08:39
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highvoltagehttp://community.ubuntu.com/release-widget/ may require some maintenance10:26
Unit193highvoltage: You tried py3 speedtest-cli, btw?10:29
highvoltageUnit193: funny you should mention that, I spent a few minutes this morning trying to figure out some speedtest-cli performance related problems. I think it might stem from speedtest moving all their primary clients to just using sockets and they don't care about the http clients anymore10:32
highvoltageUnit193: speedtest-cli does work in python3 though, and doing some quick tests it seems to be giving me closer results to the official client10:38
Unit193highvoltage: Well that's crappy..  Yeah I tested a "port" of the packaging, only noticed a little oddity in the output.10:42
Unit193Interesting about being closer though.10:42
highvoltageUnit193: yep, ideally there would be a free speedtest community with its own servers and clients, but we're getting firmly into the off-topic zone for this channel :)10:44
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seb128bdmurray, pitti, rbasak, commented back on bug #1580740 the static version included in the xenial upload is noise, the makefile generates that file at buildtime13:04
ubottubug 1580740 in Snappy "[SRU] Cannot open a browser link from a snap that provides a link" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/158074013:04
seb128yakkety is fine13:05
bdmurrayseb128: thanks, I've released it13:12
seb128bdmurray, thanks13:12
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smoserslangasek, you reverted xenial for bug 1621507. i think you should revert yakkety also.15:40
ubottubug 1621507 in initramfs-tools (Ubuntu Yakkety) "initramfs-tools configure_networking() fails to dhcp ipv6 addresses" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/162150715:40
slangasekcyphermox: ^^15:40
cyphermoxyes, I am aware, working on it15:42
smosercyphermox, you'll revert it? or you're planning on just adding another fix first16:07
smoseri think yakkety should be reverted, and fix should go first to zesty16:08
tsimonq2infinity: Are you aware that Lubuntu Xenial Daily is FTBFS due to a kernel dep issue?16:17
infinitytsimonq2: It's transient.16:18
tsimonq2Whoops, meant to put that in -release.16:18
tsimonq2infinity: Ok thanks16:19
cyphermoxsmoser: I'll revert it16:36
naccsmoser: would you say if the importer was going to be python3 only (which it is), it's worth going through and putting in type-hinting?16:43
smoseri have no experience with type hinting.16:46
naccsmoser: ok, i was just looking at it -- might ensure some things get caught earlier, and it seems like good documetnation16:46
jgrimmnacc, oh.. i read a good artice on that last week.. apparently some python 2 support for it too via mypy  ->  http://blog.zulip.org/2016/10/13/static-types-in-python-oh-mypy/16:53
naccjgrimm: nice16:54
naccjgrimm: yeah, our code isn't complicated, but i think adding the hints will simplify maintenance16:55
jgrimmadn usd-* seems like small enough project to try out even.16:56
naccjgrimm: 100% ack17:04
naccjgrimm: esp. as i'm looking at seeing if we can organize the code a bit better before 1.0, just to make it easier to read :)17:05
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