
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: nvme-cli (xenial-proposed/universe) [0.5-1 => 0.5-1ubuntu0.1] (no packageset)00:29
Mirvahoneybun: what tsimonq2 said. upload, then poke SRU team to get it forward from https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/xenial/+queue?queue_state=1&queue_text=06:41
cpaelzerHi, I wanted to ask if one could take a look at bug 160694006:53
ubot5`bug 1606940 in qemu (Ubuntu Trusty) "A a single PCI read or write appears twice on the PCIe bus. This happens when using the SR-IOV feature with some PCI devices" [Medium,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/160694006:53
cpaelzerI tried to summarize the current state of its missing verification, but would appreciate some guidance by the release team06:53
xnoxslangasek, i only see https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel/2016-March/039274.html without scripts to rerun things.06:53
cpaelzerespecially since depending on the decision that means clearing things from proposed06:54
xnoxit is a mistery that $ germinate -cmain,universe output is not good enough for components-missmatches report.06:54
* xnox is failing to figure out what else happens on snakefruit in between germinate and components-missmatches report runs.06:54
cpaelzerxnox: it is probably a bit like https://xkcd.com/730/06:56
xnoxpitti, have you ever run components-missmatches report, outside of snakefruit infra?07:02
pittixnox: no, I didn't07:13
pittixnox: at some point all of this ought to be charmed up so that it can be run and developed in lxd..07:13
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: rejected ifupdown [source] (yakkety-proposed) [0.8.13ubuntu3]07:23
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: accepted gnome-control-center [source] (yakkety-proposed) [1:3.20.2-0ubuntu1]07:24
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: accepted file-roller [source] (yakkety-proposed) [3.22.1-0ubuntu1]07:26
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: fcitx (yakkety-proposed/main) [1: => 1:] (input-methods, kubuntu, ubuntu-desktop) (sync)07:28
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: accepted mate-netbook [sync] (yakkety-proposed) [1.16.1-1]07:29
sil2100Hey! Is it possible to do zesty uploads already?07:42
ginggssil2100: see topic07:43
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Packageset: 6494 entries have been added or removed07:53
apwsil2100, not yet ... opening is not a teensy job ^^ things are progressing08:00
sil2100Thanks o/08:07
xnoxslangasek, i only found this from you https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel/2016-March/039274.html and it does not look like it has a script to re-run components-missmatches outside of snakefruit infra.08:15
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: accepted snapd [source] (yakkety-proposed) [2.16+16.10ubuntu1.1]08:16
cjwatsonxnox: it runs off a sync of LP's output08:17
cjwatsonxnox: which is lp:ubuntu-archive-publishing, finalize.d/20-germinate08:17
cjwatsonwell, scripts/cron.germinate08:17
cjwatsonxnox: the $GERMINATEROOT directory that's the output of scripts/cron.germinate is the input to component-mismatches08:19
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: accepted snapd [source] (xenial-proposed) [2.16ubuntu1]08:35
xnoxand an unsplit mirror08:39
pittiapw: resuming my SRU review run from earlier, FYI08:39
* xnox rsyncs ubuntu-ports on top of ubuntu08:41
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: rejected lightdm [source] (yakkety-proposed) [1.20.0-0ubuntu1]08:42
cpaelzerpitti: if you are doing an SRU run atm could you take a look at bug 1606940?08:52
ubot5`bug 1606940 in qemu (Ubuntu Trusty) "A a single PCI read or write appears twice on the PCIe bus. This happens when using the SR-IOV feature with some PCI devices" [Medium,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/160694008:52
pitticpaelzer: ack08:53
cpaelzerI asked here this morning already but that might have been too early for anyone to pick up08:53
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: accepted mate-optimus [sync] (yakkety-proposed) [16.10.1-1]08:53
pittione package away from being done with yakkety, will then do trusty08:53
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: accepted fcitx [sync] (yakkety-proposed) [1:]08:56
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: rejected fcitx [source] (xenial-proposed) [1:]08:57
pitticpaelzer: if it doesn't (completely) fix the problem that's fine -- there can always be another SRU; the more important aspect is to check that it doesn't break anything else, i. e. QEMU still works on other platforms08:59
xnoxgetting somewhere... zesty is in the way09:03
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: accepted debian-installer [source] (trusty-proposed) [20101020ubuntu318.41]09:03
cpaelzerpitti: thanks - that POV gives me a chance to verify on my own - I'll quote you, do a bunch of tests and verify it then if it is ok09:04
pitticpaelzer: I just followed up on the bug with that statement too09:04
cpaelzerpitti: perfect09:04
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: rejected distro-info-data [source] (yakkety-proposed) [0.29ubuntu0.1]09:05
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: rejected distro-info-data [source] (xenial-proposed) [0.28ubuntu0.2]09:06
pittitumbleweed: sorry about https://anonscm.debian.org/git/collab-maint/distro-info-data.git/commit/?id=42b861b -- mind uploading again? (or I can do it too)09:08
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: rejected distro-info-data [source] (trusty-proposed) [0.18ubuntu0.6]09:08
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: rejected distro-info-data [source] (precise-proposed) [0.8ubuntu0.11]09:08
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: distro-info-data (xenial-proposed/main) [0.28ubuntu0.1 => 0.28ubuntu0.2] (core)09:11
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: distro-info-data (yakkety-proposed/main) [0.29 => 0.29ubuntu0.1] (core)09:11
xnoxcjwatson, thank you! just had to get an unsplit dists/ mirror, and patch everything to forget that zesty is a thing, and use yakkety throughout.09:12
xnoxprobably could have just symlinked zesty to yakkety locally, oh well.09:12
cjwatsoncool.  sorry it's complicated, but it is at least possible09:12
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: distro-info-data (precise-proposed/main) [0.8ubuntu0.10 => 0.8ubuntu0.11] (ubuntu-server)09:17
xnoxcjwatson, http://people.canonical.com/~xnox/germinate-output/builtusing/components-missmatches.svg09:28
xnoxslangasek, infinity ^09:28
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: accepted distro-info-data [source] (yakkety-proposed) [0.29ubuntu0.1]09:30
* xnox is happy09:31
xnoxcoffee time09:31
pittixnox: yay, you managed to run it locally at last?09:31
xnoxpitti, yeah...09:32
=== doko_ is now known as doko
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: accepted distro-info-data [source] (xenial-proposed) [0.28ubuntu0.2]09:40
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: distro-info-data (trusty-proposed/main) [0.18ubuntu0.5 => 0.18ubuntu0.6] (core)09:43
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: accepted distro-info-data [source] (trusty-proposed) [0.18ubuntu0.6]09:46
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: accepted distro-info-data [source] (precise-proposed) [0.8ubuntu0.11]09:48
infinityxnox: That's a lot more stuff than the official c-m...10:13
infinityxnox: And not all built-using.10:13
infinityxnox: So, erm... Why?10:13
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: base-files (zesty-proposed/main) [9.6ubuntu5 => 9.6ubuntu6] (core)10:26
dokothre they are ...10:27
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: accepted base-files [source] (zesty-proposed) [9.6ubuntu6]10:28
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: binutils (zesty-proposed/main) [2.27-8ubuntu2 => 2.27-9ubuntu1] (core)10:28
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: accepted binutils [source] (zesty-proposed) [2.27-9ubuntu1]10:28
infinitydoko: Did you accept them?10:28
infinitydoko: Cause that won't work so well. :P10:29
dokoinfinity: ouch10:29
infinityI did mention "I won't accept them right away". ;)10:29
infinityS'ok, I'll just retry them when I'm ready.10:29
dokook, binutils doesn't need the updated base-files10:29
infinityOh.  Wait.  Nothing to retry.  I'll have to generate the missing builds later.10:30
infinityI'll get there.10:30
infinityNo chroots == no build records created. :)10:30
apwheh never seen that before, an empty build bit10:31
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: debhelper (zesty-proposed/main) [10ubuntu1 => 10.2.2ubuntu1] (core)10:47
pitti^ probably one of the earlier packages you should accept after builds are sorted out10:48
infinitypitti: Ta.10:50
infinitypitti: Say, how close are we to dropping pkg-create-dbgsyms and using the built-in dh support with a small s/deb/ddeb/ delta to avoid confusing ourselves?10:50
pittiinfinity: shouldn't actually be so bad, but I haven't looked into the details of that10:52
pittiso for now this merge just keeps the old stuff10:52
infinitypitti: I kinda assumed that with that change (s/deb/ddeb/) it should kinda Just Work with current infra.10:52
infinityAnd I'm not super keen on changing the extention for us.10:53
pittiI can look into that10:53
pittino, we can't build -dbgsym as .debs, LP will fall over10:53
infinityWell, aside from infra exploding, I think Debian was wrong anyway.10:53
infinityAnd keeping that delta forever is pretty much harmless.10:54
infinityAnd gives us an excuse to have the package soft-blacklisted from autosync.10:54
pittiok, I'll do some experiments to at least get a feeling how different the dh approach is10:54
infinityWhich isn't a bad thing for toolchain.10:54
pittiour "don't install upstream changelogs" delta is also fairly permanent anyway10:54
infinityThe dh approach was heavily based on pkg-create, so I *hope* it's a drop-in replacement.10:54
pittiIMHO we should stop doing that in Debina as well, it's just pointlessly ballooning packages10:54
infinityPeople asked me about it a lot as it was happening, and I assume they pinged you too.10:55
infinityBut I haven't looked closely at the final product.10:55
infinityFingers crossed.10:56
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: vmware-nsx (xenial-proposed/universe) [8.0.0-0ubuntu0.16.04.3 => 8.0.0-0ubuntu0.16.04.4] (no packageset)11:02
jamespagebdmurray, hello - could you take a look at ^^ vmware-nsx upload - it fixes the FTBFS that bug 1574610 tripped over due to the concurrenct neutron SRU going through (which I missed in pre-upload testing)11:03
ubot5`bug 1574610 in vmware-nsx (Ubuntu Xenial) "[DVSPlugin]Missing table nsxv_subnet_ext_attributes" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/157461011:03
Kamilionurgh. trying to run pip3 freeze results in pip._vendor.pkg_resources.RequirementParseError: Invalid requirement, parse error at "'-lxc==0.'"11:03
jamespageftbfs bug 163445011:03
ubot5`bug 1634450 in vmware-nsx (Ubuntu Xenial) "ftbfs in xenial proposed" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/163445011:03
pittiinfinity: there's actually some stuff left, like checking grep -qs '^Build-Debug-Symbols: yes$' /CurrentlyBuilding, disabling for PPA builds, etc. -- not sure how much of that is still actually relevant, though11:07
pittiinfinity: I suppose we can replace NO_PKG_MANGLE=1 with ENABLE_DBGSYM=0 though11:07
apwwe still have a ticky for that in the PPAs so i assume we need that11:08
Kamilionhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/23343298/ :/11:08
pittibut I can port just that to dh_strip11:08
pittistill easier than keeping the entire pkg-create-dbgsym11:08
infinitypitti: NO_PKG_MANGLE is overloaded anyway.11:12
clivejowhere do the SRU team hang out?11:16
infinityclivejo: On the beach in Mexico.11:17
infinityclivejo: (Or here)11:17
clivejothat would be nice!11:17
clivejoI need to get an SRU into xenial / Yakkety11:18
infinityclivejo: Enough overlap between ubuntu-sru, ubuntu-release, and ubuntu-archive, that we kinda just shove all three in this channel.11:18
clivejobut Im bit confused as to how to do it11:18
apwclivejo, tells us what you have done so far11:18
clivejousually we patch in +1 (dev), but we kinda in limbo with that at the moment11:18
infinityclivejo: File bugs.  Make sure bugs contain SRU boilerplate about rationale, test cases, etc.  Reference bugs in changelog.  Upload to xenial.11:18
clivejoLP 163369211:19
ubot5`Launchpad bug 1633692 in plasma-discover (Ubuntu Xenial) "missing depends on ubuntu-release-upgrader-qt - breaks GUI upgrades to yakkety" [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/163369211:19
infinityclivejo: So, that all looks in order.  You're just missing the "upload it" bit.11:20
infinityclivejo: Or if you can't, "find a sponsor".11:20
clivejoI think I can11:20
clivejobut is the version numbering correctr11:20
apwpretend there is a devel update coming :)11:20
clivejoand I just dput to ubuntu and LP assigns it to the correct queue?11:21
infinityclivejo: Remember how all your yakkety uploads during devel went to yakkety-proposed?11:21
clivejoah thanks, just wanted to check!11:21
infinityWell, devel isn't special. :P11:21
infinityWe rewrite $dist to $dist-proposed for all releases.11:22
infinitySo it just magically works.11:22
clivejoinfinity: Ive only had upload rights about a week now, but I learned a while ago not to assume things!11:22
clivejoalways best to ask and make sure!11:22
infinityclivejo: Yeahp, ask away.11:23
clivejocan you guys poke it on?11:23
infinitypitti might be game for poking it.  He's been SRU queue mangling today.11:24
clivejothis is affecting a lot of users who want to upgrade to yakkety yak11:24
xnoxinfinity, this is my botched up run against yakkety. and it's probably includes touch seed, but official c-m runs do not.11:25
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: plasma-discover (xenial-proposed/universe) [5.6.2-1ubuntu1 => 5.6.2-1ubuntu1.1] (kubuntu)11:25
clivejo^^ pitti : would you mind trying to encourage that through the system please11:26
clivejothanks infinity11:26
pitticlivejo: yep, will look after lunch11:28
clivejothanking you kindly11:28
clivejoso in YY, the current version is 5.7.5-0ubuntu2, so my SRU will be 2.1?11:28
apwclivejo, imagine that the ubuntu2 was in ZZ as well, then you'd have alredy uploaded an ubuntu3 there, and be using 2.1 in yakkety to keep under it11:30
clivejoI guess I have a bad imagination!11:31
clivejodoes the new ZZ archive just get a copy of everything?11:32
acheronukclivejo: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/plasma-discover11:32
acheronukThe Zesty Zapus (pre-release freeze) 5.7.5-0ubuntu211:33
xnoxweirdly infinity, http://people.canonical.com/~xnox/germinate-output/builtusing/components-missmatches.svg this looks fine11:33
apwclivejo, it already has indeed: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/plasma-discover11:33
clivejooh so I can upload ubuntu3 to zz?11:34
apwclivejo, you can expect the release-team to sort out the missmatch that you doing the SRU will cause, or ask you for help11:34
clivejoif I could upload ubuntu3 to ZZ that would sort out these problems in my head!11:35
apwclivejo, you can't yet, and the 2.1 should get copied forward too in the mid-term11:35
infinityxnox: Compare it to the ubuntu-archive version.  There are some new nodes there that aren't built-using.  Curious if you fixed a bug or introduced one. :P11:36
apwclivejo, but pretend you have and behave that way11:36
clivejook, thanks for helping me get my head around that!11:36
apwclivejo, these few days are fun times11:37
clivejouploading 2.1 to yakkety just felt wrong for some reason!11:37
infinityFSVO "fun".11:37
apwinfinity, some rather twisted and dark version indeed11:37
infinityWell, I have fun doing openings, actually.11:37
infinityI just don't have fun with all the out-of-band AWTY prodding I get while doing them.11:38
apwsee my previous statement11:38
infinityAlso, someone needs to mail me some bacon and eggs.11:38
apwamazon now should do breakfast11:38
apw(other delivery services are available :))11:39
sarnoldor 2am tacos11:39
infinityMmm, tacos.11:41
infinitydoko: Hrm, no libasan on s390x?  Curious.11:42
dokosee src/libsanitizer/configure.tgt11:43
infinitydoko: I was expecting that to answer the why. ;)11:45
infinityBut I guess it's just "it's not ported".11:45
xnoxe.g. cm-super is needed because doxygen-latex depends on cm-super-minimal, and doxygen-latex is now required because imagemagick-doc is in main and it has Built-Using doxygen. The newly added Built-Using support now makes all binary packages that are produced by Built-Using; src, to be required in main.11:50
xnoxhowever, i think i should be able to make germinate slightly better, and keep "Built-Using" transversal chain in the outputs somehow.11:51
infinityxnox: I'd honestly prefer it if we were just promoting the source, not all the binaries.11:53
infinity(which will then rescue -dev packages as well)11:53
xnoxthat's what happens now.11:53
xnox(in the current production c-m)11:54
xnoxhowever, steve says that it doesn't tell anybody why that source is being promoted.11:54
infinityBut I guess I'm curious where, for instance, the gcc-6 -> quilt thing popped up, when the archive version doesn't show that node.11:54
dokogcc-6-source depends on it11:54
infinityxnox: Yes, he's right.  It didn't tell us why.  That doesn't mean we need to promote more things, we just need a why.11:54
dokobut gcc-6-source should be only used as a b-d for the cross compilers ...11:55
infinitydoko: Ahh, indeed.11:55
infinitydoko: That's xnox's "promote all the things" at work here then.11:55
xnoxinfinity, so, would like if c-m said "Rescued from $foo (Built-Using $bar)" ?11:55
infinitySo, yeah, not ideal.11:55
xnoxinfinity, so, would you like if c-m said "Rescued from $foo (Built-Using $bar)" ?11:56
infinityxnox: Something like that, yes.11:56
xnoxcause this thing is too much (the my proposed stuff)11:56
infinityxnox: I don't want more binaries in main, I just want to know why I'm being asked to pomote the things we have.11:56
infinity(And to fix the bug where this is post-facto)11:57
infinityBut I assume that's included in this branch.11:57
bdmurrayjamespage: looking12:01
jamespagebdmurray, ta12:05
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: accepted vmware-nsx [source] (xenial-proposed) [8.0.0-0ubuntu0.16.04.4]12:06
pitticlivejo: no corresponding SRU to y?12:22
pitticlivejo: accepted into x-proposed, but releasing will require fixing this in z (and presumably y too, as you also don't want to break y→ z upgrades)12:23
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: accepted plasma-discover [source] (xenial-proposed) [5.6.2-1ubuntu1.1]12:24
apwpitti, he was supposed to be doing the y upload, which should get copied forward12:30
pittihttp://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/zesty/ → I'll build autopkgtest containers/images12:33
infinitypitti: Yay.12:33
infinitypitti: Also, upgrade all your computers.  And tell a friend.12:33
pittiget ALL THE GOODNESS in zesty!12:34
infinityIf I'm missing an interim step of "obtain friends", do that first.12:34
pittiI used to have some, until I started suggesting upgrading to development releases12:35
infinityThey weren't very good friends, then.12:35
infinityIf you can't handle me in development, you don't deserve me when I'm stable.12:35
pittithat wasn't part of your requirements either12:35
pittithere, distro-info-data is now reflecting reality12:36
infinityReality is overrated.12:36
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: ifupdown (yakkety-proposed/main) [0.8.13ubuntu2 => 0.8.13ubuntu3] (core)12:41
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: webbrowser-app (yakkety-proposed/main) [0.23+16.10.20160928-0ubuntu1 => 0.23+16.10.20161018-0ubuntu1] (ubuntu-desktop, ubuntu-qt-packages) (sync)12:46
clivejopitti: yes, I intend to do yy as well, just wanted to clear up some confusion over version numbers in Yakkety13:03
=== Guest62846 is now known as med_
pittiinfinity: hm, 2 hours into staring/hacking at this, this is a lot more complex than just changing .deb to .ddeb in some place (right now I'm stuck in wondering where the hell dh calls dpkg-distaddfile or writes  debian/files -- it apparently does neither)14:01
tumbleweedheh, pitti, the one date I didn't check14:02
xnoxinfinity, how about this now http://people.canonical.com/~xnox/germinate-output/builtusing2/components-missmatches.html14:25
xnoxneeds spaces around ','14:27
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: snapd (xenial-proposed/main) [2.16ubuntu1 => 2.16ubuntu2] (desktop-core, ubuntu-server)14:49
* apw looks at that snapd14:52
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: accepted snapd [source] (xenial-proposed) [2.16ubuntu2]14:55
LocutusOfBorgquestion wrt cmake14:58
LocutusOfBorg    - debian/patches/ubuntu_boost-multiarch.patch14:58
LocutusOfBorg      find boost and python in multiarch path14:58
LocutusOfBorg      this is a candidate for removal but needs rdepend testing14:58
LocutusOfBorgdo you think it is *now* a good time to test?14:58
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: fftw3 (zesty-proposed/main) [3.3.4-2ubuntu1 => 3.3.5-1] (desktop-core, ubuntu-server) (sync)14:59
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: pango1.0 (zesty-proposed/main) [1.40.1-1ubuntu1 => 1.40.3-2] (core) (sync)14:59
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: bbpager (zesty-proposed/universe) [0.4.7-3ubuntu3 => 0.4.7-5] (no packageset) (sync)14:59
pittiall autopkgtest workers now have zesty images and are ready15:04
* apw assumes we need to get zesty-proposed pre-populated before any of that gets accepted15:05
pittiyou mean copying the old stuff from yakkety-proposed?15:05
pittiinfinity usually does that, I suppose he has some script for it15:06
apw(more of a statement of my belief than any desire to accept them)15:06
pittibut I'm still seeding the zesty autopkgtest swift container with previous PASSes  from yakkety so that we get proper regression detection across the y→ z boundary; that'll still take a day or so15:06
infinityapw: Indeed, nothing should be accepted.15:10
wgrantpitti: What's the slowest bit of that process?15:10
wgrantI hope not scalingstack dodginess :)15:10
pittiwgrant: no, not at all; it's just my braindead script which needs optimizing15:10
wgrantpitti: Oh just posting things to swift serially?15:11
pittiwgrant: basically I'm iterating over all yakkety results in swift, download results.tar, check if it's a PASS; if so, copy it and go on to the next package15:11
wgrantRight, makes sense.15:11
pittiwgrant: yeah, this is completely stupid; need to sit down and do this properly (using the database that I now have and use a permanent connection, and write it in Python)15:11
pittiI just didn't get to it as we usually took several days of prep anyway, and it only needs to run twice a year15:12
wgrantBut bash scripts using eventually consistent blob stores as a database are web scale.15:12
cjwatsonSo is /dev/null15:13
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New binary: linux-signed [amd64] (xenial-proposed/main) [4.4.0-44.64] (core, kernel)15:15
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New binary: linux-signed-lts-xenial [amd64] (trusty-proposed/main) [4.4.0-44.64~14.04.1] (kernel)15:16
infinitycjwatson: nullsql?15:19
sarnoldquick! to the VCs!15:19
* wgrant prepares another new scalingstack arm64 kernel...15:19
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New: accepted linux-signed-lts-xenial [amd64] (trusty-proposed) [4.4.0-44.64~14.04.1]15:20
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New: accepted linux-signed [amd64] (xenial-proposed) [4.4.0-44.64]15:20
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: mistral (zesty-proposed/universe) [3.0.0-1 => 3.0.0-1ubuntu1] (no packageset)15:55
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: mistral (yakkety-proposed/universe) [3.0.0-1 => 3.0.0-1ubuntu0.16.10.1] (no packageset)16:03
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: mistral (xenial-proposed/universe) [2.0.0-1 => 2.0.0-1ubuntu1] (no packageset)16:08
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New binary: linux-signed-lts-trusty [amd64] (precise-proposed/main) [3.13.0-99.146~precise1] (kernel)17:09
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New: accepted linux-signed-lts-trusty [amd64] (precise-proposed) [3.13.0-99.146~precise1]17:20
=== Beret- is now known as Beret
=== eylul- is now known as eylul
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: ubuntu-image (yakkety-proposed/universe) [0.7ubuntu1 => 0.8+16.10ubuntu2] (no packageset)17:35
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: initramfs-tools (yakkety-proposed/main) [0.125ubuntu6 => 0.125ubuntu6.1] (core)17:49
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: snapd (xenial-proposed/main) [2.16ubuntu2 => 2.16ubuntu3] (desktop-core, ubuntu-server)18:30
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: snapd (yakkety-proposed/main) [2.16+16.10ubuntu1.1 => 2.16+16.10ubuntu1.2] (desktop-core, ubuntu-server)18:31
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: nova (xenial-proposed/main) [2:13.1.1-0ubuntu1.1 => 2:13.1.2-0ubuntu2] (openstack, ubuntu-server)20:17
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: accepted snapd [source] (yakkety-proposed) [2.16+16.10ubuntu1.2]20:18
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: accepted snapd [source] (xenial-proposed) [2.16ubuntu3]20:20
pittiinfinity: FTR, I rewrote the tool to copy the latest successful test result of every package/arch into the new zesty swift container; it shouldn't take multiple days now, but still a few hours20:24
pittiplease don't open the floodgates until then, as otherwise we can't detect regressions from y to z20:24
clivejopitti: did you look at that plasma-discover package ?21:02
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: plasma-discover (yakkety-proposed/universe) [5.7.5-0ubuntu2 => 5.7.5-0ubuntu2.1] (kubuntu)21:14
clivejo^^ pitti: Thats the yakkety "fix", but xenial is the most important one as currently GUI folks cant upgrade21:14
pitticlivejo: I did, and told you this afternoon :)21:22
pittiyou should also have gotten an ACCEPTED mail21:22
clivejois there anyway to fast track it?21:24
pitticlivejo: fix it in y and z, and verify it quickly, then we can21:25
clivejobut it wont affect yy until April 201721:27
infinityclivejo: And you'll forget about it until April if you don't fix it now.21:28
infinityclivejo: That's why we have the rule that fixes must exist in later releases first.21:28
infinity(Unless not relevant to them)21:29
clivejohow do I fix it in zz?21:29
* infinity finds all sorts of NBS in yakkety-proposed and goes tidying.21:29
infinityclivejo: Upload.21:30
clivejois the archive open?21:30
infinityIf it's in the queue, that's good enough.21:30
infinityThe queue is.21:30
clivejooh, didnt know that21:30
clivejowas waiting on an email to say it was open for business!21:30
infinityIt's open for light bartering.21:30
infinityNot quite business yet.21:31
clivejoI see21:34
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New sync: boost1.62 (zesty-proposed/primary) [1.62.0+dfsg-1]21:54
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: plasma-discover (zesty-proposed/universe) [5.7.5-0ubuntu2 => 5.7.5-0ubuntu3] (kubuntu)22:27

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