
=== ABC is now known as Guest50105
Guest50105I have an input.yaml file like this:03:52
Guest50105When I use the above yaml file in 'juju deploy' I get the following error03:52
Guest50105ubuntu@juju-api-client:~$ juju deploy --series trusty --to Compute-Storage-3.maas --config input.yaml ./contrail-tsn Deploying charm "local:trusty/contrail-tsn-35". ERROR unknown option "install-sources"03:52
Guest50105What is wrong with yaml format?03:53
Guest50105The above mentioned yaml passes the online yaml parsing04:16
Guest50105The above mentioned yaml passes the online yaml parser04:17
Guest50105Never mind. I fixed the issue04:46
kjackal_Good morninf Juju world!06:53
deanmanHello, using xenial with juju 2.0 and juju bootstrap command halts without completing. I'm running behind a proxy. Is there a way to setup proxy for consecutive LXD containers before running bootstrap command ?08:41
=== jamespag` is now known as jamespage
suchvenuI have an issue while deploying a service uisng MAAS provider. Anyone here who can hep me with this ?09:58
cargillif a service goes down, it's the job of update-status hook to identify and report it if it affects the unit, right? does it do that using status_set or returning something?10:12
cargilland what would be the appropriate status to set? the docs seem to imply that error state is only for hooks failing10:27
kjackal_cargill: yes, update-status is a good hook to report service failures. Seting the status is the right way to go. Of course the update status hook could try to restart the service. The appropriate status is to say "blocked" in case user action is required or "waiting" in case there is an automated recovery on the way11:10
MrDanhi, is there documentation, besides the charm descriptions, on how to deploy openstack with neutron-gateway external network, and tunneling data network between neutron and compute nodes?11:19
MrDanwith OVS11:21
MrDani've read that i need os-data-network11:26
MrDanbut how does it corelate with bridge-mappings and data-port?11:26
zeestratMrDan: You might get some more action in #openstack-charms12:00
MrDanah, ok, did not know about that channel, thanks12:00
zeestratMrDan: The guys that developed the charms are there :)12:01
cargillcan I combine the @hook and @when decorators?12:51
cargillseems quite useful for the update-status hook12:52
lazyPowercargill - its not obvious why you cant, but mixing @hook and @when will yield bad behavior. We dont currently list that as a supported way to use the reactive decorators12:57
lazyPoweryou can use either/or, but not both on the same method.12:57
lazyPowercargill if you have need of introspecting state in that method body, i can recommend decorating with the @hook decorator, and you can import is_state and use that to check in the method body if a state is set.12:57
cargillyeah, that's what I see, nothing really happening, but I think that just guarding on the desired state will do the right thing12:57
cargillI'm not sure the charms even see hooks anymore as such12:58
lazyPoweror just decorate for the state, and handle the cases where its being called.12:58
lazyPowerright, thats been the authors intent with reactive is to fully abstract teh hook mechanism and urge developers to only use reactive states.12:58
cargillyeah, is what I ended up doing (well, waiting for the test to finish)12:59
cargillseems super useful to think of the reactive states in terms of a petri net, makes it quite simple to alter the design (add new states or separate processes/relations)13:02
Spauldingkjackal_: did you recommend to me yesterday juju-relation-mysql?13:05
Spauldingcause i've got problem with it13:05
lazyPowerSpaulding - yep, that was mentioned by magicaltrout. What can i do to help you?13:06
kjackal_Spaulding: I do not think it was me but what is the problem, I might be able to help13:06
Spauldingoh yes, sorry - my bad... to many nicknames to remember!13:06
SpauldingOne sec, I'm creating gist :)13:07
SpauldingAfter I deployed my charm - I've " juju add-relation mysql sme"13:08
SpauldingIn debug-log I can see that hook is executed13:09
magicaltroutyour includes is incorrect13:09
SpauldingSo I need to add mysql interface as well or I should change last line?13:10
magicaltrouti don't define it in yaml13:13
magicaltroutbut in mine13:13
magicaltrouti put13:13
magicaltroutincludes: ['layer:basic', 'interface:mysql', 'interface:pgsql']13:13
magicaltroutso i assume yours should say interface:mysql13:13
magicaltrouts/yaml/yaml list13:13
Spauldingok... so how to use juju-relation-mysql?13:14
SpauldingI think I should provide it as well?13:15
SpauldingBut I'm not sure about that13:15
magicaltrouti have no idea what juju-relation-mysql is13:17
magicaltroutso i think you've made it up :)13:17
magicaltroutoh its just the name of the github repository13:17
* lazyPower smirks13:17
magicaltroutyou are allowed to ignore that13:17
Spauldingmagicaltrout you dirty devil!13:19
* Spaulding hides13:19
magicaltroutthats the bit you're interested in Spaulding13:20
Spauldingyou proposed that yesterday13:20
lazyPowerSpaulding - i think he's calling out that in line25 of your gist, you're including 'interface:juju-relation-mysql'13:20
lazyPowerwhich will never resolve13:20
lazyPowerit should instead be 'interface:mysql'13:21
Spauldingsurprisingly it's resolved to mysql13:22
Spauldingbuild: Processing interface: mysql13:22
Spauldingbuild: Processing interface: mysql13:22
magicaltroutits like magic13:22
lazyPowermagicaltrout - did you see the recent announcement that elastic is teaming up with prelert for machine learning against operational data?13:23
lazyPowerhttps://www.elastic.co/blog/welcome-prelert-to-the-elastic-team -- for context13:25
magicaltroutvery interesting13:26
lazyPowerthis is what merlijin was talking about a while ago right?13:27
magicaltroutthis is the future for log analytics stuff, where you have beats, splunk, graylog whatever13:27
magicaltroutjust pumping logs through an indexer is okay, but where is the added value?13:27
magicaltroutit needs so magical powers to enhance the logging to do more and tell you stuff you didnt' already know13:27
lazyPowerdoing deep machine-learning analysis on log data to identify system issues and auto-diagnose problems... seems like the first step to yet another layer of auto-healing13:28
lazyPowerkwmonroe cory_fu - that article above is probably of interest to you two as well.13:28
magicaltroutthe only articles kwmonroe is interested in are swimming pool enhancements13:29
lazyPowerwell, i used to install those too. if he wants a discount on hayward/jandy hardware i can probably put him in touch with the right people13:30
lazyPowerhttp://www.choicepoolsandhardscapes.com/ -- some of my previous work (both the site and the construction projects used as illustration)13:31
jrwrenlazyPower: sounds awesome. with enough security data it would make a sweet platform for a SIEM or ESM system.13:31
lazyPoweri dont know what those acronyms are, but they sound very official13:31
jrwrenSecurity information and event management / Enterprise Security monitoring.13:32
lazyPoweroh right, i knew that13:32
lazyPowerindeed jrwren, indeed13:33
jrwrensorry lazyPower, i previously worked in security.13:33
magicaltroutlazyPower previously worked in swimming pools13:33
magicaltroutand very nice they look too!13:33
lazyPowerthanks :)13:34
lazyPoweri'm happy i'm done with what we dubbed as hebrew labor, carting stones across someones bakc yard to build those retaining walls.13:34
lazyPowernot sure if thats offensive, so if it is, i apologize in advance13:34
magicaltroutprobably :P13:35
magicaltrouti dug out my telescope foundations by hand which were a 3m cubic hole, that was the hardest thing I've ever one13:35
lazyPoweryeah, thats hard work man. anybody that said ditch digging is easy is either a liar or has a bobcat13:49
* magicaltrout on NASA call "we've written our UI and middleware in Python... do you mind writing the backend in python"..... "sure.... not a problem"13:58
* magicaltrout furiously googles python stuff13:58
lazyPowermagicaltrout welcome to the painnnnnnnn ;) i kid i kid, python isn't so bad14:00
magicaltroutthis flask stuff looks pretty straightforward14:01
lazyPowerflask is very simple, and very extensible14:01
magicaltrouthave to write a dockerfile generator for machine learning toolkits14:01
lazyPoweryeah, combine that with some jinja templating logic and you've got yourself a web service to spit out dockerfiles14:02
skayI need advice to know if it is illadvised to try and make a charm that configures lxd for me14:32
skayand also, how the heck I'd do it14:33
magicaltroutwell the lovely lazyPower maintains layer-docker i believe14:34
skayI've got lxd configured by hand on my laptop and I have some scripts that make containers for me and run through tests to check if my code it good to merge14:34
magicaltroutso I don't see why you wouldn't have layer-lxd14:34
skayand a coworker has a charm that they use for checking out repos and running scripts that happent o use old lxc commands14:35
lazyPowerthats tricky, its fine if the charm is going to maintain its own lxd container and its setup, but wholesale reconfiguring the lxd daemon would likely disrupt the native juju lxd components14:35
skaythis is the charm that works with all the old lxc stuff https://github.com/checkbox/pmr-configs14:36
skaymy other coworker just uses travis, but his repo is on github14:37
skaymine's on lp14:37
skaythe lp teammates have that charm to set up a little ci environment for us14:38
lazyPowerskay - i think its fine to manage a set of lxd containers on a host with a charm14:40
lazyPowerskay i just wouldn't wholesale reconfigure the lxd service on the unit if you ever plan on using juju's native lxd bits on that unit, eg: --to lxd:#14:41
lazyPowermarcoceppi or others may disagree. but i'm in favor of not limiting what you can do, just so long as you're aware of the potential caveats14:41
skaylazyPower: magicaltrout: thank's y'all.14:44
skaywhoops that ' cloned its self and hoped back 214:44
skayneeds more coffee14:44
hmlis there a way to remove charms where the agent is “lost”?  remove-unit and remove-machine are not doing the job.  i do want to remove it, i’ve already replaced the “lost” unit with a new one15:06
ryebothml: don't suppose you tried remove-machine with --force?15:07
hmlryebot: trying now, i missed the —force option15:08
hmlryebot: that did it - thanks.15:09
Spauldingcould someone look at it and tell me why it stuck on "Please add relation"15:09
ryebothml: awesome! np15:09
SpauldingEven when I've added a relation...15:09
SpauldingI followed the layer-vanilla...15:09
bdxjose: ping15:11
natefinchmarcoceppi: pretty sure your response to my email distills down to "don't use colocation or manual provider" :)  Which, btw, I agree with :)15:19
marcoceppinatefinch: yeah, but we're forced to do these things because not everything works in lxd machines15:19
natefinchmarcoceppi: yeah, I really wish we could just default to tossing everything in a contain15:20
marcoceppilazyPower mbruzek I wonder if we can explore using --to kvm: for some of these workloads?15:20
marcoceppinatefinch: ultimately, that would be the best thing15:20
lazyPowermarcoceppi - we're going to have the same networking issues.15:20
marcoceppilazyPower: ack, ta15:20
lazyPowerwhich is why we've modeled our dense deployment as is today15:20
natefinchmarcoceppi: btw, on the stop hooks, the docs are pretty clear.  They might possibly be wrong, but they're clear at least: https://jujucharms.com/docs/2.0/authors-charm-hooks#stop15:21
marcoceppinatefinch: I just looked them up, that's not what they were always set to15:21
marcoceppimaybe this is just a failure to name things appropriately15:21
marcoceppibut stop =/= uninstall to me15:22
lazyPoweri wrote that docpage15:22
lazyPowerif its wrong, its my fault15:22
natefinchmarcoceppi: certainly.  start and stop vs. install and uninstall15:22
natefinchI guess we have an install hook15:22
marcoceppinatefinch: I also think stop hook is run on all containers where the parent machine is about to be rebooted because of `juju-reboot`15:22
marcoceppinatefinch: I will experiment15:23
natefinchmarcoceppi: would be good to know. I'd be surprised if it ran on reboot, but only slightly surprised :)15:23
Spauldingmarcoceppi: could you help me with interface:mysql? I can't get it working... :(15:43
marcoceppiSpaulding: absolutley, what's not working?15:43
Spauldingit stuck on "add relation"15:44
Spauldingbut relation is there... and i can see creds in debug-log as well15:44
Spauldinghttps://gist.github.com/pananormalny/aa3be95bfb285ecaa2d0b3e2486101e4 my reactive15:44
Spauldingdatabase stuff is at the bottom of file15:44
marcoceppiSpaulding: what does juju status say atm?15:45
marcoceppiSpaulding: and can I see your metadata.yaml?15:46
Spauldingblocked "Please add relation to mysql"15:46
Spauldinghere you have: https://gist.github.com/pananormalny/68680a0a104c881506ee0f6881103ca815:46
marcoceppiSpaulding: so, this is just a mismatch in naming15:47
marcoceppiSpaulding: you named the relations "db" but you refer to it as "database." in reactive. Either change metadata.yaml to be database or change your decorators to be db.connected and db.available15:47
Spauldingok... so this db should be mysql?15:47
Spauldingnow i got it!15:47
marcoceppiSpaulding: yeah, thta's probably not highlighted very well in the readme, I'll make sure we update that15:48
marcoceppiSpaulding: everything else looks great!15:48
Spauldingand i spent like 3 hrs15:48
Spauldingchanging when and when_not15:48
Spauldingthx again marcoceppi !15:49
marcoceppiSpaulding: sorry :( hopefully this gets you sorted15:49
Spauldingyeah, now I can proceed15:49
SpauldingI don't have much time today but tomorrow I hope I'll be able to restore sql dump finish this charm finally15:50
Spauldingand finish***15:50
marcoceppiSpaulding: awesome, feel free to ping here if you have any more questions!15:52
Spauldingwill do - for sure!15:53
=== arturt___ is now known as arturt
josebdx: yes?16:32
bdxjose: https://github.com/jamesbeedy/charm-mailman16:47
josebdx: sorry, I don't work with layers, but if you want to push that, feel free to16:47
bdxjose: oh, I thought you wrote the OG mailman charm16:48
joseyes, but again, I don't work with layers, if you want to push a trusty/xenial version for it, feel free to16:48
joseI probably won't get around to it until a month from now at least16:48
josemaybe even two, considering my schedule16:49
bdxno worries, just thought you would like to have a looksie16:49
bdxI'm not pressing anything lol .... just thought I would share w/you :-)16:49
neiljerramHi all, a question about running Juju (2.0) on GCE: is it possible to configure Juju so that it does _not_ allocate a GCE External IP for each machine?  (I also asked this yesterday morning, but hopefully there are different folks around now...)16:55
rick_h_dimitern: any idea? ^16:55
dimiternneiljerram: I don't think so, but let me double check..16:56
bdxhey guys, are the bootstrap configs/constraints enumerated anywhere in the docs .... can't seem to find anything really ...16:57
neiljerramrick_h_, dimitern - thanks!16:57
rick_h_bdx: not at the moment. We need to build one. Most of it is there if you dump the list of controller config.16:57
bdxrick_h_: thanks16:58
rick_h_bdx: or honestly I poke at code most of the time. We've got a todo to dump things out into an official doc list16:58
bdxrick_h_: I remember hearing about a new ssl config that can be specified at bootstrap to allow proxying to the gui ..... I'm about to bootstrap for the long haul ... trying to make sure I have all of the relevant configs in there17:00
dimiternneiljerram: no way to disable this at the moment, sorry :/17:00
bdxrick_h_: from the user perspective, its a bummer I have to go searching to this extent to find the pieces I need to get up and going17:01
neiljerramdimitern, Thanks for checking that.  Would it be of useful or of interest for me to register a wish for that somewhere?17:01
dimiternneiljerram: of course! :) I see a bunch of TODOs in the source about "let's make this configurable", so it was always planned to be possible, just not yet17:02
neiljerramdimitern, Do you mean in network.go after "Type: NetworkAccessOneToOneNAT"?  I was just looking there too :-)17:04
dimiternneiljerram: yeah, that's just one of many apparently  :)17:04
neiljerramdimitern, So where is the right place to request this?17:05
dimiternneiljerram: I'd suggest filing a bug against lp:juju https://bugs.launchpad.net/juju/+filebug17:14
dimiternneiljerram: that way we can schedule it and track it better17:14
neiljerramdimitern, Thanks, I'll do that.17:14
dimiternneiljerram: awesome! thank you ;)17:15
ahasenackwhen using the openstack provider, how do I tell juju at bootstrap time which neutron network to use for the instance, if there are multiple?17:16
ahasenackerror info: {"conflictingRequest": {"message": "Multiple possible networks found, use a Network ID to be more specific.", "code": 40917:16
ahasenackwhat's the parameter name for --config?17:16
bdxahasenack: --config network=xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx17:16
ahasenackbdx: thx17:19
bdxahasenack: np, too bad its not an available bootstrap config for aws ;-(17:41
aluriahi, in juju-deployer, I used to use "overrides" for config variables that existed in multiple services (now applications) -- I haven't found such an option on juju2 bundles -- would I need to repeat the same key-value on all charms that have it as config param?18:01
jhobbsthat's what i've done aluria18:02
jhobbsafaik that's the only way18:02
aluriajhobbs: ack, asking just in case -- thanks18:02
=== scuttle` is now known as scuttle|afk
bdxhey guys, I'm getting this error intermitently when sending off deploys -> http://paste.ubuntu.com/23349938/18:30
bdxnot sure if its been noted yet18:31
bdxrick_h_: ^^?18:34
rick_h_bdx: looking18:34
rick_h_bdx: hmm, looks like a header auth issue.18:35
rick_h_bdx: need to file a bug on that to get the charmstore folks looking at it please. github.com/canonicalltd/jujucharmscom18:35
rick_h_bdx: quick fix is probably to logout/back in and maybe to remove cookies.18:35
rick_h_jrwren: where are the go cookies these days?18:35
rick_h_jrwren: it's not .go-cookies any more right?18:35
jrwrenrick_h_: it is still that.18:36
rick_h_jrwren: ah ok18:36
rick_h_bdx: clear ~/.go-cookies18:36
bdxrick_h_: -> http://paste.ubuntu.com/23349960/18:37
bdxjwren: ^18:38
rick_h_bdx: juju login?18:38
bdxrick_h_: wow, .local/share/juju/accounts.yaml doesn't have my most current controller in there ... I may as well go back to sleep today18:40
bdxnow that I've logged out18:41
bdxI have no record of the password18:41
bdxoh well18:41
rick_h_bdx: ?!18:42
bdxrick_h_: http://paste.ubuntu.com/23349979/18:42
rick_h_well that seems scary if you can dupe that I'd be curious what happened to lose a controller from there w/o an unregister command.18:42
bdxrick_h_: neither of those accounts/controllers exist anymore18:43
bdxrick_h_: and my recent bootstrap to aws isn't listed18:43
rick_h_bdx: oh, so those were there and have been torn down or the like? that's what unregister is for cleaning up18:43
bdxrick_h_: yeah, but accounts.yaml doesn't show my aws controller18:44
bdxthe one I just logged out of trying to get charmstore to work18:44
bdxahhh ..... logout removes the entry from accounts.yaml18:44
bdxI didn't previously know that18:44
rick_h_bdx: hmmm, but it's still in the controllers list?18:44
rick_h_bdx: e.g. you can juju controllers and see ones you're not logged in with?18:45
bdxrick_h_: yes -> http://paste.ubuntu.com/23349994/18:45
rick_h_bdx: ah ok, that makes me feel less freaked out18:46
bdxbut since I neglected to grab my account details before I logged out .... I'm out of luck18:46
bdxnot that I had anything deployed yet18:46
bdxbut good thing to note for the future18:46
rick_h_bdx: :/ yea that sucks. /me needs to figure out how we should do that better...18:46
bdxrick_h_: possibly, if an admin logs out of the controller we should add a message that alerts them that they will not be able to log back in unless they have their password saved somewhere outside of Juju18:49
rick_h_bdx: yea, and seems like a documented way for admins to get their password from the controller maybe18:49
rick_h_not sure if it's available over there, if you can ssh there can you get the password out.18:49
bdxrick_h_: I'm in18:50
rick_h_bdx: can deploy?18:51
bdxrick_h_: no, I was able to ssh into the controller node18:51
rick_h_bdx: ah ok18:51
rick_h_bdx: yea, I have no idea if the password is retrievable18:51
rick_h_perrito666: any ideas? ^18:51
bdxooho, I thought you were saying "if I could get in, there is a way"18:52
rick_h_bdx: sorry, I was saying "I wonder if we can document some path that allows you to get your password if ssh works"18:52
bdxrick_h_: aaah18:52
bdxrick_h_: its not a biggie, I can just tear down and redeploy18:53
bdxrick_h_: thx18:53
rick_h_bdx: k, sorry. Thanks for bringing up the issue18:53
petevgcory_fu, bcsaller: Work in progress PR for the glitch plan/actions refactor here: https://github.com/juju-solutions/matrix/pull/419:21
petevg(I merged the two dicts, but haven't actually attempted to execute the code just yet -- it is very much a WIP!)19:22
bcsallerpetevg: thanks :)19:22
perrito666rick_h_: bdx no19:31
lazyPowerryebot Cynerva  - bite sized one here https://github.com/juju-solutions/interface-sdn-plugin/pull/419:33
ryebotlazyPower: looking19:33
lazyPowerryebot Cynerva less bite sized review here: https://github.com/juju-solutions/charm-flannel/pull/2019:35
ryebotlazyPower: +1 also looking19:35
lazyPowerryebot Cynerva - and finally - the consumer of those changes https://github.com/juju-solutions/layer-docker/pull/9219:37
ryebotlazyPower: cool looking19:38
lazyPowerthat should be it though, thanks for taking a look19:38
ryebotlazyPower: commented!19:49
lazyPowerryebot good shout, seems odd but it is indeed possible19:50
* lazyPower amends19:50
bdxrick_h_, perrito666: when I pass the debug flag to `juju bootstrap`, I see the subnets in my vpc/region listed as constraints, see http://paste.ubuntu.com/23350343/20:00
bdxrick_h_, perrito666: does this mean I can somehow add a constraint to select one of the subnets on bootstrap?20:01
bdxto bootstrap to?20:02
perrito666bdx: wouldn't know sorry :(20:02
mgzbdx: you may be able to if you create some spaces that encapsulate them, I'm not quite sure of the current state of that on ec220:05
bdxmgz: you have to have a controller first though, to be able to create spaces20:07
mgzhm, not in the maas model20:07
mgzbut yeah, that's an issue with ec220:07
bdxfrom the context of juju though20:08
mgzso, from the context of juju on maas, you can create a maas space that includes a subnet, then bootstrap with a constraint that the machine must be in that sapce20:08
bdxmgz: totally20:09
bdxand the openstack provider accepts a 'network' config on bootstrap20:10
mgzthat's mostly a hack to deal with multiple neutron networks existing20:10
bdxmgz: hack or no hack it provides a solution20:11
mgzso, I'm not actually sure what the finished solution should look like for ec2/openstack20:11
bdxmgz: is there a similar hack for ec2 that you know of?20:12
mgzI added the openstack one, I did not add an ec2 one at the same time, let me just check the provider20:12
mgzhm, no you can force a particular vpc20:13
mgzso, you can maybe create a seperate vpc with what you want and make juju use that? but pretty hard limits on a bunch of these network bits in ec220:13
bdxyeah, now thats a hack20:14
mgzsorry bdx20:14
bdxmgz: I feel it would be such an easy add20:14
bdxjust filter the list of subnets returned on bootstrap and ensure the one selected exests and is in the region and vpc20:15
bdxis there something I'm missing here?20:15
mgzI think we probably don't want to do that without a good model that works across providers, is the holdup20:15
mgzbut I'm still somewhat out of the loop on networking plans currently20:16
bdxmgz: thanks for your input here20:17
mgzbdx: it may be worth a message to the list just to spell out your use case and find out what the plans are20:18
bdxmgz: entirely20:18
bdxmgz, rick_h_: so, a new environSchema field for 'subnet' here -> https://github.com/juju/juju/blob/staging/provider/ec2/config.go#L2821:05
bdxand a 'getUserSubnet()' here -> https://github.com/juju/juju/blob/staging/provider/ec2/environ_vpc.go#L19821:06
bdxor possibly 'getBootstrapVPC'21:08
bdxrick_h_: again, http://paste.ubuntu.com/23350619/21:11
bdxrick_h_: `charm list -u createivedrive` shows my charm -> http://paste.ubuntu.com/23350624/21:13
bdxbut I can't seem to deploy it21:13
bdxI have a feeling this is highly related to the reason I can't see my charms for any other namespace other than my user namespace in the store21:14
bdxvia juju-gue21:14
bdxwhile logging into jujucharms.com, I am still able to view namespaces other than my personal namespace, see -> https://s18.postimg.org/skemexkk9/Screen_Shot_2016_10_19_at_2_16_15_PM.png21:18
bdxwhen logged into the charmstore via juju-gui, I don't have access to any of the charms in team namespaces, see -> https://s17.postimg.org/thm3ooapb/Screen_Shot_2016_10_19_at_2_18_15_PM.png21:19
magicaltroutbdx: i've started work on a Juju cookbook, when you finish up your networking/subnetting and any other crazy stuff, i'll be picking your brains21:29
magicaltroutcontent for the "crazy and advanced" section21:29
bdxmagicaltrout: ha, thanks, hopefully I can have some good adds for you! ... (harsh segue) )do you have a launchpad team, or charmstore namespace other than your personal namespace?21:47
magicaltrouti don't, i caused enough havoc in the charmstore by renaming my user in launchpad21:49
magicaltroutthat made enough shit break so i leave it well alone ;)21:49
bdxyour next mission, should you choose to accept it21:52
bdxcreate a launchpad team, push some charms up to different channels, add 50 users, have the users start pushing charms, rename the launchpad team, remove and re-add 1/2 of your users to the newly named team, change team name againn, submit bug21:54
MrDanDanjuju set/set-config, and get as well, was removed in 2.0.0?23:30
anastasiamacMrDanDan: not removed. renamed - feel free to browse release notes for 2.0 for changes :D https://jujucharms.com/docs/2.0/reference-release-notes23:38

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