
=== darren is now known as Guest22627
v7_marton2: ... ?00:01
ThePiousPriest_Also, anyone use PIA on Ubuntu? I can't get it to complete the connection to the VPn node00:08
DykotomeeI installed postfix, but I cannot send email directly from the server via a "mail" command.00:10
Hell-RazorNobody around uses the pos rt61pci drivers?00:10
DykotomeePostfix is working, because email from outside sources going to email aliases get forwarded to other external addresses.00:10
DykotomeeAny idea why I can autoforward email from my server, but not directly send it?00:11
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boomerGood evening all! :)00:16
Hell-RazorI am shocked at how dead this channel is. Was hoping to get my wifi up and running today00:20
v7_Hell-Razor: :)00:20
v7_Hell-Razor: All of us are using you card everyday :) !00:21
Hell-Razorv7_ lies.00:21
Hell-Razorv7_ out of ideas for getting my ralink card going. Fails at the authentication stage (I think)00:21
v7_dmesg ?00:22
Hell-RazorYeah authentication with (my router) timed out00:23
paddymahoneyis anyone aware of a good way to test a dist-upgrade? I have a shitload of packages installed and there is undoubtedly many packages that will have unmet dependencies etc00:23
v7_Hell-Razor: Like this ? authentication with 92:68:c3:f4:ec:3a timed out00:24
Hell-Razorv7_ The mac displays yes but not that one.00:24
v7_Hell-Razor: Rly ?!00:24
Hell-Razorv7_ rly00:25
v7_Which files do you have in /etc/modprobe.d/ folder ?00:25
v7_Do you have there smth. like you driver ?00:25
v7_named *00:25
Bashing-ompaddymahoney: The -s ( simulate ) switch ?./ see what it will do .. and make from that your best judgement ??00:26
Hell-Razorv7_ forget it00:27
v7_Hell-Razor: ?00:28
Hell-RazorNot here for trolling00:28
v7_Hell-Razor: I was trolling ?00:28
pi-alexcould someone help me00:28
v7_pi-alex: yup00:28
v7_Hell-Razor: I've asked you for file which is in this folder ... to make sure that we could add the some lines ...00:29
pi-alexmy friend put in the wrong password a ton of times in ssh00:29
v7_pi-alex: concrete00:29
pi-alexit seems like it banned him to some extent00:29
v7_uhh ... do you have local access to you server ?00:30
pi-alexits right next to me00:30
v7_pi-alex: Which PAM service do you use ?00:30
v7_Fail2Ban ?00:30
pi-alexi dont think i installed any specificily00:31
pi-alexi checked for fail2ban00:31
v7_pi-alex: Do you have shell access to your server ?00:31
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v7_Root ?00:31
pi-alexyes i have root00:32
Hell-Razori give up00:33
Hell-Razorlooks like my return to nix isnt happening lol00:33
v7_pi-alex: Check if you have some ip's in this folder /etc/hosts.deny00:33
pi-alexi checked that too00:33
v7_pi-alex: No ip there ?00:33
v7_Hell-Razor: Good for you :)00:33
v7_Hell-Razor: bb00:34
pi-alexi think it was still default00:34
v7_pi-alex: Check this one: iptables -L -n00:34
pi-alexi think thats it00:35
pi-alexi see his ip00:35
pi-alexhow can i unblock?00:35
v7_pi-alex: try iptables -D {ip}00:36
paddymahoneywill try.00:36
v7_pi-alex: if not then: iptables -D INPUT -s {ip} -j DROP00:36
pi-alexim waiting while he trys00:38
Bashing-ompaddymahoney: Saved me a couple of times .. and helps make up the mind not to ...or excercise discretion.00:38
v7_pi-alex: Have you installed DenyHosts ?00:43
pi-alexlet me check00:43
pi-alexno installed00:44
v7_pi-alex: There is no folder /var/lib/denyhosts ?00:44
v7_pi-alex: If you haven't a lot of time you can add his ip to file /etc/hosts.allow and let him conncet00:45
pi-alexbut no /var/lib/denyhosts00:45
v7_Like this: sshd : {ip}00:46
v7_pi-alex: Restart ssh00:46
v7_pi-alex: sudo service sshd restart00:46
pi-alexit restarted00:47
v7_pi-alex: You know .. I don't know where we can find this ip 'cause all defaults folders and files we've checked ...00:48
v7_So ... let him try to connect one more time00:48
hack_hello man00:49
pi-alexThanks for the help00:49
hack_fuck you00:49
v7_ban hack_00:49
v7_Drone`: ban hack00:49
debkad!ops | hack_00:50
ubottuhack_: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Pici, Myrtti, jrib, Amaranth, tonyyarusso, Nalioth, lamont, CarlK, elky, mneptok, PriceChild, Tm_T, jpds, ikonia, Flannel, genii, wgrant, stdin, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, Jordan_U, popey, Corey, ocean, cprofitt, djones, Madpilot, gnomefreak, lhavelund, k1l, rww, phunyguy, bazhang, chu00:50
v7_pi-alex: So ... no result ?00:50
hack_by bby :)00:50
pi-alexstill waiting00:50
hack_v7 u r IP adres too me00:50
v7_hack_: ? :D00:50
hack_by by00:51
danstso did anyone got h4ck3d00:53
debkadjust you00:54
v7_*Robot voice*: Not me *.*00:55
k1l_dont mind the trolls. :)00:55
v7_Yeah ... this hack_ is just a kid who needs attension in IRC :D00:56
Zganubuntu channel full of newbies00:57
LewocoHow do I use the iced tea java plugin in chromium?01:07
Lewocochrome://plugins/ only shows the flash and pdf plugins even though I installed iced tea01:07
ub200hi all01:09
ub200anyone use suqireelmail01:09
danstI decided to use roundcube01:10
danstif that's what you're talking about01:10
ub200iam usiing squirrelmail MailDoesNotSend01:10
danstwhat's the deal with squirrelmail01:10
ub200yes similar01:10
ub200i can log on and all but i cannot send to recipients.. for some reason01:10
ub200mail does not arrive01:11
danstchecked logs?01:11
ub200logs where do i find that only knew to squirrelmail01:11
ub200is roundcube easier01:12
debkadLewoco: http://askubuntu.com/questions/155852/installing-chrome-java-plugin01:13
ub200danst, is roundcube easie to use01:13
debkadLewoco: also there is this: https://productforums.google.com/forum/#!topic/chrome/FnQ4zb3VPbQ01:14
danstub200: is there anything like exim or postfix in your system01:14
danstub200: you should check logs of the service which is sending emails01:14
ub200ok let me check01:15
danstub200: my guess that squirrelmail is just a web interface for all that jazz01:15
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maddawg2i've used squirrelmail01:17
maddawg2it's simply a webmail interface01:17
maddawg2you still gotta set up the mailserver etc01:17
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ArranqueLentoBuenas noches01:22
ArranqueLentodesde España01:22
Lewocodebkad: Looks like Chrome no longer supports many types of plugins: https://java.com/en/download/faq/chrome.xml01:22
ArranqueLentoBusco ayuda para Ubuntu 1601:22
Lewocodebkad: I think that's my problem.01:23
ArranqueLentose me ha puesto lento el aaranque y no doy con la solucion01:23
debkadyeah i think so01:23
ArranqueLentosi podeis darme alguna indicacion01:23
BusFactor1Hi.  I've experienced the following behaviour on 3 Ubuntu based distributions over the past year.  When the system goes into screen blanking mode to power save on the monitor, after clicking the mouse or pressing a key on the keyboard causes the screen to 'flash' at about 1Hz and never returns to the desktop.  I can switch to a virtual terminal and kill the X Session.  Has anyone else had problems like this with newer Ubuntu01:23
BusFactor1 based distributions?01:23
BusFactor1I've also had problems with suspend not ever unsuspending on my MacBook Air and severe booting problems on another machine for no observable reason.01:23
compdocBusFactor1, what sort of cable do you use to connect the monitor?01:24
BusFactor1This kind of stuff was why I used Ubuntu in the first place.01:24
BusFactor1A good quality DVI-HDMI cable01:24
BusFactor1I'm assuming the first problem is due to a driver bug since all the different distributions use different display managers01:25
compdocthat should support waking. Ive seen issues with the older 15 pin vga cables01:25
compdocdo you use sound over hdmi? is that eneabled in the bios?01:26
BusFactor1no sound over hdmi in this case, no01:26
BusFactor1it's a dvi to hdmi cable01:26
BusFactor1sorry, display port to hdmi cable01:27
BusFactor1I'm just curious about how people are finding with the qualify of ubuntu based distributions lately.01:30
phenomHas ubuntu *just* stopped allowint SUID applications within an encrypted home?01:37
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Guest20969como cambio el nik?01:58
FreeFogHi , what would be the proper way of installing plasma 5.8.1 on ubuntu 16.04?01:58
tksnEy, guys02:03
Daxtirhey I have a question about enabling ESP for IPsec can anyone help me?02:05
tksnIs it possible to fire off a oneshot script on reboot, complete with informative "loading" indicator?02:05
k_sze[work]There is something I don't understand about `apt-get -f install`. Suppose I `dpkg -i some.deb`, so dpkg unpacks it and says it has unsatisfied dependencies, so I run `apt-get -f install` to fix the broken dependencies. Is apt-get supposed to finish installing some.deb at the same time?02:05
k_sze[work]Or am I supposed to run `dpkg -i some.deb` manually after `apt-get -f install`?02:06
frankWhere can I report potential security issues with the linux download server?02:07
frankIs anyone there?02:08
Hoffmanhow do I upgrade to yakkity from the command line?02:09
hggdhfrank: which linux download server?02:09
hggdhk_sze[work]: -f install should finish a pending install02:10
k1l_Hoffman: use "sudo do-release-upgrade"02:10
Hoffmank1l_: "no new release found"02:11
frankThe SHA1SUM.gpg and SHA256.gpg did not match the signatures given to me by the signature varification page on the main Ubuntu site02:11
k1l_!upgradeofflts | Hoffman02:11
ubottuHoffman: To upgrade from an LTS release of Ubuntu to the next (non-LTS) release, run sudoedit /etc/update-manager/release-upgrades and change the prompt= line to "prompt=normal". Then, do sudo do-release-upgrade to begin the upgrade.02:11
k_sze[work]hggdh: so what happens is that the first `dpkg -i some.deb` would mark some.deb as pending install, and `apt-get -f install` would fix the dependencies *and* finish installing some.deb?02:11
Hoffmanubottu: thanks, ill give it a shot02:11
ubottuHoffman: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)02:11
hggdhfrank: (1) you can open a bug on it; (2) you can go to #ubuntu-hardened and talk about it (and, eventually, send an encrypted mail to one of the security folks there02:11
hggdhk_sze[work]: yes -- if the dependencies are resolvable02:11
Hoffmank1l_: that did it02:12
Hoffmanthe hand-editing02:12
k_sze[work]hggdh: I see. Thanks. :)02:12
frankWhere is the #ubuntu-hardened page located?02:12
hggdhfrank: IRC channel. /join #ubuntu-hardened. But, right now, it is probable that the security team is asleep (sbeattie, mdeslaur, and others my memory fails at the moment02:15
k1l_frank: are you sure its not just a download corruption?02:17
hggdhfrank: the list of members of the security team is at https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-security02:17
jr3should I install the bootloader on the same device as my  windows bootloader or a different device?02:20
jr3I want to dual boot them02:20
k1l_actually, the ubuntu.com main site only lists example sums. not the real 16.04 sums in the example pictures.02:21
cybermomoa quick question?02:23
jr3what's 2+2 cybermomo02:24
jr3to infinity and byond!02:24
cybermomohow to download the updates for lenovo t420 on linux?02:25
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Bashing-omcybermomo: What updates are you referring to ?02:26
cybermomoultranova touchpad drivers02:26
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cybermomointel graphic02:26
k1l_cybermomo: those updates are shipped with the ubuntu kernel.02:27
cybermomook. but touchpad is not working02:27
jr3guess I wiped my windows 10 bootloader02:28
cybermomowell, I'm taking a pen testing class with Kali02:29
cybermomoand I installed ubuntu as the main OS02:29
cybermomoand I have no idea what's going on02:29
GrandolfCybermomo, at the risk of sounding dumb, what is a pen testing class?02:30
cybermomopenetration testing02:30
cybermomo"ethical hacking"02:30
Grandolfi didnt think it was litteraly pen testing :P02:30
cybermomolol nope02:31
cybermomobut I like linux so far02:31
cybermomothe GUI, I mean02:31
lordcirthcybermomo, if you are taking a kali class, why not install kali?02:31
Grandolfits very nice02:31
cybermomoI want to learn the basics first02:31
cybermomodo you guys recommend resources?02:31
gryyes sure02:31
gryubuntu's help center should be fine to start with02:32
gryyou don't need to use 'online' documentation if you'd like to simply get started with the basics02:32
Bashing-om!manual | cybermomo02:32
ubottucybermomo: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/02:32
cybermomoawesome. Thanks!02:32
cybermomoone more question02:32
cybermomowhat is a best IDE for C++02:33
cybermomodo I need to install the compiler for geany?02:33
notadeveloperapt-get install build-essential geany02:34
grycode::blocks has the advantage of being able to debug and design gui apps02:34
cybermomoOK; I'll try it02:35
cybermomothank you so much guys !02:35
Grandolfare there any entertaining ways to learn C++?02:35
cybermomothere is always youtube02:35
crazyadmpeople still use c++?02:35
Grandolfwell, its for a game i play, called minetest02:36
cybermomoc++ is a high level language02:36
Grandolfand yes, ppl do :)02:36
cybermomoand as a cyber security student, I have to learn it02:36
crazyadmi see most of them use java, php, python02:36
verticlebertYeah a ton of people use it. cybermomo:he's just being cranky02:36
cybermomotry cybrary.it02:36
verticlebertc++ is very very helpful02:36
cybermomothere is a course on python for security professionals02:37
cybermomou should try it, so fun02:37
verticlebertyeah but sometimes python has limitations like perfromance you need c++ for.02:37
cybermomoto be honest with you, my mind in a loop right now02:38
Guest15630guys, I have a problem with my pci wireless card. I am using ubuntu 16.04 but the problem was also present on ubuntu 15.1002:38
crazyadmgo for assembler for performance02:38
verticlebertGuest15630: use 16.10. /s02:39
Guest15630basically after some random amount of time(could be anywhere from a couple of hours to several days) the computer will disconnect from wifi and I'll be unable to connect to it or any other network(they will still be listed) closing the session won't fix the problem, only rebooting02:39
Grandolfcybary looks intresting, but how skillful do you need to be to start it?02:39
cybermomoif you go to courses02:40
Guest15630and I don't know if this is related, but is the only other thing that could be helpful. when im on the login screen, networks will appear but i will be unable to connect to network as it will pop up a dialog saying insufficient privilege02:40
cybermomothere will courses based on skills02:40
lordcirthI'd just like to mention that most pentesting courses are useless02:41
cybermomohow come?02:41
Guest15630and likely unrelated but i haven't updated to 16.10 because I haven't gotten the option to, not even update-manager -d shows it02:41
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lordcirthBecause there are way too many people who will pay $200 for a piece of paper saying they're a l33t hax0r02:41
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lordcirthAnd therefore many, many companies sell them.02:42
Daxtirhey I have a question about permitting ESP for IPsec can anyone help me?02:42
ubottuPlease read the channel topic whenever you enter, as it contains important information. To view it at any time after joining, simply type /topic02:42
myrafthey guys , need help. After several updates 4.4.0-43 ( on Ubuntu 16.04), the system boots to a dithered / unreadable screen.02:42
myraftdon't know how to proceed.02:42
lordcirthmyraft, did you boot 4.4.0-42 again?  Does it work?02:43
myraftlordcirth, Yes, that is what I am doing now.02:43
lordcirthmyraft, well, the lazy way is to keep doing that until 44 comes out :P02:43
cybermomostill pen testing will give you a lot of knowledge02:43
Guest15630uhm, doesn't 16.10 come with 4.8?02:44
cybermomothe idea of pen testing is cool02:44
k1l_it does, Guest1563002:44
myraftlordcirth, that was the plan - nevertheless thought of asking if anyone experienced it or knows a way out.02:44
myraftor should I move to 16.10 ?02:44
Guest15630you could always try that, myraft02:44
k1l_!upgradeofflts | Guest1563002:44
ubottuGuest15630: To upgrade from an LTS release of Ubuntu to the next (non-LTS) release, run sudoedit /etc/update-manager/release-upgrades and change the prompt= line to "prompt=normal". Then, do sudo do-release-upgrade to begin the upgrade.02:44
k1l_or use the gui to change the release prompt to normal on systemsettings02:45
Guest15630specially if you have amd, as I heard 4.8 has new support for amd's new driver02:45
Guest15630uh, didn't know this was a thing now. thanks k1l_02:45
Guest15630actually, I'm a little worried now, webupd8's nemo ppa hasn't been updated to the new version. nemo shouldn't be uninstalled as long as it doesn't interfere with other package's updates, right?02:49
OerHeksany ppa, and you are on your own02:51
V7Can I just copy files from / to other folder to make backup ?02:57
Bashing-omV7: Depends on if the destination will also be overwritten in a re-install . Backup best kept off the machine in a safe place .03:01
OerHeksDepends on more things, like filesystem03:01
V7Bashing-om: So .. if I copy all stuff to USB pendrive with ext4 filysystem then would I recover if by copy paste all stuff ?03:01
Bashing-omV7: Well again depends . "stuff" being system files .. that you then may have dependency issues if copied back ?03:03
k1l_V7: that doesnt sound like a bakcup plan. why backup system stuff, that is installed fast again. if its userdata or configurations, then they dont ly on /03:03
lordcirthput your package list in your homedir, then backup /home03:04
V7Sistuation ...03:05
V7I have 32GB pendrive03:05
V7And I need to make on it Backup of system which is installed on 100GB partition03:05
V7I wanted to make that with dd, but ... I didn't know that system which weights jsut 15 gb is installed on 100GB partition ...03:06
lordcirthdd is a very inefficient backup03:07
lordcirthV7, you could use clonezilla, or like we said, just backup /home and maybe a package list03:07
lordcirthMost of the space outside /home is just packages you can redownload.03:07
Bashing-omV7: All that is really needed for a backup is to back up personal data ( /home ) and keep a change log of any changes you make to system files .03:07
k1l_worth looking at /opt and /etc03:07
V7Yeah ... I understood ..03:08
lordcirthyeah, /etc maybe for some systems03:08
V7So ... if I need to make a whole system backup I need a device with 100GB partition too ?03:09
k1l_the idea is: you dont need to backup files, that are on every ubuntu install usb :)03:09
lintopwhats the best program for transfering music to an old ipod nano?03:09
V7I understood you k1, but I won't have internet then03:09
tksnSo how is ZFS For Linux coming along?03:09
lordcirthtksn, great, 16.04 has it as a normal package.03:10
k1l_tksn: works like the years before :) ubuntu just included it to make it work easier for data partitions or container usage03:10
lordcirthWe run several production servers on it, and my PC and home server use it.03:10
Daxtirdoes anyone know how to get UFW to stop blocking the ESP protocol?03:11
OerHekslintop, there is no single best, here are some examples https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PortableDevices/iPhone03:11
tksnI'm wondering how it holds up for workstation usage... read/write speeds, and all that03:11
lordcirthDaxtir, look up what port ESP uses, and unblock it03:11
lordcirthtksn, well, I don't have benchmarks, but generally ZFS is really fast03:11
k1l_tksn: depends heavily on the setup (raid,zraid etc). but the idea behind zfs is more data integrity.03:12
aukhi everyone, i just misused tasksel and managed to remove pretty much the whole system03:12
lordcirthauk, nice.  The fastest solution is to load the backups you totally have, right?03:13
auklordcirth: no solution from inside the install? i still haven't rebooted03:13
tksnWould any of you change from using ext4 to zfs on your laptops, stationary, workstations, etc?03:13
lordcirthauk, I said fastest, not only03:13
k1l_auk depends on what you did. if its a desktop reinstall the desktop package?03:14
lordcirthtksn, ZFS on root is not easy yet03:14
OerHekstaksel does not purge configs and data, iirc03:14
lordcirthtksn, I run btrfs root, ZFS data.03:14
auklordcirth: yes fastest would be a new clean install. Except all the time to reconfigure :(03:14
k1l_tksn: on workstations, servers? i even did that.03:14
lordcirthauk, thus the backups :)03:14
tksnHows btrfs coming along? Last time I tangoed with it (sometime ago) it completely borped on me03:14
chippingauk: what *do* you still have? does apt work?03:14
auklordcirth: i can easily boot a live cd and backup all data, i guess my question now is is it possible to extract a list of the package set?03:15
Daxtirlordcirth /var/log/syslog doesn't list a DPT when it blocks a connection attempt with protocol ESP03:15
k1l_tksn: zfs is a lot more mature than btrfs. should be fine for personal usage, but i would not put important data without working backup plan on btrfs03:16
aukchipping: not sure really, the tasksel operation bailed out with "cant exec /usr/lib/tasksel/packages/manual"03:16
lordcirthDaxtir, just looked up ESP, the ufw manpage has an example03:16
chippingauk: can you run something like `apt-get install ubuntu-desktop^` ?03:16
aukchipping: re-ran tasksel and selected standart ubuntu desktop, said unmet dependencies03:16
auktried "apt-get -f isntall"03:17
lordcirthk1l_, agreed, but then, you shouldn't have important data anywhere without backups03:17
Daxtirlordcirth, the stuff like "ufw allow to proto esp"? I already did that, it doesn't work03:17
aukchipping: that bailed out as well on libnl-*something*03:17
lordcirthThe main advantages to btrfs for me are 1) easily installed as rootfs and 2) changing layouts on the fly03:17
chippingauk: boot from livecd, mount your disk, copy your stuff off onto another disk, re-install :-/03:18
aukchipping: :D03:18
tksnk1l_: my thoughts exactly... I don't trust it at all.. i had high hopes for it...buuut... bork03:19
aukchipping, lordcirth: alright that's what i will do. Any idea of how this could happen with a tasksel operation? I belive the problem was I selected "manual package set"03:20
chippingI'm not familiar enough with tasksel to be sure03:20
aukchipping, lordcirth : but it did not confirm, just started uninstalling things like the kernel and apt and crazy stuff03:20
lordcirthauk, no idea, I have only added things with tasksel, never used it to remove.03:20
chippingI just stick to apt :-)03:21
lordcirthLooking it up, I don't see anything in the man page about removing stuff.03:21
lordcirthPerhaps you tried to install something that conflicted with lots of stuff?03:21
janat08how to tell chrome to use another default for magnet links03:22
chippingthat even being possible terrifies me03:22
OerHekstasksel had problems before removing services, but manually you can mess up easily03:22
aukchipping, lordcirth yeah i didn't think tasksel would remove stuff either :(03:22
aukOerHeks: "before removing services"? i don't understand03:22
chippingI'd want at least a scary warning and a couple of "are you REALLY sure" prompts before just scrubbing the kernel :-D03:23
cashHi Everyone - How do I stop the screen lock from kicking in when firefox plays videos full screen?  This should happen automatically but it doesnt03:23
aukwhat i wanted tasksel for was to reconfigure a full standard unity install, trying to switch back from gnome03:23
OerHeks.. had problems before, removing services03:23
Random832auk: I think that's meant as "has had problems before" and "removing services" as separate clauses03:23
kiki_lambAre upstart service names derived solely from the name of the .conf?03:23
aukchipping: yeah :/03:23
aukOerHeks, Random832 : ah ok :)03:23
kiki_lambI'm trying to restart a service whose definition is at /etc/init/api.someapplication.ca.conf, but can't figure out the syntax03:24
paddymahoneykiki_lamb: sudo systemctl restart api.someapplication.ca.service ?03:24
Daxtirlordcirth, even after "ufw allow to any proto esp" it still gets blocked03:26
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lordcirthDaxtir, sorry, I don't use ufw, never liked it much03:26
aukcash: not sure what desktop env you're in but you could try "caffeine". should be in the repos03:27
aukcash: there's also a gnome shell extension with the same name03:27
aukcash: you activate it manually and also i think it has a feature to detect full screen and activate then03:28
OerHeksso does firefox.03:29
aukkiki_lamb: systemctl should also list services for you (enabled or not), look in man systemctl03:29
aukOerHeks: well he was saying it wasn't working? :/03:30
kiki_lambpaddymahoney: huh, weird - i'd tried literally that exact command ('auk's') and was getting an 'unrecognized', disconnected and reconnected my shell and now it works. must have confused something inside the session or something.03:30
OerHekscash, file a bugreport03:30
BlackDalekmy Fn key on laptop stopped working yesterday. I get no response from it when trying to use screen brightness/volume control function keys03:30
lordcirthBlackDalek, install xev, run it, make sure it's focused, and see if pressing those keys does anything on the command line.03:31
lordcirthIf it doesn't, it's probably a hardware problem03:31
janat08how to change default client for magnet links03:33
BlackDaleklordcirth, pressing the fn key shows no response in xev. Does this mean the key itself is dead?03:33
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lordcirthBlackDalek, press fn + the other key03:34
lordcirthSometimes the Fn key never gets sent to the OS, it is combined in the keyboard controller03:34
BlackDaleklordcirth, suddenly the fn key is working now.. weird....03:35
BlackDalekthe volume and brightness fn keys are all working again. Not sure why it died for past 24 hours. It suddenly started to function again after running xev.03:36
BlackDalekI don't understand how it is working again now :/03:37
lordcirthpossibly intermittent hardware failure. maybe software.  If it happens again, test again03:37
lordcirthSee if Fn + key shows a different event than just the key03:37
BlackDalekyeah... maybe some dirt under the key membrane03:38
chippingBlackDalek: now might be a good time to test the integrity of your backups :-P03:38
BlackDaleklordcirth, yes, pressing fn+f2 or f2 by itself shows different input in xev03:40
janat08how to change default client for magnet links03:42
BlackDalekok. I got to get back to work now. If I gegt fn key trouble again I will be back ;)03:44
linociscoBen64, hi03:46
linociscoBen64, are you there?03:46
linociscoBen64, slow shutdown problem now fixed yet03:46
Ben64not fixed yet?03:47
cashGuys thanks for the tips - Using unity on 16.0403:47
cashI tried sudo apt install caffeine today but the program failed :/03:47
cashIt installed, but would not open03:47
Ben64what error03:48
cashDidnt see an error - it just didnt do anything.  Ill try installing from software cntr03:49
cashhmm so the cntr has "caffeine indicator"03:50
cashi installed it but it doesnt appear to be configurable03:50
antiPoPhi, while updating initramfs-tools , I guet several of these errors: "sh: 0: getcwd() failed: No such file or directory". Why that?03:54
wafflejockcash, http://askubuntu.com/questions/469225/trusty-caffeine-doesnt-appear-in-panel-after-update <-- appears it doesn't have any configuration just keeps the machine from going idle03:54
wafflejockcash, typically when apps do have config you'll find them in /etc/appnamehere/somefile.conf03:54
cashGot it03:55
cashThanks for the tip - wasnt sure it was working03:55
cashYou'd think ubuntu would do this automatically - or at least have hot-corners like a mac where the SL can be deactivated03:55
cashbut this is my only complaint with ubuntu - use it on all my machines, one of which is a mac03:55
cashand its the ONLY os on the mac, so take that osx03:56
linociscoBen64, I can't see what error. slow shutdown. after shuttting down, under ubuntu log and text, blinking dots so long like 6 mins or more03:56
wafflejockheh yeah cash there are some things in compiz or comiz config settings manager more specifically about tying corners to actions but since using Gnome 3 haven't really messed with compiz lately03:56
cashgnome 3 is pretty good too i also like it -- it makes hitting the super key addictive03:58
linociscoBen64, /etc/cups/cups-browsed.conf ?03:58
Ben64linocisco: but it shutdown fast that one time after i told you to disable wifi?04:03
linociscoBen64, i am not sure04:03
linociscoBen64, better to turn off wifi everytime before shutdown? why is that?04:04
Ben64it was a test to see if that was causing a hangup04:04
janat08how to change default client for magnet links04:21
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werdfriekHi, vlc is not working on ubuntu 16.04. I found: http://askubuntu.com/questions/505684/vlc-wont-play-dvd-movies  <---  and from it got sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras && sudo apt-get install libdvd-pkg  <---  and I restarted the computer, but still no success. What am I doing wrong? What can I do to fix it?04:41
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lotuspsychjewerdfriek: is your system up to date to 16.04.1?04:45
moparisthebestdoes anyone know when or if linux-image-generic-lts-yakkety will be available for trusty?04:46
lotuspsychje!mainline | moparisthebest04:47
ubottumoparisthebest: The kernel team supply continuous mainline kernel builds which can be useful for tracking down issues or testing recent changes in the Linux kernel. More information is available at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/MainlineBuilds04:47
moparisthebestoh I'm aware of those04:48
lotuspsychjemoparisthebest: what are you trying to do exactly?04:49
moparisthebestI was asking when or if linux-image-generic-lts-yakkety was going to be available04:50
werdfrieklotuspsychje: not sure or know how to check?04:50
moparisthebestI don't know how they decide if for one04:50
lotuspsychjewerdfriek: lsb_release -a04:51
lotuspsychjemoparisthebest: yes, but what is your purpose to get this kernel?04:53
werdfrieklotuspsychje: http://pastebin.com/XuAAJEE004:53
werdfrieklotuspsychje: I don't think it says that detail ^04:53
lotuspsychjewerdfriek: its ok, your on .104:53
moparisthebestlotuspsychje, I hit btrfs kernel bugs with previous versions, supposedly fixed in 4.804:54
werdfrieklotuspsychje: Oh I see it in the output now ( in Description field )04:54
lotuspsychjemoparisthebest: why not install 4.8 kernel mainline then?04:54
moparisthebestlotuspsychje, I haven't rebooted yet, but the mainline 4.7.2 kernel won't boot at all, I figured maybe 4.8 might be like that too04:55
moparisthebestthe linux-image-generic-lts-yakkety would be 'official' and I could be confident it would boot04:55
lotuspsychje!dvd | werdfriek did you try this?04:56
ubottuwerdfriek did you try this?: Ubuntu's default installation and repositories do not include packages needed to play commercial DVDs for legal reasons. For information on adding them, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/PlayingDVDs | For information on the legalities involved, see the "DVD" section of https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats04:56
moparisthebestI'm on the mainline 4.5.6 now, and it has the same bugs04:56
lotuspsychjemoparisthebest: did you bug your issue yet?04:56
moparisthebestlotuspsychje, yep, on the btrfs mailing list04:56
lotuspsychjemoparisthebest: have you tried a liveusb/dvd of 16.10 yet, to see if you can bypass your bug?04:57
werdfrieklotuspsychje: I completely understand. "I found: http://askubuntu.com/questions/505684/vlc-wont-play-dvd-movies  <---  and from it got sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras && sudo apt-get install libdvd-pkg  <---  and I restarted the computer, but still no success."04:57
moparisthebestlotuspsychje, can't, it happened while balancing a 30TB array which takes weeks, and I can't have the server down for that long04:57
werdfrieklotuspsychje: So I've done those installations ^ but I'm having no success.04:58
lotuspsychjewerdfriek: you sure your dvd player isnt broke right?04:58
werdfrieklotuspsychje: I know, right?04:58
werdfrieklotuspsychje: no Its a 2 yr old lappy been well cared for.04:59
lotuspsychjewerdfriek: did it work on other ubuntu version?04:59
moparisthebestif it can read regular data dvds or cds I'd expect it works werdfriek ?04:59
werdfrieklotuspsychje: I actually ran 14.04 up until about 2 weeks ago. Yeah, vlc works fine on 14.0405:00
cfhowlettwerdfriek,that may be but parts do break - all the time and unpredictably. see mice, keyboard issues.  suggest you verify that the dvd functions05:00
lotuspsychjewerdfriek: you mean the dvd + vlc?05:00
werdfrieklotuspsychje: I'm not sure I understand the question05:01
lotuspsychjewerdfriek: you say vlc worked fine in trusty, playing a dvd disc right05:01
werdfrieklotuspsychje: honestly, it's been quite a while since I played a movie disc (otc and not a copy too) but I do recall that vlc has always seemed to handle just about any move I threw at it. Now, having just upgraded to 16.04, I can't get any move to play (yet I've followed the standard procedure). idk05:04
lotuspsychjewerdfriek: ok, try this: from terminal: tail -f /var/log/syslog and launch vlc from a new terminal to see errors on both sides05:04
lotuspsychjewerdfriek: then try to play your dvd disc05:05
werdfrieklotuspsychje: Ok, so I verified that the disc drive is working by instering and browsing around in a disc I have that contains some backed up (linux) dirs on it. No problem there. Then I tried tail -f /var/log/syslog  and  launching vlc in another terminal (tab) - once with that data disc in the drive and once with nothing in the drive - the results are not identical. With the data disc in...05:16
werdfriek...the drive: http://pastebin.com/cTnC9zpH  With no disc in the drive (empty): http://pastebin.com/ZfH9UaXY05:16
Bray90820I'm having an issue my surface 3 seems to freeze anytime I use a browser05:18
lotuspsychjewerdfriek: IO error doesnt look to good05:18
werdfrieklotuspsychje: yeah?05:19
elias_aBray90820: The solution: get a Ubuntu device. :P05:19
df00zHey - when I try to install say xinput:i386 in aptitude, it says it conflicts.  but apt-get install xinput:i386 works dandy05:19
Bray90820elias_a: It's the only issue I am having05:20
lotuspsychjewerdfriek: perhaps add your errors to a new bug05:20
lotuspsychje!bug | werdfriek05:20
ubottuwerdfriek: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please report it using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.05:20
Bray90820Web access seems to work fine everywhere else05:20
df00zAm I breaking my system doing it through apt-get install?05:20
elias_aBray90820: What on earth does a Surface 3 problem have to do with Ubuntu? :O05:21
werdfrieklotuspsychje: yeah. No, it's cool. I'd do that. It's just pretty late here and I can't keep on any longer with it tonight. thx05:21
Bray90820elias_a: It's running ubuntu 16.1005:21
cfhowlettdf00z, normally, no05:21
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elias_aBray90820: Ok. Now I get it. :)05:22
df00zcfhowlett: normally?05:22
Bray90820Sorry I prob should have stated that05:22
elias_aBray90820: Any browser freezes?05:22
Bray90820I have tried ubuntu and chrome and both freeze05:23
Bray90820Sorry I meant firefox and chrome05:23
wafflejockBray90820, you try launching from a terminal to see if you have any error when it freezes?05:24
Bray90820Well the system completely freezes so I can't see anything after that05:25
elias_aBray90820: I suspect there are very few people trying to run Ubuntu on Surface hw so you might be quite alone with your problem. :(05:26
df00zwell, got it.  compiling wine 32 on ubuntu 64, very painful05:27
romeopricohello world05:27
elias_aBray90820: I'd probably install a ssh server to Surface device, connect to it from another computer (terminal) and try to see what is happening.05:28
Bray90820Well it's a cherry trail processor with intel HD graphics and cherry trail processors are pretty popular in other tablets05:28
Bray90820elias_a: That's not a bad idea05:28
wafflejockBray90820, can you get to a tty ctrl+alt+f1 too but ssh isn't a bad idea either05:28
elias_aBray90820: You also could check out what /var/log/syslog says right after crash.05:29
Bray90820elias_a: The system is frozen so it would have to be after I reboot05:29
elias_aBray90820: The stuff should be in the logs. Look at the timestamps.05:30
df00zcfhowlett: I think we spoke the other day - apt-get build-dep whatever:i386 does what I was looking for, to get all i386 dependencies for a program05:30
elias_aBray90820: Google for less cheat sheet if you are not familiar with program called less. Then browse the logs with less. :)05:31
Bray90820elias_a: Can I just view the logs with gedit05:32
Iwan-WHi how can I prevent ubuntu saving files using invalid windows characters to NTFS partition?05:34
Iwan-WFor example: semicolon (:) is invalid in Windows and will cause errors in windows when opening the file.05:34
Iwan-WIs it possible to automatically change it to a safe encoded similar character?05:34
elias_aBray90820: Of course you can. :)05:40
Random832Iwan-W: looks like you can use the mount option "windows_names" for this05:40
Random832er it won't automatically change it, it'll just stop you from creating the file05:40
elias_aBray90820: Good luck! I'll have to hit the road now.05:40
Bray90820Alright thanks05:41
Iwan-Wstop you from creating the file is also ok05:44
Random832Iwan-W: ok then look into that option - do you know how to mount filesystems with options?05:44
Iwan-WRandom832, I'm using "Disks" gui application, it goes to same field as "nosuid,nodev,nofail,x-gvfs-show" ?05:45
hellslingerhi guys, I just installed 16.10 and am wondering how to install new apps in unity805:46
Random832Iwan-W: yes, just add windows_names to that.05:46
hellslingerthere is no app store in the scopes05:46
Iwan-WRandom832, Okay thanks05:47
janat08how to change default client for magnet links05:47
Random832nosuid/nodev/nofail are standard options - i don't know what x-gvfs-show is05:47
Random832but yeah that'd be the options field, just add it with another comma05:48
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swallow2016hi. is good idea to use netbooks to run linux? i'm programmer and i wanna use netbook for programming (java and c++).06:22
cfhowlettswallow2016, that is doable06:22
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evanescodedoable, but not necessarily recommended. depending on what java apps your planning to write i'd say something w/ slightly more power06:23
evanescodei'm thinking j2ee, tomcat webapps, etc.06:23
swallow2016I'm j2ee developer for apps like crm and sometime android apps06:23
swallow2016in my country laptop price is very expensive06:25
evanescodedepends on your netbooks specs06:25
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FireStrikerI am new to Ubuntu how do you make a boot usb06:40
cfhowlett!usb | FireStriker06:40
ubottuFireStriker: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent06:40
proxx_if your r gonna use ubuntu also make sure you know how to use a search engine06:40
FireStrikerok so like to look up stuff or is it diffent in linux06:41
cfhowlettFireStriker, it is no different in linux.06:42
dust Depends: python3-apt but it is not going to be installed06:42
dust Depends: python3-xkit  but it is not installable06:42
dust  Conflicts: ubuntu-drivers-common  but 1:0.4.22 is to be installed06:42
dustbecause of this steam dosnt work06:42
FireStrikeri am instaling it as a duel boot, want to have a look on the other side06:43
cfhowlett!dualboot | FireStriker06:43
ubottuFireStriker: Dual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DualBoot/Windows - Macs: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro https://help.ubuntu.com/community/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot06:43
FireStrikerthanks for the quick replies06:44
cfhowletthappy2help! FireStriker06:44
ducasseFireStriker: you can also test it on a usb, to decide if you want to install06:44
janat08how to change default client for magnet links06:47
FireStrikeryea i know the live 'cd'06:47
FireStrikeri have a old laptop that i am looking at installing it on06:48
cfhowlettFireStriker, "old"?  how old?\06:48
SchzdHello, I have a little problem new to the whole linux thing. I have 2 hard disk of the same model not on Raid but detect as so. How would one proceed to access them?06:49
FireStrikervista max of 2gb (ddr2) 1.86GHz Pentium06:49
cfhowlettFireStriker, ah. strongly suggest you go with lubuntu instead of ubuntu.  lubuntu is optimized for legacy hadrdware.06:50
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xsmltxHi, tell me please is there any way to enable right click to use it on the touch screen device with Lubunut-core minimal installation and Fluxbox the only installed environment? I've been trying with easystroke, but no result yet. I would really appreciate any clue . Thank you.06:51
destinianyone here???06:51
FireStrikerok what can lubuntu do?06:51
cfhowlettonly about 1000 people today destini.  better to just ask your ubuntu questions06:51
cfhowlett!lubuntu | FireStriker06:51
ubottuFireStriker: lubuntu is Ubuntu with LXDE instead of !GNOME as desktop environment, which makes it extremely lightweight. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu - /join #lubuntu for lubuntu support.06:51
proxx_Schzd , use mdadm , I could write a whole lotta stuff but just look at this : http://askubuntu.com/questions/247981/software-raid-mdadm-re-find-my-array06:52
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destiniWhen is the next update for Ubuntu coming?06:52
cfhowlettdestini, every 6 months within release.06:53
wafflejockdestini, 16.10 just came out the version is year.month and like cfhowlett said every 6 months so next version is 17.0406:54
destiniwhat was the last update? I'm currently using 16.0406:54
cfhowlettdestini, you should be on 16.04.1    sudo apt full-upgrade        will get you there06:54
FireStrikercan Lubuntu do everything that Ubuntu does06:54
cfhowlettFireStriker, lubuntu IS ubuntu.06:55
cfhowlettdifferent gui06:55
destiniMuch more than that, but different GUI06:55
FireStrikeris the boot usb creation the same06:56
FireStrikerhave just downloaded rufus06:56
wafflejockFireStriker, yeah in either case just dealing with an image06:56
destiniBoot USB creation has always been the same so far06:56
Schzdproxx_, not quite my problem i don't want to do a raid i have disk that are falsely said to be in raid, but they are not and ubuntu doesn't give me access to them. I cant mount them. they work fine on windows though.06:57
destiniRufus can create Bootable USB06:57
destiniJust give path to the selected ISO06:57
destinithere you go...06:57
proxx_Schzd ,  what do you want to do ?06:57
FireStrikeris the Ubuntu page for how to do a windows duel boot the same with Lubuntu06:58
Schzdproxx_, mount them to have access to the files.06:58
cfhowlettFireStriker, yes06:58
proxx_Schzd what happens if you just do mount /dev/sdX /mnt ?06:59
Schzdproxx_, mount: unknown filesystem type 'promise_fasttrack_raid_member'07:00
proxx_Schzd and what kinda raid is on it, some windows thing or ?07:01
ducasseSchzd: can you pastebin output of lsblk?07:02
proxx_Ah its a fake aka bios raid07:02
ducasseSchzd: are you sure bios is set to ahci, not raid?07:03
proxx_I would suggest you backup that data and wipe it07:03
proxx_then repart and use it again like its supposed to , this fakeraid crap is not what you want07:03
Schzdnot sure about those.07:04
SchzdIs there a better way?07:05
Schzdwell one that doesn't take 3 hours of copying files07:05
FireStrikerSteam works on Ubuntu and Lubuntu right?07:05
proxx_Im sure its possible to mount it , just saying that this is not a very permanent solution07:05
cfhowlettFireStriker, again.  yes.  Lubuntu IS ubuntu!  same parent company, same software sources07:05
proxx_asking for trouble really07:05
SchzdOk i07:06
proxx_Can you post output of lspci to paste something07:06
Schzdwrong one07:06
proxx_Schzd that should be your raid controller http://blog.stuffedcow.net/2012/08/jmicron-jmb36x-add-on-card-ahci-mode/07:09
proxx_"raid" controller07:09
Schzdproxx_, thx for the help! btw! now i know my problem better.07:11
azizLIGHTi have a ppa for wine-staging and whenever i get updates, ubuntu has this strange icon in panel that looks like red circle with white horizontal line in middle of it. here is what it looks like: http://i.imgur.com/RjfnuPP.png07:11
azizLIGHTwhy is it there and how to stop it07:11
cfhowlettazizLIGHT, that is the error icon.07:12
proxx_Schzd also came cross this http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-hardware-18/ubuntu-10-04-jmicron-jmb363-sata-controller-kernel-freeze-872264/07:12
proxx_Schzd im trying to understand if one needs a special driver for this thing07:13
farhadcan i use backintime on vps?     http://backintime.le-web.org/07:13
Schzdproxx_, I might just as well do the Format thing tommorrow and deactivate that.07:14
proxx_Schzd I would recommend it , if you want a raid and run linux I suggest you just use mdadm for a raid setup07:14
ducassefarhad: sure, but you would probably be better off with rsync and maybe rsnapshot.07:14
Schzdproxx_, i don't want a raid system is on a SSD. it's my code project that i keep on one of those 2 harddrives. just new to linux and all.07:16
Schzdproxx_, i suck at punctuation...07:16
farhadducasse: Iv installed backintime and configured it. i use it. theres no error! but its not working????forexample i installed htop after backup. but when i restore, htop still exist. can i show you my working on http://paste.ubuntu.com07:19
Schzdproxx_, Installed linux cause windows doesn't like running things properly. I'll learn how to use it, thanks for the help.07:19
proxx_Schzd welcome dude07:20
proxx_Schzd you might wanna check if you can put that drive in regular mode from the BIOS , the raid chipset is prob onboard07:21
proxx_Schzd and ofc be sure to keep a backup , might mess things up07:21
lonixAnyone have a good way of connecting to a MSSql Server CLI mode ?07:23
proxx_lonix yeah use ssh07:24
proxx_ssh into the box , connect sql client to localhost07:25
lonixproxx_: so step 1, install cygwin ?07:25
proxx_lol , mssql07:26
proxx_lonix sry missed that part07:26
lonixmysql im comfortable with ;)07:26
lonixi figgured07:26
Schzdhave a good day i'm off07:26
proxx_lonix ah , just tcp with some ssl ?07:27
proxx_and perhaps ip filter07:27
UrsaTempestAnyone knows why my bootable USB refused to be written file and can't be formatted?07:29
alkisgUrsaTempest: how are you trying these things? console? some application? what error messages do you see?07:30
eaglebotIs it possible to bring people back to life?07:31
alkisgeaglebot: yes, sudo apt-get install resurrection07:31
UrsaTempestI think it's permission problem07:31
UrsaTempesta moment07:31
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eaglebotalkisg, nothing is showing with aptitude search07:32
alkisgeaglebot: maybe you have an old life application, try apt-get update first07:33
lonixwell proxx_ i have created some data i wanna punch into a MSSQL server once a day.07:33
ambientHey, I am trying to install amdgpu pro drivers, can anyone help?07:33
ambientI read this: http://support.amd.com/en-us/kb-articles/Pages/AMDGPU-PRO-Install.aspx07:34
ambientBut it is not clear on how, exactly to install the driver, it just says 'instal it'07:34
DevAntoineI've got such a weird issue. When I use ethernet I'm not able to reach the internet, only the local network. But if I unplug the ethernet and only use wifi it works fine07:35
eaglebotalso how can mounting the install iso be emulated for apt-get?07:36
eaglebotcertain things want the iso07:36
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eaglebotI have the iso stored on the machine but loop mounting doesnt mount the device /dev/cdrom07:36
ambientI get "ln: failed to create symbolic link '/usr/bin/amdgpu-pro-uninstall': File exists"07:37
ouroumov_DevAntoine, you can ping the router and other hosts on the network but your packets won't leave your LAN?07:37
DevAntoineouroumov_: yes07:37
ouroumov_DevAntoine, then the router is probably misconfigured and dropping your packets07:38
DevAntoineouroumov_: why would it work using the wifi? I'm the only one in my company having this kind of issue. Everything worked fine yesterday, I rebooted and now I can't use ethernet07:38
wafflejockDevAntoine, have you tested with ping or seen if it's just dns or actually not able to send out?07:39
DevAntoinenah, it's not a dns issue, I can't ping
DevAntoinewifi and ethernet are auto configured via network manager07:39
wafflejockmmm, yeah short of IP conflict or something not sure07:40
DevAntoinethere's a DHCP07:40
wafflejockyah being able to talk around the internal network seems to mean that's all working fine hard to blame it on anything but the router then though07:40
alkisgDevAntoine: what's the name of your ethernet device (e.g. eth0)? `ip a` shows it.07:40
DevAntoinealkisg: http://pastebin.com/4S34J1JA07:42
DevAntoineip a + ifconfig07:42
alkisgDevAntoine: ok, now try this: sudo /usr/lib/klibc/bin/ipconfig -n enp0s25. That's a "fake" DHCP request, it just checks if your computer can get an IP from a DHCP server.07:42
DevAntoine(fwiw I've unplugged the ethernet, if not I won't be able to access IRC)07:42
alkisgDoes DHCP work fine on that NIC?07:42
DevAntoinealkisg: do I need to plug the ethernet before doing that?07:42
alkisgDevAntoine: when you plug the ethernet, you lose your wifi connection?07:43
alkisgYes, you need to plug it for dhcp to work07:43
DevAntoinealkisg: well, network manager detects that the ethernet is plugged so it's is set as the first connection so I lose wifi07:43
wafflejockalkisg, yeah I think NetworkManager auto switches to ethernet if it's present07:43
dustRunning Steam on ubuntu 16.10 64-bit07:43
dustSTEAM_RUNTIME is enabled automatically07:43
dustInstalling breakpad exception handler for appid(steam)/version(0)07:43
dustlibGL error: unable to load driver: r600_dri.so07:43
dustlibGL error: driver pointer missing07:43
DevAntoinehum, I need to get another machine with IRC running then07:43
dustlibGL error: failed to load driver: r60007:43
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alkisgDevAntoine: what's the output of this? sudo -i; ls /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections/; cat /etc/NeworkManager/system-connections/<your-ethernet-connection>07:45
DevAntoine_ok, it's me, from a mac :D07:46
DevAntoine_now I can plug the ethernet07:46
alkisgDevAntoine_, when you plug it, put to pastebin the output of the commands above, and of : ip r07:47
DevAntoinealkisg: Auto Ethernet  Freebox-31581B  ineat-conseil  ineat-dev07:47
ambientCan anyone comment on install amd gpu pro drivers?07:48
DevAntoinebut this one are done with ethernet unplugged07:48
DevAntoine(will be hard to copy/paste the output -_-')07:48
EriC^^DevAntoine: what's the problem you're facing?07:49
DevAntoine`alkisg: http://pastebin.com/pGARsRS307:49
DevAntoine`EriC^^:  When I use ethernet I'm not able to reach the internet, only the local network. But if I unplug the ethernet and only use wifi it works fine07:50
=== i11iga1Code is now known as i11ega1Code
i11ega1Codewe might be able to use this file command? http://www.unix.com/shell-programming-and-scripting/166254-ffmpeg-script-convert-all-movies-folder-psp.html -> ffmpeg -i $1 -f psp -r 29.97 -b 512k -ar 24000 -ab 64k -s 320x240 "$1".MP407:53
DevAntoine`any idea guys?07:54
DevAntoine`alkisg: ?07:54
DevAntoine`have you seens my pastes?07:54
EriC^^DevAntoine`: try sudo dhclient with the ethernet plugged in07:55
eaglebotDevAntoine`, Have ya gotten an emulator working for android on ubuntu?07:55
DevAntoineEriC^^: http://pastebin.com/1ZudvZxB07:57
DevAntoineeaglebot: no07:57
eaglebotDevAntoine, attempted?07:57
EriC^^with the ethernet can you do ping ?07:58
DevAntoineeaglebot: no, no emulator07:59
DevAntoineeaglebot: no emulator at all07:59
DevAntoineEriC^^: no, I can't ping an ip07:59
EriC^^DevAntoine: try to remove the connection from the manager then add a new one08:01
DevAntoineEriC^^: already did08:01
DevAntoineI've removed it and a new one was automatically created08:01
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EriC^^what's the ethernet connected to? router?08:02
DevAntoineEriC^^: yeah08:02
EriC^^can you ping the router?08:02
EriC^^btw i dunno a lot about networking :D08:02
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DevAntoinewell, I guess if I couldn't ping the router I couldn't access the local network no?08:03
EriC^^maybe there's a firewall setting in the router or something?08:04
ouroumov_That's what I was thinking but DevAntoine says it was working yesterday08:05
FireStrikeri need a little bit of help, i am looking at installing Lubuntu but the download links at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Lubuntu/GetLubuntu dont work for me.08:06
ouroumov_Enterprise net, unlikely to update fw rules often08:06
FireStrikernvm derp08:06
DevAntoineyeah, and I'm the only one having the issue08:06
DevAntoineand there was no network change yesterday, our amdin isn't there08:06
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DevAntoine$ sudo ifdown enp0s2508:17
DevAntoineifdown: interface enp0s25 not configured08:17
DevAntoinewhat the f?08:17
DevAntoineifconfig does show enp0s25 as my ethernet interface08:18
proxx_it is what is says08:18
DevAntoineI really don't understand what this means08:18
DevAntoineI've added enp0s25=enp0s25 in /run/network/ifstate08:19
DevAntoinedo I have to do something for the file being applied?08:19
PopziAre a bunch of the main update servers down or something?08:20
ouroumovDevAntoine, you don't happen to have a ubuntu USB boot stick handy? If you can ping on ethernet from the live session we'd know for sure this is because of the update08:21
DevAntoineouroumov: which update?08:21
ouroumovYou said there was an update yesterday, and this morning on boot it was not working anymore, no?08:21
alkisgDevAntoine, sorry, I missed the paste of `ip r`, where was that?08:22
DevAntoinealkisg: ip a you mean?08:22
alkisgip r shows the routes08:22
DevAntoineouroumov: no, no update :/08:23
ouroumovDevAntoine, k, my bad.08:23
DevAntoinealkisg: ethernet plugged in?08:23
alkisgDevAntoine, try this: (1) disable wifi from network manager, (2) plug ethernet, (3) run ip r, (4) run ping your router08:23
DevAntoineok, see you08:23
alkisgDevAntoine, and pastebin the results...08:23
DevAntoinealkisg: I can ping my router08:28
farhadi command:  rsnapshot backup /etc/           localhost/ .. but i encounter this err: Unknown option: /etc/08:28
DevAntoinealkisg: http://pastebin.com/MCf4YJjH08:29
DevAntoineip r08:29
alkisgDevAntoine, is your router?08:29
DevAntoinealkisg: yes08:30
alkisgDevAntoine, and at that point, you can't ping ?08:30
alkisg(with wifi disabled etc etc)08:30
DevAntoinealkisg: nop08:30
eaglebothey Anton08:31
eaglebotIs there any way to install apk files in ubuntu without emulating the hardware?08:31
alkisgDevAntoine, I don't see anything wrong, I would start to suspect your router at that point08:31
alkisgOr some firewall08:32
eaglebotThinking about the offline translation files for android google translate.08:32
theskillwithindidn't realize i was in none offtopic opps*08:32
eaglebotSend a privmsg going afk08:32
DevAntoinealkisg: ip is assigned based on mac address? I can't just try another ethernet wire?08:32
alkisgDevAntoine, no, it's somewhat random which IP you'll get, but there's a "lease", meaning after e.g. 30 days you may get a different one08:33
DevAntoinebecause my ip is but it was a static ip that a coworker fixed for me yesterday. Now I've deleted the network manager profile to use the dhcp again but I still got the same ip. Coworkers says it's because of the dhcp ttl or something like that but I found this suspicious08:33
alkisgDevAntoine, you can try pinging an IP to see if it's unused, and then use that static one for a while, as a test. E.g. ping
DevAntoinealkisg: how can I set the static ip then?08:35
DevAntoine$ cat /run/network/ifstate08:35
DevAntoinesuspicious no?08:35
DevAntoineno ethernet in it08:35
alkisgDevAntoine, from network manager08:36
alkisgDon't touch configuration files08:36
wafflejockDevAntoine, https://developer.gnome.org/NetworkManager/stable/nmcli.html the network manager handles interfaces that aren't in /etc/network/interfaces and the like08:36
wafflejockDevAntoine, this page covers it too https://help.ubuntu.com/community/NetworkManager not sure exactly what to do though in terms of resetting DHCP from your end usually the router keeps the lease as described above08:37
wafflejockhaving a static IP shouldn't have effected DHCP on the router though08:37
UrsaTempestSo I have report to be printed tomorrow. I plugged my USB, which was used as Live USB for Ubuntu Installation, and... I can't read-write it.08:39
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UrsaTempestAs a note, it's still useable as Ubuntu Live USB.08:39
EriC^^UrsaTempest: you want to put the report on the usb?08:39
EriC^^UrsaTempest: type sudo parted -l | nc termbin.com 999908:40
UrsaTempestI mean, I have external HDD, but plugging external HDD tend to be bad idea for... what's termbin?08:40
EriC^^it's a pastebin08:40
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wafflejockUrsaTempest, will just post the output to a site and drop you the URL so you can share with us to see what's going on08:40
UrsaTempestAaaah right.08:40
UrsaTempestErr, a moment.08:41
UrsaTempestWait, that's my harddisk.08:42
UrsaTempestNot flashdisk.08:42
Kaff33My 16.04 Ubuntu crashes after a bit of time, wich  log should I research to find the reasons?08:42
EriC^^run sudo parted -l08:42
EriC^^UrsaTempest: then press ignore08:42
EriC^^did you use "dd" to make the live usb?08:42
EriC^^Kaff33: look into /var/log/syslog08:43
Kaff33EriC^^: thank you08:43
kegan_i'll wait my turn here, but my system is beyond screwed up to the point where I haven't a clue what to do08:43
EriC^^Kaff33: also ~/.xsession-errors might have something08:43
DevAntoine$ ping
DevAntoinePING ( 56(84) bytes of data.08:43
DevAntoineFrom icmp_seq=3 Redirect Network(New nexthop:
UrsaTempestWell, it was in my previous computer, which ran Kubuntu. It now run Ubuntu.08:43
DevAntoinewat is this?08:43
DevAntoineI've never seen a ping like that08:43
DevAntoine"bew nexthop"?08:44
DevAntoineredirect network?08:44
DevAntoinewhat' happening?08:44
UrsaTempestWell, here it is: https://www.irccloud.com/pastebin/whAGkCwr/08:44
EriC^^UrsaTempest: ok, type sudo fdisk /dev/sdb08:45
EriC^^this will erase the live usb and let you write files to the disk08:46
UrsaTempestIt ask for command, EriC^^08:46
EriC^^ok, press "o"08:46
EriC^^then "w"08:46
UrsaTempestI got this message: https://www.irccloud.com/pastebin/scRMA3dP/08:47
EriC^^UrsaTempest: ok, try sudo partprobe08:47
UrsaTempestI should exit first from fdisk, yes?08:48
eaglebotDevAntoine, do you speak english?08:48
eaglebotDo you know how to answer a question?08:48
DevAntoineeaglebot: what's your question?08:48
UrsaTempestError: Partition(s) 1 on /dev/sdb have been written, but we have been unable to inform the kernel of the change, probably because it/they are in use.  As a result, the old partition(s) will remain in use.  You should reboot now before making further changes.08:49
UrsaTempestThat's what I got08:49
UrsaTempest...I should eject it first?08:49
EriC^^UrsaTempest: hmm, try sudo umount /dev/sdb?  (including the question mark)08:49
EriC^^try sudo partprobe again08:50
UrsaTempestDone. No visible output.08:50
EriC^^ok, cool08:50
EriC^^now to create the partition, type sudo cfdisk /dev/sdb08:50
EriC^^then choose create/new and hit enter, enter, enter, when it gets to the hex code or type of partition.. hold on08:51
UrsaTempestI... got directed to another application?08:51
UrsaTempestRight, a moment08:51
EriC^^type "07"08:51
eaglebotWhat are you another retard?08:52
eaglebotDevAntoine, Do you know how to read?08:52
cfhowletteaglebot, no insults needed or permitted.  dial it down.08:53
UrsaTempestAlright, I got: Partition Type: Linux (83)08:53
eaglebotwhen truth is an insult are only lies permitted?08:53
EriC^^UrsaTempest: ok, type "07"08:53
UrsaTempestMy option are Bootable, Delete, Quit, Type, Help, Write08:53
eaglebotnot so sweet cfhowlett08:53
UrsaTempestNo 07 in sight?08:53
=== sins-_y is now known as sins-
UrsaTempestBootable, Delete, Quit, Type, Help, Write, Dump.08:54
cfhowlett!guidelines | eaglebot, read and comply.  the rules apply to all - even you.08:54
UrsaTempestNo place for typing 0708:54
ubottueaglebot, read and comply.  the rules apply to all - even you.: The guidelines for using the Ubuntu channels can be found here: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines08:54
EriC^^UrsaTempest: oh, choose "7" it should be NTFS08:54
EriC^^go to type08:54
eaglebotwhen truth is an insult are only lies permitted?08:54
eaglebotnot so sweet cfhowlett08:55
EriC^^UrsaTempest: ok, write it to disk08:55
UrsaTempestThen Write?08:55
eaglebotDevAntoine, Do you know how to read?08:55
cfhowlett!ops | eaglebot abusing channel08:55
ubottueaglebot abusing channel: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Pici, Myrtti, jrib, Amaranth, tonyyarusso, Nalioth, lamont, CarlK, elky, mneptok, PriceChild, Tm_T, jpds, ikonia, Flannel, genii, wgrant, stdin, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, Jordan_U, popey, Corey, ocean, cprofitt, djones, Madpilot, gnomefreak, lhavelund, k1l, rww, phunyguy, bazhang, chu08:55
UrsaTempestI got this message:  The partition table has been altered.08:56
EriC^^UrsaTempest: all good?08:56
UrsaTempestBut there's no visible change08:56
EriC^^UrsaTempest: ok08:56
eaglebotDo you know how to read?08:56
EriC^^UrsaTempest: now to create the filesystem, first type "lsblk" it should now say sdb1 below sdb08:56
proxx_they have skidgloves08:56
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UrsaTempestRight, I have to quit from fdisk first right?08:56
EriC^^UrsaTempest: yeah08:57
UrsaTempestHmm, I just have sdb08:57
UrsaTempestNo sdb108:57
EriC^^that's odd08:57
EriC^^try sudo partprobe08:57
UrsaTempestDo I have to dismount it first?08:57
UrsaTempestDone. But now I have two USB?08:58
EriC^^what do you mean?08:58
UrsaTempestA moment..08:58
FireStrikerwhat was going on08:59
proxx_apt-get install usbmultiplier08:59
FireStrikerall i saw was he cam in aned whent off at someone08:59
UrsaTempestLook at the left and middle-bottom panel https://usercontent.irccloud-cdn.com/file/mUZfafLh/Screenshot%20from%202016-10-18%2016-58-58.png09:00
EriC^^1 sec09:00
glontufor 4 days now i keep trying to install ubuntu but the installer hangs at the end on "Copying installation logs"09:02
EriC^^UrsaTempest: back09:03
proxx_thats a long install09:03
EriC^^nevermind that's just a filemanager messing up stuff09:03
EriC^^UrsaTempest: thanks, what does lsblk show now?09:03
glontui don't even know what that means or why does it need to do that ... but after waiting a long while i restart and it dosn't boot09:03
UrsaTempestAh, I saw sdb1 now EriC^^09:03
FireStrikeri hope my install doesnt take that long09:04
glontudoes anyone here have any ideea how to get ubuntu installed on my computer ( it has one of those fancy new uefi boot things )09:04
EriC^^UrsaTempest: ok, cool09:04
Oliver777did u use VMware Fusion?09:04
cfhowlett!eufi | glontu09:04
FireStriker64 bit helps i think09:04
EriC^^UrsaTempest: type sudo mkfs.ntfs /dev/sdb109:04
EriC^^UrsaTempest: 1 sec09:05
EriC^^make it, sudo mkfs.ntfs -f /dev/sdb109:05
UrsaTempestFOrmatting began09:05
UrsaTempest..do I have to abort?09:05
EriC^^so it makes it quicker09:05
UrsaTempestI'm fine waiting a bit, I guess09:05
EriC^^UrsaTempest: no problem press ctrl+c and run it differently09:05
UrsaTempestIt just give strange symbol09:06
EriC^^^C ?09:06
UrsaTempestLIke ^C09:06
UrsaTempestPress enter?09:06
EriC^^give it a few secs09:06
kegan_It's gonna STOP it09:07
UrsaTempestRight, done09:07
kegan_that's C says COOL it09:07
EriC^^UrsaTempest: ok, cool09:07
UrsaTempestYep, done09:07
UrsaTempestFormatting done.09:07
UrsaTempestThat is quick.09:07
EriC^^UrsaTempest: run it again with -f this time09:07
UrsaTempestAlready did.09:07
EriC^^ok, now to mount the usb09:08
alteregoai can't reinstall ldap it has a bug maybe09:08
EriC^^does it show up in the file manager now?09:08
FireStrikernew to Ubuntu/Lubuntu in the process of making an boot usb and geting the host laptop ready09:08
EriC^^ok :)09:08
UrsaTempestI still have two USB somehow09:09
FireStrikergot any tips for a newbie09:09
kegan_why might my system time be screwed up unless i manually set it to update from time servers?09:09
UrsaTempestShould I dismount and remount it?09:09
kegan_across two GNU partitions09:09
kegan_and windows 1009:09
EriC^^UrsaTempest: it'll fix itself later09:09
UrsaTempestOkay. So.. I just click the drive, and it'll mount itself?09:09
kegan_FireStriker, print out the cheat sheet you're given when you boot up09:09
EriC^^UrsaTempest: yeah that should do it09:10
eli1____I think yes?09:10
UrsaTempestLet's see...09:10
EriC^^UrsaTempest: if it doesn't you can always do sudo mount /dev/sdb1 /place/to/mount/it09:10
kegan_FireStriker, get comfortable with using the terminal, update immediately, and, i don't know if this is something ubuntu corrects for or does on its own, so i'd wait for confirmation09:10
eaglebotIs there any way to install apk files in ubuntu without emulating the hardware?09:10
kegan_but create a user account separate from root and ensure that's your DTD login09:10
eli1____eaglebot: i don't think so09:11
kegan_if you aren't familiar, learn what man pages are, and have at it09:11
UrsaTempestI got 'drive busy' error, EriC^^09:11
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EriC^^UrsaTempest: hmm, try lsblk again09:11
UrsaTempestErr, 'device or resource' busy09:11
glontuso does anyone have any advice on installing ubuntu ? i tried from the live cd, and from a live usb. nothing works09:11
EriC^^take a look at the right column that says mountpoint at the top09:11
UrsaTempestsdb      8:16   1   7.2G  0 disk /media/bearstorm/Ubuntu 16.04.1 LTS amd6409:11
UrsaTempest└─sdb1   8:17   1   7.2G  0 part09:11
elisaadomaybe UrsaTempest you are in the directory09:11
glontuinstaller just hangs at "copying installation logs"09:12
UrsaTempestEh? So what should I do?09:12
EriC^^UrsaTempest: run sudo umount /dev/sdb09:12
FireStrikerok will print that09:12
elisaadoglontu: hmmm, maybe you should redownload the ISO09:12
elisaadoit could be corrupted(?)09:12
farhadis there any body work by backintime or rsnapshot09:12
EriC^^UrsaTempest: ok try mounting it from the file manager09:13
UrsaTempestI still have USB icon somehow09:13
cfhowlettglontu, md5sum verify the .iso you downloaded and do the same for the USB you ceated.09:13
glontuelisaado, i downloaded multiple iss of multiple versions. i tried 16 and 1509:13
ubottuTo verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM09:13
UrsaTempestSeems it'll work09:13
elisaadoglontu: is it the good version?09:13
UrsaTempestLet me check it more09:13
glontuelisaado, it's the LTS version09:13
elisaadoglontu: 32, 64 bit, enough ram, enough space09:13
UrsaTempestYep, seems it is working.09:13
UrsaTempestThanks, EriC^^!09:13
UrsaTempest...uh, I got 'Destination is Read-Only'09:14
FireStrikeri know a big tip DONT MAKE A TYPO IN THE TERMINAL i know some one who almost wiped the whole server of all of the soffware that aquated to something like 5000 bucks or something09:14
glontuelisaado, i am using the 64 bit, 2tb, 32gb ram ... the live version works09:14
farhadi cant use backintime or rsnapshot properly. is there any help?09:14
EriC^^UrsaTempest: no problem, hmm09:14
FireStrikeri was also told that Lubuntu is beter fit for my computer so i am going to instal that insted of Ubuntu09:14
EriC^^UrsaTempest: type "mount | grep sdb"09:15
UrsaTempestThat's strange. The permission tab of properties says I can create and delete file..09:15
elisaadowhen it hangs, what does happen when you just shut it down?09:15
elisaadoand restart it09:15
UrsaTempestUh, I should close file manager first right?09:15
=== Tobirium1 is now known as Tobirium
EriC^^nah it's ok09:15
glontuelisaado, i reboot and all i get is an underscore on a black screen. that's all09:15
UrsaTempest /dev/sdb1 on /media/bearstorm/Ubuntu 16.04.1 LTS amd64 type fuseblk (rw,nosuid,nodev,relatime,user_id=0,group_id=0,default_permissions,allow_other,blksize=4096,uhelper=udisks2)09:16
UrsaTempestThat's what I got09:16
EriC^^ok go inside the usb's dir, then right click, open in a terminal09:17
elisaadoglontu: i suggest you just wait, and when the installer hangs go to a tty (ctrl + alt + f1)09:17
EriC^^UrsaTempest: then type "touch something"09:18
glontuok. i'll do another install and try that. thanks elisado09:18
UrsaTempestDone. No visible output.09:18
elisaadonp, I hope it'll work ;)09:18
ruindI configured a static IP on a new 16.04 install but after reboot /etc/resolv.conf is empty09:18
EriC^^ok, try "ls" do you see the file there?09:18
ruindand I cant do DNS obviously09:18
user6625200Someone please delete this topic http://askubuntu.com/questions/838648/deletedeletedeletedeletedelete09:19
elisaadoruind: i think ubuntu changes it back09:19
EriC^^UrsaTempest: i think the file manager just needs restarting or something09:19
elisaadomaybe try changing it via the GUI09:19
UrsaTempestThere is something, EriC^^09:19
ruindelisaado, changes what back?09:19
elisaadothe conf09:19
EriC^^if it shows up09:19
ruindelisaado, ah i see09:19
UrsaTempestYeah, there's a file named something09:19
EriC^^UrsaTempest: try "pwd" does it say /media/bearstorm/ubuntu 16.04 ...?09:19
UrsaTempest /media/bearstorm/Ubuntu 16.04.1 LTS amd6409:20
elisaadoruind, i suggest trying to change it via the GUI tool (its a little bit noob, i know :p)09:20
FireStrikerwhats the settings for making a boot usb/09:20
EriC^^ok, try "nautilus -q"09:20
EriC^^it should quit the file manager09:20
ruindelisaado, sure ill give it a shot... should no need the GUI though...09:20
UrsaTempestUmm... this is unexpected result.. https://www.irccloud.com/pastebin/5ohmlHxY/09:21
elisaadoruind, yeah i know09:21
ruindWell... actually i disabled network manager09:21
ruindfor this interface09:21
EriC^^UrsaTempest: hmm, no big deal i guess09:21
UrsaTempestOh, good to know.09:22
wafflejockFireStriker, you already in ubuntu at this point and have an iso you want to put on a drive?09:22
elisaadothen its weird that it changes back09:22
EriC^^UrsaTempest: try opening the file manager again, any luck?09:22
elisaadomaybe change it and reload the networking service09:22
UrsaTempestI can make folder!09:22
FireStrikernope windows laptop target computer is windows vista atm09:22
UrsaTempestLet's try copying file09:22
FireStrikergoing to upgrade it to 7 soon09:22
UrsaTempestIt works!09:23
UrsaTempestThanks, EriC^^09:23
=== cy is now known as Guest95586
wafflejockFireStriker, detailed instructions here https://www.ubuntu.com/download/desktop/create-a-usb-stick-on-windows09:23
user6625200Someone please delete this topic http://askubuntu.com/questions/838648/deletedeletedeletedeletedelete09:24
EriC^^UrsaTempest: great! no problem09:25
=== sins-_y is now known as sins-
elisaadolel a dutch ubuntu channel xD09:29
kegan_are there any effective options for scanning a windows partition from an ubuntu live boot?09:29
elisaadoos-prober maybe09:30
elisaadoi don't know what you mean...09:30
kegan_i was making a stab at clarifying, and asking an adjunctive question09:30
kegan_my windows 10 partition is completely screwed09:30
elisaadogpt or mbr?09:30
kegan_it's been compromised09:30
kegan_the cryptographic/cert services were usurped and now I can't09:31
kegan_take control back09:31
EriC^^what's that mean09:32
elisaado@UDbot usurped09:32
elisaadooh wait09:32
elisaadothis is not telegram09:32
kegan_I can boot09:32
kegan_as in09:32
EriC^^like you got a virus that changed the keys or something?09:33
kegan_yes, that09:33
elisaadooh yeh maybe09:33
elisaadowindows defender offline09:33
kegan_you can select it09:33
kegan_but it will simply do nothing09:33
kegan_neither on the spot, nor on reboot09:33
elisaadomlg antivirus (sorry)09:33
kegan_i swear to god I can't tell if this is a package or a bad joke :P09:34
elisaadohahaha last one09:34
elisaadobut in ubuntu09:34
kegan_I like that better09:34
elisaadoyou can maybe (with wine or not) do a scan09:34
wafflejockclamav comes to mind but not sure it can repair what's been damaged there09:35
kegan_i'm more curious why my kaspersky/bitdefender rescue CDs don't work09:35
wafflejocktypically just used for scanning for viruses in e-mails and the like09:35
ruindelisaado, well adding the nameservers via the GUI worked.... lets see if it survives reboot09:35
kegan_I can actually boot into this partition09:35
user6625200Someone please delete this topic http://askubuntu.com/questions/838648/deletedeletedeletedeletedelete09:35
elisaadoruind, yey09:35
kegan_I can also boot to the windows 10 CD09:35
elisaadoand reinstall?09:35
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cfhowlettkegan_, repair windows problems with windows tools.09:36
kegan_I mean, that's what I'm avoiding -.-09:36
elisaadoooohw :O :p09:36
kegan_I did that once09:36
kegan_it didn't fix the problem09:36
kegan_well, initially, it did09:36
kegan_stateful firewall, windows, and windows defender09:36
kegan_I don't visit stupid shit and I don't download a ton of programs09:36
cfhowlettrather questionable to expect linux to fully repair windows issues.09:37
elisaadodid you download po*n?09:37
kegan_lol, yes, I agree, and not what I expect here09:37
elisaadoa friend of mine downloaded some, and got a virus from it i guess09:37
elisaadohahaha lol09:38
kegan_I was hoping for some indication as to why I can't properly prepare a rescue CD via ubuntu09:38
cfhowlett... "friend" ...09:38
elisaadorescue you say09:38
elisaadowhat sort of rescue cd/usb09:38
elisaadoi mean, avg or microsoft official or09:39
kegan_bitdefender & kaspersky; both of which were recommended for this purpose specifically09:39
kegan_apparently they can repair system files09:39
cfhowlettask in #windows.  completely offtopic here09:39
kegan_I did ask09:39
elisaadoand they said?09:39
Ben64continue asking there09:39
Ben64windows issues aren't on topic here09:39
kegan_hear me out before you decide this is a window issue09:40
elisaadobut he/she wants to prepare a cd in ubuntu09:40
kegan_I'm asking not for help repairing my windows partition09:40
kegan_I'm asking for help creating a BOOTABLE usb drive, from an iso, in ubuntu09:40
elisaadothere are tools for that09:40
kegan_after having tried many different avenues09:40
elisaadolemme check09:40
Ben64depends on the iso, ask who you got the iso from09:40
elisaadounetbootin ddidn't work?09:40
kegan_I compared their signatures09:40
kegan_from what the site purports and the file itself09:41
elisaadoand it differs?09:41
kegan_no, I both downloaded the ISO and provided a source file09:41
kegan_otherwise I'd not have used it...09:41
kegan_they were identical09:41
Ben64yep, not on topic09:41
elisaadoand unetbootin didn't work?09:41
elisaadoBen64, where is it on-topic then?09:42
kegan_are you kidding me? this is about formatting and creating a UEFI device IN UBUNTU09:42
elisaadoi agree with kegan_09:42
Ben64right, this channel does not cover everything you could ever do while using ubuntu09:42
kegan_if you give me an option, other than ##windows09:42
elisaadoThen which channel does?09:42
kegan_I would happily give it a chance09:42
Ben64your problem is with windows, ask them the best way to fix the problem09:43
kegan_they told me to create a bootable USB09:43
kegan_from these two images09:43
kegan_in whatever OS i could boot09:43
kegan_this is what I can boot09:43
elisaadotry fedora they are friendly xxD09:43
EriC^^kegan_: did you try dd09:43
elisaadodd is not for iso's?09:43
Ben64it's not on topic here because we have no information about these random isos you have09:44
Ben64if it was an ubuntu iso, sure! we know how to do that09:44
eaglebotelisaado, great of you among peers to answer09:44
elisaadowow what :O09:44
proxx_just dd forget all the silly tools, just dd09:44
elisaadoBen64, they aren't random iso's like kegan_ said09:45
elisaadoi mean09:45
EriC^^kegan_: there used to be a tool to make windows bootable usb's if that's what it is09:45
EriC^^winusb i think09:45
kegan_I came in here almost an hour ago and waited for EriC^^ to finish what he was doing in helping someone else09:45
elisaadokegan_ said they are the same as from the site09:45
kegan_and asked my question at an opportune moment09:45
elisaadoand then hell broke loose09:45
kegan_I'll try that out09:46
kegan_thank you09:46
elisaadowhat, dd?09:46
elisaadobtw some chance you're dutch?09:46
kegan_nope, sorry :)09:46
DeaDSouL_hi, I have a portable HDD. And I want to be ablt to natively browse its content from Linux/Windows/MacOSX. So, which filesystem I should format it as?09:47
proxx_hij niet denk ik09:47
elisaadolel it looked like that09:47
elisaadolol hi proxx :o09:47
Ben64DeaDSouL_: ntfs probably09:47
UrsaTempestNTFS I think?09:47
elisaadoanyone talking about ntfs?/?!?!?!?09:47
proxx_DeaDSouL ntfs or later FAT09:47
proxx_but I would suggest creating a network FS09:48
elisaadoyeh ntfs and then install ng or smth09:48
proxx_The Internet: where men are men, women are men, and children are FBI agents09:49
eaglebothow many organs in the human body?09:49
Ben64eaglebot: stop09:49
eaglebotis this incleded in apt-get install ressurection source?09:49
DeaDSouL_Ben64, proxx_ : thanks guys09:50
eaglebotIs it apt-get source or apt-get download source?09:50
bobslaw-skillwithttps://youtu.be/8af0QPhJ22s oh man i could cry09:50
elisaadofirst one eaglebot09:50
elisaadobut i think its apt source09:50
elisaadoor sores HAH09:50
elisaadoopen sores open source HAHA09:50
bobslaw-skillwitway thought i was in off topic09:50
cfhowlettbobslaw-skillwit, stop posting spam here09:50
proxx_lets hang out in offtopic09:50
ppf_yes please09:51
elisaadoi can't join it09:51
bobslaw-skillwiti thought i joined it but guess didn't join.   haha love how u make it sound like im a repeat offender for making a mistake09:51
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proxx_yeah need register for that09:51
ruindelisaado, I had to edit /etc/resolvconf/resolv.conf.d/base09:54
ruindwhat a nightmare09:54
proxx_why dont you put that in the interfaces file ?09:54
elisaadoruind, aaah09:57
elisaadoproxx_: i am registered09:57
elisaadomunta dutch!09:58
elisaadoziggo :p09:58
elisaadoyes eh09:59
elisaadoreverse proxy :o10:00
elisaadobut, shall i run ubuntu as a server10:01
elisaadowait let me explain10:01
proxx_why not ?10:01
elisaadoI now have a laptop without a screen10:02
elisaadoso i can only boot ubuntu or smth10:02
elisaadosomething that supports the second screen10:03
elisaadobut i want to use ubuntu server (ISO)10:03
elisaadothe problem is, when i boot it doesn't recognize my second screen because it is not in a X session10:03
elisaadoand the normal ubuntu has unity and that is a little bit heavy for a 1 gb ram 32 bit laptop10:04
elisaadoany toughts?10:04
Ben64don't run a laptop as a server10:04
elisaadoit isn't a real laptop anymore10:05
elisaadoit is more a pc10:05
Ben64except it is still a laptop10:05
elisaadoits a laptop and i removed the screen from it because it didn't work10:05
elisaadowhats wrong they are the same?10:05
proxx_if you install ssh server you will be able to ssh into it post install , no screen needed10:05
elisaadothats after installing10:05
proxx_and use server edition , not desktop10:06
elisaadoi need it while im installing too10:06
Ben64laptops aren't designed for constantly being on under load10:06
elisaadoyeh thats what i wanted to do proxx :p10:06
elisaadoBen64, what happens if they are then?10:06
Ben64overheat, die10:06
proxx_@Ben64, i have an old laptop running 5 years straight, I get your point but if its 'throw away' hardware , who cares10:06
Ben64anyway just install lubuntu or something and run it without gui10:07
elisaadoyeh lubuntu!10:07
elisaadoyou're smart10:07
proxx_if you wanna be really difficult you could preinstall the disk in another machine  , then swap the drives10:07
elisaadothats a good idea too10:08
proxx_annoying but effective10:08
elisaadobut it needs to be a machine with the same specs?10:08
proxx_no , linux dont care10:08
proxx_windows cries about such things, most distros will run like it never knew other hw10:09
elisaadome "Shall i run archlinux as a server"10:09
elisaadorandom guy "No."10:09
elisaadoproxx_, wow i didn't know that10:09
proxx_well if you have to ask then no is probably the best answer10:09
elisaadowow another guy said that10:10
proxx_arch can be really stable depening on your choices , i run arch on many boxes, still one of my favo distros10:10
proxx_I know a dude who has a whole server farm on gentoo10:11
Ben64try to keep on topic10:11
elisaadooh yeh10:11
proxx_yeah we trying , this sorta is10:11
Ben64it isn't10:11
elisaadoit is10:12
elisaadowe are talking from a ubuntu VM xD10:12
elisaadome *10:12
elisaadobut imma brb10:13
elisaadoim making a windows iso first10:13
elisaadothen a lubuntu iso10:13
elisaadoi mean10:13
elisaadoburning them10:13
evanescodecrap, wrong window my bad10:25
ijAre php extensions enabled by default10:27
wafflejockij, enabled for what?10:28
ijIf I install e.g. php7.0 from the ondrej's ppa, will they be enabled by default when using php cli or fpm?10:29
wafflejockij, typically you would install some web server and install a module for the web server and maybe enable the module if it isn't10:29
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wafflejockij, the fpm daemon will be running after the install but don't recall if it auto enables or configures, the cli will be available since php binary will be on the path but depending on nginx or apache or whatever may need a bit more config10:30
evanescodeij: if your using apache2 you need to install and a2enmod the php module10:31
ijI'm cli/fpm only. I see, thanks.10:32
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cfhowlett!fr | poliakov10:52
ubottupoliakov: Nous sommes desoles mais ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.10:52
sobersabrebom dia10:52
poliakovquelq'un pour morienter ver un chanelle french10:52
UrsaTempestAlright, this is a bit of strange question and I'm not entirely sure it's appropriate on this channel, but... how do I run application compiled by free pascal compiler? I can't run it on terminal and Nautilus.10:53
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UrsaTempestIt can run on Geany, though10:53
kwircwhy am I having advertisements in my dash??10:59
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k1l_kwirc: because you set that to on in the system settings.11:00
kwirchow do I turn it off?11:01
k1l_go to the system settings11:01
kwircthis is some messed up shit11:01
ubuntugrlhow do i change my wallpaper, i want bunnies on it11:02
kwirci thought linux wasf ree why do I have advertisements in it?11:02
k1l_ubuntugrl: like you do it on every OS. right click the desktop and choose another wallpaper you like.11:02
k1l_kwirc: stop trying to make drama out of it. its set to "opt in" since 16.04, so you set it to on.11:03
kwirck11 then why dont you go and run a proprietary os if i am making an drama out of it11:04
* brunch875 sighs profoundly11:04
cfhowlettkwirc, enough. your question has been asked and answered.   move on.11:04
kwircyou know what I am going to remove this whole ubuntu crap11:05
evanescodewell there was quite a drama about the whole shopping lenses fubar when they were introduced11:05
evanescodeits still a valid concern imho11:05
cfhowlettit's opt in. i.e.completely under user control.11:05
k1l_evanescode: its not enabled on default since 16.04. so a user who enables that and then comes in here to make drama about it. its too obvious.11:06
evanescodeout of interest: do things like that change when you do-release-upgrade?11:07
evanescodeie you had it enabled pre 16.04, then upgrade to the next LTS. does it change your user prefs and settings?11:07
k1l_iirc it says the way it was11:07
evanescodei see, thx11:08
ubuntugrlitt will try to do it best it can11:09
ubuntugrlsome pkgs have config changes11:09
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uioI was downloading lubuntu 16.04.1 but the download stopped at 502 MB... so I started another dowload of the same file and it is advancing... is there a server issue?11:13
uioI am using this link http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/lubuntu/releases/xenial/release/lubuntu-16.04.1-desktop-i386.iso11:13
waddai have installed windows after ubuntu and my encrypted. I can't install grub ob my hdd again.11:14
k1l_uio: is there a reason why you install 32bit OS?11:14
cfhowlettuio, possibly.  however, you will find torrents a more reliable and possibly faster option than direct DL11:14
uiocfhowlett: Okay, thanks.11:14
uiok1l_: What would be the most logical reason?11:15
waddacfhowlett: any idea hoq to solve my issue?11:15
k1l_uio: the only reason would be, that its an old CPU that only can handle 32bit. other than that there is no reason11:15
uiok1l_: Exactly :)11:15
k1l_uio: i am just asking, because a lot of 32bit users in here did install it due to wrong ram myths like 64bit doesnt work for systems with <4GB ram or such. :)11:17
uiok1l_: Yes, thanks for letting me know. It is true that it would be shame to use 32 on a 64. Oh, this machine is a wee bit elderly.11:18
alkisg64bit does waste more RAM though, so with e.g. 1 GB of RAM and 64bit processor, I would still use i38611:19
uioalkisg: interesting.11:19
k1l_alkisg: "wasting ram" vs "more bandwith". with 1gb ram i would use zram anyway.11:20
uioalkisg: This machine only has 1GB of RAM and is 32 bit...11:20
alkisgzram wastes a whole lot of cpu11:20
k1l_alkisg: well, with a that old machine with that less ram, you gotta die some way anyway :)11:20
alkisguio: we have thousands of those, running ubuntu mate 32bit with nbd swap11:20
cfhowlettor use lubuntu11:20
uiocfhowlett: I actually am going to use lubuntu, thanks for the suggestion though.11:21
waddai have installed windows after ubuntu and my Hard drive was encrypted. I can't install grub ob my hdd again.11:21
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tux_anyone running steam on 16.10?11:26
brunch875tux_: I play games daily on steam11:29
tux_did you have any issues installing it on 16.10 ?11:30
brunch875not at all... I just wrote "sudo apt install steam"11:30
brunch875and done11:30
ubuntugrlruns well on most distro's , just some weird nvidia stuff when ur unlucky11:32
tux_ brunch875, ok, i did that before but had problems this time11:33
tux_managed to get it sorted so was just wondering..11:33
younderthe repositories have gone fussy and don't acceps sha-1 as a checksum11:33
brunch875now that ubuntugrl mentions it, I had some issues back in 15.04 I think related to the nvidia drivers11:34
brunch875which were solved by deleting some steam libraries11:34
younderWell I'm running steam and nvidea drivers on 16.04..11:34
afterkeysguys how to hide my ip?11:35
dgaranadisconnecting internet11:35
brunch875afterkeys: what do you mean by "hiding"?11:35
UrsaTempestPut it under your pillow.11:36
tux_afterkeys, for like web browsing? you could download 'Tor Browser'11:36
waddai have installed windows after ubuntu and my Hdd was encrypted. I can't install grub ob my hdd again.11:36
waddaplz help me i need a file on my linux partition i have installed windows after ubuntu and my Hdd was encrypted. I can't install grub ob my hdd again.11:37
brunch875if by hiding you mean circunventing "this content is not available on your country", you could use a proxy11:37
cfhowlett!patience | wadda11:37
ubottuwadda: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/11:37
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younderwadda.. installing windows afterubuntu is a bad idea. reinstall, but in revrs order11:37
afterkeystux_ no for hexchat11:38
dgaranawadda: http://shurl.click/ddce5e011:38
Sillypiratowadda , or use another device to install grubb on , even an usb stick would work11:38
brunch875afterkeys: you mean this? http://superuser.com/questions/528816/how-to-hide-public-ip-adress-on-irc-channel11:40
afterkeysyeah i followed that but didn't work11:42
waddai want to keep my files11:42
afterkeysyou can keep your files boot from ubuntu without installing and go to your drive wadda11:44
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=== Guest94185 is now known as abetusk
Not_a_RobotGuys, I need to hibernate my pc. But for that, it seems I need Swap. Creating Swap is not a problem (I don't have Swap because I just don't need it). The issue here is that I only have an SSD. Is there a way I could use Swap JUST for hibernation, please?11:48
brainwashNot_a_Robot: adjust this parameter then https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Swappiness11:49
brunch875afterkeys: from what I'm reading over the internet, you need to obtain a cloak from freenode (the IRC server we're connected to). You could join #freenode and ask there for a cloak. Perhaps some staff member grants you one :)11:50
brunch875you might want to register your nickname first11:50
afterkeyslol  ok11:51
Not_a_Robotthank you brainwash but, how do I tell "just for hibernation"?11:51
stevlarNot_a_Robot u are asking that to avoid writing data to ssd?11:55
stevlarto extend life ? :D11:55
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Not_a_RobotI just want to be able to hibernate my computer without using Swap11:55
Not_a_Robotbut since it is not possible11:55
Not_a_RobotI just want to use Swap for Hibernation11:55
wafflejockNot_a_Robot, just set it to 0 it will basically not use it11:55
ioriacorrect me.... suspend it's from ram, hibernation from disk .... ?11:55
Not_a_Robotyes ioria11:55
Not_a_RobotSo... Do you think ubuntu will use swap, even in that setting, wafflejock?11:56
SillypiratoNot_a_Robot why would u care11:56
Not_a_RobotSillypirato: about what?11:56
Sillypiratoit will only swap at overflow situations11:56
wafflejockNot_a_Robot, based on what it says here https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Swappiness will only be used in that scenario when absolutely needed11:56
brainwashNot_a_Robot: it will when you run out of memory11:56
Not_a_RobotI have 32GiB of RAM11:56
wafflejockNot_a_Robot, can check with `free -m` to see if it is used at all11:56
stevlaru will never use swap :D11:57
Sillypiratoso until you run outta mem it wont be used11:57
brainwashthen it's not very likely that it happens11:57
stevlarwith that much memory11:57
stevlarjust set the swappiness to 011:57
stevlarand u're good to go11:57
Not_a_RobotI have Zero Swap, wafflejock. I installed it that way because of that reason.11:57
Sillypiratoonly reason apart from hibernation is when using db's11:57
Not_a_RobotBut now I encounter that I need Swap x)11:57
ioriaNot_a_Robot, have you tried to hibernate ?11:57
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mjaykAnyone know how to define the monitor a Steam game opens on ?11:57
Not_a_Robotyeah, not working, ioria11:58
wafflejockNot_a_Robot, I have a 4GB swap here 0 used though11:58
ioriaNot_a_Robot, oh11:58
wafflejockhave swapiness at the default of 60 so imagine with 0 you'll be fine11:58
Not_a_RobotI'm just "afraid" if some applications will not care about setting Swappines to 011:59
wafflejockNot_a_Robot, well it's a kernel level thing so don't think the apps have a choice in it11:59
Not_a_RobotNice... Well, I'll try and tell you guys how it goes!11:59
Sillypiratowhy are you so worried about it11:59
Not_a_RobotThanks for the help :D11:59
Sillypiratothere are other things to look at if its more performance you seek12:00
ioriaNot_a_Robot, i'm reading this  https://wiki.debian.org/Hibernation/Hibernate_Without_Swap_Partition12:03
leeyaaon ubuntu 16.04 LTS i can see that part of default mount options appears to be data=ordered12:04
leeyaaon 14.04 LTS nodes I dont have it - what is the default option there ?12:04
leeyaatrying to figure out why mounts differ between two nodes12:05
ikonia"defaults" is the default option12:05
leeyaaikonia: one sec ill be specific12:05
leeyaaikonia: on both nodes I have ext4 noatime,nodiratime,errors=remount-ro 0 1 in fstab12:06
leeyaahowever, on 16.04 node, mount returns rw,noatime,nodiratime,errors=remount-ro,data=ordered12:07
ikoniaok ?12:07
leeyaaand on 14.04 it returns rw,noatime,nodiratime,errors=remount-ro12:07
leeyaawhy? my fstab is the same12:07
ikoniacoreutils has more options and data ordering is default in the later version ?12:08
ikoniacheck what version of coreutils brings in the ordering12:08
leeyaaok so the older version does not data=ordered12:08
leeyaawhat is being used then ?12:08
ikoniaI don't know if it's the version, I'm giving you a suggestion to research12:09
leeyaai see12:09
ikoniaprobably nothing is being used as it wasn't supported in the older version (guessing)12:09
ubuntu347Hello can anyone help me satisfy this dependency? Error: Dependency is not satisfiable: libqt5core5a(>=5.5.0). I'm trying to install chessx 1.4.0-1  in trusty.12:09
leeyaadoesnt it fall back to something is nothing is being used ?12:09
leeyaaim confused12:09
ikonialeeyaa: why would it fall back to something that doesn't exist ?12:09
ikoniaordering may not existing the earlier version (again - I'm guessing I don't know)12:10
ikoniaubuntu347: look at where chessx is coming from12:10
leeyaait does.12:10
leeyaathe thing is node is suffering huge performance hit and thats the only difference i found12:10
leeyaabut i doubt ordering can cause it12:10
ubuntu347How do I do that? I think I downloaded from a git  page.12:11
leeyaaanyway thanks for the tip12:11
ikoniaubuntu347: so then you need to talk to whom built it12:11
ikonialeeyaa: how do you know it does ?12:11
leeyaaikonia: two identical vms - one 14.04 one 16.04. on 16.04 mysql got to crawling speed12:11
leeyaaright now im testing what happens if i install 5.7 on 14.04 node12:12
leeyaamaybe mysql changed something12:12
ikonialeeyaa: I'm not trying to be argumentative, but you've just stated you don't know the options and how they differ, I've just suggested one is a later version and may support later features, and you seem to suggest the earlier version supports those features too12:12
leeyaaif i change fstab options a bit i get the performance i expect, but i really dont want to use no barrier etc12:12
ikonialeeyaa: why is mysql crawling, where is the bottleneck12:12
leeyaaikonia: io12:12
Anarchici have issues installing ubuntu 16.10 in efi mode...booting from memory stick in efi mode works as normal...manual partitioning with efi partition works as normal...installation completes as normal, but on reboot there is no efi boot entry in my efi...any ideas?12:12
ikonialeeyaa: in what way IO, access, wait, throughput, read, write etc etc12:13
leeyaabut thats not the root cause, something is causing mysql to use more io12:13
leeyaaikonia: writes are a lot slower12:13
leeyaaa lot12:13
leeyaalike 60-70%12:13
ikonialeeyaa: how are you measuring that12:13
ubuntu347Well I was able to install it on my laptop using zenia. i didn't have to talk to anybody about it. Trusty is proving difficult12:13
leeyaaikonia: using our app. it is a sandbox - so i create accounts via our app12:13
leeyaaon 5.5 it takes X time12:13
leeyaaon 5.6 i takes X3 time12:14
ikonialeeyaa: how are you measuing that writes are %60 slower12:14
leeyaaerm 5.7*12:14
leeyaanothing else differs, just ubuntu release and mysql release12:14
leeyaaanyway, ill test 5.7 on 14.0412:15
leeyaathen 5.5 on 16.0412:15
leeyaaat least this will narrow it down12:15
ikoniaI think you'd do better to understand the problem more12:15
ikoniaswapping versions doesn't seem like a sensible way forward12:15
leeyaaikonia: well too many variables are changed (whole os)12:15
ikoniayou just said it's just the ubuntu version and mysql like it was no big deal12:16
leeyaaproblem is either with ubuntu env somewhere or with mysql env12:16
ikoniaunderstand what part of IO is performing poor and why first12:16
ikoniaswapping versions won't tell you much if you don't understand the problem12:16
farhadcan i use rsnapshot by command?12:17
leeyaajust not sure where to start lol12:17
=== Tempesta_ is now known as Tempesta
ikonialeeyaa: ok - so understanding the problem is the first place12:17
ikonialeeyaa: you state that IO is the problem, fine, zero in on that, you state that writes are the problem, is it just writes, or reads too, it is just mysql writes or file system writes or even device writes12:17
ikoniahow are you measuring it12:17
leeyaaikonia: i see your point12:18
ikonialeeyaa: not trying to stop you - however my opinion is that changing variables without understanding the problem won't help you, it will add more confusion12:18
leeyaaikonia: yeah12:19
leeyaai guess starting a bit lower is better - test the fs, then test mysql itself12:19
ikonialeeyaa: work out how to measure what mysql is doing, and what mysql thinks it's doing12:19
ikoniayou'll probably find that is useful to understand12:19
leeyaaikonia: the way i measure mysql performance is just doing stuff with our app - create accounts, delete accoutns etc12:19
ikonialeeyaa: and a clock next to it ?12:20
leeyaaikonia: well, no, but i didnt need it. the slower environment was not working at all due to internal timeouts - so i know it is ~3 times slower12:20
Not_a_Robotioria: <312:20
ikonialeeyaa: ok, I would suggest your first point would be to run analysier tools on the DB12:21
ikonialook at what it's doing, then look at where the DB is having problems and relate that to the box/devices12:21
ioriaNot_a_Robot,  success ?12:21
eaglebotWhat is the command for upgrading trusty too utopic?12:21
leeyaaikonia: what do you mean by analysier tools - never used such12:22
ikoniathere are tools that analyse the way the db is working / what it's doing and giving you hints of whats going on12:22
ikoniasome are from mysql some are third party12:23
leeyaaikonia: ok i think i understand now12:24
leeyaathanks a lot for all those tips!12:24
leeyaalets see whats the problem with this bugger lol12:25
uioHi, trying to install lubuntu 16.04 alongside Windows 7, but there is not this option in the install process... what should I do?12:31
uioI tried to free up space from Windows following this link : http://www.howtogeek.com/howto/windows-vista/resize-a-partition-for-free-in-windows-vista/12:31
uioBut even after that, it just shows up as 'free space' when I select the do something else option...12:31
=== xorticagreen_afk is now known as xorticagreen
ioriauio how many partitions already on your disk ? and are you installing bios mode (msdos) or efi  (gpt) ?12:35
svenVathSuxresize a partition only if u increase the partition12:35
ioriauio  you can select 'Try Ubuntu', open a terminal and check from there12:35
uioioria: There are four12:36
uioioria: this is  bad??12:36
ioriauio  i guess ....12:36
=== svenVathSux is now known as for{}
uioioria: I guess so12:38
Southern_Gentlemioria, so windows in efi mode12:39
Southern_Gentlemtaking up all 4 primary places12:39
ioriaSouthern_Gentlem, i think also his win7 is in bios legacy mode12:39
Southern_Gentlemioria, i disagree12:40
ioriauio  let's check ... can you provide   sudo parted -l ?12:40
leeyaaikonia: on fs level it appears that 16.04 is a bit faster (creating 100k files archiving those 100k files and creating 5x1GB files)12:40
leeyaaso ill take your tip and run some analysing on mysql12:40
Southern_Gentlemioria one way to check would be sudo fdisk -l  and get the output to a pastebin12:40
ioriaSouthern_Gentlem,  sure12:41
leeyaareading is faster too12:41
Southern_Gentlemioria, i am really surprised that ubuntu doesnt have a built in pastetool12:43
ioriaSouthern_Gentlem, yeah,12:43
uio_Trying to install lubuntu alongside windows 7, but cannot get the 'install alongside option' in the installer12:45
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ioriauio_ can you provide   sudo parted -l ?12:45
uio_ioria: Yep, just switching machines...12:47
uioioria: Hello, just switched machines - what was the command?12:50
ioriauio_   sudo parted -l12:51
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ioriauio_   you may want to paste it;    sudo parted -l   | pastebinit    and you may need to install pastebinit12:51
ioriauio_   or sudo parted -l |  nc termbin.com 999912:52
uioioria: voilà : http://paste.ubuntu.com/23343591/12:53
=== dominus_ is now known as rikut
trytryHi all12:54
ioriauio_   4      320GB   320GB  16,8MB  primary               esp     what is that ? looks like an efi patition12:54
trytryI try to upgrade my system to ubuntu 16.10 but I get "No new release found"12:54
evanescodetrytry: do-release-upgrade -d12:55
trytrywhat I'm trying to do is12:55
trytrysudo do-release-upgrade -d12:55
evanescodewhat ubuntu version are you on?12:55
ioriauio_   and where do you want to install lubuntu  ?12:55
trytryevanescode: it doesn't work for me12:56
uioioria: Sorry, no idea! Someone just gave me the machine...12:56
ioriauio_   what's on 3 ?12:56
uioioria: I tried to free up space, but I don't think it is showing up...12:56
trytrykubuntu if it's matter12:57
ioriauio_   what's on third partition  ?12:57
uioioria: I'm not sure...12:57
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evanescodetrytry: cat /etc/update-manager/release-upgrades | grep -i prompt12:58
trytryevanescode: Prompt=lts12:58
uioioria: how can I get a printout of gparted12:59
ioriauio_   explore 3 and 4  ; 4 is 16 mb... so not sure how useful .... maybe and old efi install ... but where do you want to install lubuntu ?12:59
evanescodetry changing it to normal; dont forget backups12:59
uioioria: It shows where I want to install12:59
ioriauio_     gparted will give you the same output of  sudo parted -l13:00
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uioioria: between sda3 and sda4 is huge unallocated section to which I wish to install13:02
uioioria: 175 GB13:02
trytryevanescode: Thanks a lot it works13:02
leeyaaikonia: this little test script runs for 5s on 14.04 and for 1m16s on 16.0413:04
leeyaaso mainly mysql writes are suffering13:04
ioriauio_   i see, sorry i'm leaving. but you can boot from windows, and in Disk management  correct the partitions scheme and make room for lubuntu13:04
chridoI'm searching for the yakkety-server-cloudimg-amd64-root.tar.gz, does somebody know where it is?13:05
ioriauio_    and remove partitions you don't need ( like the forth, i think)13:05
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uioioria: Hi, The wifi cut out... where could I past a screeny of gparted?13:07
uioioria: okay, here it is: https://framadrop.org/r/FevFIruD_B#zdPeSExMMBBYKl8t+5+xJxHKnOWY8w3qfLvwbYPo3Sw=13:10
=== metachr0n is now known as metachr0n-away
uioioria: can you see the huge unallocated section? I would like to install to this part13:11
uioioria: is the problem that I cannot have more than 4 primary partitions?13:14
Sillypiratouio what is in the unkown part ?13:15
uioSillypirato: nothing13:15
uioSillypirato: "unallocated"13:15
Sillypiratouio no at the end13:15
Sillypiratothe 16mb thing13:15
Sillypiratouio you have 2 options, either delete that last one if you dont need it , or make the unallocated space into a extended partition, that will allow for more than 413:16
uio_Sillypirato: sorry, wifi issues, no idea what is in the last little unknown... how could I find out?13:17
ThePendulumHow do I submit AMD devs to the gallows?13:19
ThePendulum*where can I find them to file a bug report for amdgpu?13:19
Sillypiratouio not sure what format that is, to be safe , since its really small , make the free space into an extended partition13:19
uio_Sillypirato: Sorry, but how would I do that?13:20
Sillypiratoi think its in the partition menu13:20
uio_Sillypirato: it's all greyed out....13:21
smile123i have problem connecting in internet with tp-link wn8200nd, how can i fix this problem?13:21
uio_Sillypirato: It tell's me there is max of 4 primary partitions13:21
smile123is rtl8192cu13:21
Sillypiratouio , ah yeah ofc13:21
Sillypiratouio do you need that second ntfs part ?13:22
uio_Sillypirato: there is stuff on it, so kinda13:22
uio_Sillypirato: no idea what it is though...13:23
Sillypiratouio you can mount it to check13:23
uio_Sillypirato: how woul I do that?13:24
Sillypiratouio coz in this setup it should have been extended , kinda ugly. basically you need to remove something , the last part looks like garbage but i wouldnt know13:24
uio_Sillypirato: could I check in Windows?13:24
Sillypiratouio ah , oke get a terminal and do ; mount /dev/sda3 /mnt13:24
Sillypirato* as root13:24
Sillypiratouio that would be the third drie13:25
Sillypiratoor partition  whatever13:25
uio_Sillypirato: Okay I did that, but now how do I look it in?13:26
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Sillypiratouio take filebrowser and go to /mnt13:26
stranglerfishhey, could someone give me a hand? I'm trying to use xdotool (and xclip if necessary) for a script that will automatically print text to screen, and i want that script to have a keybind. i've managed to get the text into my clipboard with a keybind, but struggling to get it to actually paste to the focused window13:27
stranglerfishi've got my script in /usr/bin, and a keybind that just uses "foo.sh" as the command13:27
=== silent_ is now known as Guest58911
Guest58911hello all13:29
ikevinbonjour Guest5891113:29
ilhamihello guys. I am having a problem. I cannot update.13:29
ilhamiFailed to download package files - check your internet connection13:29
ilhamiand I do have an internet connection.13:29
Guest58911la mise a jour logiciel apres insta de xubuntu galere13:29
ilhamiGuest58911, English only13:30
ikevinilhami, does your dns work fine and your respo work too?13:30
Guest58911only ? for help ?13:30
ilhamiikevin, DNS works fine I guess.13:30
Sillypiratoyes this is the www, welcome13:30
stranglerfishThis is the script. the commented out line on it's own works, if I use my keybind (ctrl+alt+n), it will successfully replace whatever is in the clipboard with 'System.out.println('13:31
ilhamiI can show you my sources file13:31
stranglerfishbut I'm really struggling with getting it to paste as well. I figured I'd instead try just typing with xdotool but i'm getting no output13:31
stranglerfishcan anyone help with this? is this the right place to be asking?13:32
=== Swant is now known as xux
=== xux is now known as swant
stranglerfishanyone? and if it's not really an ubuntu question, perhaps point me to where I can learn more?13:42
stranglerfishdocumentation is not really helping at this point, i'm getting pretty weird behavior13:42
OerHeksstranglerfish, for scripting, try #bash13:43
stranglerfishhow do you mean?13:45
stranglerfishis that not a bash script I pasted?13:46
stranglerfish(I'm genuinely asking, not being sarcastic)13:46
OerHeksi haven't clicked the script, i don not visit pastebin,com13:47
Soul_Sampleso, I just realized that keyboard shortcuts don't work in QT apps. that's how rarely I use them13:48
monomon[m]I use them all the time, and that's pretty annoying13:51
codfectionwill kali repo break ubuntu?13:51
codfectionfor tools13:51
coconut16Hi! I've got a cronjob that executes a script that send an empty file, but when I run this script the file is sent with data. do you know  why do that?13:52
monomon[m]Like keepassx for example. Can't quit with ctrl+q and such13:52
Soul_Samplecodfection: never tried it, but one friend did and it broke his system. so maybe? although he's a newbie that just finished watching mr. robot :D13:52
OerHekscodfection, yes, it is debian based.13:52
codfectionOerHeks, isn't ubuntu debian based as well?13:53
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OerHekscodfection, go try it, not goin into this discussion again13:53
stranglerfishwhy don't you visit pastebin?13:57
stranglerfishit's just two lines: #echo -n "System.out.println(" | xclip -sel clip13:57
stranglerfish#xdotool key "ctrl+v"13:57
eaglebotwhy don't you?13:57
stranglerfishthe first line works13:57
stranglerfishthe second for some reason just opens up my terminal13:58
stranglerfishthose would not be commented out btw13:58
stranglerfishdoes that make sense?14:00
=== Guest62846 is now known as med_
TigerBloodWhat would be the difference to installing ubuntuGnome rather than installing ubuntu with the Gnome DE?14:02
uioI've been trying all afternoon to install this bloody distro alongside windows 7, but to no avail... I have freed up 180GB of  space as its own partition but still cannot see the 'alongside' option in the installer... any ideas?14:05
Sillypiratouio you use the manual way14:06
Sillypiratouio did you remove any parts ?14:06
rorroI've got a problem with Chrome on Ubuntu. I get a huge amount of flickering when i browse anything.14:06
uioSillypirato: Hmmmmmmm. yes I removed the last one14:06
rorroI am running Chrome Version 52.0.2743.116 (64-bit).14:06
rorroOn Ubuntu 16.0414:06
uioSillypirato: then created a large partition14:06
Soul_Samplerorro: I had that issue, and it would get slow over time. Disabling hardware acceleration helped14:06
Sillypiratouio i suggest creating an extended part first14:07
uioSillypirato: but I haven't a clue how to do this manually....14:07
Sillypiratouio that is if you want swap , do you ?14:07
rorroSoul_Sample, I will try that.14:07
uioSillypirato: what is extended?14:07
uioSillypirato: ext2?14:07
Sillypiratouio its a container in which you can put more partitions14:07
rorrooh wow, it worked. Thanks so much Soul_Sample.14:08
Soul_Samplerorro: no problem :D glad I helped14:08
Sillypiratouio but if you dont need swap we can move from here14:08
uioSillypirato: And there is no way to just get the simpl 'alongside' option. If not, I'm up for another go I gues....14:08
uioSillypirato: yes, swap. Okay, what do I do?14:08
Sillypiratouio the reason the installer doesnt give the option is because there is no free space14:09
uioSillypirato: gparted?14:09
uioSillypirato: But it is freespace!!14:09
Sillypiratouio you could remove the ext2 and let the installer do its magic14:09
Sillypiratouio you just said you made it ext214:09
Sillypiratoso you can either tell the installer , use this. or remove the whole thing and hope the installer will give you the extra option14:10
gvandeweyerhi all, does anybody have a good suggestion (can be commercial) for a windows-based backup tool that is able to handle linux symlinks correctly? We have a windows servers which hosts a NFS share. Some users put symlinks on it to reduce storage for duplicate files. Now apparently, they don't get copied to the replicate server by windows.14:11
uio_Sillypirato: I am back, sorry wifi14:11
stranglerfishhrm, anyone have any ideas as to why that script isn't working?14:11
uio_Sillypirato: No, I made it FAT3214:11
uio_Sillypirato: How can I make it 'empty' so the 'alongside option will appear?14:12
Sillypiratouio ah oke , no remove that crap and try installer again , just make sure you have the freespace14:12
uio_Sillypirato: How do I remove it?14:12
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Sillypiratouio by deleting it, it will then be named 'unallocated space' , oh click it in gparted and do remove , menu is pretty logical14:12
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Sillypiratodont forget the apply thing14:13
=== Guest60160 is now known as IDK6102
SillypiratoEric^^ is that a recent ip block ?14:14
EriC^^Sillypirato: hmm?14:14
EriC^^whatcha talkin about14:14
SillypiratoEric^^ oh nothing, i know RIPE is giving out that IP block , amogst the last few14:15
NoImNotNineVolthaven't we been hearing that for a decade now?14:15
MangaDI have a weird problem with Ubuntu, hoping someone can enlight me...14:15
EriC^^what's RIPE?14:15
Sillypiratowhatever you heard , this is about it14:15
EriC^^MangaD: ask away14:16
daddletype your problem plz ?14:16
daddlesomeone know command to restart rights management ?14:17
MangaDWell, I updated from 16.04 to 16.10 recently. Some problems happened during the update but I think I fixed them. When I typed "lsb_release -a" it would say I have 16.10 yakkety. But now it says I have 17.04 zesty...14:17
SillypiratoI heard something similar today14:17
MangaDI just upgraded "distro-info-data", not sure if it is related...14:17
PiciMangaD: How did you upgrade?14:18
Sillypiratoseems upgrade bug14:18
MangaDthrough Software Updater at first14:18
PiciMangaD: at first?14:18
daddleoh ok nvm admin toksudo anyways14:18
MangaDthen it got bugged (PC froze) and I shutdown14:18
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MangaDso I manually upgraded the packages with sudo apt upgrade then14:18
MangaDall seemed fine aside from certain third party software not having release files for yakkety now14:19
SillypiratoMangaD some other guy had the same thing here today14:19
Soul_Sampleis there a chance for a newer version of nautilus to come to 16.04 in the next point release?14:19
ikoniawhy do you want a newer version ?14:19
uioSillypirato: wifi... Okay, thanks! the alongside option appeared and I am now installing!14:19
MangaDYeah I am worried this problem can screw things up on my system now. :/14:19
MangaDLike adding reps for a distro that is not released yet...14:20
Soul_Sampleikonia: when I tried 3.20 recently it looked so much better, icon spacing was fixed and had some nice additions. I'm not even sure if 16.10 has 3.20 though14:20
ikoniaSoul_Sample: I'd be very very surprised if it got a version bump, so I wouldn't expect it14:20
MangaDcould it be because I have Ubuntu toolchain repository?14:21
cerionis LSB still relevant ?14:21
NoImNotNineVoltyes, very much so.14:22
PiciMangaD: which repo is that exactly?14:22
ceriondebian dropped in sept 2015. ok14:22
MangaDPici, ppa:ubuntu-toolchain-r/test14:22
MangaDI used it to install gcc 6 previously14:22
MangaDbut I never had problems of this sort14:23
cerionwith snap it should be totally irrelevant now14:23
ikoniacerion: snap is not a replacement14:24
ikoniait's an options14:24
PiciMangaD: Yes. There was a recent change to base-files in that repo that updated things to Zesty: https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-toolchain-r/+archive/ubuntu/test/+packages?field.name_filter=&field.status_filter=published&field.series_filter=yakkety14:24
ReubieHi all! I'm using 16.04.1 LTS. I'm having some errors when booting which I can get through and boot up successfully but think that maybe something is wrong.14:24
ReubieCould someone help me take a look ? I have pasted all relevant info here http://paste.ubuntu.com/23343933/14:25
MangaDPici, thank you very much. Any way to revert or any need to revert things?14:25
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Tiger__Is it fine to install 16.10? or should i wait?14:27
PiciMangaD: Manaully replace the package with the one from 16.10 and look up how to pin the version from 16.10... or install the version from 16.10 and remove the PPA if you don't need any more gcc-6 updates14:27
jaythelinuxguyTiger__ is there something in particular you hope to gain from an upgrade to 16.10?14:27
jaythelinuxguyMy recomendation is to stay on 16.04 unless you have a specific use-case to upgrade.14:28
Tiger__jaythelinuxguy: just putting it on a disk, as i might be having to re-install ubuntu anyway14:28
jaythelinuxguyTiger__ Unless you have a specific use-case, I'd stick with 16.04, it's supported for a longer period of time.14:28
Tiger__jaythelinuxguy:makes sense. thanks14:28
jaythelinuxguyTiger__ when are you planning on reinstalling?14:29
MangaDPici, all right, thank you ^^14:29
Tiger__jaythelinuxguy: maybe today. to straighten out my install14:30
Tiger__possibly tommorow, or maybe later this week, maybe next week lol14:30
uioSillypirato: Hello, ran into a proble, apparently it's impossible to install GRUB on sda4....14:30
jaythelinuxguyTiger__ I was asking because 16.04.2 will probably have the newer kernel from 16.10. However, you can install the new kernel after 16.04.2 comes out so you can still install now.14:30
EriC^^uio: what's the problem maybe i can help14:31
uioEriC^^: Hi, just trying an install dual boot with Windows714:31
ReubenI'm having some problems on my Ubuntu 16.04.1 LTS after unlocking my encrypted drive. The error is something like this: /run/lvm/lvmetad.socket: connect failed: no such file or directory It will continue to boot fine but just concerned on what's going on cause it would not boot in the normal login screen but I had to disable that screen and do it via the command line.14:31
stranglerfishcan someone please help me understand why my script is not working? i've been struggling with this for hours now and I feel it really shouldn't be so difficult14:31
MangaDAnother question. Regarding WINE. "it looks like wine32-development is missing, you should install it.14:31
MangaDas root, please execute "apt-get install wine32-development""14:31
Sillypiratouio well it since if this is legacy boot , the mbr should always be on the beginning14:31
MangaDBut I cannot install wine32-development on 64-bit system...14:32
Reubenhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/23343933/ are the relevant logs and errors, really really appreciate someone's help14:32
uioEriC^^: I selected 'alongside' but now it is not wanted to put GRUB14:32
EriC^^uio: hmm why not did it say why?14:32
jaythelinuxguyReuben, I wish I could help, I've not seen that error on my end yet so I have no experience yet.14:32
uioEriC^^: Not that I can see now...14:32
Reubenjaythelinuxguy: thanks i did a google and did find some instructions which may be relevant to me but I have no idea what they're saying tbh14:33
EriC^^uio: btw if you do reinstall ubuntu, don't choose to reinstall, it'll wipe your whole hdd, it happened to me once14:33
jaythelinuxguyReuben, what articles did you find?14:33
Reubenjaythelinuxguy: http://askubuntu.com/questions/745218/ubuntu-wont-boot-because-of-lvmetad14:33
EriC^^uio: is it giving an error before the install starts or at the end of the install?14:33
uioEriC^^: it just says it cannot put the booter on the desired location and gives the option of seleting a new parition or qutting or just continuing without at booter14:33
uioEriC^^: this is well into the install14:34
EriC^^uio: before it starts copying the files and stuff though, right?14:34
Reubenjaythelinuxguy: they were saying to just use_lvmetad = 0 in lvm.conf but I don't know if that's wise.14:34
uioEriC^^: nope, after14:34
jaythelinuxguyReuben, do you have a swap partition active? If you do free -m, does it show swap?14:34
EriC^^uio: oh14:34
ioriauio, not  sda4  but /dev/sda , i think you wrong selected it in the installer14:34
Reubenjaythelinuxguy: let me check14:34
Reubenjaythelinuxguy: yes there's a swap14:35
EriC^^uio: ioria he said he chose alongside windows, odd eh?14:35
Reubensays total 8703 used 17 and free 868614:35
ioriaEriC^^, i guess14:35
EriC^^uio: did you try to manually partition in the Something else menu?14:35
jaythelinuxguyReuben, in that case, I'm not really sure. I've never ran into an lvmetad issue before. Which is strange, because I use LVM with encryption on all my machines now.14:35
uioEriC^^: no, but I did free up space with gparted and some utilitin in Windows14:36
uioEriC^^: Should I just continue without the booter and then use boot repair??14:36
Reubenjaythelinuxguy: Could u check my ubuntu pastse to see if my fstab entries are correct cause i noticed some parts are commented out (i can't remember why they are)14:36
EriC^^uio: try the Something else menu, and let the bootloader location at the bottom be /dev/sda14:36
EriC^^uio: use the partition ubuntu already made for "/" and swap14:37
EriC^^uio: if you want, did it just skip grub or aborted the whole install there?14:37
Reubenjaythelinuxguy: and crypttab cryptswap is also commented out. Crypttab is referring to sda3_crypt with UUID 7609 etc etc but in fstab that UUID is sda3 and not sda3_crypt14:38
Reubenjaythelinuxguy: so just wondering if there's an issue there?14:38
jaythelinuxguyReuben, I can look at it. Btw, which ubuntu version are you using?14:39
Reubenjaythelinuxguy: It's 16.04.1 LTS http://paste.ubuntu.com/23343933/ is the stuff14:39
jaythelinuxguyIt's very curious that your swap stuff is commented out, yet you still have swap14:40
Reubenjaythelinuxguy: well there's a mounted swap file at /mnt/8704MiB.swap14:41
Reubenthat's in fstab14:41
jaythelinuxguyThat's an odd place for swap, one moment14:42
jaythelinuxguyThe fstab entry for swap on my machine looks like this: /dev/mapper/ubuntu--mate--vg-swap_1 none            swap    sw              0       014:42
Reubenjaythelinuxguy: i'm not sure if this is the result of following this guide: https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-add-swap-space-on-ubuntu-16-0414:44
jaythelinuxguyAre you using the server edition? Usually when you install Ubuntu and ask it to encrypt your drive, it does all this for you.14:44
Reubenjaythelinuxguy: desktop edition it has UI interface. I can't really remember how i did this :( was a long while ago and actually it broke when i upgraded versions from 14 to 1614:45
OerHekslooks like sda3 is cryptswap ?14:45
Reubenyeah i'm not sure what's the meaning of sda3 and sda3_crypt and which one I should be referring to in crypttab14:45
epascoalhi all.. i update my ubuntu from 14.04 to 16 and not i can't load ubuntu anymore.. Is there a way to restore my previous version?14:46
jaythelinuxguyReuben: I vaguely remember earlier versions of Ubuntu having issues with swap on LUKS encrypted installations. That bug was fixed later on. That could be why you did it that way.14:46
uioEriC^^: wifi cut out... Okay, so I quit the install process, but have no clue what to do and am ready to damn ubuntu!14:46
epascoali'm doing a usb stick to install it again on 14 version..14:46
Reubenalso i didn't want to use my SSD as a swapfile14:46
Reubenso i think i might have created the swap in a different drive14:47
jaythelinuxguyReuben: You could try commenting out that swap line, rebooting, and seeing if that works. I wouldn't leave it that way though, I would re-enable it. Just would be curious to see if the errors go away if you comment that out.14:47
EriC^^uio: wb14:47
EriC^^uio: ok, try to reinstall with the something else option14:47
jaythelinuxguyReuben: There's no logical reason to create swap on a different partition, I would be more worried about your browser wearing out your SSD than swap14:47
jaythelinuxguy*different drive I meant14:47
Reubenjaythelinuxguy: don't really use the browser on that computer14:48
uioererlay, I'm there14:48
EriC^^and if the grub issue happens again let it continue and you can reinstall grub afterwards14:48
Reubenjaythelinuxguy: uncomment in fstab and crypttab?14:48
EriC^^uio: ok, choose at the bottom bootloader location /dev/sda14:48
jaythelinuxguyReuben: It's probably more beneficial to adjust swappiness than to make swap go to a different drive14:48
uioEriC^^: but how do I do a mnual install14:48
Reubenvm.swappiness=10 at the moment14:48
EriC^^and click on the ext4 partition of ubuntu and choose mountpoint "/" ext4 and press the button for format next to it14:48
EriC^^uio: go to something else at the bottom14:48
jaythelinuxguyReuben: On second thought, I'm a bit nervious to have you do that because you followed a tutorial and not had it managed by Ubuntu. I don't want you to get in a situation where it won't boot.14:49
Reubenjaythelinuxguy: how do i check which drive my /mnt/8704MiB.swap is on ?14:49
uioEriC^^: okay, I'm there14:49
jaythelinuxguyType: mount |grep swap14:49
uioEriC^^: what partition should I choose?14:49
Reubenjaythelinuxguy: nothing comes up14:49
jaythelinuxguyMaybe: mount |grep sw14:50
uioEriC^^: It wants a root partition....14:50
Reubennothing either14:50
EriC^^uio: choose the ubuntu one that's ext414:50
jaythelinuxguyOr tell me what's in /etc/mtab14:50
EriC^^there should be one ext4 and one swap14:50
jaythelinuxguyWhat is the output of mount without grepping? What's in /etc/mtab? Those places may hold clues as to where your swap is14:51
Reubenjaythelinuxguy: http://paste.ubuntu.com/23344035/14:51
uioEriC^^: Sorry, yes both those are thre, but how do I choose to use them?14:51
Reubenjaythelinuxguy: this is mount http://paste.ubuntu.com/23344040/14:51
uioEriC^^: I just highlight it? the ext4 I mean...14:52
jaythelinuxguyReuben: It's looking to me so far as if you're using a swap file, not a swap partition14:52
Reubenjaythelinuxguy: yes that's right only a swap file14:52
EriC^^uio: double click on the ext4 one14:52
EriC^^and choose mountpoint "/" and ext4 as the filesystem14:52
jaythelinuxguyReuben: Although it may not be an issue, I don't like the swap file being in the /mnt directory. I usually create swap files right at /, for example, /swapfile14:53
EriC^^also for swap double click and choose swap partiton14:53
Reubenjaythelinuxguy: hmmm14:53
Reubenjaythelinuxguy: lol maybe let's deal with one issue at a time haha14:54
jaythelinuxguyReuben: For a moment I was thinking it may be contributing to your issue. You're probably right though.14:55
uioEriC^^: Okay, so I double click on the ext4, but I son't see what I must do after that14:56
jaythelinuxguyReuben: But the only thing that seems out of place to me, though, is how you have swap set up. Ubuntu 14.04 had issues with setting up swap during installation when using encryption. That was fixed later. Unfortuately that  is the only thing that seems odd to me about your setup14:56
Reubenjaythelinuxguy: i have a feeling that there wwas a bug with the encrypted shit14:56
Reubenthat's why there is all these hacky workarouinds14:56
uioEriC^^: okay, got it for ext414:57
jaythelinuxguyReuben: My experience with 14.04 and encryption was that it worked well, other than swap. I remember swap working the first boot, and then not again after that.14:57
uioEriC^^: What should I do with the swap one?14:57
uioEriC^^: sorry, mouse slip14:57
OerHeksReuben,  encrypted swap is oke, you just would heave issues when going hybernating/sleep14:57
OerHeksif that happened, your system could not get awake14:58
uioEriC^^: and then I should choose what for the location of the booter?14:58
jaythelinuxguyOerHeks encrypted swap is fine, I agree, but it was broken in 14.04.14:58
Reubenmaybe i should just install from scratch14:58
ioriauio, /dev/sda14:58
jaythelinuxguyReuben: If you're going to do that anyway, it probably won't hurt to comment out that swapfile line in fstab, just to see whether or not it fixes it.14:59
uioioria: for the booter? and what do I do with the wee swap partition that the last attempt birthed?14:59
jaythelinuxguyReuben: Have your livecd ready beforehand, obviously14:59
Reubenhaha yes14:59
ioriauio, sorry, i got booloader14:59
ioriauio, *bootloader14:59
jaythelinuxguyReuben: also, move that swapfile somewhere else before rebooting15:00
EriC^^uio: double click on it and choose swap partition15:00
Reubenjaythelinuxguy and OerHeks: thanks :D15:00
Reubenappreciate it!15:00
Reubenwill probably save this for a weekend job15:00
uioEriC^^: okay, and then I just click install?15:00
ReubenThanks so much guysss15:00
gambl0rewhy do i need to run sudo command every time i want to do any command even something as createing an empty file?15:00
jaythelinuxguyReuben: Msg me about how it goes15:00
gambl0reor creating a dir15:00
ioriauio,  check grub location selected15:01
Reubenjaythelinuxguy: will do :D will come back here later on thx!!15:01
EriC^^uio: yuo15:01
OerHeksgood safety, gambl0re15:01
uioEriC^^: I couldn't choose a mount point for swap, so I changed nothing...15:01
jaythelinuxguyReuben: np15:01
uioioria: there is no grub15:01
EriC^^uio: yeah no mountpoint needed15:01
EriC^^uio: clcik on15:01
EriC^^format next to the ext4 one15:01
EriC^^on the checkmark next to it15:01
uioEriC^^: format the swap space to ext4?15:02
uioEriC^^: format the swap space to ext4 and selected the mount point15:03
uioEriC^^: then I ticked off its box15:03
uioEriC^^: now I turn swap into ext4 and check its format box?15:03
uioioria: does that sound right to you? I should turn swap into ext415:05
EriC^^uio: no i meant the ext4 that has the mountpoint "/"15:05
uioEriC^^: I did that, and checked the 'format' box for it.15:06
EriC^^oh ok cool15:06
EriC^^install away :D15:06
uioEriC^^: Do I leave the swap one alone?15:06
uioEriC^^: here goes...15:06
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popMaizeso I'm trying to use my ubuntu m10 to ssh into a linuxAcademy server, and it keeps saying connection refused. I'm trying to diagnose it, but lack of knowledge and read-only file system is stopping me15:07
uioEriC^^: the creation of the swap space failed....15:07
uioEriC^^: La création de l'espace d'échange sur la partition n° 1 de Volume chiffré (cryptswap1) a échoué.15:08
EriC^^that mentions encryption15:08
uioEriC^^: yep, I chose to encrypt the home directory15:08
SillypiratopopMaize if it says that it means the port is closed , you could use nmap or telnet to confirm15:08
EriC^^why'd it try to create a cryptswap115:08
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EriC^^uio: oh15:08
uioEriC^^: Now I am back at the choosing an install place step..15:09
EriC^^uio: i'm kind of stumped15:10
popMaizeSillypirato, never used either, and sudo apt install nmap doesn't work15:10
uioEriC^^: Me too; thanks for your help anyway.15:10
EriC^^i do know you can create a user with home encryption later, i'm not sure if it creates an encrypted swap with that15:11
rcmainakwhat is wrong with my software center? it can't find steam neither in installed app section nor as search result...15:11
uioEriC^^: This is why windows users don't come to linux!15:11
SillypiratopopMaize oke , so try this ; telnet thehostyouwheretalkingabout 2215:12
EriC^^uio: bugs happen, c'est la vie :D15:12
eaglebotwhat command runs an upgrade from trusty too utopic?15:12
EriC^^uio: try without home encryption then add it later maybe15:12
uioEriC^^: C'est la vie indeed15:12
popMaizeSillypirato, "telnet: command no found"15:12
EriC^^it should be easy to add the encryption15:13
uioEriC^^: alas15:13
Gustavo6046Hi :D15:14
Gustavo6046What screen is that?15:14
OerHeksGustavo6046, your screen?15:15
Gustavo6046Yes but15:15
Gustavo6046what is that garbling? Why is it in MS-DOS text mode?15:15
Gustavo6046Ah, nevermind.15:15
popMaizeWhat's weird is that I know I've ssh'd into one of there servers before like a month or two ago... so...15:15
meetunixwhat is network, server, and channels ?15:16
ioriauio, you can encrypt your home and swap later15:16
uioDear ubuntu channel: desbite several hours of effort I was unable to install linux on a windows machine. If you ever wonder why people don't make the jump to linux, this might be why.15:17
meetunixhow can i enlist all networks, servers, and channels ?15:17
NoImNotNineVoltenlist in what?15:17
OerHeksmeetunix, depends on your irc client15:17
meetunixand how can i connect or join them15:17
meetunixi m using irssi15:18
NoImNotNineVoltoh. there are many networks/servers, and not all of them are public.15:18
mjaykuio: thats for the update :), you might find this channel more useful if you ask a question.15:18
NoImNotNineVoltthat's a partial list of some of the larger networks.15:18
OerHeks!irssi | good start > meetunix15:18
ubottumeetunix, please see my private message15:18
Pici!alis > meetunix15:18
uiomjayk: look at the history of the channel. I have been15:18
meetunix@ubottu i dont know still how to i m still total new15:19
mjaykuio: my appologies :) gl with your install linux isn't for everyone15:19
NoImNotNineVolteach network documents its own list of servers. once you're connected, you can list channels yourself.15:19
meetunixif you can give me the instructions15:19
NoImNotNineVoltfor irssi, you might want to install the elist script to list channels.15:19
k1l_meetunix: the bot send you the instructions to search for channels in the private window15:20
k1l_meetunix: to join a new channel type "/join #channelname"15:20
ioriauio,  swap is not ext4, it's just swap ... :þ15:20
NoImNotNineVoltuio: i was able to install ubuntu-for-windows in about 5 minutes.15:20
uiomjayk: "linux isn't for everyone" ah.15:20
Sillypiratouio you are just trying to do something that usually would be done the other way around15:20
popMaizewhat are they trying to do?15:21
uioSillypirato: with encryption you mean?15:21
NoImNotNineVoltbut if you had/have a swap partition, you probably weren't installing "linux on a windows machine".15:21
meetunixokey can you guys give me link to a guide for new in irssi i search the web and the offical but just dont understand15:21
ioriauio,  install without encryption , well'do that later15:22
uioNoImNotNineVolt: interesting.... but not true15:22
NoImNotNineVoltmeetunix: you may be better served by a different irc client that is more user-friendly.15:22
Sillypiratouio no im talking about the installer and the partitions15:22
NoImNotNineVoltuio: so you're saying that your windows installation actually has a swap partition and not a swap file?15:22
NoImNotNineVolti haven't been keeping up with windows, so that's news to me.15:23
uioioria: but it is there now, and I can't seem to remove them - the installer halts15:23
ioriauio,  maybe is mounted (you should see a lock ), click to unmount15:23
uioNoImNotNineVolt: or the process has been so unsmooth that the first attempt created the swap partition.15:23
NoImNotNineVoltuio: ubuntu-for-windows doesn't create a swap partition.15:23
est31ehh, seems I've managed to get do-release-upgrade to abort15:25
est31mid process15:25
est31I don't know what I did wrong15:25
est31I just wanted to start a shell to fix /etc/sysctl.conf15:25
est31(the upgrade complained about conflicts)15:25
est31and then I removed the changes I did so that it applied cleansly15:26
est31and then I just pressed ctrl+D to exit the shell15:26
est31but somehow screen then told me that the process was terminated15:26
est31so, what to do now?15:26
meetunixguys suggest some user friendly cli clients15:26
est31Last time I did dpkg-reconfigure --all but the all option was removed I think15:27
mjaykmeetunix: try hexchat15:27
mjaykmeetunix: oops no15:27
meetunixyeah its not cli15:27
mjaykmeetunix: i missed the cli bit :D irssi is the only one I know sorry15:27
meetunixi have it already15:27
meetunixi want cli15:28
Picimeetunix: irssi or weechat.15:28
est31man man man15:29
jaythelinuxguyuio, if the machine has a sticker on it that says that it was designed for Windows, then it's not the fault of Linux that it doesn't work on that machine. If you want to run Linux, research a machine's compatibility before you buy it, or buy a machine from a Linux vendor.15:29
est31I am happy that I'm not on a rolling release distro15:29
est31otherwise I'd have this nightmare every time I updated15:29
hackercan u guys help me out15:29
meetunixDohplay: yeah i m on irssi, can you give any link to newbie guide15:29
hackercracking idm in linux15:29
ikoniawe are not here to help you break things15:30
hackerwhy ?15:30
ikoniathat is not the function of this channel15:30
hackerso basically what is this channel for15:30
est31so lsb release tells me I'm on 16.10 now15:30
mjaykhacker: ubuntu help15:30
NoImNotNineVoltidm is not in the ubuntu repos.15:31
hackeri just installed i am new to linux15:31
est31so what can I use instead of dpkg-reconfigure -a to solve the issue?15:31
OerHeksest31, that would be the right command to fix your interrupted upgrade15:33
est31OerHeks, but it got removed: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/debconf/+bug/1463672/comments/215:34
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1463672 in debconf (Ubuntu) "-a and -all swith for dpkg-reconfigure do not work under 15.04" [Undecided,Won't fix]15:34
OerHeksnot sure what you want to 'fix' on your /etc/sysctl.conf15:34
hackeri am lvng it15:34
est31OerHeks, basically I had this issue, but its not really what my current problem is about: https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1118958#c2715:35
ubottuMozilla bug 1118958 in Sync "Sync fails on unitymedia DS-Lite networks" [Normal,Resolved: fixed]15:35
est31I just want to make sure that my system boots successfully when I reboot it15:35
ikoniaest31: what's the actual problem here ?15:35
est31and that all packages are in a halfway consistent state15:35
popMaizeso... if I were to install a completely different distro on the Ubuntu m10 where I can actually use the terminal properly... what options do I have?15:35
est31ikonia, do-release-upgrade aborted and didn't complete15:35
plattaRunning ubuntu 14.04 server as a VM, and I increased the size of its hard drive, but ubuntu doesn't see it. I'm not familiar with LVM, but is there a simple way to have it rescan and expand the main partition to include the new space?15:36
maddawg2you use GParted15:36
maddawg2to increase the partition size15:36
ikoniaest31: ok - what point did it fail and why15:36
ikoniaplatta: no15:36
maddawg2ikonia, thats not true15:36
maddawg2there is an easy way15:36
ikoniaplatta: a.) are you using lvm b.) did you increase the physical disk or the logical disk15:37
maddawg2you just use gparted15:37
plattamaddawg2, I don't have X, so I can't use gparted though.15:37
ikoniamaddawg2: no you don't, that won't extend a file system, a pv or an lv15:37
maddawg2that extends the parititon15:37
maddawg2if you boot from Gparted15:37
ikoniamaddawg2: it will not force a rescan15:37
maddawg2i do it all the time15:37
maddawg2ummm what?15:37
maddawg2i increase my disk space all the time with gparted15:37
ikoniamaddawg2: how will that help him with lvm15:38
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maddawg2he boots from gparted and increases the partition15:38
plattaikonia, Yes, I'm using LVM. I increased the physical disk size.15:38
maddawg2he added space to his VM15:38
ikoniamaddawg2: how will that help with him lvm15:38
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NoImNotNineVoltcan't you just unmount the partition? why boot to gparted?15:38
maddawg2i didnt know hw was using LVM15:38
maddawg2he said he didn't know much about LVM15:38
ikoniamaddawg2: right - so read what he said15:38
maddawg2yes he said he didnt know much about it hence why i thought he didnt use it15:38
NoImNotNineVoltunmount, resize, mount. done.15:38
ikoniaplatta: is the physical volume in use15:39
est31ikonia, basically it ran fine, until it found out that I changed /etc/sysctl.conf, and the new package version has changed it as well. Then I opted it to give me a shell to fix the problem. I edited /etc/sysctl.conf to remove my changes, and pressed ctrl+d to exit the shell. Then screen told me that the process has terminated (do-release-upgrade always starts screen).15:39
arunsDoes anyone know what the PPA for the latest release of Emacs is?15:39
smclt30pDoes anyone have a SanDisk ssd here?15:40
ikoniaest31: so basically you interupted it15:40
arunsRunning a search using 'emacs' as search term on Launchpad, but showing hundreds of matches.15:40
ikoniaest31: and you want it to conntinue15:40
est31doing do-release upgrade again doesnt work15:40
est31that was my first try15:40
plattaikonia, Yes, it's the only physical disk attached to the machine.15:40
est31thing I tried*15:40
ikoniaest31: define doesn't work15:40
roryaruns: there is no official (emacs project) PPA for emacs15:40
arbitrarystringtry the gui tool system-config-lvm15:40
est31ikonia, # do-release-upgrade15:40
est31Checking for a new Ubuntu release15:40
est31No new release found15:40
ikoniaplatta: have you actually made any change15:41
roryaruns: This one is popular for nightly builds https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-elisp/+archive/ubuntu/ppa15:41
arunsrory: Ah OK, thanks, so I just have to install the default version of Emacs for Ubuntu then?15:41
roryaruns: yeah it'll be fine honestly, I bet it's the latest stable version anyway15:41
arunsrory: Oh, this is for the development builds of Emacs?15:41
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arunsThe link you should sent me.15:41
roryaruns: for automated nightly builds I think15:41
arunsrory: Ah OK, thanks.15:41
ikoniaest31: so why do you think it's not upgraded all the packages ?15:41
arunsrory: So they might not necessarily be tested / debugged?15:42
rorythey absolutely aren't15:42
plattaikonia, Yes, I powered off the VM and increased the size of the physical disk (this is in Oracle VirtualBox). VirtualBox shows new size correctly.15:42
hackerwhat is vidalia ?15:42
roryaruns: you want to just install emacs from the ubuntu repository, I guarentee it.15:42
hackerthis tor network thing is not working properly15:42
popMaizeare there other distros I can install on an arm tablet and expect it to work? ubuntu touch is feeling less ready every time I use it15:42
OerHekshacker, Vidalia is a discontinued cross-platform GUI for ... dead project15:43
k1lhacker: report to tor then15:43
ikoniaplatta: ok, so you need to do a pvresze, then your VG will show the increase15:43
rorypopMaize: there are other distros but this is for Ubuntu support - try ##linux15:43
OerHekshacker, tor is leaking anyway.15:43
hackerwhats new project ?15:43
ikoniahacker: what is the ubuntu problem you need help with ?15:43
k1lpopMaize: you can install a ubuntu desktop with some manual work on most tablets. for other linux distributions better ask ##linux15:43
est31ikonia, because it exited right after I edited the file. It didnt configure any other packages15:44
ikoniaest31: are your sources now pointing at 16.10 repos ?15:44
est31ikonia, also, I'm scared of attempting a reboot15:44
popMaizethanks, will try there. Started as an ubuntu tablet though, so thought it might have good luck here15:44
est31because I don't know how inconsistent the state my system is in right now15:44
ikoniaest31: has the upgrade changed your sources to point at 16.10 ?15:45
OerHeksest31, make a fresh iso on usb, before trying to reboot15:45
est31ikonia, yes15:45
ikoniaest31: so if you do an apt-get upgrade and then dist-upgrade it should attempt to update any packages that are not "current"15:45
ikoniathat will show you the current state of the system15:45
est31ikonia, that complains about not getting the apt lock15:46
est31should I delete the lock file?15:46
est31ps -A -l | grep apt is empty15:46
ikoniaest31: yeah15:46
est31apt update tells me to do dpkg --configure -a15:46
est31doing that now15:47
est31is that the replacement of dpkg-reconfigure??15:47
arunsrory: Eww, the GUI version of Emacs looks terrible.15:51
speaker1234I need to give user access to a GUI desktop over a VPN link. I've tried to use the built-in VNC but it seems to require you to be logged in before you have access to machine. Also, the built-in VNC gives me "server did not offer supported security type error".15:51
speaker1234What is the current best practice for providing remote desktop access from 16.0415:52
Bravenhello Everyone15:53
est31it looks really good15:54
est31now I have to reboot15:54
arunsspeaker1234: Do they need access to the GUI? Would shell access not suffice?15:54
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roryaruns: I can't help you with that :D15:54
arunsrory: Unfortunately, the console version doesn't look much nicer either xD15:55
roryaruns: use vim then15:55
arunsrory: I use that, just haven't used Emacs before so wanted to try it out.15:55
roryaruns: you're not missing much. IMO it doens't matter which you learn as long as you learn one :D15:55
arunsrory: Yeah, well, I started off with Nano but have slowly progressed onto Vim and am finding it much more useful. But I think that other than Nano, Vi, Vim and Emacs, there aren't any other console text editors for Linux, are there?15:56
arunsOr am I wrong?15:56
rorythere is ed, the standard editor15:56
Bravenwhat is the command to update DNS for an interface15:57
est31you can use butterflies15:57
est31aand it worked!15:57
* est31 now is on a working ubuntu 16.1015:58
arunsrory: Sweet, am learning that now, thanks. I know there's also the Pico and Jed command line editors, are they any good?16:00
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arbitrarystringaruns: pico was the old version of nano essentially16:01
SchrodingersScatpico is now an alias for nano in ubuntu16:02
jaythelinuxguylol I never knew that, in regards to pico16:03
smclt30pDoes anyone have a Samsung 8X0 Series SSD?16:04
smclt30p850 Pro/Evo, 840 Pro/Evo16:04
arbitrarystringpico was the editor developed by the university of washington, and it changed to nano when it got open sourced16:04
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est31smclt30p, yes, why?16:06
smclt30pI need some information. @est31 Can you run a hdparm -I on the SSD or provide /sys/block/XXX/device/model and /sys/block/XXX/device/vendor16:07
smclt30pand send the data via a paste?16:07
est31smclt30p, model is "Samsung SSD 850" and vendor is "ATA"16:08
est31I wont provide you with the hdparm -I output16:09
cmyrlandO hai. After installing elementaryOS, grub does not display my ubuntu install. Ubuntu is installed on sda with btrfs, elementary on sdb with ext4, grub is installed on sda. I've tried googling, but found to apparent solution..16:09
smclt30p@est32 Thanks. Why not?16:09
est31smclt30p, what exactly do you need it for anyway16:09
Keydnsis there some sort of data manipulation simulation terminal software16:09
est31Keydns, you mean things like awk or sed? or more something like julia cli?16:11
est31also python has a REPL for the terminal16:11
smclt30pI'm developing a program for disk information and diagnostics, and there is a pretty logo on it, along with a model. I need to guess the manufacturer based on the model and vendor file (you provided). See -> https://imgur.com/a/mVs0o16:11
est31I see16:12
est31this looks like KDE16:13
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smclt30p@est32 It is KDE. It's not even Ubuntu, its Arch.16:16
MonkeyDustsmclt30p  arch support in #archlinux ... you have to !register16:18
speaker1234aruns: (sorry, phone distraction) Yes they really do need the GUI. They are only doing simple things (adding/deleting users) and the added complexity/culture shock of the shell just won't fly for this company.16:19
smclt30p@MonkeyDust I did not ask for Arch support. Or any kind of support. I was interested in hardware.16:19
naccsmclt30p: i don't think the ubuntu support channel is the appropriate place to ask users for their hardware info16:19
smclt30p@nacc I asked in a lot of channels to reach a lot of people16:20
est31smclt30p, http://paste.ubuntu.com/23344530/16:20
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est31I've XX ed out the serial numbers16:20
naccsmclt30p: that doesn't make it appropriate..16:20
smclt30p@est32 See, that makes it a lot more interesting, as hdparm issues a ATA IDENTIFY command, asking the drive to show its ID. There, you can see its a lot more detailed, like the Model field. Now i know If it is a Pro or Evo drive.16:22
cmyrlandso.. any idea how to fix the grub/ubuntu btrfs issue?16:23
smclt30p@cmyrland Did you install os-prober?16:24
smclt30pInstall os-prober and run grub-update as root16:24
cmyrland@smclt30p: already installed, no go16:25
Ivanacan someone help me fix something16:26
Ivanai have a brand new fresh copy of ubuntu16:26
Ivanabut my mouse pointer icon is stuck at the top left of the screen16:26
Ivanabut i can move the mouse around and click on stuff but its invisible16:26
Ivanabut the mouse pointer icon stays in the same place16:26
smclt30p@Ivana caoo @cmyrland What is your disk <-> OS conf?16:27
Ivanathe mouse works though16:27
Ivanaubuntu 16.1016:27
IvanaWD Blue16:27
Ivanai never had this issue before16:27
Ivanabut i have just got a gtx 107016:27
Ivanaand this issue has only happened after16:27
smclt30p@Ivana Bad move to buy a NVIDIA card.16:27
Ivanai needed it for uni16:28
Ivanai had a AMD before16:28
Ivanai needed cuda16:28
vltspeaker1234: For years I used vnc4server to provide remote GUI sessions. There’s also LTSP which I use only in LAN distance. And recently I discovered x2go.16:28
cmyrland@smclt30p: what do you mean, disk <-> OS conf? sda (ssd drive) has ubuntu on btrfs, sdb has elementary on ext4..16:29
smclt30pI asked you that. @Ivana bootstrap a system via a command line and install the proprietary NVIDIA drivers.16:29
cmyrland@Ivana, please use periods instead of hitting enter when you finish a sentence..16:30
arbitrarystringIvana: www.webupd8.org/2016/06/how-to-install-latest-nvidia-drivers-in.html16:30
arbitrarystringit worked for me16:30
davido_I have a bluetooth mouse. Today I showed up at work and the mouse was no longer functioning.  Inside the System Settings | Bluetooth CP, I see "No Bluetooth adapters found"16:30
davido_(fortunately the mouse has a non-bluetooth dongle mode too)16:31
Ivana@smclt30p do you think the mouse pointer issue is related to the graphics card?16:31
cmyrland@smclt30p, okay ;) I wrote that earlier, but accidentially quit the webirc client because of elementary's doofus placement of tab close button..16:32
smclt30p@Ivana you can check that. Reboot the install and disable KMS, and then boot the install again without KMS16:32
smclt30p@Ivana you can do that by adding nomodeset to the kernel parameters16:32
naccsmclt30p: you don't need to use @ and most clients don't recognize it for IRC16:32
davido_The bluetooth adapter is built-into my laptop. It simply ceased to be found by Ubuntu (16.04, 4.4.0-43-generic)16:32
smclt30pnacc: Bad habit16:33
ouroumov_davido_, do you get your mouse back when you try an older kernel?16:33
davido_I haven't shifted back to an older kernel.16:33
smclt30pIvana: Reboot the Ubuntu install disk, on the screen with the little man in the bottom press Tab, then press F6, Escape, and add nomodeset to the line, then press enter16:34
ouroumov_davido_, can you try? Do you know how to?16:34
MonkeyDustdavido_  install blueman16:34
Ivanaill try in a few :)16:34
cmyrlanddavido_: I guess you've checked for physical switches being turned off?16:34
coconut16hi! have you got any problems with cron and script which output in a text file?16:36
coconut16my script only write the output when I run it manually but not at cron16:36
coconut16hi! have you got any problems with cron and script which output in a text file? I don't find a solution for my problem but it seems the solution for others16:37
nacc!patience | coconut1616:38
ubottucoconut16: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/16:38
viteHowdy, I installed Ubuntu alongside an existing win10. Is there a way I can extract the win10 installation with it's existing config, and create a virtual machine and just vanilla install ubuntu and make ubuntu host win10?16:42
est31vite, I think so16:42
Ivanasmclt30p it worked :D16:43
Ivanai installed the other driver and mouse moves again16:43
smclt30p@Ivana you mean you did nomodeset?16:43
smclt30pOr installed the proprietary Nvidia driver?16:43
est31vite, maybe you want to try this: http://www.virtualbox.org/manual/ch09.html#rawdisk16:43
Ivananah i never had the right driver16:43
Ivanathis is what i was looking at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia16:44
MonkeyDustvite  explore ACEtoneISO, find it in the ubuntu repos16:44
microsdoes anyone know how to post a user key event for KEY_VOLDOWN/UP where the input type is EV_REL?  when i do this, no event is processed under android.  If i use EV_KEY, it works OK, but this is not suitable for a rotary knob which provides only a relative offset when its turned.16:45
vitethanks I'll look into it16:45
MonkeyDustmicros  how is that ubuntu related?16:45
microslinux :)16:45
microsmaybe keyboard input driver16:46
microsrotary volume knob16:46
gamesterSometimes when I search for an application it doesn't find it, then I try again and it might find it. Why doesn't such a simple operation simply work? (16.04)16:46
MonkeyDustmicros  are you in ubuntu now?16:46
microscan you please suggest alternative channels?16:46
naccgamester: how are you searching?16:46
MonkeyDustmicros  type   /msg alis list blah16:46
gamesternacc: by clicking on the keyboard's windows button and typing the application name16:46
naccgamester: ok, i've not experienced that issue, sorry16:47
gamesternp. It actually stops searching before it finds it. Yet a second later I can try again and it might find it. If not, I just keep repeating till it does.16:48
gamesterHappens once a week16:48
gamesterFor any application, like Skype16:48
davido_sorry for the belated reply.  Yes, I've checked the switch. This LT has a single switch that turns off all radios. Given that wifi still works, I think we're ok on that.  As for rolling kernel versions back, I probably could do that, though getting pegged to an older version is less desirable in the longrun.16:50
davido_blueman is installed.16:51
vitehas anyone noticed google chrome sorta freeze on the new ubuntu. you have to hit refresh for it to work at times.16:51
OerHeksvite, nope, works fine here16:52
vitearg spotify runs on start up when installed on ubuntu16:58
brunch875am I the only one whose singnonpluginprocess segfaults often?17:02
MonkeyDustbrunch875  that's a yes/no question, start from the beginning, what are you doing or trying17:04
wtfmani'm using the gnome disk editor to format a flash drive with LUKS encryption. i can unencrypt the partition fine on the machine i formatted the drive with, but on every other ubuntu machine (all running 16.04) i get "this location could not be displayed. you do not have the permissions necessary..." despite entering the correct passprase. what's going on?17:06
wtfmani created a LUKS partition on my laptop, unreadable on my desktop. and vice versa.17:06
wtfmanso it's not the machine that's the issue17:07
brunch875MonkeyDust: I'm not really doing anything special. But that program is crashing often by itself17:07
ioriawtfman, ecryptfs-utils cryptsetup are installed on the other machines ?17:07
brunch875was just wondering if I was the only one affected17:07
wtfmanioria: ecryptfs-utils wasn't17:08
wtfmaninstalled it, still not working17:09
ioriawtfman,  try a reboot17:09
wtfmanioria: no dice17:10
wtfmanjust rebooted17:11
ioriawtfman,  are we talking about a usb pen , right ?17:11
wtfmanioria: yep17:12
wtfmani formatted it with LUKS encryption on two different 16.04 machines. each one can decrypt it, but only if it formatted it.17:12
wtfmanif that makes sense17:12
speaker1234ok, x2go fails for 16.04 stock. Any other suggestions for how to give GUI remote access? built in VNC has failed because I can't find a client that works (security/authentication modes not supported)17:13
ioriawtfman,  and when you plug it, nautilus is giving you that message ?17:13
wtfmanfirst it prompts for the passphrase17:13
wtfmanbut yeah, ioria. soon as i put the passphrase in.17:13
ioriawtfman,  dmesg | tail says nothing ?17:14
compdocx2goserver works on 16.0417:15
wtfmanioria: [   29.507375] EXT4-fs (dm-3): mounted filesystem with ordered data mode. Opts: (null)17:15
speaker1234compdoc: All I get is a black screen. Nothing in unity shows up17:15
wtfmanioria: file explorer shows the "unlocked" icon next to the drive too17:16
wtfmanbut i just can't view the contents17:16
wtfmanioria: i googled and can't find anybody else with this problem really either.17:16
ocx32i booted in gparted livecd to extand /boot , so i shrinked / few mbs and extanded /boot, pressed apply and now i am unable to boot my ubuntu17:16
ioriawtfman,  i see.... what's on the flash drives ? generally, i mean17:17
wtfmanpdf docs and such17:17
wtfmanioria: it's a 32GB drive, i'm only using 1GB of it17:17
compdocspeaker1234, no remote client works with Unity. Needs to be a '2D' desktop.  There is a client that might work - but cant think the name. trying to find it17:18
ioriawtfman,  ls /media/<user>/   ?17:19
speaker1234compdoc: I'm thinking it's time to just punt and go to teamviewer17:19
pjpHi, I created a new Ubuntu 16.04 guest using virt-builder. When I #virsh start guest, it does not open the console even ssh login isn't working. Any idea how to enable console?17:19
dxiriHi everyone, looking for some help on setting up a bridge for use with openstack17:19
compdocspeaker1234, yeah, that one. What I do is install Ubuntu Server with a minimal Mate desktop, and then use x2goserver17:20
wtfmanioria: huh?17:20
dxiriI'm using this config for the interfaces: http://docs.openstack.org/developer/openstack-ansible/install-guide/app-config-test.html#test-environment-config17:20
wtfmanioria: it's listed in there17:20
ioriawtfman,  check in  /media/<user>/<device>  if mounted17:20
wtfmanya it is17:20
wtfmanit's mounted in there17:20
dxirieverything looks fine but I can't seem to be able to ping the bridge interface from the outside17:20
dxiriany clues?17:21
ioriawtfman,  can you cd in there ?17:21
speaker1234compdoc:  Unfortunately, in this context, that's not a solution for this particular user. They use the desktop rarely and they know unity so, unity is what they want. No, they don't want to switch, and to try and force a switch on a user is a major fail17:21
wtfmanioria: Permission denied17:21
wtfmanwhen i try to cd17:21
ioriawtfman,   ls -l /path/to/usb17:21
ioriawtfman,   check the owner17:22
compdocspeaker1234, time to switch users. jk :)17:22
wtfmanioria: ls: cannot open directory17:22
ioriawtfman,   ls -l /media/<user>17:22
speaker1234compdoc: :-) Yeah that comes back to blaming the user. Not really a good approach.17:23
ioriawtfman,   also   ls -ld  /media/<user>17:23
wtfmanioria: drwx------ 4 999 999 4096 Oct 18 13:0117:23
wtfmandrwxr-x---+ 3 root root 4096 Oct 18 13:2017:23
wtfmanit's owned by root?17:23
naruto_how to updata ubuntu mate ?17:23
MonkeyDustnaruto_  sudo apt updtae && sudo apt upgrade17:24
speaker1234compdoc: I think if there was some way I could get them the unity control panel via X11, it would be okay17:24
wtfmanioria: is it somehow owned by root?17:24
ioriawtfman,   no17:24
coconut16anyone program shell script?17:24
wtfmanioria: i just put the wrong passphrase in to test it and when i do that it doesn't even mount17:25
wtfmanso i'm def using the correct passphrase17:25
nacccoconut16: many people do, you probably want #bash17:25
ioriawtfman,   that's normal17:25
wtfmani mean, this makes LUKS 100% unusable for me. encryption is useless if it results in data loss.17:26
wtfmanthis is horrible =[17:26
ioriawtfman,   i think you have to chown the folder ...17:26
ioriawtfman,   can you paste ls -Rld /home/<user>17:26
wtfmanioria: drwxr-xr-x 22 blake blake 4096 Oct 18 13:10 /home/blake17:27
ioriawtfman,   can you paste ls -Rld /home/<user> /<device>17:28
wtfmanioria: what is /<device>17:28
wtfmanoh sec17:28
wtfmanioria: wait, what do you want for /<device>17:28
bhearsumhi there, does anyone know how to get unity-control-center to show all icons in non-unity display managers? in 16.04, setting XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP would do it, but that doesn't work in 16.10...at least not with i317:28
naccocx32: you changed an actual fileystems size on disk?17:28
ocx32nacc: yes17:29
wtfmandrwxr-xr-x 22 blake blake 4096 Oct 18 13:10 /home/blake17:29
ioriawtfman,   sorry i meant   ls -Rld /media/<user>/<device>17:29
naccocx32: i don't think that's generally a safe thing to do17:29
naccocx32: why did you do that?17:30
wtfmanls -Rld /media/blake/Blake's Flash Dr/17:30
ocx32nacc: there is like 1TB of free space17:30
ocx32nacc: coz /boot is 100MB only17:30
ocx32and i need to expand it17:30
wtfmanioria: drwx------ 4 999 999 4096 Oct 18 13:01 /media/blake/Blake's Flash Dr/17:30
ocx32so i removed free space from / and added to /boot17:30
OerHeksbhearsum, unity control center for i3?  i think you need to write one yourself17:31
ioriawtfman,   sudo chown  blake:blake "/media/blake/Blake's Flash Dr/"17:31
naccocx32: you might have needed to reinstall grub after that?17:31
ocx32nacc: it is not installing17:32
bhearsumOerHeks: should i be using gnome-control-center and gnome-settings-daemon instead? i've been using the unity versions for years with i33...17:32
ocx32i did chroot mnt after mounting17:32
ocx32and it gives me an error: canot find a deivice /boot/grub17:32
wtfmanioria: worked!17:32
naccocx32: what does `grub-install` say?17:32
wtfmanwtf caused that, ioria?17:32
naccocx32: how are you invoking it?17:32
wtfmani'm still confused what the issue was17:32
wtfmanso, i used the name username (blake) on both my desktop and laptop17:32
wtfmanand i formatted the drive as blake on my desktop17:32
ioriawtfman,   no clue really, but good job !17:33
OerHeksbhearsum, i3 is not my cup of tea, gnome-control center is not the suitable tool either for i317:33
ocx32sudo mount /dev/sda5 /mnt sudo mount /dev/sda7 /mnt/boot sudo chroot /mnt sudo grub-install /dev/sda exit17:33
ocx32^ nacc17:33
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wtfmanioria: thanks for the help. so was root the owner of the flash drive? and if so, how?17:34
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ioriawtfman,   999 is a system user17:34
naccocx32: you probably need to ensure /dev is mounted in your chroot (so before grub-install, do `mount -t devtmpfs none /dev` iirc17:34
bhearsumOerHeks: i'm not sure i really agree...a big part of the job of both unity and gnome settings daemons are to manage gtk and other non-window manager specific things17:35
OerHeksbhearsum, i3 is not even in our repos either17:35
bhearsumright, it's in universe or multiverse17:35
ocx32nacc: i did your commandm nbw i get device node not found17:35
MonkeyDust!find i317:35
ubottuFound: installation-guide-i386, libexempi3, libgssapi3-heimdal, libjs-yui3-common, libjs-yui3-debug, libjs-yui3-doc, libjs-yui3-full, libjs-yui3-min, libopenhpi3, libpci3 (and 51 others) http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=i3&searchon=names&suite=yakkety&section=all17:35
ocx32i need to mount /proc too i guess nacc17:36
ioriawtfman,   if you want you can read tihis  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EncryptedFilesystemsOnRemovableStorage17:36
naccocx32: yeah probably17:36
naccocx32: mount -t proc none /proc (in the chroot)17:36
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ocx32nacc: still  i get device node not found17:37
ocx32anything else to mount?17:37
bhearsumOerHeks: anyways, i appreciate you responding - i'll see how i can muddle through17:37
naccocx32: is it actually /dev/sda? it would depend on your system what to use there17:37
ocx32nacc: i have windows and linux on this machine17:38
ocx32sda3 extended and is linux17:38
ocx32: /devsda5 is the /17:38
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anombest way to have flash working in 16.10? doesn't work in firefox or chromimum and all the stackoverflow answers are outdated and no longer work q.q17:39
ioria!info flashplugin-installer17:40
ubottuflashplugin-installer (source: flashplugin-nonfree): Adobe Flash Player plugin installer. In component multiverse, is optional. Version (yakkety), package size 6 kB, installed size 58 kB (Only available for i386; amd64)17:40
ocx32nacc: any idea?17:40
anomTried that, and adobe-flashplugin17:40
anomno luck :(17:40
naccocx32: sorry, need to step away -- hopefully someone else can help out17:41
ioriaanom, depends also on the video you're trying to stream ... can you link it ?17:41
elias_aanom: How does it not work?17:42
elias_aanom: Does it do anything?17:42
ocx32i booted in gparted livecd to extand /boot , so i shrinked / few mbs and extanded /boot, pressed apply and now i am unable to boot my ubuntu17:45
ocx32i need to fix can anyon help17:45
anomhttp://i.imgur.com/F7mHpX3.jpg that's the error17:45
anomdoesn't work on btsports, or any steaming site. :/17:45
anomI've installed flashed, as you can see in the flags bit of chromium17:46
elias_aanom: What version does Chromium include?17:48
anomVersion 53.0.2785.143 Built on Ubuntu , running on Ubuntu 16.10 (64-bit)17:48
elias_aanom: AFAIK Chromium has a version of flash built in.17:49
OerHekselias_a, chrome has, chromium needs pepperflash plugin17:49
ioriaanom,  i'd go with chrome17:49
elias_aanom: I seem to have Shockwave Flash 11.2 r99917:49
anomhmmph. I've tried in firefox as well and the same grey square box with the you need to have flash installed message comes up17:49
anomboth of these worked fine on 16.0417:50
elias_aOerHeks: Really - is it still so?17:50
OerHekspepperflash actually downloads chrome to rip the plugin, grinn17:50
elias_aanom: I actually run 16.04.17:50
ubottuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - See also  !Restricted and !Gnash17:50
ioriaanom,  http://sport.bt.com/   is this ? i guess it requires an updated version of flash17:50
GrayCSCan anyone help me with refresh rates? v_v17:50
anomioria yeah that's it, their steams are in flash tho. THe clips you see on their site are html, so they work17:52
Exterminadorhello guys. i've read somo tutorials around the net, but i'm unable to put my sendmail relaying mails from gmail17:53
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elias_aanom: Nasty thing for a website to use flash. :/17:53
Exterminadorany simple tutorial that works? :x17:53
anomyeah :( though I can understand it with streaming, I don't think html5 streaming capabilties are up to scratch yet17:53
anomthough i may be wrong17:53
OerHeksGrayCS, ask, wait and see17:53
anomI'll try uninstalling firefox and chromimum, purging htem, and reinstalling. Something may have gone wrong when I upgraded from 16.0417:54
GrayCS!ask How come I can't get 120hz refresh rate on my RX 480 with my 144hz capable monitor? I'm on Ubuntu 16.10. Xrandr says 60*++ refresh rate capable.17:54
ubottuGrayCS: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)17:54
GrayCS!ask Are you intelligent, bot?17:55
ubottuGrayCS: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)17:55
ocx32compdoc: ping17:55
plaziaHe may not be intelligent but he might dream of electric sheep.17:55
OerHeksGrayCS, check the specs / manual of your card, maybe DP displayport can do that solely17:55
ioriai'm not use is flash17:55
MonkeyDustplazia  she17:55
elisa87please have a look http://askubuntu.com/questions/838853/lossless-or-minimum-loss-conversion-of-png-to-jpg17:56
GrayCS@OerHeks I could do it on Windows at 120hz.17:56
elias_aanom: I don't see any problems with HTML5 streaming anymore.17:56
ioriaima3 html5... bof17:56
compdococx32, I dont know how to fix it, except maybe run update-grub. I would just reinstall18:01
NewGnuGuycompdoc: What's the issue?18:02
OerHeksNewGnuGuy, join ##linux where the support issue is going on18:03
ocx32NewGnuGuy: are you expert with grub18:05
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Spacyanyone accustomed to trusty->xenial upgrades with mysql.. found a bug (and fix) and reported and want to know if this looks ok (#1634584 IMHO related to #1612517)18:07
NewGnuGuyocx32: I know what tutorial to follow when it breaks.18:08
ocx32i booted in gparted livecd to extand /boot , so i shrinked / few mbs and extanded /boot, pressed apply and now i am unable to boot my ubuntu18:08
NewGnuGuyocx32: Try this for starters: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8lod8sRb_6I18:10
diskordCould i install nvidia driver without xorg?18:17
tomreyndiskord: the X server will work without the nvidia driver, but not the other way around.18:20
OerHeksdiskord, what is your goal? w3hat x server are you using then?18:20
diskordit's for my friend18:20
diskordhe want to use cuda without xserver18:20
diskordfor machine learning18:21
ppfdiskord: the problem is not installing the driver but loading it18:21
ppfthe xserver would normally do that18:21
ppfwith out x you need to do it18:21
ppfthere's nvidia-modprobe or persistenced that can do this18:22
diskordis it possible to install cuda on it?18:24
ppfdiskord: yes18:25
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Noidea_how to remove packages in ubunti using terminal?18:27
kickarNoidea_,  apt-get remove18:27
ppfNoidea_: apt remove <pacakge>18:27
Noidea_i want to remove chromium ,so how should I do it?18:27
OerHeksNoidea_, just use softwarecenter? easy peasy, and howto remove software by comandline is easy to find too18:28
ppfNoidea_:apt remove chromium-browser18:28
Noidea_where do I find the software centre in ubuntu mate?18:28
Blac9iceNoidea_: apt-get remove chromium-browser18:29
Noidea_thanks that did the job.18:29
OerHeksdoes mate come without software center?18:29
Noidea_I can't find it.18:29
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Blac9iceapt-get is my software center18:30
GrayCSCan someone walk me through forcing 120hz on my main monitor? Xrandr doesn't appear to list it.18:30
catbadgeranyone got the newest fruityloops running on wine?18:31
catbadgerDM me18:31
Noidea_where is the ubuntu-offtopic?18:31
OerHeks!wine | catbadger ask here for help18:31
ubottucatbadger ask here for help: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu18:31
Noidea_how to I install wine in ubuntu mate?18:31
nicomachusNoidea_: it's literally right above your message.18:32
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Noidea_what's the channel for ubuntu offtopic?18:35
PiciNoidea_: you need to be registered and identified to nickserv to join.18:36
Noidea_offtopic: how do I register?18:37
Pici!register | Noidea_18:37
ubottuNoidea_: Information about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode18:37
enmahow to exit?18:37
OerHeksenma, exit what exactly?18:38
Noidea_can't understand the registration process,please explain,I am a noob18:39
diffisHello. Does anyone have an idea (or web page that shows) how the support times for Ubuntu + vanilla XFCE and Xubuntu differs? Assuming LTS versions. I know Xubuntu should be suported 3 years and pure Ubuntu 5 years, but the thing I don't understand is how the vanilla xfce package affects to this...18:39
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OerHeksNoidea_, Registration help available by typing /join #freenode18:39
Noidea_nothing is happening!18:40
backboxHey Done18:41
Noidea_done what?18:41
k1lNoidea_: #freenode for help with registering on freenode18:41
arunsI have pulled down a Laravel repo on a laptop running Ubuntu 16.0.4, I am using PHP 7.0.8, I am trying to run composer install in the project root but need to install some PHP modules such as php7.0-xml18:42
arunsBut get following error message when I try to install18:42
arunsThe following packages have unmet dependencies.  php7.0-xml : Depends: php7.0-common (= 7.0.8-0ubuntu0.16.04.3) but 7.0.9-1+deb.sury.org~wily+1 is to be installed E: Unable to correct problems, you have held broken packages.18:42
arunsIt seems it is trying to install the wrong version of the module, now I upgraded from 15.10 to 16.04, so I am using PHP 7.0.8 installed from the PPA18:42
arunsI believe PHP7 is on Ubuntu 16.04 natively18:42
arunsSo am I right in thinking that I need to disable the PHP PPA18:43
arunsRemove the packages I installed from the PPA18:43
arunsAnd install instead from Ubuntu?18:43
sonic_hello, I'm trying to troubleshoot a problem with ubuntu 16.10. It was originally xubuntu, but I added gnome and18:43
k1l!ppa-purge | aruns18:43
ubottuaruns: To disable a PPA from your sources and revert your packages back to default Ubuntu packages, install ppa-purge and use the command: « sudo ppa-purge ppa:<repository-name>/<subdirectory> » – For more information, see http://www.webupd8.org/2009/12/remove-ppa-repositories-via-command.html18:43
sonic_                unity to it. I can't login to my facebook online account even after turning off the security on the facebook side18:43
sonic_                of things18:43
sonic_it seems to be using a lot of the 3.20.x versions of binaries18:43
arunsk1l: Thanks :)18:43
k1laruns: yes, the ppa php are making issues. use ppa-purge to get rid of them18:43
sonic_when I login I'm almost immediately given the message, "Error creating account\nError getting identity: Could not18:44
sonic_                parse response18:44
backboxcan anyone help me get all metapackages command18:44
sonic_sorry I had to paste that18:44
grywhich metapackage are you after18:44
Spacyanyone accustomed to trusty->xenial upgrades with mysql.. found a bug (and fix) and reported and want to know if this looks ok (#1634584 IMHO related to #1612517) (2nd and last grp msg)18:44
benccwhen the cpu id is close to 0% in top I should decrease the cpu heavy tasks like transcoding?18:45
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ppfbencc: no. what?18:46
GrayCSWhat does this error mean? xrandr: Configure crtc 0 failed18:47
enma_i'm new using linux18:47
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benccppf: I'm doing several concurrent transcoding on my machine. top and iostat show that id is 0.4. does it mean that the cpu load is too much?18:47
NoImNotNineVoltGrayCS: have you tried asking a web search engine?18:47
NoImNotNineVoltGrayCS: because simply googling for that string yields many relevant results right on the very first page of results.18:48
ubottuWhile Google is useful for helpers, many newer users don't have the google-fu yet. Please don't tell people to "google it" when they ask a question.18:48
sonic__I was initially running xubuntu, and decided to switch over to gnome and unity818:48
sonic__this is an esoteric problem, I've tried searching for it for hours, literally18:48
ppfbencc: no, why would it?18:49
sonic__I don't know what adding facebook to the online accounts section in gnome even lets me do to be honest18:49
arunsk1l: Hi, ran grep ^ /etc/apt/sources.list /etc/apt/sources.list.d/* and output to .txt file, this is what I got searching for PHP, not sure which PPA(s) to purge18:49
arunsOr do I purge all18:49
arunsIt was running Ubuntu 15.10 originally, now running Ubuntu 16.0418:49
GrayCSApparently the reason for the error was something to do with my drivers? I can't upgrade my drivers because the latest are for Ubuntu 16.04. Can I downgrade my Ubuntu or would I have to reinstall?18:50
benccppf: I thought that close to zero idle means that the cpu is almost 100% active18:50
enma_can anyone help me? my ubuntu can't shutdown normally18:50
benccppf: and that you should leave some spare cpu cycles for safty. or maybe I'm not looking at the right metric?18:51
arunsenma_: You can use the 'shutdown' command on terminal18:51
OerHeksbencc, it can be 4.0 with a 4-core18:51
lardfisharuns: What does halt do?18:52
benccOerHeks: I have 8 cores. %Cpu(s): 51.7 us, 11.9 sy, 34.9 ni,  1.2 id,  0.0 wa,  0.0 hi,  0.3 si,  0.0 st18:52
enma_i mean stop in ubuntu logo18:52
benccOerHeks: isn't id out of 100% no matter how many cores I have?18:52
ppfbencc: you don't need 'cpu cycles for safety'18:52
HexicPythHi this is probably an odd question, but I have been reccommended to go here from #aircrack. I'm trying to get my HP Probook 6455b's Broadcom BC4313 to work under aircrack, but for whatever reason, blacklisting "wl" and forcing b43 to load cuts off wireless all together. It worked fine in kali, I just wanted to be able to have a more general-purpose OS for the sake of not rebooting all the time. Any ideas?18:53
benccppf: I'm transcoding live streams. if a transcoding task doesn't have enough cpu power it will drop frames18:53
ppfenma_: if you hit escape it'll tell you what's up18:53
benccppf: I'm looking for the metric to tell me I'm putting too much load on the server18:53
arunslardfish: Not sure, http://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/8690/what-is-the-difference-between-halt-and-shutdown-commands might answer your question18:53
arunslardfish: But it seems as though that it invokes the shutdown command automatically if it has not already begun the shutdown process18:53
arunsBut I haven't tested this.18:53
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ppfbencc: then adapt things until you don't drop frames anymore18:54
enma_ok, i will try it, if it happes again18:54
sonic__I think this is a rare problem that only the developers to the whole gnome-online-accounts or gnome-control-center18:54
sonic__where facebook won't auth18:55
sonic__gmail works18:55
benccppf: isn't it easier to watch the cpu and make sure it isn't too loaded?18:55
Noidea_registered now ,so how to join ubuntu offtopic?18:55
OerHeksbencc, maybe your GPU is the bottleneck ?18:55
sonic__anywhere else I can ask this question please?18:56
benccOerHeks: I don't have a GPU18:56
ppfsonic__: you're in the right place, just stick around18:56
benccOerHeks: all I'm asking is if id=0 means the cpu is 100% busy18:56
sonic__ppf: thanks18:56
ppfbencc: that's what it means18:56
Spacybencc: load 1.0 means exactly one task is waiting to get CPU time.. in top, you also see "us" time.. That actually is in percent of the total cpu.18:56
HexicPythIs anybody here familiar with Broadcom wireless cards(and their linux support) that could assist me?18:57
ppfSpacy: he's been asking about idle18:57
Noidea_I have this raspberrypi using a useless broadcom wifi device18:57
ubottuHelp with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx18:57
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benccSpacy: I see 'load average' on top. I don't see 'load'18:58
sonic__doh, forgot to start screen19:00
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sonic__It's been a little while since I used IRC. I had a pretty sweet inspircd server going, basically to spite my ex wife. I caught her cheating online on a, "harm reduction drug forum" well with someone from there, she was using pidgin19:02
Spacybencc: yes.. for the "averages" you will see 3 figures.. the 5min, the 10min and the 15min average. As said, it is pretty much the average of how much CPU is used.. from 0 = nothing to (lets say) 8.0 on a 8 core cpu. Note that this relates to so-called hyperthreads, so an I7 with 4 cores would have 8 threads and as such a load maximum of 8.019:02
sonic__anyway, I setup everything for her on freenode, made her channel owner, then I couldn't find the file I saved with her password, she managed to have it and took away my ops19:02
sonic__so I bought a VPS, gave everyone oper status, basically created a small communist government where people could play. People loved it. It caused the guy who helped her get my ops taken away to put a bunch of bots in the channel. I showed her, lulz. Since then I haven't used IRC19:03
ppfSpacy, bancc: the load average stat has a one minute sliding window19:03
ppfthat's not really live19:04
nicomachus!ot | sonic__19:04
ubottusonic__: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!19:04
ppfthe id, stat is19:04
mircx1sonic what do you want from inspircd?19:04
mircx1you have a server support for it19:04
sonic__mircx1: I used didn't want to use unrealirc like everyone else and it had a ton of modules19:04
sonic__do you happen to know the hacker Coolio (now deceased)19:05
mircx1listen i cant help to you in here but is have a server inside to there19:05
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sonic__he was a great friend of mine but since he went to jail for hacking he got mixed up in some BTC scams and was hated (rightfully so) on all the #bitcoin channels he use.19:06
sonic__anyway wikipedia has an entry on coolio19:06
OerHekssonic__, this is ubuntu support only, not a tea channel19:06
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!19:06
sonic__oh right I need to register19:07
Spacyppf, bancc: you're right.. load average is 1,5,15min average not 5,10,15min.. Stupid, sorry wrong memory.. Late here :) good site I just found: http://www.howtogeek.com/194642/understanding-the-load-average-on-linux-and-other-unix-like-systems/19:07
sonic__but I want a spot of tea19:07
sonic__fuck this19:07
Guest__Hi, I'm trying to create my own router with ubuntu after my old one died. I was wondering about WIFI capability and if someone knew of a good PCIE wifi card that will work as an AP.19:08
sonic__I searched for hours online where the real developers post bugs, I skimmed over them, but this is definitely just a bug. If developers don't hangout in here much I don't really need help with command line fu19:08
Noidea_can I get turbo C++ in ubuntu mate?19:09
Spacyppf, banc: The site doesn't mention how load relates to "wait time" instead of "cpu usage", but in most normal situations that's probably irrelevant.19:10
younderNoidea_: with wine?19:10
ppfas i said, it's the wrong metric for you19:10
OerHeksGuest__, maybe this page is any help https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/WirelessAccessPoint not sure where to get a list of certified accesspoint hardware19:11
younderNoidea_:  I haven't used Turbo c++ since 199419:11
ppfdoes that still exist?19:11
Guest__Ok, thank you.19:11
younderNo. Not for a long time. It w19:12
OerHeksTurbo C++ ?? In Linux the most common C/C++ compiler is gcc/g++19:12
Noidea_any other suggestin?19:12
ppfNoidea_: for what precisely?19:12
ubottuCompiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)19:12
younderOerHeks, I use clang these days..19:13
OerHeksyounder, how helpfull answer :-D19:13
Noidea_to install turbo C++19:13
ppfNoidea_: why ...19:13
ioriaNoidea_, https://youtu.be/B5kOGYC5hLE19:13
Noidea_to do my assignments19:14
AlexQHi. Is it still possible to upgrade from 15.04 to 16.04 LTS?19:16
younderStill using a compiler that came out in 1990, which is 26 yeas ago is a bit odd. At the time though it was state of the art.19:16
ppfNoidea_: if your teacher requires you to develop in turbo c++ you should _really_ drop that course19:16
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OerHeksAlexQ, with the old-release trick, yes, but it will take hours19:16
gryNoidea_: turbo c++ is a discontinued compiler; do your assignments need to be in c++ with some turbo features, or any c++ compiler would do19:16
ubottuEnd-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades19:16
Noidea_why? ppf19:16
elisa87please have a look http://askubuntu.com/questions/838897/converting-gifv-to-jpg19:17
gryNoidea_: it is not maintained anymore, it is discontinued, hence the question19:17
ppfthe tool doesn't work anymore, the language isn't supported anymore19:17
gryNoidea_: you can install code::blocks in the ubuntu software center. it is a wonderful working c++ ide19:18
Noidea_so any other for the same purpose?19:18
ppfNoidea_: learning that language (c++98 or older) is pretty much the greatest damage you can do to your career19:18
ppfthere are many great ides19:18
AlexQNoidea_: Yeah, ppf is right, just install some Code::Blocks, easy for beginners I think19:18
ppfi'd suggest clion19:18
Noidea_so what should I learn19:18
gryNoidea_: go with code::blocks and a modern variant of c19:18
ppfif the tasks are c++ go with c++19:19
Noidea_ok thanks but I never used it, any channel helping there?19:19
ppfNoidea_: who's giving you these assignments19:19
ppfNoidea_: ##c++-general19:19
gryppf: I don't recommend proprietary software. only as a last resort. clion is that19:19
ppfgry: true19:19
Noidea_ppf: I learntmyself but only using turbo in windows19:20
gryNoidea_: you can be in a few channels at the same time. #codeblocks is a good place to be in.19:20
Noidea_thanks gry19:20
ppfNoidea_: okay, then i'm a bit relieved19:20
Noidea_why ppf19:20
meetunixguys! is it possibal to just update the bash on ubuntu on windows subsystem and skip any other windows updates19:20
Noidea_I am 15 none teaching that in here19:20
ppfi was afraid you had a teacher giving you assignments in turbo c++ :)19:21
gryI think ppf was concerned about saving the rest of the class, if there was one, from that horror19:21
meetunixi  m running on win 10 home19:21
ppfmeetunix: that's a #windows question :)19:21
Noidea_what's the horror?19:21
ppflearning c++ from 2 decades ago19:21
OerHekselisa87, maybe openshot or other video editor can load gifv, so you can grab one frame. never tried it, gifv is not a standard in editors19:21
gryand thanks a lot for self-learning. freenode is a wonderful place to be in for this activity19:21
ppfNoidea_: learn c++14, use an ide like code blocks to do that19:22
RFlemingif I enable setuid and setgid on a directory owned by 2222:2222, would all subsequent files created in that directory be owned by 2222:2222?19:22
grya bit overwhelming but wonderful19:22
RFlemingerr s/would/should/19:22
RFlemingI've tried it and only setguid seems to be working19:22
meetunixppf: yeah i understand it but i have seen the bash on win posts on some ubuntu forums just so....19:22
Noidea_i have no idea about code blocks can you do a chat?19:23
AlexQOerHeks: Thanks. Is it possible to do a clean install of (X)ubuntu 16.04 from installed 15.04? I don't have a pendrive or a clean DVD19:23
ioriaNoidea_,  code:blocks is just an ide19:23
NinjaWilsyHello :)19:24
meetunixNoidea_: yeah its ide and as far as i know mainly for c\c++19:24
OerHeksAlexQ, maybe pxe boot .. easier to get a dvd/usb19:24
Noidea_so how do I get codeblocks in ubuntu: sudo apt-get install ??19:24
ppfNoidea_: yes19:25
ppfsudo apt install codeblocks19:25
ronaldsmazitiswhy sshagent is always running in ubuntu19:25
Nelson_hello how to zip a directory tree structure including all files and subfolders without actually zipping anything?19:25
ioriaNoidea_, if you are starting learning i strogly suggest you the command line19:25
Noidea_I know a bit of the command line19:26
Nelson_ioria: yes how to do it from command line?19:26
ioriaNoidea_,  do what ?19:26
Noidea_do what?19:26
ronaldsmazitiswhy is ssh-agent running in Ubuntu?19:26
Noidea_do what :ioria19:26
ppfNelson_: i don't understand that question19:26
ppfronaldsmazitis: because it's running by default19:27
NinjaWilsySo, I used to have Ubuntu on a dual boot a few years back, but I haven't been near computers that much due to work etc etc etc. But, I got myself a new laptop, windows 10... My question is i guess... Is dualboot still a thing? I love Ubuntu, but I need to keep windows as well, for university things and some games etc. any advice?19:27
AlexQOerHeks: What if I created an ext4 partition and extracted the ISO contents there, did reboot back into 15.04, and then run update-grub (maybe it would find the kernel on that extracted live image) and then rebooted into the live version?19:27
ronaldsmazitisppf: why19:27
SpacyNelson_, : Do you need the zip format? Or could it be any compressed format?19:27
ppfwhat do you mean, 'why'19:27
ronaldsmazitisI don't use ssh19:27
Noidea_I used ubuntu in my raspberry pi and windows in my pc19:27
ppfronaldsmazitis: ubuntu still runs it by default19:28
ronaldsmazitishow can I disable ssh-agent19:28
Nelson_ppf I mean, I've got a folder with files and subfolders inside. I want to write down the structure in a zip file so that I would be able to recreate it later. I don't need to acually archive anything e.g. the zip should be very small in size19:28
ppfwhy do you want to19:28
ronaldsmazitisppf: because I don't use ssh19:28
AlexQNinjaWilsy: AFAIK it is still at thing, fortunately :)19:28
OerHeksAlexQ, i don't know about that19:28
kegan_can someone recommend a good stack for ubuntu19:28
kegan_or should i have just installed another distro19:28
younderNoidea_, Isnt 1 Gb a bit slim fr ubuntu?19:28
OerHekskegan_, good stack ?19:28
Bray90820So can someone help me ubuntu 16.0 on my surface 3 freezes every time I use a web browser and i think it might be a graphics driver issue19:28
kegan_server stack19:28
Nelson_Spacy I was expecting zip format would support this but I guess other formats are ok19:28
kegan_secure and lightweight19:28
ppfronaldsmazitis: yes but why do you need to disable ssh-agent19:28
kegan_php/apache at least19:28
ppfi just don't get it19:28
ronaldsmazitisit takes ram19:29
OerHekskegan_, ubuntu is fine, join #ubuntu-server perhaps?19:29
Noidea_ppf : I need some instructions to work in codeblocks, come in!19:29
kegan_thanks OerHeks  :)19:29
meetunixNinjaWilsy: yes you can but firt look at this "http://www.howtogeek.com/175649/what-you-need-to-know-about-using-uefi-instead-of-the-bios/"19:29
ronaldsmazitisand it's unusual to run applications that You don't use19:29
ppfNoidea_: you should google a codeblocks introductory tutorial19:29
NinjaWilsyAlexQ: That's great, cause I overheard a lecturer saying that dualbooting was a bit outdated and not used or something. But I shouldn't really run into any trouble with a 2Tb harddrive in terms of space anyway. can you change the amount of space you dedicate to Ubuntu after install?19:29
younderUEFI caused problems with the NVIDIA driver on 16.04. I had to turn off kernel module checking to make it work19:30
OerHeksNoidea_, read some manual first? www.codeblocks.org/user-manual19:30
Noidea_ppf: pi youtube is slow19:30
NinjaWilsymeetunix: thanks :)19:30
SpacyNelson_: tar is usually the util to use... tar-cJf foo folder <- c=create, J=use XC to compress (-z = zlib, -j=bzip2) and -f= write the archive to this file... last argument = folder to archive19:30
Noidea_oh ok oeerheks19:30
AlexQNinjaWilsy: You can do it during install. But of course you're strongly advised to backup all your important data from your laptop before installing Ubuntu19:30
AlexQNinjaWilsy: Especially as you have no recent experience19:30
diffisHello. Does anyone have an idea (or web page that shows) how the support times for Ubuntu + vanilla XFCE and Xubuntu differs? Assuming LTS versions. I know Xubuntu should be supported 3 years and pure Ubuntu 5 years, but the thing I don't understand is how the vanilla xfce package affects to this.19:30
ppfronaldsmazitis: how much ram does it use19:30
NinjaWilsyDriver problems? ahh, that's not good for me. I know nothing about drivers19:31
Nelson_Thanks Spacy will try it19:31
ronaldsmazitisppf it seems like it has something to do with gnome keyrings19:31
NinjaWilsyBackup, still the best advice around :P19:31
ioriaNoidea_ it won't  work if you haven't install a compiler ...19:31
ppfgnome-keyring runs as ssh-agent by default, yes19:31
ronaldsmazitiswhat does keyring do?19:31
ppfit caches passwords for you19:31
SpacyNelson_: 7z is also available in pretty much any linux distro and is quite nice (,though you might need to install it)19:32
Nelson_ok bye19:32
AlexQNinjaWilsy: You can try searching the Web for your particular laptop model and Ubuntu / Linux compatibility19:32
younderkeyring saves you from having to enter the passwords every time you connect19:32
NinjaWilsyIf I knew what that was I could :D19:32
NinjaWilsyAlexQ: It's a new HP Pavillion?19:33
Noidea_got GCC ioria:19:34
ioriaNoidea_  and g++ ?19:34
Noidea_it says it detected a compiled named gcc19:35
Noidea_but file is not getting built19:35
ioriaNoidea_  dpkg -l  build-essential19:35
Noidea_built essential is installed19:37
Noidea_already installed*19:37
ioriaNoidea_   it's ok, then19:37
ioriaNoidea_    you should have the build log at bottom19:38
stevo_Noidea_ gcc --version19:38
Noidea_its not getting save , so its not getting built, why isn't the file getting saved?19:38
stevo_in terminal19:38
NinjaWilsymeetunix: that link didn't work, 404 error19:39
Noidea_stuck on checking existence19:39
ioriaNoidea_    first try it... new file,  .c extension --- the classic Helloworld, compile, build and execute19:39
OerHekshe better seeks help in ##c or ##c++ or ##programming19:40
Noidea_5.3.1 2016041319:40
ioriahe's right19:40
ppfNoidea_: use ##c++-general over ##c++19:42
TheFatherMindQuestion: When upgrading ubuntu it removed all my 3rd party programs. How do I stop that from happening?19:42
TheFatherMindFor example I had installed a deb for plex.  And it removed it.19:43
OerHeksTheFatherMind, not.  add them again after upgrade.19:43
TheFatherMindThat is a shitload of work.  It is pretty much like starting over.19:43
OerHeksTheFatherMind, upgrading process cannot include all sorts of 3rd party stuff.19:43
TheFatherMindThere has to be a way to tell the upgrade process not to do that.19:43
TheFatherMindI do not want it to include it.  I want it not to remove it.19:44
ioriaTheFatherMind, how did you install them ? sudo dpkg -i   .deb ? you can do a script and reinstall them in one shot : dpkg -i *.deb19:49
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TheFatherMindDifferent things different ways.  some with .deb's like plex.  But I have found after it uninstalls them.. installing them back breaks them often.  I just see no point in removing them in the first place every time I upgrade.  Last time I upgraded a box I spent 1 hour uprgrading and 4 hours trying to get the box back to where it was prior.19:50
TheFatherMindSurly there has to be a flag I can set to tell it not to do that.19:51
OerHeksI am sure there is not.19:51
TheFatherMindSeriously... it would be easier to setup a whole new computer and copy the configs over bit by bit and make sure it all works.  That is not a smooth upgrade process when you feel compelled to do that.19:51
MonkeyDustTheFatherMind  i guess you want some kind of rolling release19:52
OerHeksmake sure you got the latest versions of you .deb packages anyway19:52
TheFatherMindIDK what I want.  I know I want to upgrade without rebuilding the whole box afterwards.   I mean seriously.. why uninstall kodi and plex.. what could that possibly serve.19:53
TheFatherMindkodi is even in the repository.19:53
TheFatherMindIt even took out transmission.  It was a total nightmare.19:53
OerHeksDId you install kodi from our repos or a PPA?19:53
ppfbecause the packages you installed aren't compatible with newer version of the base packages19:53
OerHeksthat would explain it.19:53
TheFatherMindto the best of my knowledge it was installed from the repository.19:54
ppfthat's why you need to install stuff from the repo, so it'll get upgraded along with everything else19:54
OerHeksregular Kodi should survive, iirc19:55
MonkeyDustbut I have that too, fresh/new install takes about 15 minutes, but reinstalling all manually installed programs takes 1 or 2 hours19:56
MonkeyDustand i have a separate /home partition19:56
TheFatherMindLooking at this box that is a mirror of the last box I upgraded.  I have no added repositories.  Yet the upgrade removed shit tons of programs including kodi on the last box.19:56
bezvezeis 16 lts?19:57
TheFatherMindWhatever their reason for doing this is.  It is a bad bad bad idea and they need a better solution.  There has to be a switch somewhere I can set to make it not do this to me.19:57
ppfbezveze: 16.04 is19:57
Picibezveze: 16.04 is. 16.10 is not.19:57
TheFatherMindAs it is, it is a security risk because now I do not want to upgrade.19:57
ppfTheFatherMind: 'they' don't have a reason for this19:57
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ioriaTheFatherMind, upgrading from what to what ?19:58
ppfyou've installed packages manually that depend on old versions of the base system19:58
TheFatherMindWell that makes it worse19:58
TheFatherMind14.14.4 to whatever is current.19:58
bezvezefor tablet and phone only listed devices are supported?19:58
ppfif you upgrade the system, these packages need to go19:58
TheFatherMindplanning on doing a do-release-upgrade19:58
ppfthat's why the upgrade tells you what it will remove19:58
OerHeksTheFatherMind, mind that the switch to 16.04 involves SystemD19:58
ioriaTheFatherMind, slow down :þ19:59
OerHeksso rant away, there is no switch to get things installed19:59
TheFatherMindI will upgrade those packages also.  removing them is counter productive19:59
ioriaTheFatherMind, uname -r ?19:59
ioriaTheFatherMind,  my20:00
ioria!info linux-generic trusty20:00
ubottulinux-generic (source: linux-meta): Complete Generic Linux kernel and headers. In component main, is optional. Version (trusty), package size 1 kB, installed size 30 kB20:00
TheFatherMindI would have upgraded sooner.. but seriously why would I.. I have to rebuild evertyhing from scratch.20:00
ppfTheFatherMind: you keep blaming the upgrade20:00
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ppfyou did something weird, and then the upgrade undid that20:00
TheFatherMindYeah... I do.  That is the reason I have not upgraded these boxes.20:01
TheFatherMindI do not want to have to redo everyting.20:01
TheFatherMindno ppf I did nothing weird.20:01
ioriaTheFatherMind,  i suggest you to upgrade (simply sudo apt-get update, upgrade, and dist-upgrade) ... and if you don't have particular reasons, don't do do-release-upgrade20:01
TheFatherMindI installed all apps as they were intended to be installed.20:01
TheFatherMindI have to do the do-release in order to get to the more current repositories to get the packgaes naturally like kodi etc...20:02
TheFatherMindI want to keep the system current.20:02
TheFatherMindBut not if each system upgrade is going to cause me to have to reinstall and configure everything.20:03
stevo_TheFatherMind just make20:03
stevo_disk image20:03
ioriaTheFatherMind,  you are on 3.13.0-88 .... 10 kernel versions to update20:03
stevo_and do whatever you want :D20:03
ppfTheFatherMind: the system can't update your apps20:03
ppfyou have to do that yourself20:03
TheFatherMindcan I do that remotely?  I am upgrading my brothers mediabox and he is no where near me.20:03
ppfthat's the way it is20:03
TheFatherMindppf I would love to upgrade the apps.  But I cannot.. because the system removes them when I upgrade it.20:04
NUTsTUNHey guys, Iwas wondering is one of you could help me with patching a driver I have20:04
TheFatherMindI actually keep my apps up to date.  The ones that are not in the repository.20:04
ppfyou keep the apps up to date but not your system?20:04
TheFatherMindThe upgreade process really does not give a crap of they are current or not.  It just removes EVERYTHING20:05
TheFatherMindYes ppf because uipgrading the system removes the apps20:05
ppfi'm talking about package and kernel upgrades, not release upgrade20:05
TheFatherMindI always do those then the do-release upgrade20:05
kegan_how can i check the status of updates20:06
kegan_via terminal20:06
TheFatherMindDid not bother doing those because I have been putting off the do-release20:06
ppfyou're 10 versions behind on the trusty kernel20:06
kegan_since the installer has hung20:06
ppfand 5 versions behind on the release20:06
k1lkegan_: "sudo apt update && sudo apt full-upgrade"20:06
kegan_oh ok just go for it20:06
ppfkegan_: which installer20:06
kegan_ubuntu software20:06
k1lTheFatherMind: what "apps" are you talking about?20:06
NUTsTUNI'm trying to patch a touchpad driver, elan_i2c, to fix an issue where it doesn't work on startup. I am running 4.6.0-040600-generic on Ubuntu 16.04. I have the patch file but I dont know how to use it properly20:07
TheFatherMindkodi, plex, transmission.. I do not remember what other ones it killed.20:07
kegan_sys mon shows almost no dl rate20:07
k1lTheFatherMind: why should the updateprocess kill them if you installed them out of the packagesystem?20:07
ppfk1l: he didn't20:08
k1lso what are you talking about then?20:08
TheFatherMindNO clue.  I get a plex .deb file every month.20:08
TheFatherMindsometimes more often.20:08
k1lplex is not in the ubuntu repos. so that cant be an issue20:08
kegan_dirs locked, so it's working20:08
kegan_it's just working at the speed of molasses20:09
kegan_freaking ubuntu software...20:09
TheFatherMindTransmission I added from a 3rd party repository20:09
ppf!info transmission trusty20:09
ubottutransmission (source: transmission): lightweight BitTorrent client. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.82-1.1ubuntu3.1 (trusty), package size 1 kB, installed size 29 kB20:09
sancho_hi! how can i restore my default package manager & ppa settings?20:09
OerHeksthere you go ..20:09
TheFatherMindk1l that IS the issue.  Anything not in the ubuntu repos it removes.  And some stuff IN the repos like kodi.20:09
ppf!info kodi trusty20:10
ubottuPackage kodi does not exist in trusty20:10
OerHeksppf +120:10
k1lTheFatherMind: no. it will not remove the stuff20:10
ppfTheFatherMind: hence 'something weird'20:10
OerHeksall packages outside our repos, no wonder20:10
TheFatherMindMy bad they do have their own repository ppa:team-xbmc/ppa20:10
NUTsTUNCan anyone help me?20:10
k1lTheFatherMind: i really dont understand your technical issue. since you are combining 2 complete different systems.20:10
TheFatherMindJust checked my  notes.20:11
Hell-Razorhey fellas. I am trying to get linux-firmware-nonfree installed so my broadcom rt61pci will connect and stay connected. Only issue is I cannot find a ppa to add (or how to)20:11
TheFatherMindHOw is that weird?  3rd party repos' are by design.20:11
OerHeksHell-Razor, no-free is removed due to inproper licensing20:11
youndertrusty? that 12.04 isn't it.. You need to thing about upgrading. LTS ends next april20:11
Noidea_after installing codeblocks ubuntu is getting some internal problems20:11
sorinello Hello. Does anyone have any idea why do I need to crc32 kmod when mounting a 128 GB USB flash drive ? When mounting exactly the same model but the 64 GB variant, this module is not required20:11
k1lTheFatherMind: so your 3rd party repo is broken? and that wants to remove things? why dont you remove or disable the 3rd party repo then?20:12
OerHeksyounder, trusty = 14.0420:12
TheFatherMindMy issue is I want to upgrade ubuntu and keep it current.  But ubuntu does not want me to have my own software from their repo's so it DELETES THEM20:12
TheFatherMindthe repo works.20:12
k1lTheFatherMind: that is not correct.20:12
k1las we told you several times now20:12
Bashing-omsancho_: Details please .. as the back-end for package management is "dpkg" .. and PPAs are managed from the 3rd party source list - /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ - .20:12
Hell-RazorOerHeks: so its impossible to add?20:12
k1lTheFatherMind: please run a "grep ^ /etc/apt/sources.list /etc/apt/sources.list.d/* | nc termbin.com 9999" and show the link here20:12
sancho_Bashing-om: whenever i try to start the ubuntu software center i get an error, if i try to install something via APT it gives me error... i try to give you more info in pm20:13
AndChat425684Is it true that Ubuntu collecte user data?20:13
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AndChat425684Die not know this20:13
Guest34260qusetion, im using an internal rootca via ms and trynig to get the ca added to an ubuntu 16.04 server, i tried copying the ca-chain.crt to /usr/share/ca-certificates/extra and running dpkg-reconfigure but it says 0 added20:13
Guest34260and wget says it cant verify the ca20:14
TheFatherMindmbin.com 999920:14
Bashing-omsancho_: No PM .. keep it in channel here for peer review . . In a pastebin show us ' sudo apt update ; sudo apt upgrade ' . we see then what the error condition is .20:14
k1lAndChat425684: no it doesnt. only if you enable that in the system settings to get online search results. (guess how it should get those results for you :) )20:14
naccTheFatherMind: so you're using kodi from a PPA not from Ubuntu?20:14
Hell-RazorOerHeks: ?20:14
TheFatherMindnacc seems that way.  Thought I was using it from ubuntu but my notes say otherwise.20:15
OerHeksHell-Razor, not official, see https://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=232582320:15
k1lTheFatherMind: "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get -s dist-upgrade | nc termbin.com 9999"  the -s is for simulate and will not touch anything on your system.20:15
AndChat425684K1 ah and is it true that there are advertisements? Also as a web developer unread that still font do not render that well compared to other famous is? Please comment20:16
Hell-RazorOerHeks: yeah I saw both those sites. I dont think the b43 is the rt61pci though20:16
TheFatherMindk1l: I already started the dist-upgrade about 10 minutes ago.20:16
AndChat425684K1 I mean the arial font don't render well20:16
sancho_sudo apt update paste: http://pastebin.com/NpnDTty4 | sudo apt upgrade paste: http://pastebin.com/HWeaNS7y20:17
AndChat425684Sorry auto correct on phone20:17
Bashing-omsancho_: :) looking .20:17
sancho_bashing-om: sorry for italian :l20:17
OerHeksAndChat425684, the answer is no20:17
Hell-RazorIll keep on pounding away I guess OerHeks, ty20:17
sancho_bashing-om: can i change terminal language?20:17
k1lAndChat425684: canonical is not collecting and saving the data. they just get the data to provide the search results for amazon, wikipedia and such.20:18
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ppf!it | sancho_20:19
ubottusancho_: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)20:19
OerHeksAndChat425684, so where do you get that wrong info?20:19
Bashing-omsancho_: See: http://ppa.launchpad.net/langdalepl/gvfs-mtp/ubuntu/dists/ . That PPA is no longer supported /.. disable that PPA .20:19
sancho_ubottu: i want to talk in english, there were only some console messages in italian.. i think they're understandable anyway20:20
ubottusancho_: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)20:20
AndChat425684Is there still tinkering needed.to get quality.font rendering on browsing? Curious.to know I read on some old 2011 askUbuntu that arial does.not render well, this is kind of a down side because that font is so much used in the web20:20
sancho_bashing-om: ty, i'll try after dinner!20:20
AndChat425684Oerheks archlinux wiki when googling20:21
k1lAndChat425684: rendering inside the browser is different than the systemfont.20:21
ppfsancho_: that will only fix the warning20:21
OerHeksAndChat425684, old info, not valid anymore. try ubuntu yourself instead20:21
ppfsancho_: runn sudo apt -f instal20:21
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Bashing-om!info wily20:21
ubottuwily (source: wily): A work-alike of the Acme programming environment for Plan 9. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.13.41-7.2 (yakkety), package size 180 kB, installed size 548 kB20:21
sancho_ppf: without argumenting anything?20:22
ppfsancho_: yes20:22
k1lsancho_: linux-image-lowlatency-lts-wily     the wily kernels are dead. you need to change your kernel stack. either use the original trusty kernel stack or the xenial stack. which is 4.420:22
ubottuUbuntu 15.10 (Wily Werewolf) was the 23rd release of Ubuntu. Support ended on July 28th, 2016. See !eol, !eolupgrade and http://ubottu.com/y/wily20:22
sancho_ok ok, i think is better to installa a fresh distro.. i'm using the old ubuntu studio lts but not really using all of its softwares anymore20:23
k1lsancho_: and the http://ppa.launchpad.net/langdalepl/gvfs-mtp/ubuntu/dists/ ppa doesnt have 14.04 packages at all. you need to remove that ppa.20:23
AndChat425684K1 yeah I know but I guessing here that the libs used are linked in some way?' nonetheless are there issues to be expected when it.comes to web font rendering and development? If so, solutions?20:23
Bashing-omsancho_: ^^ what release are you running ? as 15.10 is End_Of_Life .. and also the kernel is out of support .20:23
sancho_bashing-om: how can i know? i think it's a 14.0420:24
AlexQHi again. It's a old-school BIOS PC. Does the MBR portion of GRUB look for later stages by UUID? I have added one extra partition before the EXT4 partition with GRUB and I am worried that GRUB will stop on stage 1 after I reboot. If I run update-grub before I reboot should it reconfigure GRUB stage 1 to point to the right partition?20:24
k1lAndChat425684: microsoft does have some patents on font rendering. so until they run out or someone makes a better one, its hard to compare it to free software. but ubuntu uses some good alternatives and other fonts for the system.20:25
Bashing-omsancho_: K; coukd be 14.04 with outdated HWE . To see the version info : terminal command ' lsb_release -a ' .20:25
OerHeksAndChat425684, solution? try ubuntu yourself instead of using outdated coloured info20:25
Kinder-PingviHi. When will be released ubuntu 16.04.2?20:25
Kinder-PingviI did not found any information about it20:25
sancho_ubuntu 14.04.4 LTS :)20:26
k1lsancho_: as i said: you need to change to the lts xenial low latency kernel package.20:26
Hell-RazorOerHeks: I am out of ideas on this one. Is it against the policy here to procide support?20:26
AndChat425684Oerheks bad advise and rejected I need some answers to questions based upon mybresearch20:26
OerHeksAndChat425684, now you are trolling, good luck with your 'research'20:28
OerHeksHell-Razor, you *can* install the old 1.16 package manually, download the .deb and use dpkg -i <package> but it is unsupported20:28
AndChat425684Oerheks this also the end of our conversation on this topic20:29
naccKinder-Pingvi: probably not til February if the prior release schedules are followed?20:30
OerHeksKinder-Pingvi, i see no date either, should be somewhere this month ? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases20:30
AlexQOerHeks: Maybe you could tell me if GRUB stage 1 looks for GRUB partition by UUID as well? As I changed my disk layout and the GRUB partition number is different now. Or should I do update-grub or sth before I reboot?20:30
OerHeksoh, nacc might know more than me20:30
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Hell-RazorOerHeks: I could do that I just dont quite follow the rt61pci issue and why the drivers for it were removed.20:31
OerHeksAlexQ, yes, update grub would fix layout, not sure the UUID changes ..20:31
naccOerHeks: Kinder-Pingvi: i'm basing off of: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases and 14.04.2 and 12.04.220:31
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k1l#ubuntu-devel might now more details on the release schedule and can ping someone to update the webpage20:32
OerHeksAlexQ, maybe you need to reinstall grub completely20:32
AlexQOerHeks: Yeah, that would be probably the safest option20:33
YankDownUnderAlexQ: http://www.ostechnix.com/configure-grub-2-boot-loader-settings-ubuntu-16-04/20:33
AlexQOerHeks: YankDownUnder: Did GParted refresh the partition layout that Kernel knows or sth so I can use the new partition now?20:34
fabienbkwhy hello there20:35
AlexQYeah, I have created a new ext4 partition where I am going to install Xubuntu1604LTS. Maybe I should just move GRUB there now.20:35
YankDownUnderAlexQ: Without knowing exactly what yo'uve done with your partition scheme, THAT would be a good thing...logically...20:35
AlexQWhen I install Xubuntu on that partition and do _not_ choose to format that partition, it shouldn't remove the contents of /boot, right?20:35
YankDownUnderAlexQ: Exactly.20:35
AlexQAnd it I instlal Xubuntu with GRUB already installed, it will add itself to it's config before rebooting20:36
YankDownUnderAlexQ: Yersh...hopefully - but logically, yes, it should be right as rain.20:40
AlexQYankDownUnder: OerHeks: So when I create run grub-install --boot-directory=/media/alex/myNewEmptyEXT4/boot /dev/sda'20:44
AlexQit will automatically configure GRUB stage 1 to look for it's later stages on the partition that I told it to install GRUB at20:44
AlexQi.e. it will look at which partition the directory I chose to is?20:45
YankDownUnderAlexQ: Should20:45
AlexQAnd I guess I should create /boot on that target partition as root first?20:46
YankDownUnderAlexQ: If you've already created a /boot, it should find it20:47
AlexQNo, I have not, but I want to have grub inside /boot, but I don't have boot, and I don't think that grub-install will create boot20:47
AlexQit will probably say that there is no such directory20:47
AlexQwell, I can try, it won't explode20:48
YankDownUnderAlexQ: No, it won't explode. The world will not end, and McDonald's will still sell junk food.20:48
Bashing-omAlexQ: Not followed closely .. is this a EFI system ? As then grub install is diffrent .20:48
AlexQBashing-om: BIOS, thx20:48
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AlexQYankDownUnder: I just don't have a pendrive with me now, and I don't want to leave that friend's computer not working till 2moro or some time, so I'm trying to be careful20:49
YankDownUnderAlexQ: "Careful" is a good thing. Redundancy is also a good thing. Check and double check...etc etc etc...20:50
TheFatherMindk1l: dist-upgrade completed and system is rebooted.20:50
TheFatherMindSo to be clear.. there is no way I can prevent ubuntu from removing my apps during the upgrade even though they are already up to date and I do not want them removed.20:51
ppfif you don't do weird things ubuntu won't remove your software20:52
ppfwhat k1l said before20:52
wabbitsdefine weird20:53
naccTheFatherMind: PPAs make things more complicated on distribution upgrades20:53
AlexQYankDownUnder: Bashing-om: I'm actually going to extract Xubuntu 16.04 ISO on a new ext4 partition, do update-grub to find that, boot that live Ubuntu and install it on the other new EXT4 I have created, boot it, copy some files from my old unsupported Xubuntu 15.10 and get rid of it.20:53
naccTheFatherMind: so when you say "my apps", you need to clarify that you mean "my 3rd party PPA apps", otherwise it comes across as a bit like FUD :)20:54
ppfnacc, wabbits we discussed this about an hour ago with him already20:54
wabbitsppf thanks will check the buffer20:54
k1lTheFatherMind: until you show me the facts i call that is not correct20:54
naccppf: ack :)20:55
k1lTheFatherMind: and the things you showed so far point in the direction, too.20:56
AlexQYankDownUnder: Bashing-om: I hope that seems possible?20:56
Nellukis there a good way to figure out what directory on my file system (command line only) is using up a ton of disk space?20:56
Bashing-omAlexQ: Are you aware of ' sudo dpkg-reconfigure grub-pc ' ? As it will give you the ability to install the boot code to the partition .20:56
k1lNelluk: "ncdu"20:57
AlexQBashing-om: Boot code? That partition, you mean the one I want to extract live CD to?20:57
naccNelluk: and there is also 'du', which ncdu wraps around afaict20:57
Nellukthank you20:58
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k1lnacc: yes, but du is a bit "limited". ncdu is more loke "baobab" for cli. and i think that is what a common user suits better20:58
nacck1l: 100% ack, i didn't even know it existed :)20:58
nacck1l: probably deserves to be a faq :)20:59
k1lyeah, i only got it to know by mouth-to-mouth marketing :)20:59
AlexQBashing-om: You got me confused now, you know. I just hope that now update-grub will find the kernel from live CD extracted to a new ext4?20:59
Nellukyes the interface of ncdu is just what i need right now :)21:00
Bashing-omAlexQ: My understanding is that you are going to dual boot 'buntu's on the same drive, and you want the new install to have it's own boot code separate from that of the MBR ??21:00
AlexQBashing-om: What do you mean by 'boot code'? Later GRUB stages?21:00
Bashing-omAlexQ: Yeah .. stage 1.5 and 2 in the partition .. ( that is not generally rcommended ) .21:01
AlexQBashing-om: I want to actually MOVE GRUB stages and config to a new, empty ext4 partition because a) I am going to delete the one it is on now later b) I changed the partition table by adding a new ext4 partition before the extended partition that the current partition with /boot/grub is in.21:02
AlexQBashing-om: So I am creating /boot on that partition that I prepared for current Xubuntu LTS and running grub-install21:03
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AlexQBashing-om: With appropriate --boot-directory option21:04
AlexQlol, GRUB has actually created the boot directory21:05
Bashing-omAlexQ: If there is to be only one OS installed to the hard drive at some point .. I would not sweat the Grub install . Let ' sudo update-grub ' handle it .21:05
AlexQwell, I wanted to move the config21:06
k1lTheFatherMind: you can provide facts for your accusations if you show us the logs in /var/log/apt21:06
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AlexQso I made the root of my new ext4 my current dir and run "sudo grub-install --boot-directory=./boot /dev/sda"21:07
Bashing-omAlexQ: Why though try and save a old useless config .. when update-grub will make up the new config with current info ??21:07
AlexQBashing-om: I did no try to move an old config21:07
AlexQI think after what I did now ^ there is no config now?21:07
AlexQBut when I run update-grub, will it save it's output to that new ext4?21:08
Bashing-omAlexQ: Yes, I think that is reasonable to expect .21:08
AlexQBashing-om: It did not find my Live USB image I extracted to the ext421:12
AlexQBashing-om: And there is no grub.cfg where I installed grub now :<21:13
nicomachusugh. If you open an application through ssh and it pops up a desktop notification, then the notification doesn't go away until you kill the ssh connection. whyyy21:14
AlexQBashing-om: Well, that's to be expected. Quoting man update-grub: "update-grub is a stub for running grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg to generate a grub2 config file."21:14
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Bashing-omAlexQ: Yeah .. where I am now ; see: man grub-mkconfig . for fine control of grub : ->21:16
Bashing-omAlexQ: There are times when you have to be able to see where things in Grub are coming from and you can do that by looking at the output of sudo grub-mkconfig but, sometimes the output is too long to show in terminal.21:16
Bashing-omI entered sudo grub-mkconfig > mkconfig-output to produce an output that can then be opened with gedit to view. It saved to my home directory.21:16
AlexQ-o solves that21:17
AlexQor | less21:17
AlexQyeah, I have my grub.cfg now21:17
AlexQHow can I make GRUB boot my extracted Xubuntu LIVE?21:17
Nellukk1l: so i cleared out 12gb of space by running apt-get autoremove (confirmed space with df -h). but im still getting errors about disk space unavailable when i try to run apt-get purge now. the only thing close to 100% usage in my df -h is my /tmp directory..21:18
AlexQI guess it doesn't find the kernel and vmlinuz 'cause they are inside /casper, not inside /boot?21:18
k1lNelluk: did you look at df -h and df -i?21:18
k1lNelluk: and do you have a seperate /boot?21:19
AlexQk1l: He actually wrote he did21:19
Nellukk1l: https://dpaste.de/BbCi21:19
AlexQlook at21:19
AlexQ k1l: Not df -i though21:19
Bashing-omAlexQ: Maybe something here : https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2/ISOBoot ?21:20
Bray90820Can someone help me I am getting some errors with firefox on ubuntu 16.10 http://pastebin.com/raw/sWq8Q43C http://pastebin.com/raw/1eE6xJBH21:20
Bray90820And my system freezes every time I navigate rot a website21:20
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k1lNelluk: hmm. can you reboot that box?21:21
mattiNelluk: Just unmount the overflow.21:21
Nelluknot a hardware reboot but i can reboot the vps sure21:21
person19376Hi all. I am trying to run ubuntu on my HP laptop, but it's having some insane heating issues. After about 2 minutes of use, the computer completely halts(like screen goes black and power goes down with no warning) from the GPU reaching crit. temps. This does not happen in windows 7(duel-boot). Any ideas?21:21
nicomachusBray90820: some odd dbus errors there21:21
mattiNelluk: No, you don't have too.21:21
Nellukmatti: can you give me command for that please?21:22
Bray90820nicomachus: My system also freezes with chrome21:22
person19376(Currently, I took the keyboard off, and am blazing 3 huge fans at the mobo to keep the laptop relatively cool)21:22
mattiNelluk: What is happening - your /tmp is on / (root) rather than a separate partition/mount point.21:22
nicomachusBray90820: this is a Surface 3?21:22
mattiNelluk: And you have run out of space, so the /tmp was mounted as overflow (usually ~1MB)21:22
Bray90820yes it is21:22
Nellukmakes sense21:22
Bray90820nicomachus: Yes it is a surface 3 non pro and From the information I can gather it looks like a graphics issue21:23
mattiNelluk: sudo umount -lf /tmp21:23
AlexQBashing-om: That's cool, thanks. I'll try to boot that ext4 first though, as I have already extracted that ISO there and I think it should work.21:23
k1lmatti: ah, i was just reading about that setup. good to know21:23
mattik1l: :)21:23
Nellukmatti: seems to have solved it. thanks to you and k1l21:23
mattiSorry for butting in, by the way :)21:23
person19376I have rules out hardware failure because on windows 7 nothing happens, I just swapped a RAM chip to be safe, and I installed "lm-sensors" to monitor temps.21:24
k1lmatti: no, issues. this channel is for peer review :)21:24
Nellukwould rebooting have solved it too? that would have been my next step :P21:24
nicomachusBray90820: did you have Ubuntu installed on this Surface before 16.10? did 16.04 work ok?21:24
mattiNelluk: It would.21:25
mattiNelluk: It is a "safety" mechanism, so to speak.21:26
nicomachusBray90820: there are some odd errors in this log that make it seem that the OS doesn't like the hardware all too much.21:26
Nellukwell we're back in business now. thanks again21:26
nicomachusi.e.: [drm:pwm_setup_backlight [i915]] *ERROR* Failed to own the pwm chip21:26
nicomachusplus a ton of ACPI errors, etc.21:26
Bray90820nicomachus: I didn't have 16.04 installed very long but from what I can remember it did work21:26
Bray90820I might have installed the intel graphics driver i don't remember21:27
AlexQBashing-om: YankDownUnder: So my old 15.10 boots correctly with GRUB later stages and config now on a new partition (made sure it uses the new location by manually changing one menuentry in grub.cfg)21:27
TheFatherMindk1l: sorry for the delay I had a client call me. Are you looking for the history and term log?21:27
mattiNelluk: If you run out of space, a lot of things tryin to use/write files under $TMP/$TMPDIR would fail with either ENOSPC or EACCES, which could cause them to freak out.21:27
Bray90820nicomachus: 16.04 had a mess of other unrelated issues tho21:27
mattiAh, he's gone.21:28
nicomachusBray90820: can you get to a terminal now and try running "sudo lshw" and paste to a pastebin then link here?21:28
k1lTheFatherMind: yes. that is where it gets logged what happens with apt21:28
mattiI would have a monologue :P21:28
codfectionWed Oct 19 00:28:10 UTC 201621:28
AlexQBashing-om: YankDownUnder: Now I just need to configure GRUB2 to boot Xubuntu from that ISO extracted to ext4. grub-mkconfig does not find it21:28
Bray90820After or before system freeze?21:28
nicomachusBray90820: doesn't matter. just want to make sure drivers are installed.21:28
Bray90820Will do21:28
person19376Does anyone know what about ubuntu is causing my GPU to heat so rapidly? It is a Radeon mobile 4xxx series, and I'm not ready to revert back to 12.04 for drivers, so I don't know what I can do.21:29
nicomachusperson19376: 1. be patient please. 2. paste the output of 'sudo lshw -C video' to a pastebin and link here please21:30
zacharypchhey after updating to 16.10, GTK applications such as libreoffice and others have goofy layouts around the menu items and such, is this a known thing? anyone know a fix for that?21:31
person19376nicomachus: sorry for being impatient. Ill post that link21:31
equilibriumhow to use skype on ubuntu?21:31
genii!skype | equilibrium21:31
ubottuequilibrium: To install Skype on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype - To record on Skype, check: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeRecordingHowto - Please use open protocols instead if you can, see !Ekiga21:31
OerHeksperson19376, radeon4xxx is supported by the openradeon driver, this page maybe a help, add "radeon.dpm=1" http://askubuntu.com/questions/403965/gpu-overheating-with-the-open-source-radeon-driver21:32
nicomachusOerHeks: looks like he's on the radeon driver now21:33
TheFatherMindk1l: http://pastebin.com/Pp5mjAWD http://pastebin.com/iNhdBtpM21:33
jamie_m9okay so I'm running into an issue I don't have a clue with... I just reinstalled open dyslexic and for some reason everything started to crash. I rebooted and when I go to assign in, it acts like it's starting to but then goes back to the login screen, I stepped startx from tty3 but it starts up and then excited with an x11 crash, and the location it's giving for the log file does not exist.21:33
TheFatherMindI am still not clear as to why this is necessary.  How is this connected to stopping ubuntu from removing my applications on release upgrades?21:34
Bashing-omAlexQ: Can you boot the new install directly from a grub prompt ?21:34
OerHeksnicomachus, yes, obviously, but the fan control might be off, maybe this is a fix21:34
AlexQBashing-om: Yeah, I was just gonna try to21:36
AlexQBashing-om: Not install, really; Live CD. On the live cd there is /boot/grub/loopback.cfg which has lines like "linux/casper/vmlinuz  file=/cdrom/preseed/xubuntu.seed boot=casper iso-scan/filename=${iso_path} quiet splash --- \n initrd/casper/initrd.lz "21:36
AlexQso don't know what that iso-scan is about21:37
k1ltourazw: this channel is technical ubuntu support only.21:37
tourazwk1l: did you text me?21:37
tourazwk1l: what did you want21:38
OerHekstourazw, please don't spam youtube urls, thanks21:38
TheFatherMindppf: I have not done anything weird. I added a repository and installed the software. NOT weird.21:38
k1l!guidelines | tourazw21:38
ubottutourazw: The guidelines for using the Ubuntu channels can be found here: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines21:38
person19376TheFatherMind: I'm getting errors echoing to /etc/rc.local because it doesn't exist with systemd(I think?). Is there an equivalent file I can use?21:38
OerHeksTheFatherMind, still going on with added ppa's and upgrade removing them?21:39
TheFatherMindYes yes until I understand how to stop linux from removing them when I do the do-release upgrade.  so I can do the upgrade.21:40
k1lTheFatherMind: in the history.log you provided it did not remove any packages with the upgrade command.21:40
corbin_How do I get an Ubuntu Forums thread reopened? I have critical details to contribute so a helpful thread can apply to Ubuntu 16.04.21:40
k1lTheFatherMind: remove what exactly?21:40
TheFatherMindNo because I have not upgraded that computer yet.  I am trying to make it NOT remove them when I upgrade.21:40
TheFatherMindkodi and transmission for start.21:40
k1lcorbin_: #ubuntuforums is the channel for that21:40
OerHeksTheFatherMind, mind that the switch to 16.04 involves SystemD .. there is no stop for that.21:40
TheFatherMindYou want logs from a computer where it did remove them?21:40
TheFatherMindoh and plex21:41
k1lTheFatherMind: i still dont know how you can say it will remove those programs21:41
OerHeksTheFatherMind, no. you have been answered already, ppa's and 3rd party stuff get disabled.21:41
TheFatherMindthat is petty OerHeks.. I can manually add the kick to start the service back if that is really an issue.21:41
TheFatherMindnot disabled.  REMOVED21:41
TheFatherMindHow do I stop it from doing that?21:41
corbin_@k1l thanks!21:42
OerHeksdisabled and not part of the dist-upgrade process.21:42
naccTheFatherMind: sorry, jumping back in -- can you clearly in a pastebin, show what you mean?21:42
TheFatherMindthere is no point in removing it since I am just going to have to install it back and configure it again.21:42
Bashing-omcorbin_: Join /ubuntu-forums , Can get that guidance there .21:42
nicomachusTheFatherMind: if they don't have an installation candidate for the new distro version, then they won't be "disabled" but they won't work.21:42
k1lTheFatherMind: amd you might be confused with the upgrader disabling the 3rd pary repos to make sure the upgrade gets not corrupted by 3rd party packages. but you can activate them afterwards21:42
OerHeksTheFatherMind, read back, why should i repeat endlessly?21:42
lion4407anyone using ubuntu 13.10 with box now?21:42
nicomachuslion4407: no one should be.21:42
TheFatherMindthey were not disabled.. they were REMOVED as in I had to get the .deb file and install them again.21:42
TheFatherMindor add the repository and install them again.21:42
lion4407nicomachus, why you say that?21:42
nicomachuslion4407: because it's not supported any more.21:42
Ben64lion4407: it hasn't been supported since July 201421:43
TheFatherMindLet me get you the log files from the computer they were removed from.21:43
naccTheFatherMind: kodi is in the archives for 16.04, as is transmission?21:43
k1lTheFatherMind: that is wrong. ubuntu got no such mechanism to do that.21:43
lion4407nicomachus, what is not supported I'm a little confused?21:43
nacclion4407: ubuntu "13.10"21:43
OerHeksnacc, he had kodi installed on 14.04, from ppa. kodi was not in our repos then.21:43
nicomachus!13.10 | lion440721:43
ubottulion4407: Ubuntu 13.10 (Saucy Salamander) was the 19th release of Ubuntu. Support ended on July 17th, 2014. See !eol, !upgrade and http://ubottu.com/y/saucy21:43
TheFatherMindWell actually the logs have been rotated so I have no idea what ones contain the upgrade logs21:44
lion440716.10 lol21:44
naccOerHeks: right, but it is now, so it could be removing the ppa version to install the archive ones?21:44
lion4407anyone using 16.10 with virtualbox?21:44
naccOerHeks: not sure how that works, tbh21:44
Ben64lion4407: ok so what's your actual question21:44
OerHeksnacc, manually after upgrade, ppas do not survive dist-upgrade21:44
k1lTheFatherMind: /var/log/dist-upgrade/21:44
TheFatherMindk1l: did you just say that ubuntu did not remove my apps during the release upgrade?21:45
naccOerHeks: yes i understand, but as we've all said, ppas aren't purged either; so 'kodi' is installed before dist-upgrade; during dist-upgrade, kodi is found in the archives, so it will upgrade that package, afaict21:45
lion4407well that is my first question :). because I've tried it with my usb and it's not booting and I have used with 16.04 without any major problems... Ben6421:45
lion4407but I don't see anyone else having any issues21:45
Ben64lion4407: ok so describe your issue21:45
lion4407I just did21:45
OerHeksnacc, afaik no21:45
lion4407it wont boot21:45
k1lTheFatherMind: the things you state dont make any sense.21:45
Ben64lion4407: in detail21:45
naccOerHeks: ok, that's what i wasn't sure about; given that the package is still installed (regardless of from where in the case of ppa or archive), how would the dist-upgrade know not upgrade kodi? Unless you pin it?21:46
lion4407Ben64 well I got some ext4 errors several times....I'm able to boot straight into the usb directly without a problem but with virtualbox it won't boot in...I either get errors or blank screen....ben6421:47
OerHeksnacc, even pinning does not work for 14.04 > 16.04 .. in this time he could have upgraded and installed again.21:47
Ben64lion4407: use the iso file21:47
naccOerHeks: ah ok21:47
OerHeksbut no, he wants a switch to keep it, which is not the ubuntu way.21:47
lion4407ben64 I don't want to do that because I like sometimes booting straight into ubuntu directly...I was able to do that without any major problems with 16.0421:48
AlexQBashing-om: Didn't work with no parameters, there was no /boot in fstab etc. Will try tomorrow with seed and boot=casper etc. options21:48
TheFatherMindk1l: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/2925120/dist-upgrade.tar21:48
AlexQNight to all21:48
Ben64lion4407: you can do that with the iso21:48
lion4407ben64 i like having it on a usb...21:48
stackmonHi! I have just installed Ubuntu 16.04.1 on an iMac, and when I lock the screen, it stays on although with all black displayed and my mouse cursor in the middle. Is there a way for the monitor to be powered off when the system is locked?21:48
TheFatherMindI am glad to hear that k1l.  That means this is solvable.21:48
lion4407ben64 I mean booting in without windows21:49
Ben64lion4407: you don't make any sense21:49
lion4407ben64 with a iso you need a OS right?21:49
stackmonGoogle is only telling me how to turn off the gnome-screensaver stuff. I don't have gnome-scrensaver, i just want my monitor to power off when locked/inactive21:49
lion4407ben64 you mean with a DVD21:49
person19376Im rebooting to see if the changes helped21:50
Ben64no, i mean an iso, like i just said21:50
OerHeksk1l, oh dear, now you have to tell him that upgrading to 16.04 does not keep packages21:50
lion4407ben64 how are you suggesting I run the iso with my pinky lol21:50
Bray90820nicomachus: http://pastebin.com/raw/8GmUeSg121:50
Ben64lion4407: pinky?!21:50
Ben64lion4407: the hell are you talking about21:50
lion4407is ben64 a troll?21:50
nacclion4407: no21:50
lion4407how does he expect to run the iso?21:51
Ben64you boot it with virtualbox!21:51
lion4407ben64 with what OS?21:51
nacclion4407: you're asking to run 16.10 in virtualbox, right?21:51
nacclion4407: or do you mean virtualbox in 16.10?21:51
* Ben64 facepalms21:51
lion4407run usb 16.10 in virtualbox21:51
nicomachusBray90820: ok, possible issue there. one sec.21:52
lion4407virtualbox runs in a OS like windows and linux right?21:52
Bray90820nicomachus: Thanks21:52
nacclion4407: yes, it's a tool for virtualization21:52
lion4407virtualbox run in s a OS right?21:52
nacclion4407: so you want to run 16.10 in virtualbox? just pass virtualbox the iso file21:52
lion4407<lion4407> ben64 I mean booting in without windows21:53
lion4407<Ben64> lion4407: you don't make any sense21:53
nacclion4407: i think that's what ben64 was saying?21:53
OerHekslion4407, if virtualbox gives you a blank screen, go into the vm settings and give more memory to the gpu and check other settings perhaps?21:53
lion4407I want to run ubuntu without virtualbox sometimes...without windows21:53
nacclion4407: so you want to run the live usb?21:53
nacclion4407: you're asking two different questions, then?21:53
Ben64you're asking how to run 16.10 in virtualbox WITHOUT VIRTUALBOX21:53
lion4407hang on21:53
naccBen64: :)21:54
Ben64please explain, with excessive detail, exactly what you're trying to accomplish21:54
lion4407ben64 listen and read this carefully.....I have ran 16.04 with a usb in virtualbox...im having trouble running 16.10 with virtualbox but not booting straght into live usb...21:54
lion4407i want to be able to do both!!!!!21:55
lion4407i dont need help with live usb booting21:55
Ben64use the iso for virtualbox21:55
lion4407i need help with the virtual box21:55
person19376_Hi. Thanks all for the tips on my HP laptop. I turned off my big noisy fans, and it appears to be keeping its cool(albeit while sacrificing the quietness of the fans). I mean, for me, anythings better than being forced into using windows 7 ;)21:55
lion4407live usb ben21:55
lion4407not iso21:55
Ben64same thing21:55
Ben64but you need to use the iso for virtualbox21:55
lion4407well I already have a live usb what are you talking about?21:55
Ben64i'm talking about you need an iso to boot with virtualbox21:56
lion4407no you don't21:56
lion4407phlop boot manager buddy21:56
Ben64oh, because it's working?21:56
nicomachusBray90820: lots going on here ^^, but I'm still looking. You have a multimedia device unclaimed, which means we're probably missing a driver.21:56
lion4407I TOLD YOU I HAVE DONE THIS IN 16.0421:56
Ben64i'm telling you to use the iso21:56
nicomachuslion4407: you need an ISO. plop only helps to boot an iso.21:56
lion4407phlop boot manager21:56
nicomachusit's plop, not phlop.21:57
nacclion4407: please stay calm, even if you are frustrated21:57
lion4407you can boot with live usb with phlop boot manager21:57
Bray90820nicomachus: Thanks21:57
zacharypch hey after updating to 16.10, GTK applications such as libreoffice and others have goofy layouts around the menu items and such, is this a known thing? anyone know a fix for that?21:58
lion4407what and learn21:58
Ben64lion4407: cool story. now use the iso or figure it out yourself21:58
lion4407ben64 your a fucking idiot21:58
* nicomachus sighs21:58
lion4407watch the youtube link bitch and shut the fuck up21:58
nacc!ohmy | lion440721:58
ubottulion4407: The main Ubuntu channels require that you speak in calm, polite English. For other languages, please visit https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList21:58
nicomachusk bye21:59
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Pici, Myrtti, jrib, Amaranth, tonyyarusso, Nalioth, lamont, CarlK, elky, mneptok, PriceChild, Tm_T, jpds, ikonia, Flannel, genii, wgrant, stdin, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, Jordan_U, popey, Corey, ocean, cprofitt, djones, Madpilot, gnomefreak, lhavelund, k1l, rww, phunyguy, bazhang, chu21:59
nicomachusnacc: he's gone21:59
naccnicomachus: ah ok :)21:59
naccsorry ops21:59
nicomachusBray90820: trying to figure out which driver is missing here. having a time.21:59
k1lTheFatherMind: ok, look at the main.log the thing is, that the do-release-upgrade disables the 3rd party repos not to mess the update process with broken packages. then it looks at what to install from the xenial repos. then it marks kodi as obsolete because there is no repo for it. but the do-release-upgrade will ask you if it should remove those packages at all. you can say no, enable the 3rd party repo again. and then run update+upgrade and then autoremove22:00
Bray90820nicomachus: Wish i could help22:00
stackmonso, i have my brightness & lock set to dim screen and turn off after 1 minute inactivity, but when it does that, the screen doesn't actually turn off, rather it just turns all the pixels black. I can still see my mouse cursor, and I'm sucking power to diaplay black pixels. Is there a way to get it to actually turn the monitor off.22:00
nicomachusreposting this in hopes of a second pair of eyes seeing what I'm missing: http://pastebin.com/raw/8GmUeSg1. This is Bray90820's lshw. *-multimedia UNCLAIMED caught my eye.22:01
Bray90820nicomachus: It might be my trackpad22:02
nicomachusstackmon: use the Suspend setting in your power settings.22:02
nicomachusBray90820: why would a trackpad be powered by the Intel chip though?22:02
stackmonwon't suspend also kill all the services?22:02
Bray90820nicomachus: Good point not my trackpad I am out of ideas now haha22:02
nicomachusstackmon: nah.22:03
stackmonhm okay, I will give that a try, thanks22:03
person19376_stackmon: Techinically, (assuming a perfect CPU), "suspending" is just saving the current line of code to RAM and turning the CPU as off as it can go without being off.22:03
nicomachusstackmon: also, in Brightness & Lock settings, there's a "Turn screen off when inactive for: " option22:03
stackmonnicomachus: thank you. I have set the turn screen off when inactive to 1 minute, but when the 1 minute expires, i get the black pixels.22:04
nicomachuswhat kind of machine is this? laptop or desktop? is it an external monitor?22:04
TheFatherMindk1l: so you are saying that I said "yes" to something that I should have said "no" to. And if I pay more attention this will not be a problem.22:05
k1lTheFatherMind: yes22:05
TheFatherMindI understand what you said, and why it happened.  Thank you SO SO SO much for being so patient and persistant with me.  Your efforts are appreciated.22:06
stackmonnicomachus: that didn't work. The services did halt including network :(22:06
TheFatherMindYou are welcome in my channel #DesktopMasters any time.  (:22:06
=== ole__ is now known as OleF
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=== Terese is now known as OleF
nicomachusstackmon: yes, but they resume once it's back on.22:15
Bray90820nicomachus: Just let me know whenever you have some information for me22:15
nicomachusBray90820: I'm out of ideas, friend. sorry. I reposted it here hoping for a second pair of eyes, but no bites.22:15
stackmonnicomachus: right, but I want to be able to remote control my device with SSH or VNC. Maybe wake-on-lan can help men22:16
stackmonme* not men22:16
Bray90820nicomachus: you do one more thing for me?22:16
nicomachusI can try22:16
stackmonanyway, it's quitting time for me. Thanks for your suggestions.22:17
Bray90820Post the issue in ##linux with the info you have22:17
Bray90820nicomachus: Can you do that for me22:17
nicomachusBray90820: you can do it.22:17
nicomachusthat's a dark place, I don't venture there.22:17
Bray90820nicomachus: I don't really know about the info you found22:17
nicomachusreposting this in hopes of a second pair of eyes seeing what I'm missing: http://pastebin.com/raw/8GmUeSg1. This is Bray90820's lshw. *-multimedia UNCLAIMED caught my eye.22:18
nicomachusBray90820: that's it.22:18
ericx2xhey, i have a clonezilla backup of my ubuntu install on a usb. Is it possible to take that same usb and put it on one of my hdds? I need to give the usb back to someone but I still want a backup of my ubuntu instal22:18
Bray90820nicomachus: Thanks22:18
benpiccoHi - after upragding to Ubuntu 16.10 I now have /sbin/initctl emit indicator-services-start consuming 100% CPU until I kill it. Killing it doesn't seem to affect anything and it doesn't restart until I reboot22:18
niytrohey folks, I was wondering if anyone had some insight on super cookie removal in ubuntu? or if it is even an issue? I do have browser-plugin-freshplayer-pepperflash installed. I use chromium with adblock pro, ScriptSafe, EditThisCookie and https everywhere,22:22
kk4ewtniytro,  myself adblock is now crappy i use ublock origin it does a better job and uses less resources22:24
kk4ewti use ublock origin on about 100 machines22:24
niytrokk4ewt, ill check it out right now, any thoughts on super cookies?22:24
kk4ewti tell the browser no to allow cookies that track22:25
nicomachusadblock sells whitelisting. :/ uBlock Origin is the way to go.22:25
lordcirthkk4ewt, have you considered a DNS-layer blocker if you have that many machines?22:25
nicomachusmake sure it's Origin, not just regular uBlock.22:25
nicomachusor use pi-hole, like lordcirth is probably about to suggest.22:25
=== jelatta_away is now known as jelatta
kk4ewtlordcirth,  if they were all desktops yes but they are lappys22:26
lordcirthnicomachus, those in general, yes22:26
niytrokk4ewt, also there are like 3 different versions of adblock, adblock pro is supposed to block ALL with low resource usage.. it claims. I did disable 3rd party cookies and checked the option to clear cookies on browser shut down22:26
nicomachuskk4ewt: if you block it at the network level, it works with all devices. laptops, desktops, mobile, etc22:26
kk4ewtnicomachus,  but they travel to different networks22:26
lordcirthnicomachus, not if the laptop isn't on the network you manage.22:26
nicomachusthat's true.22:26
lordcirthYou could set DNS to yours, but then that's a separate config change and a failure point22:27
kk4ewtnicomachus,  take a look at security now last year with steve gibson he wholeheartedly says ublock origin is better22:27
kk4ewtlordcirth,  i dont control the dns22:28
nicomachuskk4ewt: right... I said that.22:28
lordcirthkk4ewt, I meant setting the DNS settings on the laptops22:28
kk4ewtadblock pro even sells whitelist as well22:28
Guest34260anyon know why apt would fail on finding Packages, via a local mirror even tho theyre there?22:29
lordcirthGuest34260, well, it says you have no Release file22:30
Guest34260its there though o.O22:31
lordcirthWell, perhaps the path is up or down one dir by accident, or something22:31
Guest34260i copied the url for the paackages and pasted it into chrome, loads fine.22:31
Guest34260not sure whats deal is22:32
=== Guest34260 is now known as gorelative
lordcirthGuest34011, what about the URL for Release ?22:32
gorelativesame thing22:32
gorelativeits there22:32
lordcirthDoesn't resolve for me, but I'll take your word for it22:32
nicomachusdoesn't load here either, no matter how I play with the URL22:33
gorelativeyeah it wont22:33
gorelativeits internal only22:33
gorelativesources.list.d/puppetlabs-pc1.list looks liket his22:34
gorelativehttps://apt.devita.co/puppet xenial PC1 main22:34
gorelativemain doestn exist though on xenial puppet22:34
nicomachusso it's an internal site to whatever network you guys are on?22:35
gorelativeinternal mirror22:35
nicomachusnot much we can do then. from the paste it looks like there is no xenial package available. but we can't verify.22:36
gorelativeone sec ill add dns22:36
devslashI just upgraded Ubuntu from 16.04 to 16.10. After it finished I rebooted and now it won't boot. It says CPU #0 stuck for 23 seconds22:38
devslashI'm running Ubuntu in VirtualBox22:39
gorelativek itll take a min to reesolve nicomachus, you could add to /etc/hosts and resolve devita.co to apt.devita.co to try it out22:40
gorelativelooks like it resolved most the way around22:41
gorelativetry again?22:41
devslash Ubuntu 16.10 is buggy...22:41
devslashcan anyone help me out22:42
protninstall 14.1022:43
nicomachusdevslash: it'd help if you actually said what your issue is.22:43
devslashscroll up22:43
protnI did22:43
protnhe wants u to give bug report22:43
devslashi explained the problem in specific detail22:43
nicomachusgorelative: I'm not adding some random ppa to my host file, thanks.22:44
kk4ewtdevslash,  and with that attitude why would anyone want to help you22:44
nicomachusdevslash: why upgrade a virtual instead of just installing a new one?22:44
devslashlogged into ubuntu 16.04. Prompted to upgrade to 16.10, did so,removed obsolete packages,rebooted, computer doesn't boot says CPU #0 stuck for 23 s22:44
devslashthats stupid22:44
protndevslash: why did u do it22:44
devslashwhy would I do that ?22:44
devslashdo what22:44
protn16.04 to 16.1022:44
protnits silly22:45
nicomachusprotn: stop.22:45
devslashwhy wouldnt i22:45
nicomachusyou aren't helping.22:45
protnnicomachus: well would u do it?22:45
OerHeksdevslash, we are missing what gpu exactly22:45
devslashim glad i didnt attempt to upgrade any of my other ubuntu machines22:45
devslashi dunno whatever one virtualbox uses22:46
postmodernis there a wrapper script to pass upstart's start|stop|restart commands to systemctl?22:47
devslashcan you guys help me out22:47
devslashthis is clearly a bug in ubuntu's installer22:48
guest100So, anyone know how to get a version of bridge-utils installed on ubuntu? I want to set up a router with both wired and wifi, but b-u is not in apt, and I need it.22:48
OerHeksdevslash, i wouldn't think of upgrading ubuntu 16.04 > 16.10 in a virtualbox thingy.22:49
devslashwhy ? I did it with past version and its always worked fine22:49
squintyguest100:   bridge-utils    - Utilities for configuring the Linux Ethernet shows up in repos here on 16.0422:51
guest100I'm on 14.04, that may be why...22:52
lordcirth!info bridge-utils trusty22:54
ubottubridge-utils (source: bridge-utils): Utilities for configuring the Linux Ethernet bridge. In component main, is optional. Version 1.5-6ubuntu2 (trusty), package size 28 kB, installed size 142 kB22:54
squintyguest100:  it also show on  my 14.04 as being available22:55
guest100Wait, wot.22:55
guest100Then why on here does it show up not found?22:55
ShayBoxwould anyone know how i could setup "start (command/path here)" to launch a second X session with openbox and that program? i've gotten the cmd working, but i cant get both openbox and the program to launch at the same time...22:57
squintyguest100: http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=bridge-utils&searchon=names&suite=trusty&section=all22:58
bardockdo you mean two X session at the same time?22:58
ShayBoxYes, but the second one running as :1 and vt8 (i got that working)22:59
campechecomo esta la comunida23:00
Bashing-om!es | campeche23:00
ubottucampeche: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro.23:00
Ivanacan someone help me, when i run sudo apt-get update, i get Invalid 'Date' entry in Release file /var/lib/apt/lists/partial/developer.download.nvidia.com_compute_cuda_repos_ubuntu1604_x86%5f64_Release23:01
lordcirthIvana, that probably means that nvidia's repo has an invalid Date entry.  Are you sure you need that repo?23:02
Ivanalordcirth I need cuda :/23:03
lordcirthIvana, I assume you mean a more recent version of cuda?  Because cuda is in main repos23:04
ShayBoxand i need a gpu that will work with higher than nvidia-340 but we dont always get what we want lol23:04
Ivanalordcirth what im trying to do is install tensorflow, it is telling me it needs Cuda toolkit 7.5 and CUDNN23:05
lordcirth!info nvidia-cuda-toolkit23:05
ubottuPackage nvidia-cuda-toolkit does not exist in yakkety23:05
lordcirth!info nvidia-cuda-toolkit xenial23:05
ubottuPackage nvidia-cuda-toolkit does not exist in xenial23:05
lordcirthOh, I guess I have a ppa too23:05
Ivanai have a gtx 1070 if it helps at all23:06
lordcirth'apt show nvidia-cuda-toolkit' tells me it's in Multiverse23:07
Ivanai dont know what that means lol23:07
lordcirthOne of the official repos23:07
lordcirthThen why doesn't ubottu show it?23:07
guest100Ah, found the problem, maybe. I didn't update the install after the original install from ISO.... So many packages to update....23:07
lordcirthIvana, look in /etc/apt/sources.list and see if multiverse is enabled23:08
ShayBox@bardok i got it working, openbox and the program launch in a new X session, but if i run that session as root it wont start openbox... any reason why?23:08
Ivanai see a lot of entries, how do i know which are enabled?23:09
Ivanathere are a few lines with the term multiverse in it23:09
lordcirthIvana, well, are they commented out or not?23:10
lordcirththen they are enabled23:11
Ivanai think i need to remove that line  that im getting the error from before using other packages though23:11
lordcirthAnd therefore you should have a 'nvidia-cuda-toolkit' package in main repos23:11
lordcirthYes, you need to remove the nvidia ppa23:11
Ivanado you know how to do that by any chance?23:12
bardock@Shaybox good question!23:12
User123Hey, guys. Trying to use gs to merge some PDF files but getting "Error: /undefinedfilename". Could I link to the Pastebin that has my code and see if anybody could help out?23:13
Bashing-omIvana: If this helps : " sysop@x1604:~$ apt list nvidia-cuda-toolkit >> nvidia-cuda-toolkit/xenial 7.5.18-0ubuntu1 amd64 " It is there .23:13
bardock@Shaybox try to open the openbox app as root after the two session has been launch23:13
ShayBoxthat works23:14
ShayBoxbut it wont start with it :/23:14
=== jinglebellz is now known as thomas
ShayBox@bardock heres the script im using, its the ArchWiki's one with some slight changes http://paste.ubuntu.com/23346239/ maybe that will give some insight23:16
Ivanai dont know how to remove the ppa23:16
ubottuTo disable a PPA from your sources and revert your packages back to default Ubuntu packages, install ppa-purge and use the command: « sudo ppa-purge ppa:<repository-name>/<subdirectory> » – For more information, see http://www.webupd8.org/2009/12/remove-ppa-repositories-via-command.html23:17
surgycan someone please help me to get minecraft to work? im running 16.04 lts23:18
ShayBoxsurgy add the "peeps ppa" on google, then sudo apt-get install minecraft-installer (thats how i do it)23:19
Ivanaokay i just rm -rf it from the /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ and it works now23:19
Ivanahopefully i never broke annything23:19
surgyShayBox, got a tut?23:19
Ben64surgy: not really on topic here, but 1. install java, 2. download minecraft, 3. java -jar minecraft.jar23:19
ShayBoxsurgey, http://www.webupd8.org/2013/04/easily-install-minecraft-in-ubuntu-via.html (follow that)23:20
surgyBen64, thats what i tried first23:20
Ben64surgy: and?23:20
niytroI've done an archbang installation with LVM on LUKS and I edited GRUB to pull a keyfile from a USB stick to unlock the partitions. Is this possible with a full disk encryption install of Ubuntu 16.10?23:21
=== daniel__ is now known as chaospsychex
chaospsychexi'm on ubuntu 12.04 and I can't get root access after turning on automatic logins23:23
niytrochaospsychex, im a newbie but i read root is disabled by default and sudo is recommended?23:24
chaospsychexniytro, doesn't work23:24
chaospsychexniytro, says my password is wrong when i know it's right23:24
niytrochaospsychex, can you change your password in the users app?23:25
lion4407well i looked online and others are having issues23:25
gorelativelooks like Packages isnt on the ubuntu archive23:25
chaospsychexniytro, no because i can't even unlock it23:25
lion4407apparently there is a problem23:25
Caluser2000That's interesting. What about su?23:25
gorelativeno Packages..23:25
niytrochaospsychex, reinstall?23:25
chaospsychexi've basically broken 12.04 by turning on auto login23:26
chaospsychexniytro, are you serious? wow23:26
niytrochaospsychex, you said you didnt have access but its on auto login?23:26
ShayBoxpeople still use 12.04...?23:26
niytrothats what i was thinking23:26
Caluser2000Why not23:26
chaospsychexyes people still use 12.0423:26
chaospsychexgod damn23:26
surgyShayBox, i installed from peeps and now it tries to start but doesnt23:26
niytroseems pretty dated but i guess if it does the intended job23:26
Caluser2000If it works.23:26
ShayBoxsurgy, can you paste.ubuntu.com the error if there is one?23:27
chaospsychexCaluser2000, thank you for logic23:27
niytrochaospsychex, my bad i assumed it was maybe a fresh install23:27
OerHekschaospsychex, you might be in trouble, 12.04 is EOl and you missed important fixes that are used in the wild. nobody can tell if you are hacked.23:27
surgyShayBox, i dont know how to start it from terminal...... so it just flashes the icon in the unity bar for a few seconds and goes away23:27
Caluser2000chaospsychex: I'm using an even older distro. ;)23:28
ShayBoxoh right, run "java -jar /usr/share/minecraft/minecraft.jar" in terminal23:28
rhollanIs there a snappy core chatroom anyone knows about?23:28
rhollanthanks, wasn't sure23:29
niytroI did a full disk encryption install on 16.10, is it possible to have grub unlock the drive from a keyfile on a usb stick instead of entering a password?23:29
surgyShayBox, A fatal error has been detected by the Java Runtime Environment:23:29
surgy#  SIGSEGV (0xb) at pc=0x00007f75215a4009, pid=2035, tid=203623:29
ShayBoxsurgy: can you type java -version and tell me the version?23:30
surgyopenjdk version "9-internal"23:32
surgyOpenJDK Runtime Environment (build 9-internal+0-2016-04-14-195246.buildd.src)23:32
surgyOpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (build 9-internal+0-2016-04-14-195246.buildd.src, mixed mode)23:32
ShayBoxyea... maybe try getting java 8, package "default-jre"23:33
surgyShayBox, how to purge openjdk?23:33
surgyis it sudo apt-get purge openjdk-/*23:34
lordcirthniytro, a quick search finds this: http://www.pavelkogan.com/2014/05/23/luks-full-disk-encryption/23:34
ShayBoxsudo apt-get autoremove --purge openjdk-*23:34
surgyShayBox, thnx brah! come to #surger sometime!23:37
et09_how is radeon support on linux these days?23:41
niytroet09_, im running mobility radeon in my laptop and since ubuntu 16 there is no more proprietary driver support for the time being, its open source drivers only, performance in CS:GO is kinda meh compared to W723:43
et09_it's for employees @ job not involving 3d rendering23:44
et09_just trying to make sure it's not really glitched - proprietary or OSS O23:44
et09_OK *23:44
niytromy ubuntu 16.10 runs very well23:45
ShayBoxmy KDE Neon (16.04 based) works well23:45
ShayBoxbut im on nvidia.. so Kappa23:45
Bray90820Someone was helping me with ubuntu 16.10 and this is the information they found23:55
Bray90820reposting this in hopes of a second pair of eyes seeing what I'm missing: http://pastebin.com/raw/8GmUeSg1. This is Bray90820's lshw. *-multimedia UNCLAIMED caught my eye23:55
Bray90820Anyone have an answer to those errors?23:55
df00z1Hey - there are several key packages that conflict with eachother.  Should I email the package maintainers?  http://packages.ubuntu.com/yakkety/amd64/libxi-dev/filelist  http://packages.ubuntu.com/yakkety/i386/libxi-dev/filelist for example23:57
df00z1there are open bugs too,23:57
dxiriguys, I need my server to have the old naming conventions instead of the new ones, running ubuntu 16.0423:58
dxirihow can I do that? I have set some kernel options but they are not working for some reason23:59

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