
shakes808good evening all.  I had a question about what kind of parental control filtering is available for ubuntu00:30
shakes808I am reading this from ubuntu's website: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ParentalControls00:31
shakes808just wondering if there were any other sources00:31
shakes808and is there a way to remotely admin the machine?  came across an windows 10 box, but it isn't letting me get to the parental controls that I need.  This is going to be for my 10 year old son at his mother's house.  this is why i am asking.00:41
dzhoshakes808: it's usually tricky, but it can be done.00:48
dzhoadministrating a machine remotely, that is00:48
dzhoas to the specific details of the programs on that page, I have no experience.00:48
dzhobut one general approach to remote administration is via ssh00:48
dzhothis itself can be tricky...made so by the typical setup of home networks.00:49
dzhousually there's a NATting router that acts something like a firewall00:50
dzhoso that has to be configured to direct outside connections in.00:50
dzhoor, you set up something on the inside box to reach out beyond it.00:50
dzho(which then leads to the question--reach out to what?)00:51
shakes808dzho: I was thinking teamviewer, I should be able to use that to get into the box.00:51
shakes808dzho: is this possible.  At my house, have a ubuntu server and at his mother's house have his desktop or laptop.  Have that desktop or laptop connect to my server to get what kind of accesses his user has?00:54
dzhoI'm having trouble envisioning how you'd set it so he can access your machine, without having full access to the rest of the internet.00:55
dzhoI was about to say some sort of VPN set up, but usually that's for a different scenario.00:55
dzhowhere the vpn provides *more* access than a standard commodity connection (ie, to the stuff inside the VPN)00:56
shakes808hmmm....  what about back to my original question about restricting web content and so he can't change the settings?00:56
dzhothat goes back to those programs in the link00:57
shakes808the article seems old, just want to make sure that there isn't anything better.  I looked at gnome nanny but it looks like it hasn't been updated in some time: https://github.com/GNOME/nanny  unless it is that polished and doesn't need anything01:01
jrwrenshakes808: most browsers will request proxy.pac from dhcp node, you can server that with conditions and redirect things through a filtering http proxy.13:04
jrwrenwhoa! AWS US East (Ohio) Region.13:11
shakes808jrwren: thank you.  I will look into proxy's13:19
greg-gjrwren: ? down?14:51
rick_h_jrwren: yea, getting it into juju 2, new default place for us :)14:51
greg-gOhio, new region, got it14:52
cmaloneySeen on a job posting: Bro experience - highly desired14:52
rick_h_yea, though funny they call it us-east-214:52
rick_h_cmaloney: wtf14:52
cmaloneyI dunno. Maybe they're looking for someone to smoke weed with14:52
jrwrenyeah, us-east-2, nice and close to home ;]14:54
cmaloneyAnd considering most of Ohio is farmland it's a good use for the land.14:54
rick_h_hah, cmaloney now we know what the iCorn was up to14:54
cmaloneyThere you go14:55
rick_h_bah, pixel embargo release day it seems16:37
rick_h_everyone with their reviews/etc16:37
rick_h_I've heard of that...what is it again?16:38
cmaloneyTHat thing that ensures your phone won't blow up moments after the release of the new one16:39
cmaloneysorry, mobile device16:39
cmaloneythey totally need to bring that term back16:40
rick_h_yea, the kickstarter thing I did now has a 1mo delay and it says it's due to the Li battery issues.16:40
cmaloneyKS for what?16:40
rick_h_hey, google assistent, personal data assistent, almost16:40
jrwrensurely rick_h_ has HUGE patience. he works on juju.  *zing*16:40
rick_h_sorry, not KS, but indie land16:41
cmaloneyNo worries16:41
rick_h_jrwren: naw, I just don't use my product16:41
rick_h_*oh my*16:41
jrwrenrick_h_: lol16:41
cmaloneythough I'd be leery of LI products from a non-big-name-company16:41
rick_h_cmaloney: yea, they're using the same batteries in other big name companies though16:41
cmaloneyconsidering Samsung couldn't get it right...16:42
cmaloneyI'm glad they're being patient though16:42
cmaloneyThat sort of thing could be ruinous16:42
rick_h_cmaloney: basically LiION AA's that are used in some of the batter chargers from folks like anker and company16:43
rick_h_but yea, I'd rather my bag didn't catch fire on a plane16:43
cmaloneyDefinitely not something I want either16:43
cmaloneymy pants are already hot enough, thenk you16:44
Scary_Guyit's a cyberdeck goddamnit17:43
Scary_Guydeck is also acceptable17:43
Scary_Guyespecailly since they're VR goggles now17:44
=== dzho_ is now known as dzho

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