
nrthello all!07:19
nrtRunning Lubuntu 16.04 LTS and want to upgrade to Lubuntu 16.10. However, in the list of packages to be installed, it shows that "unity" is included. Isn't that "wrong"? That is, will the full Ubuntu about to be installed?07:21
theGDhello, when will the LXQt be included in Lubuntu? Is it going to be in an update of 16.04?08:28
hateballtheGD: you can try it out now, but I think the aim is to have it be default in 17.0408:35
leszektheGD: 16.10 is out already with LXDE so I guess at least until the next LTS release it will be there. So technically yes the sucessor to LTS 16.04 will have LXQt08:35
hateballthis mentions 17.0408:36
srlegendMontana Rant: funneling the dissent right back to the beginning, while keeping everyone w-i-t-h-i-n the system they control. This one's called "Recycling the Dissent" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0dDQt5bR7zo09:11
emansijeLinks for torrent files in https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Lubuntu/GetLubuntu are broken. Someone reused the xenial links and forgot to change the path to yakkety.10:07
FireStrikerhey i need a little bit of help i am looking to install Lubuntu as a duel boot how do i do that, also want some suport in case anything go wrong10:15
ubottuDual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DualBoot/Windows - Macs: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro https://help.ubuntu.com/community/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot10:34
FireStrikerhow many gb is a install of Lubuntu10:57
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needHelpi just broke my lubuntu dist and need to restore it16:25
needHelpany help?16:25
wxlneedHelp: clarity on what exact causes and symptoms there are would be helpful16:35
needHelplook, i was running perfectly my lubuntu in a hp mini with 2gb ram16:36
needHelpbut i have de newby an silly idea to change my desktop envirnment16:36
needHelpso i installed gnome16:36
needHelpthen i start the netbook and i have no option for doing anything16:37
wxlhave you considered asking the gnome folks?16:38
wxlthat'd probably be helpful16:38
wxlof course if you just uninstall gnome i'm sure everything will work just fine16:38
needHelpcan i do it from tty?16:39
needHelpsudo apt-get --purge remove gnome16:40
needHelpit is correct_16:40
wxljust purge is sufficient16:40
needHelpthanks man16:40
wxland i'm not sure that's the right package name16:40
needHelpwill try16:40
wxlassumedly you know because you installed it :)16:40
needHelpi can find it with dpkg --get-selections?16:41
wxlyou can dig around in /var/log/apt/history.log16:41
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