
amelia__we just got jumped with a HORRIBLE virus. It was on MSNBC. and our keyboard became unresponsive.00:30
amelia__it was honking and saying "do not delete this page or your hard drive will crash" and said to call the toll free number on the screen, to press 1 for instructions.00:31
amelia__there was no number. I think they wanted me to put in my password. I did not. really shook up my husband and myself.00:32
amelia__finally turned off the computer completely, stared at each other for awhile, started it back up, and there was a long list of things it was "clearing" on upper left hand corner.00:33
amelia__all appears ok now. is there anything we should do other than report this?00:33
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alkisgyes we all have one05:44
imexilHi, I have probably unpopular question. I've upgraded my stock ubuntu to 16.10 and it was working fine. I thought to give mate a try and installed the mate-desktop package. There were some quirks that did not work correctly so I decided to go back to stock unity. Problem is that mate does system changes that are beyond just simple window manager. Now I have problems that my min-display port no longer sees the projector etc.10:14
imexilSo short question is there a way to _cleanly_ remove all the mate components and have the system reconfigure to stock unity without having to do a reinstall?10:14
alkisgimexil: normally, if you did apt install mate-desktop, now all you need to do is apt purge --auto-remove mate-desktop10:23
alkisgWhat is a min-display port?10:24
alkisgNote that mate is a desktop environment, not a desktop manager10:24
alkisg*window manager10:24
imexilalkisg: Thanks. I did that actually already and still have lightdm dialogue with broken graphics (basically some gtk mixture). Mini-display port is basically an alternative to HDMI. I normally have a VGA projector connected via adapter. Under Unity it was dedected w/o problems now with the mate install it just doesn't see any devices connected. Only HDMI will work now :-(10:26
imexilSo I guess I would need som reconfiguring of the ubuntu-desktop in addition to purging mate-desktop10:27
alkisgimexil: did you actually use the purge --auto-remove command, or some alternative?10:28
imexilI did use purge, not sure about auto-remove but now that is unfortunately to late.10:29
alkisgYou can still try: apt-get purge --auto-remove10:30
alkisgSee if it lists any packages10:30
alkisgIf you want you can put the list to pastebin before accepting the purge10:30
imexilIIRC I used purge and then autoremove afterwards10:30
imexillist is empty :-(10:30
alkisgdpkg -l '*mate*' | grep ^ii10:30
alkisgThat list is empty too?10:30
imexilno :-)10:31
alkisgYou need to remove those as well10:32
alkisgAnd maybe even run sudo update-initramfs -u10:32
imexilok will purge those and see if things get better. But is there perhaps some kind of repair trigger for the existing packages just to make sure.10:32
alkisgnone that wouldn't have been called automatically10:32
imexilI see.10:33
alkisgUnfortunately, mate sets a grub graphics menu, and that messes up some displays10:33
alkisgflexiondotorg: can we ditch that, and be like all other flavors?10:33
alkisgIt's also incredibly slow on some hardware, e.g. I've seen it need 10 seconds to draw itself10:33
imexilSo if I knew which package from stock ubuntu touches those settings I could trigger a reinstall for that and that might fix it?10:34
alkisgNormally, no settings are left after a package purge10:34
imexilwell but original settings are not restored either or?10:34
alkisgSo normally no apt-get install --reinstall package would ever fix it10:34
alkisgDebian policy says that packages cannot touch the configuration files of other packages10:35
alkisgSo there are no original settings to restore, because they're never touched10:35
alkisgThat's why /etc/configuration.d dirs exist, to drop settings there and not need to overwrite other packages' files10:35
imexilRight. So I need to xplain the debian policy to my non-connecting projector then ;-)10:36
alkisgRight, that's clearly a bug, not by design10:36
alkisgFor example... let's say that mate drops some grub configuration file to make that graphics menu10:36
alkisgand it removes it on purge, but forgets to call update-grub10:37
alkisgThat then would be a bug on the postrm script of the mate package, not of the packages you have now still installed10:37
alkisgAnyway, purge those packages, run update-initramfs -u and update-grub, reboot, and see if it still happens,10:38
alkisgand if you still have the graphics grub menu10:38
imexilI understand. OK let me purge those remaining packages and then see if that improves things. Thanks for your help!10:38
imexilalkisg: Are these warnings something I should worry about: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/23343214/?10:41
alkisgNo, as long as all your hardware appears to be working10:42
alkisgMany firmware files are not distributed in packages due to copyrights10:42
imexilOK. I'm off for reboot10:42
imexilalkisg: Now that is interesting. After purging the last mate pakages and running the update commands I NOW have mate-flavoured boot screen (before I still had the standard ubuntu one even when mate-desktop was still installed). Lightdm is still messed up.10:46
alkisgWhen you say messed up... can you post some screenshot from e.g. a mobile phone?10:47
imexilwill do.10:47
imexilalkisg: OK. So I tested and the lock screen looks like it should look like: http://zb.dwe.no/?6d601973599d3a85#AeVVGYIGrGMNCfNuqQ8aP/Z8qjOZH3ofGqAcCiS6OSM=10:51
imexilbut the login screen has some issues: http://zb.dwe.no/?468769496941a8a0#2lYO5YGiP5NGVMcNi0pgVxwcZJxeuiVdwcZkOBqHCK8=10:52
alkisgimexil: what's the output of this? dpkg -l '*lightdm*' | grep ^ii10:53
alkisgimexil: remove lightdm-gtk-greeter, and logoff/logon10:54
imexilalkisg: Thanks that fixed the login :-)10:57
alkisgSo the displayport is still an issue?10:57
imexilI have to find out when I'm at the class room again tomorrow.10:58
imexil(was a bit embarrassing today when the projector in todays room ONLY had VGA and no HDMI, so I had to use teamviewer from the room's desktop win machine to present my stuff ;-) )10:59
alkisgHaha... better use epoptes :D10:59
alkisg(epoptes.org, classroom presentation and remote control tool)11:00
imexilAnyway thanks for the help. And I keep you updated. And I'll remember to never mix stock ubuntu with ubuntu mate (my family members run of course mate)11:01
alkisgInstalling multiple desktop environments isn't the best idea, yeah11:01
imexilThanks to epoptes tip, never heard of it before.11:01
alkisgThousands of schools use it11:01
imexilRight, Linux only which is a problem since Uni here is Win only (I'm being the exception :-( )11:03
alkisgAh yeah we don't care about windows :D we only used them over LTSP...11:03
imexillucky you11:04
ouroumov<alkisg> flexiondotorg: can we ditch that, and be like all other flavors? -> I second that11:17
ouroumovEye candy isn't worth the slew of graphics problems11:17
alkisgflexiondotorg: to be clear, I'm talking about not having "grub2-themes-ubuntu-mate" preinstalled...11:18
ouroumovI'd rather default/grub would have GRUB_TERMINAL=console uncommented by default11:19
alkisgI agree, but that would be a base ubuntu change, not a flavour change11:20
ouroumovyeah :/11:20
rtinocohello guys13:22
lowkey__Hi, I have been AFK a few hours and on my return the top menu is gone14:43
lowkey__might be a hibernation or similar issue14:44
nomicyou maybe deleted it15:02
nomiclog off, on again15:02
lowkey__ubuntu 16.04 has experinced an internal error15:05
lowkey__did i delete the top(start) menu15:07
lowkey__more likely that someone is trolling me through my computer15:10
lowkey__do I use use mate-session-save --force-logout nomic ?15:13
nomic"top menu" -- you mean the panel15:14
nomicif you logoff, it should return15:14
lowkey__but what is the terminal comand15:16
lowkey__nomic Command ?15:19
nomicsudo reboot15:21
nomictry 'please'15:21
lowkey__mate-session-save --force-logout15:25
lowkey_I figured out i turned on my reviver that is connected to my HDMI and the PC screen is just and extension after that that only shows the background wallpaper15:32
lowkey_If you guys had mirror image (same image on all monitor) as default it would be better but then again it is not about making stuff better now is it?15:35
nomicget lost15:40
lowkey_i am15:40
nomiceither shut up or contribute15:40
nomicyour problem was sorted, now go away15:40
nomicor go back to windows, idiot.15:40
lowkey_I did 8 years ago notting has changed15:41
lowkey_I would even say it is worse15:42
bert_bonsoir à Tous , Hello All's17:38
ouroumov_lo bert_17:38
bert_lu ouroumov17:39

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