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pitti | Good morning | 06:09 |
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Mirv | pitti: did you get the "net/http: request canceled while waiting for connection" solved that you had? there's one person who continues to have similar problem. | 07:06 |
Mirv | using snap | 07:06 |
pitti | Mirv: err, what/ | 07:07 |
pitti | ? | 07:07 |
pitti | Mirv: that must be a different Martin :) | 07:08 |
Mirv | pitti: https://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2016/08/30/%23snappy.html#t08:41 | 07:08 |
pitti | oh, that has been a while ago -- I filed that as bug 1618206 | 07:09 |
ubottu | bug 1618206 in snapd (Ubuntu) "snapd.refresh.service fails after installation, missing Requires=snapd.socket" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1618206 | 07:09 |
pitti | Mirv: but that was a different error | 07:09 |
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mwhudson | is there anyone here i can talk to about wifi/nl80211 arcana? | 09:39 |
shadeslayer | Hi, so I'm trying to write a new python apt template, but I'd like to have multiple base uri's, is that possible? | 09:43 |
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mwhudson | is there anyone here i can talk to about wifi/nl80211 arcana? | 09:47 |
pitti | cking: re-running linux locally on my system; if that works, I'll re-run it on the infra (that's still a bit busy right now due to several kernels and zesty) | 10:12 |
cking | pitti, cool, let me know if it breaks! | 10:12 |
LocutusOfBorg | mwenning, you can try ask me, but I doubt I can answer | 10:23 |
sarnold | LocutusOfBorg: mwhudson perhaps? | 10:24 |
mwhudson | LocutusOfBorg: i figured it out i think | 10:26 |
LocutusOfBorg | yes :) | 10:27 |
mwhudson | (you can identify the NL80211_CMD_GET_SCAN reply that corresponds to the AP the interface is associated with by looking for/at the NL80211_BSS_STATUS attribute) | 10:29 |
mwhudson | well not "the" reply, pedantically | 10:30 |
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pitti | sil2100: what does the "failed to merge" on https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1710 want to tell me? I see no recent followup to https://code.launchpad.net/~ted/indicator-network/systemd-unit/+merge/300443 , can this be reset somehow? | 10:32 |
pitti | sil2100: oh, nevermind, I see it in https://bileto.ubuntu.com/log/1710/build/latest/ (conflict) | 10:33 |
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pitti | robru, sil2100: FYI, all zesty bileto tests fail because the overlay PPA does not have zesty indexes; I am copying a package to zesty (and will remove it again later) to fix | 11:46 |
doko | sil2100: is telepathy-ofono still used by the phone? | 11:52 |
pitti | cking: "ubuntu-regression-suite FAIL non-zero exit status 253" → no time out, so at least back to the "normally" broken state; thanks for the hang fix! | 11:53 |
pitti | cking: I'll retry on the infra, and then update the bug | 11:53 |
sil2100 | pitti: oh, thanks! | 11:54 |
sil2100 | doko: yes | 11:54 |
pitti | sil2100: ah, http://ppa.launchpad.net/ci-train-ppa-service/stable-phone-overlay/ubuntu/dists/zesty/ exists now, great | 11:54 |
doko | sil2100: please forward https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/telepathy-ofono/+bug/1634869 | 12:13 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 1634869 in telepathy-ofono (Ubuntu) "telepathy-ofono test failures on armhf and arm64" [High,Confirmed] | 12:13 |
sil2100 | doko: ACK | 12:26 |
doko | xnox: boost transition, or "just" a new version? | 13:01 |
xnox | doko, new version and then transition. | 13:03 |
xnox | trying to clean up remains of boost1.61 at the moment | 13:03 |
doko | xnox: so just start with it? | 13:03 |
xnox | i think i will be requesting demotion to -proposed / removal of some arch builds for a few packages to kill off boost1.60 | 13:04 |
xnox | doko, well i don't know if boost1.62 builds everywhere for us.... if boost1.62 is built and migrates, I could upload boost-defaults as well. | 13:04 |
doko | well, lets build openmpi first ... | 13:05 |
rbasak | dannf: around? I don't see smb here. Please see https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libvirt/+bug/1627926/comments/9 | 13:08 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 1627926 in libvirt (Debian) "Enable NUMA support in arm64 builds" [Unknown,New] | 13:08 |
xnox | doko, right | 13:08 |
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kenvandine | pitti, i'm experiencing infra issues with autopkgtests for silo 1994 | 13:13 |
kenvandine | RESP BODY: {"overLimit": {"message": "Quota exceeded for ram: Requested 1536, but already used 50176 of 51200 ram", "code": 413, "retryAfter": "0"}} | 13:13 |
kenvandine | pitti, that's the error i see on the running page | 13:13 |
pitti | kenvandine: they will be auto-retried, aren't they? | 13:14 |
pitti | yeah, they sleep for 5 minutes in between failures | 13:14 |
kenvandine | ah | 13:14 |
kenvandine | so this isn't unexpected? | 13:14 |
pitti | no, happens all the time | 13:14 |
kenvandine | i have been waiting for the tests to pass on xenial for like a week | 13:14 |
kenvandine | but haven't had time to look at the error until now | 13:14 |
kenvandine | not sure what's going on otherwise | 13:15 |
pitti | kenvandine: binutils, libreoffice, and several linux tests are running, all of which use an m1.large instead of a small instance; so they take away a lot more resources, thus starving some other workers | 13:15 |
pitti | but it'll sort itself out | 13:15 |
kenvandine | ok, thx | 13:15 |
kenvandine | i'll keep waiting | 13:15 |
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dannf | rbasak: done | 14:05 |
nacc | rbasak: around? | 15:15 |
doko | xnox: boost1.62 needs openmpi to migrate first. will you work on that, or is LocutusOfBorg doing that? | 15:37 |
xnox | will try to look into it. | 15:37 |
LocutusOfBorg | thanks, ginggs ^^^ | 15:38 |
LocutusOfBorg | ping in case you want help | 15:38 |
Mirv | doko: "/usr/lib/gcc/aarch64-linux-gnu/6/include/arm_neon.h:29223:22: fatal error: arm_fp16.h: No such file or directory" on zesty arm64? | 16:20 |
doko | Mirv: known | 16:20 |
Mirv | thanks | 16:20 |
girish946 | hello, I need help for packaging a python module for ubuntu. Am I on the right channel? | 17:23 |
ginggs | girish946: you probably want #debian-python on OFTC | 17:25 |
mitya57 | That also depends on your question. | 17:25 |
mitya57 | !ask | girish946 | 17:25 |
ubottu | girish946: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience | 17:25 |
girish946 | hello ubottu, mitya57 my problem is I'm not able to build and install debian packages built with stdeb. I'm getting build failure on the launchpad. | 17:28 |
girish946 | I'm unable to figure out what am I doing wrong. perhaps I need some pointers to learn debian packaging for python the right way. | 17:29 |
mitya57 | girish946, first, stdeb is quite an outdated tool. For Python packages you would better use something like https://github.com/p1otr/pypi2deb. | 17:30 |
girish946 | mitya57: ok I'll go through the link and try it. | 17:31 |
mitya57 | (It's also packaged as pypi2deb) | 17:32 |
mitya57 | girish946, second, please give us a link to the build log | 17:32 |
girish946 | mitya57: ok | 17:35 |
hjd_ | I thought reverse-dependencies would prevent a package from being removed from the archive? But it looks like at least one packag has a missing dependency in 16.10, see bug 1631796 for details | 17:52 |
ubottu | bug 1631796 in transcode (Ubuntu) "Yakkety version of transcode needed (removal causes unmet depdendencies)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1631796 | 17:53 |
slangasek | doko: ^^ it seems you processed the transcode removal, but it had reverse-dependencies? | 18:01 |
doko | slangasek: I can't remember removing that one. Are you sure about that? | 18:39 |
slangasek | doko: +publishinghistory says you removed it in April | 18:54 |
slangasek | and I know +publishinghistory works, because I always get random emails from users asking me to restore packages I removed via process-removals ;-) | 18:54 |
doko | slangasek: in y after release of x? | 19:02 |
slangasek | doko: sorry, I was looking at the publish date (4/21, when yakkety opened), the removal date was May 3 | 19:04 |
slangasek | https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/transcode/+publishinghistory | 19:04 |
doko | hmm, usually I check using reverse-depends ... | 19:06 |
rharper | hrm, launchpad snap builds used to list the manifest of the snap along with the snap on the build page; (as of yesterday); today I only see the .snap file. | 20:43 |
rharper | https://launchpad.net/~raharper/+snap/ubuntu-core/+build/6319 | 20:43 |
rharper | for example | 20:43 |
rharper | aha, different snap builds; | 20:45 |
rharper | https://code.launchpad.net/~raharper/+snap/core/+build/7485 ; | 20:45 |
mwhudson | what's the fix for this: | 20:46 |
mwhudson | (ubuntu-1.7 *)mwhudson@aeglos:/opt/opensource/deb/golang$ mk-sbuild --distro ubuntu zesty | 20:46 |
mwhudson | Specified release (zesty) not known to debootstrap | 20:46 |
mwhudson | oh, update distro-info-data i guess | 20:46 |
Unit193 | mwhudson: That's a debootstrap one, needs the symlink in /usr/share/debootstrap/scripts/ from zesty to gutsy. | 20:48 |
mwhudson | ah ok | 20:49 |
cjwatson | rharper: Are you sure that your snap build actually generated a manifest? LP doesn't generate it, it just picks it up from the build if the build does it. | 21:11 |
rharper | cjwatson: I was mistaken | 21:12 |
cjwatson | OK. | 21:13 |
rharper | I was looking at the wrong snap build; the os-snap doesn't generate a manifest; but the core snap did; PEBCAC | 21:13 |
rharper | cjwatson: thanks for following up | 21:13 |
nacc | smoser: so the exmaples in the usd-clone usage seem ... empty? | 21:24 |
nacc | http://paste.ubuntu.com/23350669/ | 21:25 |
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