
Fudgeanyone use trasmission-remote, my local config doesn't seem to be saving accept for the hostname of the remote machine.05:55
pittiGood morning06:09
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=== maclin1 is now known as maclin
pittiLaney: good morning09:53
pittiLaney: FYI, I removed all yakkety packages from the systemd silo and reconfigured the silo for v+x+z09:53
pittiLaney: according to sil2100 I now need to wait until the PPA fully unpublishes the y packages; doing the MP fix in the meantime09:53
pittithen we can re-re-re-rebuild09:53
Laneyhey pitti09:54
Laneysorry for not "hey"-ing; sprint09:54
pittino worries :) how is it going?09:54
ogra_it goes very dutch over here09:55
pittiLaney: ok, I did https://code.launchpad.net/~pitti/indicator-datetime/fix-systemd-unit/+merge/308786, that fixes the ExecStart= line09:56
pittiLaney: not sure if the prerequisite is actually necessary, but I did it for now09:57
Laneypitti: I think it makes bileto merge in the rigth order09:57
pittiLaney: I mean, just merging the new MP is fine as it includes Ted's commits09:57
Laneyya, you can also replace it09:57
Laneybut this should work too09:57
pittiLaney: oh, you mean I shouldn't replace Ted's MP from bileto but just add mine?09:58
* Laney approves it09:58
pittiok, just adding it09:58
pittiLaney: yes, I did check the built .deb09:58
LaneyI knew you would have :)09:58
Laneypitti: sprint is session rather than hack heavy, but not bad09:59
Laneywe went to a museum last night with an illusion exhibition09:59
Laneylike the stuff at Escher's one09:59
Laneywas nice09:59
Laneybut now, got one of the aforementioned sessions -> brb09:59
pittitedg, Laney: https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1710 mentions a missing libindicator, which is indeed not in a PPA, nor is there an MP; I figure this should be a backport of the y/z version (new indicator-common) -- shoudl I just upload that to the landing PPA, with a ~16.04/~14.10 suffix?13:11
pittiunfortunately all the indicators now depend on this, so we need to provide it as backport13:12
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Laneypitti: I don't know, sorry14:04
Laneylooks like power & sound need removing on s390x14:06
pittiLaney: it's just a depwait, does that hurt?14:06
pittioh, indeed14:07
pittiwill do14:07
sarnolddo s390x machines not have a sound card? :)14:07
pittithey have lots of fans which make noise :)14:07
Laneyis libindicator this indicator-common thing?14:08
sarnoldahhh I wonder if anyone has done any audio -> pwm fan control things for them.. :)14:08
LaneyCan't do anything to backport that, it's got no Depends14:09
Laneys/anything/any harm/14:09
pittiLaney: right, I rather meant if that's what's missing here (direct PPA backport upload) or something else14:10
Laneypitti: you mean how procedurally to upload a new backport using bileto?14:11
pittiLaney: yes, using  bileto or direct dput (with manual changelog crafting)14:11
Laneynot sure if dput will make it sad the next time14:11
pittithe latter tends to upset bileto the next time you want to land stuff, so I'm not sure about the "official" way14:12
LaneyI would say propose an empty MP14:12
Laneybut, -> sil2100 / robru14:12
Laneyah, you don't need to list things in source package names if they have MPs14:13
Laneymaybe that's why it says "Diff missing" for those14:13
pittirobru, sil2100: so what's the official way to get libindicator backported to v and x for https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1710 ? direct dput to the landing PPA with adding a ~16.04/~14.10 changelog record, or some bileto magic?14:13
pittiLaney: the ticket has "libindicator" in its source package list indeed, but no MP14:14
pittino idea about the "diff is missing" indeed; I didn't touch the "source packages" list14:14
Laneysomeone put all the packages in there14:14
* Laney removes them14:14
pittibut indicators on v/x will definitively become uninstallable without the backport14:14
Laneynod, this is necessary14:15
pittiLaney: so in theory all the complaints should now go away, right?14:17
Laneypitti: I think so14:18
Laneynot sure why it's gone green though14:18
Laney(or if that matters)14:18
pittiLaney: maybe because I removed the s390x packages, but that would have been quite fast14:18
Laneymore likely because I edited the source package list14:18
Laneywhen libindicator is published in there, try to upload and see what happens :-)14:19
pittiLaney: I'll wait for s_il2100/r_obru to respond, before I mess up its brain14:19
LaneyI just don't propose to tinker any more until $correct_action is taken14:20
* pitti wonders if the negation was intended to shift to the right by two words14:21
Laneyor s/more/more,/14:21
pittiLaney: I meant, you would propose to not tinker any more; but </pedantery>14:24
Laneystrong words!14:28
pittiLaney: https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1710 -- wohoo!15:02
pittiLaney: I clicked on regenerating the diffs, that cleaned up the remaining noise15:02
seb128oh, pitti deleted software-center :-(15:25
* pitti puts down the axe -- looked like consensus to me on @u-devel, and it's still in y15:26
pittiseb128: ça va ?15:26
seb128yeah, I don't really understand tbh15:26
seb128I'm sure there are stacks for other cruft in universe15:26
seb128why do we go out of our way to delete this specific one15:26
seb128oh well15:26
seb128stacks of*15:26
seb128pitti, oui, et toi ?15:27
pittiseb128: unblocking python 3, unblocking debtags, etc. (and removing three packages is not "getting out of our way" -- porting it to py3 would :) )15:28
pittiseb128: ça va bien, merci !15:28
pittitrying to get rid of some tech debt this week while it's quiet15:28
seb128"unblocking python3"?15:28
seb128having python2 in universe doesn't block anything going to python315:28
pittiah well, it's not on teh images any more, right15:29
seb128but no big deal, I just don't understand why people focus on that one when I'm sure that a cruftier things in universe15:29
pittino objection to removing those too :)15:30
seb128we never tried to bother uncrufting universe15:30
pittiI actually do go through teh pain of process-removals every now and then15:30
seb128that was my position in the past but people arguing the other way around, that those have some users and don't hurt anyone15:30
seb128oh, well15:30
pittiand whenever we stumble over stuff in library transitions etc., we  also tend to remove stuff15:30
pittii. e. whenever cruft gets in the way, we kick it15:30
seb128I wish we had a decent software center15:31
seb128or a better one15:31
seb128software-center had flaw but gnome-software also has some15:31
seb128oh well, it's where we are now I guess15:31
seb128s/decent/better I guess also, didn't mean to be negative15:35
pittiseb128: so, one more step towards removing aptdaemon; language-selector, software-properties-gtk, and sessioninstaller still need it, though15:37
seb128we don't have plan to replace aptdaemon this cycle apparently15:38
seb128or rather nobody in our team has slots to work on that15:38
xnoxdesrt, import public key only (with public parts of all subkeys) and run gpg --card-status to generate stubs. That's upstream way of doing it.15:39
seb128it's also that aptdaemon works well enough/does the job so we don't have strong motivation to change15:39
xnoxdesrt, also, once ssh-agent is up use $ ssh-agent -l for key fingerpring, and $ ssh-agent -L to show the key public key15:39
* xnox doesn't use the gpg thing for ssh auth keys15:39
xnoxssh-agent -L should always work, even for e.g. ssl cards15:40
robrupitti: Laney: if you put in an mp for a package and build it, it will be built for all three series15:51
pittirobru: ok, is that the official way to do it? as I don't really want to change/reupload it to z, that package is fine15:52
pittirobru: well, I'll bump Standards-Version :)15:53
robrupitti: you can either copy zesty into the ppa and do manual uploads for v and x,  or you can put an mp and have it built for you for all three, both ways are equally official. Generally MPs only work for packages that we are the upstream for15:55
pittirobru: it is "our" package (libindicator); my worry was if I put in manual uploads to v/x-overlay, bileto would complain about being out of sync the next time we want to land an actual libindicator change15:56
robrupitti: no, bileto doesn't check such things. You should probably check whether libindicator has forked development at some point. If you put an mp in, it'll land for all three, but maybe they have a vivid branch somewhere that they'll release from which won't contain your backport15:58
pittirobru: libindicator is not in the overlay PPA at all; the only change is the addition of indicator-common, so it's the first time it gets into the overlay16:00
pittirobru: Standards-Version MP it is, I figure :)16:00
robrupitti: https://code.launchpad.net/libindicator libindicator appears to have branches for every series, which means that your changes will be reverted next time somebody does a vivid or xenial release16:04
robrupitti: in this case you'll need two tickets, one that's just vivid and one that's just xenial, and an mp backporting your fix to both16:05
pittirobru: oh, you mean because previous libindicator changes after vivid never landed in vivid-overlay16:10
pittirobru: I don't think these branches are/should actually be active -- we *do* want to unify libindicator now16:10
robrupitti: I'm not talking about overlay at all, I'm talking about the branches used to develop libindicator. If you put one branch in a triple silo, then later somebody attempts to use the vivid branch, it will revert what you've done, because your changes will only be recorded on the trunk and not on the vivid branch.16:12
robrupitti: if you're really sure those other branches are no longer needed, please mark them abandoned16:12

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